Cdonts Resume Attachment Code

i need 2 files html as well as asp forms. pls help me with working code.

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Cdonts Attachment

I'm using godaddy ASP hosting and i have no permission to create files on disk from asp script.I need to generate excel file and send it via email in asp page.I'm sending email using CDONTS

All examples,i've found in internet, show how to attach to the email file from disk.In documentation for CDONTS told, that there is possibility to attach to the email data from IStream can i implement this?

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CDONTS Attachment

i am trying to create a simple page where a users can browse a file and send it through CDO. I can get the email to send fine with the body and subject but when it comes to figuring out the attachment bit, I'm lost! Here is the code i am using, please can someone point me in the write direction. Code:

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Can Not Send Attachment With CDONTS

Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
mail.From =
mail.To =
mail.Subject = "Subject"
mail.Body = "newsletter"
mail.AttachFile = "C:"
mail.BodyFormat = 0 'CdoBodyFormatHTML
Set mail = Nothing
this code is not working please help.....

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Email Attachment Using CDONTS.

how to restrict email attachment file type as well as file size? If anybody has idea about it.?

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How Do I Use To Send An Email With Attachment?

Can someone give me some sample code to use to send email with an attachment?

I've got sample code from the following website;

But, I'm having trouble GETTING the relevant field from my HTML form! I can't seem to be able to get the field property. It just comes up as a blank.

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CDONTS Attachment To External Image

Set theMail = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
theMail.From = "user -at- domain -dot- com"
theMail.To = "user -at- domain -dot- com"
theMail.Subject = "Requested Form"
theMail.Body = "My email body"
Set theMail = nothing

That doesn't work :) Is that even possible?

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CDONTS - PDF Attachment / Decoding Problem

I am using CDONTS to send email from an ASP script.

Attached to each of these emails is a 34K PDF file. 90% of the time the file arrives intact. 10% of the time, however, users are unable to open the file.

It appears that users using some sort of webmail recieve an improperly decoded version of the file where as users of POP3 non-web email clients (e.g. Outlook) generally recieve the file intact.

Thus far, all users reporting errors have up-to-date versions of Adobe Reader and are able to read the PDF file if I resend it from my desktop out of Outlook.

I have tried to open the files some users have reported problems with (after they forward me the copy they received) and I have the same problem. The file size on the PDF that could not be opened had grown to 47K.

Code is pasted below ....

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How To Send CDONTS Or CDOSYS Email With Specified Attachment?

I am trying to get a asp-mailer setup that will send a specified attachment.
I have tried both CDONTS and CDOSYS methods ... both are giving me headaches.

And the best part is how incredibly helpful the error is: (Sarcasm Intended)

Error Type:
Unspecified error <-- They should change that error to ... "Good Luck!"
/knowledgetree/emailer-drivers.asp, line 90
I hilighted the above line in the code as well.

Here is the code I am working with: Code:

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Code To Send Email With Attachment?

Can any one give some ASP code to send an email with attachment.

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Can Someone Show Me CDONTS Code?

Can someone help me with CDONTS? I don't know how to convert this code to CDONTS! Code:

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CDONTS For WinXP/2000 (code Sample/tutorial)

Some people are using WinXP and Win2000 for servers and are having problems with CDONTS, so im gonna post a little code sample on sending emails with CDOSYS because it works better for WinXP and Win2000 and is also a better email compenent. Code:

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On Error Resume Next

I've a query on On Error Resume Next. I've explained what I understand for each case, I'm not sure that this is true.

1] Used in Function/Sub: will resume to the next statement in the
function or sub; but will not affect the error out side of the functions

2] Used at the top of the asp page: will affect all the page code and
will not affect the function/sub in the page at all.

3] Used in the page where ever required:?

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Resume Download

Can ASP resume download/ upload when uploading large files using ASP, like Download programs do? If so, can anybody point me to tutorial or a script I can start with?

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Error Resume Next

I put the On Error Resume Next command as the very first line in my ASP
pages, which may contain various inc files and sub-routines/functions, so
that I can try and stop the dreaded DB error messages displaying to visitors
and would-be hackers.My question is, does this one statement at the top of the page cater for all of the code that might be executed in the page, in the include files and in
sub-routines/functions or do I have to put the statement in certain places
as well?The reason I ask is that I'm sure if I get one of my include file names
wrong it brings up an error rather than going straight through and
displaying a funny page.I hope I don't have to put it in various places as I like to have this one statement so that I can flip back and forth between live and dev time and
having to go into 'x' amount of pages to flip between these 2 states would
be tiresome.

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On Error Resume Next

My code works when the table is not found. But when the table is found it doesn't do the else part..Code:

Dim oConn
Dim oRs

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open "Store_Form"
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset" )

elseif campo = "txtAN_GEN" then
on error resume next
Set oRs = oConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM 00_MOD48")
If err <> 0 then 'If table not found
GetFieldValue = "00001"
GetFieldValue = "150"
end if

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Cancel On Error Resume Next

I am using On Error Resume Next to allow my application to deal with errors accessing the database, i.e. if the DSN-less connection doesn't work then it tries the DSN connection and this is fine.

What I want to find out is how can i stop the rest of the page continuing after errors, in essence I want to cancel the On Error Resume Next statement after the database connection stuff is done so that errors will stop the page and I can debug them.

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Need To Use On Error Resume Next But Timing Out

I have a piece of code that i created. It actually works as it should. The only problem is the objrs2.update causes an error-duplicate primary key. However when i check the database it has done what it should.

