Changing Server Side Variable

how I could change the value of a server variable when the user clicks a button. The asp page displays a report using server side vbscript, and I have added an 'export' button that will copy the report to a file. I need this button to change a boolean so that the page will re-run, writing the report to the file instead of the screen.

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Server-Side Variable

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim a
'I want b=a at this place
<Script language=VBScript>
dim b
How can a'value be given to b by program?

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OnClick Event Increment Server Side Variable

When the user clicks a button, I want to increment a server side variable by 1. When the user clicks a different button, I want to decrement a server side variable by 1 only if the variable is not less than or equal to 1. Does any one know how to do this?

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Opening Server-side Excel File Then Modifying It Client Side Using Vbscript

is it possible to open an excel file (used as a template) from server using server-side vbscript; then modify it or add values from client using client-side vbscript?

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Passing Client-side Array Index To Server Side Script

Following is a vbscript code extract triggered by a combobox OnChange event. arrVendorA and arrdefpack are server side arrays and i need the intCounter parameter to be the array index. Code:

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(intCounter)%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(intCounter)%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext = cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(intCounter)%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Array, Client-side Index Problem

The following code is giving me a type mismatch error at the 'if' statements... any ideas, anyone ?

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(" & intCounter & ")%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(" & intCounter & ")%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext =
cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(" & intCounter & ")%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Vbscript Call With Javascript Client-side

How do I go about calling a server-side vbscript within a client-side
javascript function? What I have is a page heavy on the javascript that has
a number of functions, one of which is to begin a visual countdown with an
onclick and also open an asp page containing the server-side vbscript, which
initiates a wake-on-lan call. I had no idea how to call the vbscript within
the javascript function, so this is why I opted for the vbscript asp page
"pop-up" via Code:

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Client-side Confirm() Needs To Run Before Server-side Code

I check to see if a certain submission button is asking for removal. If the removal is true, I update a recordset's delete column. This has been tested and it works. However, now I'd like to prompt the user to make sure that he/she wants to remove the record. Here's the code: ....

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Can Client Side Scripts See Server Side Form?

I have a Client Side Java Script which is supposed to re-load the options on my serverside ASP form.

I have been trying to get the syntax right to assign the Select box on the ASP form to a variable in my JavaScript so I can update the options. Can anyone either tell me if this is not possible or what the syntax should be. Here is some information.

Form Name = AddProdForm
Select Box name = subprodline
JavaScript Variable = form1

Here is one of the many versions of this line I have tried.

var form1=document.forms(""AddProdform"");

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Executing Server Side .exe File From Client Side

I m writing one code to invoke remote desktop service for given IP address. For that i m using mstsc.exe file to invoke RDP.

I have a no of links to be displayed on the page and on click of link, RDP for that IP should be called. Currently i m using one button to invoke RDP. Code:

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Tables - Server-side Vs. Client-side?

I am starting to build quite a few pages that will have
tables of data from an SQL database.

I have been building the table rows on the server side
in VBScript, but I have been thinking about having the
VBScript code just build array variables in the <head>
section (or as local variables), and then have JavaScript
functions on the client side actually populate the tables
when the page loads.

I do plan to do other things like being able to sort the
tables in JavaScript code on the client, limit the tables
height and be able to scroll the rows, and click on a row
in the table, and have the values populate a form. I will
also need to be able to export/download/? some tables into

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Client Side And Server Side Validation

I am doing login page . (login.asp)As usual it has username , password textbox and a login button .i need to do client side validation for mandatory fields and I need to do server side validations to check for the hardcoded username and password .if it matches i have to redirect to another page(content.asp)

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Changing A Value Of A Variable?

i have a login form on my site. if the user enters incorrect detaisl then the script will kick them back to the page they were viewing before submitting the login form (login box is on all pages) using: Code:

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Changing A Variable

How do you do it? I have a ASP variable defined at the top of the page but how do I change that variable to a javascript one?

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Changing A Form Variable

I know you can call a Form Variable in a VBscript using
Request.Form("FieldName") and make equal a local variable like:

str = Request.Form("FieldName")

Now if do this:

str = "This is the new value"

How do you make FieldName equal str. So In a sense I want this to happen

FieldName = str

I need this so that when FieldName gets posted to the DB the new value get

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Client Side Asp Within Server Side Asp

im trying to use the following code to log whenever a user clicks through
this particlular message box - however, this currently logs regardless of
whether or not the message box was clicked - im assuming this is because the
server-side code can't see the client side if condition. but how can i set
the varMsgBox variable as a server-side variable? Code:

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Server Side Script Inside Client Side Script Allowed?

I have a sub routine called when I click on a button. It is inside VBScript tags (client side). Can I do server-side scripting inside that?

<script language="vbscript">
sub cmdButton_Click

'can I do this
<% strValid = "Update" %>

End Sub

Would be nice but don't think it works. Anyone know for sure?

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Changing Server.MapPath

I have just changed host and I need to change my Server.MapPath to comply with my new host db folder . Currently I have my path set to


but I need to move it back up a few folders so it is above the "www" folder in the new hosts specified db folder. How do I achieve this?

