Changing Track Numbers

Imagine a CD of say 20 songs. Each song is a table row

[Title] [Artist] [TrackNo]

I need a way for the user to change the way the songs are listed by allowing them to change the track numbers. What is the smartest way to do this? I think it would be kind of trick to have a couple of <IMG> up and down arrows per each song. The user would click on either the up or down arrow to move the song accordingly. But I don't know how to go about that. Whatever variables are passed, the process would have to check to see if there is another track# +/- 1 each time.

Then I thought maybe it would be easier to just list the songs with a form box next to each song where the user manually entered the desired order,then submit the form. But that also has it's share of issues like checking for existing track numbers, users who can't count,etc.

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English Numbers Into Arabic Numbers

I'm working on asp project, access 2000 at backend.I can write arabic text and arabic
numbers in textbox and save them in database.but if i see these records, arabic text and arabic numbers,it is ok,if my computer is arabicenable.

If my computer is not arabic enable then it show arabic number into english numbers.
how can i show arabic numbers instead of english numbers if my computer is not arabic
enable.i'm working on a project i have to complete it.How can i convert english numbers that are coming from database and convert that numbers in arabic for show.

I have use

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
I shall be very thankful to you for this purpose.

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Track Each User

I need to either write or buy a program that will let me Track each user.By this i mean I want to know when the logged on, how long they where on,and what PAGES they visited.

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Track A Ip Address

i need tracking location for specific ips i can detect ips but how can i detect locations for that ips?

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HOW To Track Bademail Using Asp

if anybody knows how to track bad email using asp. i am using cdonts to send email . i want to check whether a email id exists or not.

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Track Data Via Email......

I have a fairly advanced order processing / tracking system I designed
with MS Access, MySQL & ASP.

I want to add an enhanced order tracking facility where a user can send
an email to a specific address we set up, with an ID & PO Number in the
subject / body, and then have our system reply with the required

Is this done with asp or something completely different ?
When an email comes in, what would auto scan all incomming emails and
read the data ?

Is there a special component I need for this. I just want this to
happen in the background, whilst possibly sending me an alert email
each time the system is used. This will help me guage the services

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Keep Track Of The Query Result

I have a search form that display result based on the user search criteria.
the result displayed through paging when the user select a specific product description to look at then go back
to the search result the user will lose it's place.

my question is:
How can I let the user search the database for all the products that I have then select a specific product to read the description of it
then be able to go back to the original search. I have the first part working fine but to be able to go back to the original search that I need your help. Code:

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Best Way To Track People Through Your Site

I thought when I discovered the power of session.sessionID I was onto a winner... but in the last month or so have been finding more and more of it's shortfalls (all down to whatever specific users have running on their machines)

Passing data through querystrings isn't ideal as people might go and type a url in to move around.

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How Do I Log / Track ASP Errors On My Web Site?

I am trying to track asp errors as described and explained in above page. but I am getting error below.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'

Invalid character

/500-try.asp, line 1

------Source file---

<%Set ASPErr = Server.GetLastError Response.WriteASPErr.Description %>

Any one know why its happening..

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How To Keep Track Of Logged In Users?

I would like to know how to let users log in to my page and keep track of them until they log out? Will i be using cookies or what?

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Keeping Track Number

I got a web based application. I need to keep track of number of users coming to use this applcation on a daily basis. This application is read only one. I have to veiw the traffic for a month. What is the best way to capture this information. I appreciate any help or related article link.

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Track Access Time

currently was doing a asp project, this project allow ppl to upload file to server and allow other user to browse it or download it. is the any way to track the time between after user click on the file to browse it and close it? What i mean is to track the time that a user access certain file in asp.thx a million.

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Track Nummber Of All Visitors

I need t track the Visitor of My Site. I mean I want to know the Number of All Visitor and the number that a Specific Visitor has Visited the Site. actually I've not so much problem with All wisitor but the Specific one.

what do U believe the best solution is? I've tried catch the User IP and handle it with that, but I've been told it's not Possible, if it's not, how can I do this, or if Yes
how ?! (is it Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") or not?).

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Track User Actions

I am working on this intranet website which includes access mdb for storing employee ratings. In this website I am using table which consists of username and paswords of the users who can log in. So whenver there is a login. the ASP code checks this table for matching results nd then it lets the user in.

Im using sessions to keep track of user. For viewing the records through the browser, I am not tracking the user But I want to record any actions by the user if he is updating the employee tables . SO I have created a seperate table for User_Actions...this table will record..timedayusernametable nameaction( insert or update or both)So every time the user updates or appends and the transaction is committed , this table would be populated.

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Track Image Download Using ASP

I have created a html email newsletter. After ages of working with it I managed to get it past the spam boxes .

Ok I would like to create some tracking. I know you can apply tracking based on a graphic that has been downloaded from the email. How would I be able to track an image download from the server.

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Counter To Track # Chars. Typed

I'd like to have a counter that tracks # of chars typed... so I don't risk having my message box truncated. Gonna be JS-based huh?

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How To Track HTML Emails Being Opened

I've built an email application which uses the 'ASPEmail' component to send mail to a list of around 3000 subscribers.

It's not possible with the stats software I have to track individual graphics - which would have been a good way to track the number of people who looked at the email. So is there any other way to do this tracking? Will javascript work well in mail clients, or can I embed a hidden iframe etc?

