Changing Time Zone + Affecting The Date...

i can use this to change the time on my site by +2 hours:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, time())

but, say it's 11pm.. the script above will make it 1am, but will the date in " date() " go ahead one day too?

the other thing i could do is this:

thetime=dateadd("n", offsetminutes, now())

using now() instead of time(). but then when i want to print " thetime " onto a page, ill get something like "7/11/2005, 5:10:13 PM". how could i then separate the new date from the new time and print them to a page separately?

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Changing Time Zone

I'm using brinkster, and am trying to change the Time Zone, 5 hours forward to London UK time, and also, reduce the rime by 7 minutes, as their server is off by that many minutes - I asked them to change it, the said no, it's correct, but I synchronse time with and the time was 7 minutes behind from brinkster.

You may think I'm being a pain, but on my site, the products I add are time dependent and people need to know the exact time. the code is below, of course, with everything I try, I get an error, can someone please figure out my mistake. Many thanks + Happy new year every1



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Change Time Zone On Date Entered

how to either change the time zone or add three hours to the following?

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Time Zone

I know this is probably simple, but I'll ask anyway.
I have a form which when submitted to the database the field in the database
automatically adds date and time which is fine. My only problem is that my
site is for the GMT UK time zone, but the database resides on a American
server, IE the database records the local American time (-5 hours

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One Time Zone

New to ASP,JScript,VBScript.I have a server in one time zone and a client in another. The ASP reads time from the server.I need capture the time on the client and use that in the server code.

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Convert Time Zone

Is there an asp component anywhere which will convert a GMT time in the past
to a different time zone e.g. EST?
You can't just take the hours off as there is often daylight saving hours to
take into consideration.

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Time Zone Conversion

I got a problem solving on how to convert the following time zone all into EST. My server is currently in EST but i need to convert the following time zone [PST,MST,CST] all into EST given all the exact time. eg 09:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM MST, 2:00 PM CST etc etc.


I've been working for this a week now and i hope somebody will give me sample code

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Time Zone Help (GMT Offset?)

I have run into a bit of a time zone problem. Basically, I am using ASP and Javascript to handle dates and guess what... you got it, the client could be in any time zone but the server will always be in the same one (UK actually).

I have figured the best method would be to use Javascript to determine the GMT offset (.getTimeZoneOffset), then pass that to my ASP script (I am already doing Javascript->ASP work, I am just appending this to the end of the querystring). ASP will have two dates then, the server date and the client date, and then the client GMT offset. Once I get this offset in ASP, how can I use that with the dates/times I am working with?

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Determining Client's Time Zone

I am attempting to solve a date/time formatting issue is
VBScript ASP pages. The ASP pages needs to determine what
time zone the client browser is in and tell a COM object.

The COM object then reads information from a proprietary
file and formats the date/time into the appropriate time
zone and returns the information to the ASP in an XML

My question is how do I determine the client's time Zone
using VBScript in ASP pages?

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Is It Possible To Determine The Client's Time Zone On The Server?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to determine how to determine the
client's time zone from within an ASP page?

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Changing Time Locale.....

I am using:

Locale = Session.LCID
Session.LCID = &H1033
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Time)
Session.LCID = Locale

as I am hosted on a US server, but I need to display the time in GMT. This code still displays the server time though. Would it be better to just display <%=Time()%> and then knock 5 hours off the US time? If so, would <%Time(-5)%> work?

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Changing Date

i have an insert record and edit record page. When inserting to the db, it uses now(). When I go to edit an existing record the date stays as the original date. How do I make the date change to the amended edit date?

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Changing Date Formats

It is switching between American and European date formats - this is causing problems on the page which use the Date function. Most of the time the page works ok but sometimes it seems to switch formats and this messes up the code on the page.

I have spoke with the people who look after the servers on which the site runs but do not know what is causing this. They have not made any changes to the date format of these machines. The website and the database are kept on different servers. Has anyone came across this problem.

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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Protect From SQL Injections Without Affecting Functionality

I am trying to figure out a good way to go by protecting from sql injections, but still letting people be able to post those symbols etc...

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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I have a simple asp script that pulls data from an ingres database and
displays it on screen.

