Change The Loop Sequence

I have a website where I present the price of some products. The products and its prices are stored in a database. I want to loop through the products and order them by the price, starting with te cheapest.
This is easy if I could use the price in the database. But some of the products have discounted prices. The discount is given on the website, so therefore I cant order the recordset by the price column, I have to set the looping sequence of the recordset in another way.

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Change A FOR EACH Loop

How can I change a FOR EACH loop to a DO WHILE loop? I have this code:

For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
response.write objFile.Name

Actually this code is part of a file, used to fetch Image(.jpeg) file and check wether it is registered or not. The 'objFile' is the Image file and objFolder.Files is the Folder.

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Change Variable Name In Loop

Is it possible to change a variable name? I need to store some information to be displayed to the users in a variable but I need to change the name of this variable. So what I need to do is read some info from the db, create a recordset and then read the first row of the recordset and store the result in a variable named Answer_1, read the next line and store the result in the variable Answer_2, is it possible?

I tried the following code:

Answer_"" & Counter & "" = "" & rsResult("Answer") & ""

Then I'll print it in the HTML part like this:

<% Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=""text"" NAME=""QID_2"" VALUE=""" & Answer_2 & """>" %>

Is it possible to change the name of the varialb in a loop?

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[ASP] Sequence Rows

In the table MYSQL I have this sequence of rows:


I like to see:


and query that counts for all rows like ASSI ...

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Collating Sequence

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.

anyone knows wat's wrong with this?I am using asp, msaccess2003, using DSN, and winXP SP2

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Sequence Of Execution

In an asp file, the statements are like this,

1. HTML Tags
2. Javascript
3. VBScript
4. HTML Tags
5. asp coding
6. Javascript
7. VBScript
8. asp coding

tell me the sequece of execution in an asp file.

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More One Word In Sequence

I have an issue with the search functionality page, on my text search box, if I type "bought by" with quotes to search for these 2 words in sequence in my database for reports that contain these 2 words in sequence, I get an error on the results page.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-51030: wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms

/basic_results.asp, line 289

and my basic_results page code is attached as a txt file.

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Write A Sequence To A Table

looking for code to write a seuqence of numbers to a table in access. user selects quantity to populate, lets say 50 . so the table would need to be populated with the first number of trackid0001 up to trackid0050 through the script

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Validating Forms In Sequence?

I am trying to sort out validation for a form to display the error message in sequence.
ie; when you click continue with blank form fields the first message should read: "Please enter your previous address (Line 1)" but instead it starts with PostCode then time at the address then town? Code:

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Load Page Out Of Sequence

I have a "Digital Dashboard" that basically has 4 IFrame sections.
The page flows in the following order: Messages, Stocks, Weather, User
Links. Please note that this order needs to stay that way.
Everything but the Stocks section is pulled from our dB. I am using
the server control InetCtls.Inet to obtain the stock data from Yahoo

The question I have is can I load the page using the dB driven sources
first and then the external source (e.g., Messages, Weather, Links,
Stocks). In other words, I need to page to render the Stock portion
last. What currently happens is the page loads, then "pauses" while
loading the stock information, and then finally loads the remaining
content. The pause is caused by the "screen scraping." If I can give
the appearance that the page has fully loaded, and then load the
stocks last, that would be perfect. I tried looking at script defer,
but I don't think that is what I want.

In summary, I have 1 asp page that contains 4 IFrames. I need to load
the page out of sequence. Is this possible? Any help would be much
appreciated. We are running IIS 5.0 w/ asp 3.0.

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Function Sequence Error In ASP

In my application I get the error 'function sequence error' when i try to use RS.MoveFirst . This happens only in one screen but the same doesn't happen in another 2 screens where i am using RS.Movefirst. Code:

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Retrieving Sequence Numbers From Oracle

I seem to have a problem retrieving a sequence number from ASP using OO4O. Using ADODB, everything works correctly, however, using OO4O it seems to burn off an additional sequence number (ie it increments by 2 each time).

strSQL = "select sicontractnum.nextval as thenum from dual"
set rsContractNum = dbConn.CreateDynaset(strSQL,0)
response.write rsContractNum.Fields("thenum")
set rsContractNum = nothing

dbConn is a connection object created from the connection pool during session startup.

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Correct User, Password Sequence For DSN-Less DB Conn.?

I'm trying to access an access database by including the DB's password within the connection string. I try to connect to the DB, but I get and "Incorrect Password" error. What am I doing wrong?

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; uid=admin; pwd="pass"
set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

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When Change The Directory Then Date Format Will Change

I have virtual directory where I run test.asp page with only this code inside:

<%Response.Write now()%>

As a result, if I go into the IE and browse for the test.asp page, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

If I copy this page on some other(existing) virtual directory, I get as a
result 22.1.2004 14:19:06

If I create a new virtual directory and I copy the page there, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

Seems like that IIS takes english date format even if my regional setting is
d.M.yyyy and I would like that date on the page is always like this:
22.1.2004 14:19:06

Where I can change this setting?