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How To Track Iis Generated Email Status

i've got a client that wants to be able to review records about IIS
generated emails.

in his own words, he wants the "ability to track and report message status
(i.e. how many messages were sent successfully, how many were blocked, how
many bounced back with an incorrect address)"

i'd start by adding a new row containing the email address, dateTime, etc
when first sending the email, but how to track the rest of the info? for
instance, if an email bounces back, does it bounce back to IIS or to the
"from" email address? what about the blocked (i.e. spam filter) emails? is
there a way to track blocked email? since most spam filters don't generate
response emails, there's not much i can really do about this, is there?

this will be run off an IIS6 server. can anybody tell me my options?

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Track Number Of Hits On A URL Link

I have googled on this and saw a large number of examples to keep a track on the number of hits on a URL. However I wanted to find out from the guys here if they prefer any particular one out there for any specific reasons.

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Track Data From Radio Button

The user will choose either yes or no from the radio button in web page for all the questions.

The data (yes or no) will be store in the database for future information.
I try to use the different name for both radio buttons(yes and no) but the function for the radio button doesn't work anymore(the user can check both of the radio button). so, i have to put the same name for both radio buttons.

The problem is, how can i track the data that user key in (whether yes or not) if i put the same name for both radio button??

Besides that, can anyone please tell me where can I get the MSE7.exe program??
This program doesn't exists in my computer in folder office10. The office that i used is microsoft office 2000.

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Global.asa To Track Site Visitors

I found this code for a global.asa file and in the tutorial it says it can be used to display how many people are on a given website. I don't see how this done. Is there a session variable of some sort that I take from this code and output it onto a page?

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" RUNAT="Server"> ....

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A Way To Track Open Data Connections?

I've been cobbling together a rather complex web utility, and was wondering
if there is a way to monitor the number of data connections and open
recordsets currently being used by the server. I am using IIS5. I'm
essentially looking for a tool that would help identify sloppy code by
showing a list of currently open data connections or recordsets.

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Allowing The User To Back Track

I want to track the steps the user has gone through to get to this page and then display links so they can click on them to go back to that page. I would do this as hard code but the problem is most of the pages can be accessed from several different pages.

a product page a home page and a specials page

the path to the product can be home -->product or
home-->specials --> product

exactly like the viewing link at the top of this page but in instead of php.

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Track Down User Login Time

i developing a web site and having a login function. i want my web site to track down the time between a user logged in and log out the website and stored it into database. when next time the user come in again, the time he spent in the web site will add on to the record in the database. may know where i can look for the information about this function or coding to refer?

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How To Track The Time Left In Database

When a student taking a quiz having a duration of 2 hrs, a timer will start and keep track the time.

So if he logout or close the window, the remaining time should be recorded into the database. And when he take the same quiz again, the timer will not restart but continue from the previous time.

E.g i take a quiz having a duration of 60mins, and when i logout the time duration remain is 30mins. And when i logon and take the quiz again, the timer countdown from there 30mins but not begining of 60mins.

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Last week I posted in the graphics forums regarding a photo I have that I needed to slowly change from day to night.Now I have the various stages, I need them to display on my site, according to the time of day.For example:

Between 5am and 7am display the early morning picture
Between 7am and 5pm display the day picture
Between 5pm and 7pm displayy the evening picture

and so forth.

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Changing Domain

I'm having a domain change foisted upon me and the test I did resulted
in every last ASP and
ASP.Net script stopping cold. Nothing but plain old html worked.
Is there a FAQ or some other document available that outlines what has
to be done when the
IIS server machine is disconnected from one domain controller and
reconnected to a totally different one? If not, does anyone here know
what would have to be changed to make the ASP code play nice in the new
domain?A relevant bit of info, they're also changing the name of the
administrator account. I don't know if that would contribute to the
death of ASP* on the system, but it might.

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Changing Date

i have an insert record and edit record page. When inserting to the db, it uses now(). When I go to edit an existing record the date stays as the original date. How do I make the date change to the amended edit date?

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Changing Order

I have used ASP for years using MS Access and have used MSSQL quite a lot as
well. I have never came across something like this before.

MSSQL table names and types:

ProductName nvarchar
ShortDescription nText
ThumbNail nvarchar

When I have the recordset in the order as follows, all works well:

Though if I have the Thumbnail first the description does'nt show.

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Changing Labels

how best to convert an application which is all in English to be able to roll the app out to say Germany or France and it all appears in the correct language

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Changing Frames

My site uses frames.I have a header frame, a menu frame and a main frame. When the page opens, the header frame and the main frame are generic. The main frame has a log-in dialog. Once the user logs in, they are taken to a 'main' page and I want to replace the header and menu frames with other frames .

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Changing Column

I need to set up an HTML table or the like, with 4 columns.
Each column needs to have a header with a FRIDAY (dd/mm/yy) date.
i.e. this weeks Fridays date is 16th Feb, the following is 23rd Feb
So, I need column 1 to be headed 16th Feb, col 2 to show 23rd Feb etc.
As this week passes, the dates need to move up 1 week, so that next
week, col 1 will display 23rd Feb and so on.
These headers need to change according to the date.
Please can you advise how I best achieve this ?

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Display Changing

I was talking to someone back at Uni. He showed me his web site. He had - and + to increase the size of his web page or to decrease it so the user can always see everything on screen.
He did it in asp. I'm interested to know how it was done.Does anybody know how to do this?

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