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ASP File Changing When Uploaded In Server

When I upload the .asp file into the server, it adds &nbps; into two of the columns of my table.

I have deleted the server's copy several times, but all the time the file gets corrupted.

I have been using HTML-Kit, Front Page and Note Pad to view my code. This error only appears in Front Page & sometimes in Note Pad, but no in HTML-Kit.

Any ideas how can I solve it?

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Changing Access Code Page On Web Server

When I send a database to server it changes all of my special charters to unicod charterset, I suposed that server is on american charter set, I would like it to change to central europien windows - 1250 code page, is it posible and how? it is very importand to me.

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Canīt Put A Value On Server Side

On this page I've a button and an iframe. When I press that button, on click event has: document.getElementById("iframeID").src="mypage.asp?test=xpt" .

On mypage.asp I've

response.write test

The iframe loads the page, but test is empty.

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Can ID Be Used Server-side In ASP?

I'm developing an ASP app and trying to make it XHTML strict. This
requires the removal of all "name" attributes from form elements. Can form
elements be read server-side in ASP with only an "id" attribute?

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im completely new to server-side scripting, but im an experienced actionscripter in flash, but i want to learn server-side scripting as well, but i dont know where to begin, any advice on where to start?

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Server Side Set

I have inherited a set of asp pages that I now need to augment. In order to minimize changes to production code, I would like to make a "call" to an asp page from a new asp page. Existing code is using many Request.Form variables, and I would very much prefer not to change this code.

The new page will retrieve data that I would like to fill into Request.Form variables that are used in the old code. So, is it possible for me to set Request.Form variables from within an asp page and then fire off a second page that uses those variables as
well as any Request.Form variables that were passed to the original page. Additionaly, it should all occur on the server, and the client would only get a response after all on the server is complete.

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Can Server Side Asp Run DOS Commands?

i have an asp page and id like to run some DOS commands to copy files around on the server to a new directory on the server, and then run an exe afterwards. some sites tell me its as simple as Code:

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Server-Side Compression

I'm using IIS 5 and I've been reading about server to browser HTTP compression
using "gzip" or "deflate" encoding. Can this be done in IIS 5?

If so, it is a configuration setting or do I need to compress it myself before
sending to the browser?

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Server Side Include

I have page which uses two server includes. The first displays a random banner advert. The second displays a form containing dropdown boxes populated from a database.

The includes work seperately but when I include them together I am getting an error. The includes share the same database but use different tables.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing the conflict between the two includes?

Here is my code for the BANNER .....

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Server Side Printing

I would like to print to a printer connected to my IIS server.
answers are thinking javascript printing to the user side)
I just want to print on the server side only for me (in ASP of course)
Another thing to consider is that i use a local printer that generate
PDF (Acrobat Distiller driver + ghostscript + redmon port redirector ).
My server side printer name is "PDFPrinter" and its port is "RPT1:"
I tried with FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile("RPT1:",True) but don't
work.I saw many examples with:
.......set objPrinter =CreateTextFile("LPT1:",True) so ....
I also tried with Wscript.NetWork class but no sucess

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Delaying On Server Side

I would like to achieve the equivalent of META REFRESH but without the HTML
meta refresh and without JavaScript. In other words, on server side I would
like to wait some seconds, then redirect the page. Is there any way to do

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Server Side Automation

I want to do some time based house cleaning chores on a server based on server time/date. I know how to do it based on a call from the client using asp, but is it
possible to have a program residing on the server that comes alive based on server time (not a client call) and does it's tasks such as delete an inactive page, or more importantly, send out a cdonts e-mail to a client list? I should also mention that this is a shared Windows 2003 Server (Interland Blue Halo).

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Server-Side Includes

The book I am referring to learn ASP states the following about server- side includes:

The code in a server-side include file is inserted into the pages that use it BEFORE the page's ASP code is evaluated. This means that you can put ASP code inside the include file, and it will be executed like it was part of the page that includes it. On the other hand, it means that you cannot use ASP to determine which page to include.

But as opposed to the last line in the above para, the following code makes use of ASP to determine which page to include: Code:

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Server-Side Validation

I've been pulling my hair out with javScript to no avail, so I just want to do this through some simple server-side form validation of a radio button.
All I want to do is check that the radio is selected.Code:

1. Which method of learning are you seeking?
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Traditional"> Traditional<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="100% Online"> 100% Online<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Hybrid (Mix of online and traditional classes)"> Hybrid (<em>Mix of online and traditional classes</em>)<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Not Sure"> Not sure<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Value Of A Select On The Server Side

I have a sub wich is filling a combobox by a query from the database and with response write. If there is only one result then that option is selected like: Code:

Sub FillComboOperation( ...)
If objResults.Count = 1 and UCase(Required) = "TRUE" Then
Response.Write "<option value=""" & objResult.Fields(OptionValue).Value & """ selected>" & objResult.Fields(OptionText).Value & "</option>" & vbCrLf


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