It all works fine except for date/time fields where the date >=
24/10/2004 and <= 31/10/2004 where it takes 1 hour off the time ie

in the database I have 24/10/2004 08:00

the asp displays 24/10/2004 07:00

The same thing happens for the same date next year.

Any thoughts?

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Time Of Date

I want to print only the time of the date. the date is in format "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM"

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Date And Time

I've had a little search, including here

but can't find anything about GMT and Local time.

what time does now() read? GMT time or local depending on where the server is? How do I get the time differences? I don't want to display GMT time for people living in Australia!!

I had a quick search, but it's almost 4 in the morning ( GMT )

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Date And Time

the code below fills a select drop down box with dates. There are rules for what the first date is displayed, like, if its a friday today then show monday first etc. There are two problems, one is that sometimes the date goes into the database when sent as DD/MM/CCCC and sometimes it goes in as MM/DD/CCCC.

I need it to go in as DD/MM/YYYY. Also on some occasions when displayed on the page it is shows as 23/MM/200, not showing a valid month which creates errors when put into the database. Code:

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SQL - Date/time

Using SQL server I have a table that needs to be automatically filled with a date and time
How is this done?

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Get The Time Different From Two Date


tis is the code to get the date differnt between date now with the date from the DB. becoz the interval is Date(d), how can i get the time different between the time? and the PM and AM too.

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I am trying to get this date/time field right, but couldn't find any solution to it.I have a field DateApply, set to Date/Time data type, and the format is dd/mm/yyyy. In my asp page, I set the Session.LCID to 2057, which is the same format as the one I set for the DateApply field (dd/mm/yyyy).

However, when I try to insert the date into this field, the date is different from the one I inserted. For example, I insert 25/07/2005, but when I look into the table, the date becomes 05/07/2025.I have tried to use FormatDateTime before inserting the date into the table, but no luck.Can someone give me a hand on this? I have did some googling on this matter,as well.

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Date And Time

I have written asp code to insert current date and time. my database is in sql server 2000. this is the sql query that i m using.

sql = "INSERT INTO tblDailyVisitLog
(UserID,DailyDate,DailyTime) VALUES

But when I checked in the database in date and time field it shows "1/1/1900" in both fields.

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Date Time

I am programming in VB Script in my ASP page and i am looking to grab the Data and Time from the systems internal clock.

What I am going to want to do is pre-populate a couple input boxes. So I have to set them to a variable and then get the syntax correct to set the value of the input box. Code:

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Date/Time To Db

I got form so it send to database (.mdb) so everything is working. On my form is sending First Name and Last Name to my database, so i wondering is it possible submit the date/time when the form have sent to my database. The scripts are: Code:

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Separe The Date And Time

I select the date and time from the column date_stamp in database

(example : 11/10/2003 12:48:34 PM),

can anyone please tell me is there any mothod that i can use to separe the date and time??

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Get Date And Time On The Server

How can I get date and time on the server. I want to log the date and time on the server when the ASP page is accessed.

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Format Date Time

I am trying to format the following line fo code so that it shows tha date time in my database as dd mm yyyy

currently in the database it shows as 2006-10-03 08:01:00

Here is the code that I want to format it is posssible to format it in such a way???

Response.Write "<td class=TableFieldInput>" &trim(rsSet("Archive_date")) &"</td>"

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UPDATE Time And Date

I have never done this before however i'd like to know if anyone knows a way that I can UPDATE records in an SQL db with the Current Date and Time???

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Date/Time Comparison With If Then...

I'm looping through database results where I have a date time field in the format: 9/2/2007 6:28:53 AM. What I'm trying to do is flag entries that are within the next 12 and 24 hours with a different color. I'm doing this currently with a counter field on another project like this:

PMCOLOR = "#000000"
If cLng(rs("target_current_value")) > cLng(rs("target_value"))- 2800 Then
PMCOLOR = "#FF0000"
End If
If cLng(rs("target_current_value")) > cLng(rs("target_value"))- 1400 Then
PMCOLOR = "#FF9900"
End If

This turns the line red if the current value is within 1400 of target and orange if its within 2800 of target. I want to do exactly the same thing with the date/time field flagging entries red if they are within 12 hours of the current time/date and flagging them orange if they are within 24 hours of current date/time.

I'm not sure how to break down the time and date and compare them to the current time and date, though. Its easy with integers.

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