I then tried to use on error resume next, but it keeps timing out and i do not want to extend the time limit. Does someone know how to get round this? Code:

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Avoid On Error Resume Next?

Is there a way to avoid On Error Resume Next for:

cnn.Open strCon
SQL = "EXEC Customer @txtEmail='" & email_address & "'"
set rs = cnn.execute(SQL)

'On error resume next

'// This record does not exist thus throwing up an error. I could use On
Error to resume and then do this
'// If rs.eof or rs.bof

.....But I hate this convention as I find debugging a problem. Is there a
better way?

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QUERY: 'On Error Resume Next' Scope Rules

This has been puzzling me for very long time and no where has
talked about the scope of a 'On Error Resume Next' statement.

When we program ASP(.NET) pages then we usually like to let
ASP(.NET) stop at errors and report back to us. However there
are parts of our scripts that we know an error will be thrown
and we encapsulate that area inbetween:

On Error Resume Next
'Try block
If Err.Number Then
'Catch block
End If
On Error GoTo 0

This is similar to the infamous try {} catch(e) {} blocks in
Java/C++, etc.

If we forget the last line 'On Error GoTo 0' then our ASP(.NET)
scripts runs over all errors thrown and we find it hard to
find bugs. So the big question is, does 'On Error Resume Next'
go out of scope when it's written inside a block
(eg. Function)?

Function Function1()
On Error Resume Next
'Our code
End Function

When the Function1 call returns, does the outside calling scope
automatically stays as it was (On Error GoTo 0)?

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On Error Resume Next, How To Show The Rest Of The Page

I'm on the last piece of this project, when a user goes to this page "myfolder.asp" it shows the contents of their folder.

If they don't have one created yet, I want to give them a friendly message: "You have nothing in your folder!" , and continue with the rest of the HTML code, but then ignore the Repeat Regions and dynamic text thats inside the HTML.

Right now I have it woking if the table exists, it shows the records. If I delete the table, I have this message at the top of the screen and nothing else: "You have nothing in your folder!"

Here is the code:

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I wonder if you can help me. I want the functionality to Automatically get attachment from email and upload it to server for viewing.
So when someone sends in an email to a specificied address, it get the file from the email and uploads it somewhere.
How can this be done?I would think that you would have an automated email address. It would proabably be running on a windows server.

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I have created on form where i have field like Job title, Company name, Job Discription and Apply button. Also i have one hidden input for email address.
When any one click on Apply button there one form will open for mail his resume.
In that form i have Name, Mail address of applier, Cover letter(textarea), and select box and Attachment textbox and Send button.
At backend this programe mail me his information through mail with his keyed info with attachment of his CV. In CC he takes hiden value of email which i maintion in hidden text.

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Add An Attachment

i need to add an attachment and save it to a db using ASP

i serached for this everywhere but cudnt find anything. one place i found aquestion being asked but no has replied it

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i have some problem in ASP. actually i am developing a web site using ASP,Sql server. i want to give the opportunity to the users to download a file from the webpage. i created power point slide show. i want to give the link to download that slide show.

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E-mail Attachment

I'm using ASP to generate an e-mail with attached files and send them out to
clients. Typically, when we send out e-mail through our mail server, there
is a disclaimer that is auto appended to the end of our e-mails. I don't
know how this is set up (not a network guy and a relatively new employee).
For some reason, this disclaimer is attached as a text file to any e-mails
that I send programmatically. Any idea what's causing this or how to solve
this problem?

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Jmail Attachment

I have a web page coded in ASP VBScript which sends a html email using the Jmail.SMTPMail object.

I am trying to attach a .csv file to the mail but when i get the mail through it won't display. It just shows this in the mail body...

This is a multipart message in MIME format. ----NEXT_BM_46A46859F09247848CB1A7C3EBE06AC2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable

Here is my code ....

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Attachment In Email Using CDO

I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.

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Attachment Using Stream

Does anyone know how to create an attachment using a stream in classic
ASP.I can see that it can be done in ASP.Net as per the article below:
Initializes a new instance of the Attachment class with the specified
stream and name.

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When a user posts a HTML Form in an ASP page, the values entered by
the user in the Form are mailed to the website owner. Users can also
attach a file before posting the Form.

To send the e-mail, I am using CDO.MESSAGE. When I tested the app in
my local intranet IIS5.1 server, the e-mail part worked fine & even
the attachment was sent along with the mail but after deploying the
site at, when I try to send a file from my local hard disk
as an attachment, I get the following error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80070003'

The system cannot find the path specified.

which points to the line that does the attachment which is

cdoMessage.AddAttachment Request.Form("uploadfile")

It's pretty obvious what's causing the error - the ASP file resides
onthe server whereas the file to be attached exists in the users local
hard drive but the question is how do I resolve this error?

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Attachment In Email

I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.

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ASP To PDF On The Fly - As An E-mail Attachment?

Does anyone know of a product that would allow me to create a PDF from an ASP page on the fly, but instead of displaying the PDF to the user, simply write the PDF to a file?

(My goal is to subsequently pick up the PDF and attach it to an e-mail to the user.)

I�ve been unable to find a product that can achieve this.

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Email Attachment

I want the users to be able to send an email with an attachment from my web page. The problem is that the file ".DOC" resides on the client machine and not the server. It would be ideal if the user could browse for the file.

Can someone tell me if this is possible and how? Do I have to first upload the document before adding it to the email as an attachment.

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