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Parameter Not Passed From For Loop To While Loop

I'm trying to pass a parameter from a for loop to the nested while loop
but only the first counter is passed. Here is the code:

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Nesting One Loop Within Another, Using 1st Loop As Criteria For 2nd

I have a recordset that I loop through all of the data within a table, within the same loop, I am trying to add another loops that pulls information from the first recordset to base the second recordset off of: Code:

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ODBC Error: Function Sequence Error When Using .MoveFirst

This is the stubborn error I'm getting in my ASP code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

It points to the line: lrsQuery.MoveFirst, as below Code:

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if it is possible to change the location of the dlls of an application, by default, the assemblies of an application is loaded in the bin folder in the applications folder, can i change some configurations to save these dlls in another location?i'm using asp v1.1 and .net studio 2003.

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Do While Loop?

I have a case statment like

select case code
case "01"
ups_desc = "OPTION1."
case "02"
ups_desc = "OPTION2."
case "03"
ups_desc = "OPTION3"
case "07"
ups_desc = "OPTION4"
case "08"
ups_desc = "OPTION5 "
case "11"
ups_desc = "OPTION6"
case "12"
ups_desc = "OPTION7"
end select

I then have table called "users" which has the following

now the trick

I want to loop through the recordset of the user tables and populate a drop down where the code from the case and the user table are the same.

Something like

do while rs("code") = code
<option> This then is populated based upon the loop(I have this code)</option>

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Do While Loop

I need to insert recordes into a db based upon a number returned in a form
Somerthing like

AddRecords = Request.Form("NumberOfRecords")

Count = 0

if Count < AddRecords Then
Do while Count.eof

SQL Code....

Count = Count + 1

Count.move next
End If

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How To Loop

i have 2 tables (A & B) with date records
now i loop table A and then table B, the output will be table A in the front
and table B in the can i make the output show by date in both tables altogether?
do i need to combine tables before but the number of records is over 100K
which may spend a lot of processing power?

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Asp Loop

on my classifieds site i would like to create a simple ads system. i currently have the ads site made but need some advice.

on my classifieds site i would like to display the ads down the left hand side.

however i dont want to over display ads.

if there is not many items listed i only want a small amount of adverts shown on the left hand side. however if there is lots listed
i would like quite a few adverts listed.

otherwise i would have a big list of adverts and only a small number of items listed making a big blank space on my page.

i am guessing this would have to be a loop or something.

the code i am using to show the text links is <%=adurl%>

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For Loop

I am using a for loop in one of my asp page. Could someone let me know if I can do the for loop as follow:

[code]<% for i = 1 to 5 %>
my html code
my html code
my html code
<% Next i %>
instead of
for i = 1 to 5
Response.Write "<input name = 'id'"&i&" type='text' value = "&id& ">"
Next i

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More Than 1 Do Loop

I am using ASP and need a DO LOOP to get some info back from the db. but the asp reads the first do loop but does not read the second one ......

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While Loop

is there any function or statements that work the same as the 'break' statement in C++ language?

for example:

While Not rs.EOF
If rs("LoginID") = userId Then
break 'what shd i use for ASP???


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Loop Within A Loop

im writing some script to add records to my db. but if a value thats about to be added exists, then dont add that record.for example: if i want to add 7 records to my db with the values 1 - 7, but the db already has 3, 5 and 7, then it should only add 4 new records (1, 2, 4 and 6).

i have a record returning all records form my db, and an array with the values i want to add. i want to loop through my recordset of all existing entries, then for each loop, start another loop to see if the value exists, and if it doesnt , then add a new record.

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For Loop Or Do While Loop

How to use the for loop or do while loop to create the age range from 10 -100 to let the user to select from the form object - list/menu by using asp? The coding below is just a concept. For example

Response.Write("<select name=""select"">")

for (a=0; a<101; a++)
Response.Write("<option value=""" & age & """>" & age & "</option>")


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If Then Else Loop

I'm trying to create a page where images are displayed based on an id in a sql table (basically its an unlit candle until a value in the id field exists). I'm not getting an error with my code below - but its not working right either. Code:

<% If rs("my_id")="2" Then Response.Write "<img src=""images/07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt="lit candle">"Else Response.Write "<img src=""images/UNLIT_07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt=""unlit candle"">" End If %> ...

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Sub And For Next Loop

I have a SUB which has input variables. If I run it once its okay, but I need to include it in a loop. Can this be done ?

for i=0 to 100
call mySub(arr(0,i))

sub mySub(var)
end sub

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RS Loop

I am getting this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Numeric value out of range
/database/data_entry.asp, line 90

Line 90 is shown below...

// count the total records by iterating through the recordset
for (rsProducts_total=0; !rsProducts.EOF; rsProducts.MoveNext())
{ <---- Line 90

This is an access database, connected to via a DSN. Any help will be muchly appreciated! I'm stuck on this one.

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For Next Loop

I'm using three loops on a page and would like to set the loops individually to start at either 0 or -1 based on a condition. As an example, I would want the loop to start at either -1 as shown or 0.

Dim r
For r = --1 to Session("TotalRowsF")



Or, based on the condition it could be

Dim r
For r = 0 to Session("TotalRowsF")



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ASP Loop

I can display some text 5 times using a loop and i want to pass those printed
values to another page when i clicked send button.

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Loop D Loop

I'm trying to give the variable sStart a new name on each loo

sStart1 = value1
sStart2 = value

however the following piece of code doesn't work

set oNodes=xml.selectNodes("/Project/Tasks/Task/Start"
for each oNode in oNode
for i=0 to 10

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