Change Time Zone On Date Entered

how to either change the time zone or add three hours to the following?

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Changing Time Zone + Affecting The Date...

i can use this to change the time on my site by +2 hours:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, time())

but, say it's 11pm.. the script above will make it 1am, but will the date in " date() " go ahead one day too?

the other thing i could do is this:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, now())

using now() instead of time(). but then when i want to print " thetime " onto a page, ill get something like "7/11/2005, 5:10:13 PM". how could i then separate the new date from the new time and print them to a page separately?

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Time Zone

I know this is probably simple, but I'll ask anyway.
I have a form which when submitted to the database the field in the database
automatically adds date and time which is fine. My only problem is that my
site is for the GMT UK time zone, but the database resides on a American
server, IE the database records the local American time (-5 hours

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One Time Zone

New to ASP,JScript,VBScript.I have a server in one time zone and a client in another. The ASP reads time from the server.I need capture the time on the client and use that in the server code.

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Convert Time Zone

Is there an asp component anywhere which will convert a GMT time in the past
to a different time zone e.g. EST?
You can't just take the hours off as there is often daylight saving hours to
take into consideration.

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Time Zone Conversion

I got a problem solving on how to convert the following time zone all into EST. My server is currently in EST but i need to convert the following time zone [PST,MST,CST] all into EST given all the exact time. eg 09:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM MST, 2:00 PM CST etc etc.


I've been working for this a week now and i hope somebody will give me sample code

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Time Zone Help (GMT Offset?)

I have run into a bit of a time zone problem. Basically, I am using ASP and Javascript to handle dates and guess what... you got it, the client could be in any time zone but the server will always be in the same one (UK actually).

I have figured the best method would be to use Javascript to determine the GMT offset (.getTimeZoneOffset), then pass that to my ASP script (I am already doing Javascript->ASP work, I am just appending this to the end of the querystring). ASP will have two dates then, the server date and the client date, and then the client GMT offset. Once I get this offset in ASP, how can I use that with the dates/times I am working with?

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Changing Time Zone

I'm using brinkster, and am trying to change the Time Zone, 5 hours forward to London UK time, and also, reduce the rime by 7 minutes, as their server is off by that many minutes - I asked them to change it, the said no, it's correct, but I synchronse time with and the time was 7 minutes behind from brinkster.

You may think I'm being a pain, but on my site, the products I add are time dependent and people need to know the exact time. the code is below, of course, with everything I try, I get an error, can someone please figure out my mistake. Many thanks + Happy new year every1



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Determining Client's Time Zone

I am attempting to solve a date/time formatting issue is
VBScript ASP pages. The ASP pages needs to determine what
time zone the client browser is in and tell a COM object.

The COM object then reads information from a proprietary
file and formats the date/time into the appropriate time
zone and returns the information to the ASP in an XML

My question is how do I determine the client's time Zone
using VBScript in ASP pages?

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Is It Possible To Determine The Client's Time Zone On The Server?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to determine how to determine the
client's time zone from within an ASP page?

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When Change The Directory Then Date Format Will Change

I have virtual directory where I run test.asp page with only this code inside:

<%Response.Write now()%>

As a result, if I go into the IE and browse for the test.asp page, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

If I copy this page on some other(existing) virtual directory, I get as a
result 22.1.2004 14:19:06

If I create a new virtual directory and I copy the page there, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

Seems like that IIS takes english date format even if my regional setting is
d.M.yyyy and I would like that date on the page is always like this:
22.1.2004 14:19:06

Where I can change this setting?

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Change Time US To IST In Asp

iam using a select box date chooser for time sheduler. but it take server time (server is in US) i want to change to Indian starndered time my code:

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Change The Formatting Of Time

I have a datetime field that looks like 7/24/2004 8:45:00 AM

I just want to display 8:45 AM

<%= FormatDateTime(Now, 3 )%> returns: 8:45:00 AM

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Simple Time Change Code

I need a code that will output the elapsed time from a given date until the current date. Obviously if I'm asking you how to do this, I'm ASP stupid, so if you could help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated.

So basically, I need to know how to store the given date, current date, and difference of the days as seperate variables.

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Change The Date

We want the currently date display in the input box (asp code), if the user wants to change the date, they can pick a diff. date from "date picker calendar". It picks the date...and it works fine.

When I try to submit, it doesn't submit the Date that I picked. I view the source code, it seems like it doesn't change the New DATE that I picked from the calendar. How can make its value change?

