Change Text Box Type

I have 10 text boxes... first 5 text boxes e visible , rest of the 5 are hidden... once i clicked the button , the hidden boxes should be visble.. can anyone help me hpw to write script?

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Change ASP Email Content Type?

I'm runnign Win Server 2003 and using the CDOSYS method of sending an email using ASP. Is it possible to change the content type of the email to plain text? is my code:

'Email code'
'Define the variables first'
Dim varName, varEmail

varName = "Cinema-WAP"
varEmail = ""

Dim ObjMail
Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.From = varName & " <" & varEmail & ">"
objMail.To = finalEmail
objMail.Subject = "Hi " & bookerName & ", your Cinema-WAP booking REF: " & finalRef
objMail.HTMLBody = "<ul>" &_
"<li>Film:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & finalMovie & "</b>" &_
"<li>Screen name:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & finalScreen & "</b>" &_
"<li>Number of seats booked:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & seatID & "</b>" &_
"<li>Date:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & finalShowing & "</b>" &_
"<li>Name:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & bookerName & "</b>" &_
"<li>Mobile phone:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & bookerTel & "</b>" &_
"<li>Email:</li>&nbsp;<b>" & finalEmail & "</b>" &_
"<li>Cost:</li>&nbsp;<b>£" & finalPrice & "0</b>" &_
"</ul><br>" &_
"Enjoy the film!</font>"


Set objMail = Nothing

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Change Variable Type In VBScript

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim a
dim b
if a=b then
Response.Write "a=b"
end if
But can't shows "a=b".How can changes variable type?

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Change Text Value

I have a combo which has 2 values.I want when its value is changed then its value should be display in a text box.

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Change Text Value In Javascript

I would like to know if I can change the text value of an item in javascript ie:

<script language='javascript'>
function restore_BG(the_Id) {
if (the_Id == 'Arts') {
document.getElementById(the_Id).??? //what code needs to be here to change 'Hallo' to 'Bye' for eg.
<tr onmouseover="javascript:restore_BG('Arts')">Hallo</tr>

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Change Case For Text

I have a access database that has data where the people entered their name all in upper case or in various forms of upper and lower case. Can a change all the data so it is in a proper format. Example: This is Joe Smoe. Or change it to be all lower case for email addresses?

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Change Text Size Onclick

i have three images on my page which i want to be able to increase the text size of the whole page by using these buttons

Small Normal Large

Standard size will be normal, the others i want to affect the whole site so when they change page the setting changes stay with them

The only way i can think of is multiple style sheets and saving to a cookie anyone got some examples or suggestions / solutions for how to approach this ?

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Text Boxes Change Colours

In a form I'm creating several asp text boxes for user input. When I look at these in IE or Firefox one or two are coloured yellow with a border, whereas the rest are the normal white with a thin blue border.

There is nothing I can see in the code that does this, and with a bit of testing I can force this condition by adding text outside the text box. Very weird. Has anybody seen this behaviour before. I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004, but I'm feeling it's not DW at fault here.

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Change Format From Number To Text.

i have several fields in the database that the format is number. then, i have a report page that allow user to open it the ms excel. my problem is, when all data transfered to ms excel, all data that is in number format, they are located at the right of the cells and there is 1 data named noIC, suppose this data is a 12 digits number but in the ms excel, it became something like this 780945+E12....

to solve this problem, i have to change the cell's format everytime all data have been transferred to ms excel. i have to set to left indent for all fields that contain numbers and for the noIC i have to set from General to Number.

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Change The Text Color In Input Box Depending On The Value Of It

I want to change the text color of the input box depending on the value entered by user.

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Change Text Field Based On Menu Selection

ASP/javascript with a drop down populated by an access database. The drop down works fine but I cant figure out how to get it to change a value of a text field.

I want the value in the text field to change to reflect the data in another column in the table, same row. Code:

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Type Mismatch On Type "Text"

I have a table with four fields, ID (auto increment), question (varchar(200)), answer (Text), and shop (tinyint(3). When I connect to the database in an ASP page and write this code

Response.Write rs("question") & "<br />" & rs("answer")

I get an error that reads "Type Mismatch"

but if I change the type of the answer field to type varchar I don't get the error but am limited in the length of the field's contents. I just also noticed that if I keep the type at TEXT and change the collation to ascii_general_ci I don't get the mismatch error but all the ' characters turn into ? characters? Oh woe is me.

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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SQL Server 'text' Data Type Values Always Empty?

I've got a SQL server database, and am using ASP to create a simple recordset.

