Categories In Product Catalog

I have a default catalogue/product page (code shown below list_item.asp) which list all the products from the database. But since I have lots of category in the catalog/product page, i want to separate them according to their respective categories like writing instruments, desktops, pantry etc.

This will enable the user to go to a respective page and choose the individual product from the respective categories. If I adjust the SQL statement to be "SELECT * from Product " WHERE category LIKE 'DESKTOPS', this page will lists all the items from that category selection. But if i were to make another page such as pen.asp and adjust the SQL statement to category LIKE 'PEN'.

The first page lists the products from the pen category and the following page unfortunately shows category from Desktops. how to segragate these categories so that it will only show the products from the individual categories.

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Dynamic Catalog

I've done a number of product catalogs/galleries with one or two category levels (Category > Subcategory). The straightforward way to do this, of course, is to use database fields for Category and Subcategory and query off of those fields.

I have a client now who is interested in what sounds to me to be an unnecessarily complex catalog with an as of yet undefined number of category levels at their disposal.
My initial response would be just to add more levels of subcategories to the database, but I was wondering if anyone had come up with a system allowing the dynamic addition of an unlimited number of subcategories to a catalog, and would be willing to share your methods. Or, if I should just stick to the obvious plan.

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Site Server Catalog Search

We are looking replace site server's catalog search application. We need to
crawl a public website and allow uses to search indexed pages. We need a
product to index our site and index custom meta tags we put in our pages.
What website crawling products are available in the marketplace?

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Connecting To A Remote Indexing Service Catalog

I'm trying to set up a full text search engine on my corp website. Due to the number of documents to be indexed and the strain IS can put on as server, it was determined that the Indexing Services should be run on a dedicated box, instead of on the webserver.

This all makes good sense until I actually try to connect to the catalog in my code. From what I can tell, IIS looks to the local machine for it's catalog sources. Does anyone know if it is even possible to remotely connect to an index catalog?

I've tried adding the server namespace to the catalog name in many different syntaxes, and so far nothing has worked. Code:

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Multiple Categories

i want to have a search program that has multiple categories.
anybody can give a sample?

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Delete Categories

I am using MS Access & open 3 table, 1 for Product 1 for Genre, 1 more for Product_Genre (because one product maybe have many categories)

But when I have tried many ways to delete one of categories, also fail to do it.

What I want to do is : When delete a category,

1) it must delete the Product which is under the Category (to be delete)
2) at the same time it must also delete the records from table 'Product_Genre' which is related with the Category (to be deleted)Code:

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Looping Through Categories In Recordsets

I have a list in a database that I have categorised using a category field. I now want to retrieve all records but grouped by categories. how do i get my asp to loop through each category creating a recordset for each one rather than hard code a new recordset for each category i would rather it did it dynamically if thats possible ??? Code:

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Recursive Categories List

i am working on ecommerce site and would like to display the categories (and sub categories) from the db recursively,
i did it but i also want to add the level of each category like :
main_cat_1 (level 1)
--------sub_1 (level 1_1)
--------sub_2 (level 1_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_1)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_3)
--------sub_3 (level 1_3)
main_cat_2 (level 2)
main_cat_3 (level 3)
--------sub_3 (level 3_1)

and so on ... how can i do that ?

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Getrows For Categories Then Products

im developing a Product configurator (just like alienware use) where in my database i have
(systems table) a list of PC systems

(categories table) a list of PC product categories (ie. CPU, RAM...)
(products table) a list of all products
productID, catID
(link table)
sysID and prodID

Now before i put the code ive done so far, let me explain that the first page lists all systems wich then gives the systemID for the link table. Once this page loads it needs to go through each category then list the products available to that category where sysID = systemID. Now a query i put together to list all products for that sysID is:

select * from PRODUCTS inner join link on link.prodID = PRODUCTS.productID where link.sysID=systemID

Now this query works great and lists all of the products for that systemID, but what im unable to do is (using GetRows()) have the category name listed as a title then have each product under the respected category. Code:

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Create Drop-down With Categories From ID's???

I've got a products table and a productCategories table related by a categoryID field. The categories table uses autonumber for the categoryID and I've got about 4 or 5 different categories in there right now.

I'm creating an Add Product page now and I'd like to create a drop down menu with which to select the correct category. How do I make it so that my drop down menu actually shows the category names and then populates my tables accordingly?

I won't need to ever add a new category here, simply use the current categories in a drop down so I don't have to guess/remember which number is which category.

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Physical Pages Categories

I want to put my existing review books webpage in Asp/Database because I have more than 5000 of them and its now too complicated to keep tracks of it all in HTML only. My database is ready, I know how to connect to it, how to list records and how to select in them, I know how to pass a variable from a page to another, I know how to add, modify and delete records... yeah its about that so far.

Here is how I want my website to look like. I want to have physical pages categories, like all the science fiction books should be listed in sf pages separated alphabetically Ex reviews of Lord of the ring will be in sciencefictionT.asp and so on for each categories. I want too that a page with all the reviews listed linking to the right place. In my database I have already categories for each books.So is it possible to do or I complicate my life too much?

I know that it would be much more easier just to make a review.asp and have the review one at the time there, but I like the way my website is already is, that make it different from others.

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Drop Down Navigation Menu With Categories

I have created a dropdown menu that allows users to navigate and load other pages into a different frame (detail) than the one in which the dropdown is sited. All menu items and urls are stored in an access db.