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How Can I Change My Date

dates are formatted according to the system date format. However, I have found that a couple of computers consistantly display dates in American format. I have had the techos check all possible areas for setting of dates and I am assured that the proper setting have been made.

Is there a asp command somewhere, I can use that will set all dates displayed as dd/mm/yyyy. I have got around this problem by using Day(),Month() and year() and formatting dates accordingly each time I need to display a date.

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How To Change Date Format?

Within ASP, the date is given in a format like:

6/23/2004 (independantely of the regional settings of windows).
I would like to have e.g. 23/06/04.

Is this possible ?

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How Can I Change Date Format

I am trying to change a short date format in windows.regionalSettings, and all changes affect only client scripts but server side scripts not

regionalSettings = dd/mm/yyyy
asp code result
response.write(Date) '03/03/1983

regionalSettings =
asp code result
response.write(Date) '03/03/1983

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Formatting Date Change How Can It Possible

I'm currently entering the date into my date field using the now()
function, which delivers this result: 2/2/2004 9:08:09 AM which is
fine for some cases.

However, when retreiving this result, sometimes I'd just like to pull
up the first part, such as the 2/2/2004 and cut out the rest. How do
I take this date output, and format it to show only what I want? I'm
writing all this in ASP.

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Change The Date Format

I have written various scripts where the date is enter as mm/dd/yyyy. However, they wanted changed to dd/mm/yyyy. How can make these changes with less pain?

I am using an Access Database. Which means, I will probably have to program that field the same way. But the only option it provides is something like "29-Sep-05". I can tell the user to enter the field as mm/dd/yyyy. But how can I have it done with the code to be saved on the database.

This is one of my codes:

rs("approval_date") = Request.Form("approval_date")

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I Try To Change Format Date

i have a date stored in my db in this format: 2005-03-15 00:00:00.000

however, i want to display this date on my .asp page in this format: 03/05

is there a quick function to do this?

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Change The Date Format

i am having the dd/mm/yyyy format in my computer. i have done coding in asp page according to it. but when i run the same asp pages in different machines it shows me undesired results. so how do i change different machines settings also to dd/mm/yyyy format.

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Automatic Date Change

I have two textfields. One for date entered and one for date expires. If I type in todays date 23/10/07 and press tab on the keyboard, I want the next field to automatically show the date in 6 months. I have seen this done on other websites but have no idea how to achieve this.

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Change Date Format

Anyone who can help me with a code to convert a date string to another format?
Today the format is like this: 2005-01-12T10:06:42.8130000
I want to change it to this format:12.01.2005 12:06:42 (mm.dd.yyy tt:mm:ss)

I can`t use any fancy server tools, just plain asp-code that I can implement in my existing files. The date is a text string - and should be convertet using a little codes as neccessary.

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Change In Date Format

My asp pages that display data from databases have suddenly changed the date format they display from UK to US, i.e. 11/17/2001 for 17th Nov 2003. I have checked on the win2k sp3 server that they run on, and the date/time zone is GMT UK and also the regional settings are correct for the UK.

The server has been patched in the last couple of weeks, but I'm not sure which patches as various engineers have access to it. However, does anybody know why this should happen when all the date/time settings are correct for the UK format?

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Change Oracle Date Format

I need to update an oracle database however, i must have the format
22 FEB 2004

Unfortunately i use a date picker(javascript) which returns 22/02/2004.
(this happens in client side)

How do i change the format to "22 feb 2004" in the server before inserting into the database ?

I already have
strdate1 = Request.Form("date1")

how do i change this date format ?

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Change Image Based On Date

I can use to rotate images based on the date. I have a number of logo images that I want to appear in the same location of my web page. However, I want to determine which one is "active/viewable" depending on the date. I'm somewhat of a noob although I know how to manipulate canned scripts to get them to work. Any scripts out there that do such a thing?

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Change Date Format In Ms Access

the date format in my database(ms access) used to be mm/dd/yyyy and i've changed to dd/mm/yyyy. Now the date appears fine in the db. however wen i retrieve the data and displays in on a form, it is back to it's default format(mm/dd/yyyy). is there anyway whereby i can change it?maybe something like FormatNumber(rs("FromDate")) or whatsoever?

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Change A Date Field Format

In my db, I have a date field wich as the format yyyy-mm-dd but when I receive the value from the DB, I'd like to change it to dd-mm-yyyy... How can I do this?

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Change Display Date Format Coming From DB

I have this is my code:

<%= linkRec("datein")%>

It displays the date like this: 12/14/2004

But I need it to display like: Dec 14, 2004 or something similar (not just numbers)

Is this possible?

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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