Everything is fine, except that one column of the database is of 'text' data type. I can't seem to be able to pull anything from this field in my ASP script. All names and variables are correct, and there is data in the text field, it just comes out blank when I pull this field into my recordset.

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When Change The Directory Then Date Format Will Change

I have virtual directory where I run test.asp page with only this code inside:

<%Response.Write now()%>

As a result, if I go into the IE and browse for the test.asp page, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

If I copy this page on some other(existing) virtual directory, I get as a
result 22.1.2004 14:19:06

If I create a new virtual directory and I copy the page there, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

Seems like that IIS takes english date format even if my regional setting is
d.M.yyyy and I would like that date on the page is always like this:
22.1.2004 14:19:06

Where I can change this setting?

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Error Type:Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A000D) Type Mismatch: 'UBound'

I got a problem while running an application. The code for this is as follows:

aList = Split(strMsg,";")
For nX = 0 to UBound(aList)
set rs1=conn.execute("insert into tbl_BackupfileInfo(Filename,Createddate,Createdtim e)values('" &aList(nX)&"','"&var_date&"','"&var_time&"')")

while runnig this application some times it works fine .But some times it giving an error

Error Type:Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'UBound'.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Error Type :(0x80004005) Unspecified Error Type

I am trying to send a fax from my asp application and am getting the follwoing error on the hghlighted line:

Error Type:
Unspecified error

If anyone knows why..Code:

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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if it is possible to change the location of the dlls of an application, by default, the assemblies of an application is loaded in the bin folder in the applications folder, can i change some configurations to save these dlls in another location?i'm using asp v1.1 and .net studio 2003.

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Want To Change Record

iam having problem ,relating to update a column in Access file in ASP
'Change' is column name , rs is recordset object ,and i want to update the values in 'Change' column by return values from a function .Iam using vb script in asp

rs ("Change").value = function()
this is generating error, and won't work

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Change Password

does anybody here have codes for "change password"?i am using dreamweaver 8 and MS Access

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Is It Possible To Change Global.asa From Asp

With global.asa application variables can be set. Later can a script in your
application change the value of those variables. But when IIS is restarted
the old values are used again. Is there a way to get the changes that are
done into global.asa?

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Change The Font

I need to generate a pdf file in classic asp script. It uses the arial font . But i need to change the font of the pdf file to Century Gothic. I am currently using fpdf.asp file to generate the pdf. Can anyone tell me how to change the font to Century? It would be pleasure if anyone could provide me the code for doing it.

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Change Menu

I want to have two pull down menus, 1 for continents and the other for
countries. On selecting the continent how can I change the menu of another
pulldown or how to display the list of corresponding countries in that. And if no continent is selected then nothing should appear in countries pulldown.

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Change Parameters

my management has now decided that wants the crystal report that I have developed to be available with 5 different options. The only thing really changing is the where clause of my sql statement that Crystal Reports uses in the expert wizard to create the report. All of the fields remain the same. Is there way to set parameters for sql statement that would changed "where" clause in displaying crystal report in crystalreportviewer to (where xfield=parameter1, x2field=parameter2, etc.)

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Change Language

I have some dynamic pages like asp files and the data comes from database.
What I need is to display the page content to diffrent languages.
Suppose user selects Germany and the page content changes to german language.

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Dynamically Change

With ASP is it possible to dynamically change the <title> tag depending on what record I am viewing? I know that you can do this isn and PHP but was wandering if its possible in ASP too

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Change In Request

I just moved my website from a Win2000 server to a Win2003 server. On the old server, we would prompt for the user name and password via the WWW-Authenticate header, retrieve the Base64 values provided by the user from Request("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"), decode them, and validate the user against our database.However, after moving to Win2003 server, the user is no longer prompted for the user name and password. The HTTP_AUTHORIZATION comes back immediately, and decoding it reveals a very long string of garbage.

Obviously something has changed between these two version of IIS. Anyone
know what the problem may be?

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Change Registry With Asp

I have a html page that contain a form, I want to change windows registry, this key (LegalNoticeText) to amount of the text box in the form how I can do this?

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Change A Table Row

I have been trying to use If Then Else Statements and CSS to make different table rows change to different text colors based on a field that is queried. For instance when displaying a row of data that has the Memo field marked as rework I would like all the text colored Red.I have 3 different instances that I need to work with. Can someone point me in the right direction to make this work?

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Change The Default

Using a DetailsView to update data in SQL 2005, How do I change the default "Update" hyperlink to a more user friendly button?

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Change A String

how to change a string to upper case.

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