Now I would like to try and make 2 improvements but I don't know how:

1. I would like to use the [Category] field in my data set to produce (non-clickable) headings in the drop down list. Code:

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Site Map: Display Categories On Next Page

I'm trying to create a site map that will display links to all pages including links to bring the visitor to different categories. See below:


About us:

-Category 1:
-Category 2:
-Category 3:
-Category 4:

Contact us:

When the visitor clicks on 'Category 3' they should be sent to a page that displays all the products in Category 3. Code:

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Req/l Forum Script That Allows Me To Set User Groups To View Certain Categories?

im looking for an asp (not .net) script based on a user forum
where as the admin i can set up different users to only see related
forum topics (i want to use it for project management) uploading files
to the forum would also be a massive advantage!!!

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Product Catagories

i have a number of product each of which has a catagory. Currently a user can list the products using the catagory. However a product may have more than one catagory. for example in a vitamins section cod liver oil may be under fish oils and joint care.

the search currently works by selecting all from the type section of the ms access db where type = fish oils for example. if i were to add multiple types into the section how can i filter them out? for example is it best to just save all the different types in the products type field, seperate them with commas and then select all from the db filter each products field retrieving the relavent ones? this would seem extremely slow as the database is quite large.

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Product Configuration

I am trying to create a product configuration tool and I'm not sure where to start. I have made a database with 4 columns..ID, component, compdescription and compcode. There are 8 different componets to configure on the product and the compcode holds the letters and numbers that eventually make up the part number when you make all your selections.

I want to be able to select one thing from each component category and submit to the database which will return a part number. I thought the easiest way to do this would be with 8 different drop down menus filled with all the options for that component category.

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Product Database

i now know how to add, edit, delete and search for products (havent figured out categorisation out yet tho) - how do i upload an image and save the file name to the database as part of the admin? something dummies can follow that doesnt use a component (can i throw in a chunk of code and specify the table fieldname and directory the file needs to go into?)

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Product Activation Code

I have an ASP provider and an Access Database.
I need to build a small webpage where the user can enter his "user id"
and a "hardware code", and if the "user id" is correct (will be checked
against the db which means the user id must exist) a function will
generate a product activation code from his/ her "hardware code" and
show it on the next page.

I think the database thing is not a problem, but I have not been able to
create a simple function that is hacksafe and cannot be "downloaded".
Could anybody give me a hint where I can find an example of such a
function so that I can understand how I have to encapsulate the
important parts so that nobody can see it?

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Product Review Software

Does anyone know of any product review software written in ASP or ASP.NET It would be for a website with nothing but reviews. I don't care how simple it is... I can modify it to do what I need, but I'd like at least a place. 5 years ago when I first started building websites I found one written in CGI and it worked great.. but I can't seem to find anything like this written for ASP.

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Deleting A Product From Database

I have an online store with a database (windows 2003 small business server) and i want to delete a product or a dealer from my database via asp with a button or a link. how can i do this?

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Product Catalogue System

anyone know wherei can find a free product catalogue system that has categorised products and administration of product data and images?

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ASP Rating Product Software

I am creating a store and I'm looking for a ASP rating software. Something like Amazon where you write your comments, rate the product and see how many stars. I need it to have features where I can accept the comments or at least it gets reviewed. Is there such a forum like this? Anyone know of any?

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Product.ASP Page Error

ADODB.Connection error '800a0e78'

Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

/Class/ClassOutall.asp, line 118

Any help?

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Page / Product Clicks

I have list of products listed from a search criteria, Now I wanna show the client TOP VIEWED LIST OF PRODUCTS or number of hits for each product. So the page hits using the counter component will give me the hits for the entire which has all the products.

Perhaps I could catch it in the product DETAIL page, how do I list the number of hits for each product. Secondly I have IIS 4.0 make sure you recomend the right component.

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Client Downloaded My Product

i m working on an ecommerce project. as the user click on "buy" button , i charge that customer with the price of that product and then from asp page i redirect it to the page

now if due to some communication problem , download of this product did not complete successfully ,that customer should not charge for i can know that product has been successfully completed so that i can charge the customer after that.

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Use Array To Retrieve Product Details

I am trying to develop a shopping cart using a dictionary object to represent the shopping basket. I have a products page which displays all the products for the user to click on to add products to the basket. This works fine.

The problem I am having is when I want to display the content of the shopping cart. The dictionary object can only contain the product id / quantity, so I have written a function which uses the product ID to retrieve the product details from the database.

Whilst I can output the values in the function which retrieves the data from table into the array, I can't output the values in the procedure which receives the array. Code:

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How To Upload Product Image Into Database?

i would like to ask isit can upload image into database(ms access 2003) from asp. if can, how the code can be written? then if after upload image into database. how we can retrieve it from database into asp page for viewing?

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Online Ordering (different Product For Each Login User)

I'm just wondering if there is ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? I really need that feature for one of my customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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Query To Return Minimal Product Of Two Fields

To return a minimal price of a bottle of vodka stored in field "price" I
can call MIN function .

However this price ignores the size of the bottle.
Bottle types and sizes are stored in a different table called "Bottles"

Suppose I wanted to get a product with the minimal price per litre.
Obviously I have to multiply the bottle price by the bottle size.

Can I do it in one query which will fetch the minimal per/liter price?

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ASP Application Online Ordering (different Product And Prices For Different User)

We’re just wondering if there is an ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? We really need that feature for one of our customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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ASP Application Online Ordering (different Product For Each Login User)

I'm just wondering if there is ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? I really need that feature for one of my customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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