Check For Form Elements Existence

How can I check to see if a form element exists on a form that has been submited? I have a load of checkboxes called box1 box2 box3 etc. I want to create a loop which gets the value of the box (checked or not), but there is an unknown amount of boxes so I want a loop:

Do While (box(i) exists)

check value


how do I do this?

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Check Existence Of File Using VBScript In ASP Page

Is there a way to check if a file exist using VBScript in an ASP page.
So the code might go something like this:

If Exists("C:Junk1.txt") then
Do something
Do something else
End If

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How To Retrieve Form Values, When Form Elements' Names Are (almost) Unknown?

I have a form that is dynamically generated since it is populated with values retrieved from a database. The form can of course also be submitted, which is where I run into some problems.

Since I never know in advance what the length of the form (or for that matter what the different elements' names and values) will be I don't know how to write the code in "receive.asp" to retrieve all values from the form correctly without excess use of "request.....".

I shouldn't have to write requests for every single potential element name that is stored in the DB. Please note that the form can sometimes also contain radio buttons and check boxes, even though they are not present in this short example Code:

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Extract The Form-elements' Value

Is there any way to extract the form elements' value without submitting the form. I want the value of the form element be used in the script written in the same page without submitting the form.

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How To Use Form Elements Value For SQL Queries?

Here is my input box which has the employee id.

<input type=hidden name=empid value=40578>

In my SQL query, I would like to call the value of "empid" textbox in my SQL Query. How can I do this? Code:

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Generate Dynamic Form Elements

My client wants File Uploading in ASP that i can do but the requirement says that i should have one FORM FILE FIELD first to browse the file to upload.
and the moment i click the browse button of first FILE FIELD, a second FILE FIElD is generated beneath it and when the user clicks on the second Browse button it generates the third and this process goes on. Untill the user clicks the upload button to upload all the files.
I know this sounds stupid as it is much easy to provide 5 Form File fields and if user wants more then another five is added on another page, but ti is clients requirement .
I dont know how to dynamically Generate Form FILE FIELD for browsing file to upload AT RUN TIME .

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Refernce Form Elements Using Href

I have a problem with reading data from a form element(s). Instead of using a Type=Submit, I have chosen to use a hyper-link to call a select case structure which adds, edits or deletes a record depending on the contents of the action property.

here is a couple of lines showing two text box's in my form, directly following is the href that passes data to the select statement.

<td><input type="text" name="Desc" id="descid" size="55" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="Units" id="Text1" size="4" /></td> </form>

<td align=right><a href="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=add&jdate=<%= dDate %>"><img src="Web-add.bmp" alt="Add" width="63" height="25" border="0" /></a></td>

I would like to include the values from the form elements in the action string but have so far drawn blanks. I have attached the full form code.

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ASP: Creating Dynamic Form Elements

I asked a question earlier about creating dynamic pages.

I want to know if its possible to create dynamic form elements based on a condition equating to true.

e.g. as you could have dynamic texts when a condition is true.

Could i have dynamic form elements when a condition is true
e.g. response.write(create radio button)
or create combo box etc

or how is it done ?

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Build DB Insert Statement Dynamically - Loop Form Elements

When you submit the form you can see I am trying to get the each row of the form elements into a format such that I can build multiple insert statements. Here is what I am working with:

Dim x
For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count
Response.Write Request.Form.Item(x)

Would I use some type of Mod operator on the value of x to determine my line breaks?

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Submit Form Elements To Insert Multiple Records Into A Database

I have a table that contains all of the function permissions within a given application. These functions are different sections of a site and each has its own permissions (READ, WRITE, UPDATE, DELETE) which are controlled by a web frontend and the table
records are manipulated to control the permissions. Code:

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Read & Concatenate "n" Number Of Form Elements Into Database

I want to set up a simple database for my mom to enter her recipes into. I am going to use Access and ASP. In the database, I will have five fields (Recipe_ID, Recipe_Title, Recipe_Ingredients, Recipe_Instructions, and Recipe_Image). When my mom goes to enter a recipe, I want to ask the form to ask my mom how many Ingredients?

She will then specify "n" number of ingredients which will cause the page to display "n" number of text boxes. I can figure this part out myself. When the form is submitted, I want a script that will read and concatenate the ingredients, wrapping <li> tags around each one. The challenge for me is the reading of an undetermined number of form elements?

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Existence Of QueryString

What is the easiest way to check if a particular QueryString exists?I want to know if the QueryString was ever passed rather than whether it contains a value or not.

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Checking For Existence In RS

I have a simple form where a user enters their email address, which then passed them to a 2nd page where the email address entered is used to filter a recordset.

How can I set up an IF statement so it checkes every record in the recordset, and if the email address entered does not match any record redirect to another page?

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Checking For Existence Of A Cookie

I tried to post this last week, but never saw it, so I hope it's not a
duplicate. (Sorry if it is.)

I am rewriting our member log-in page in classic ASP from PHP. We will be
switching platforms next month. Every member has an access number to log in.
Once they have logged in, if they accept it, a cookie is provided so they do
not have to log in again. When the code is supplied via the cookie or form,
it is validated against a database file to determine the level (customer,
distributor, etc.) and the page is built accordingly. If the code has been
inactivated or is no longer valid, appropriate messages are supplied. Pretty
basic stuff.

The first thing I want to do is to check if the cooky exists on the client
computer. PHP had code for this, but I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly in
classic ASP. My opening code is below. This is before any HTML on the page,
as I have to determine if cookeis need to be set or deleted before the page
opens. When I run this on my IIS server here, the page displays an error 500,
but no hints as to what line the error is in. Can anyone help. I suspect it
is because at this state, the cookie does not exist, as it is my first

If Request.Cookies("kc").HasKeys Then
bCooky = "S" 'Cookie exists, set flag for cooky set
strCode = Request.Cookies("code")
strSource = "cookie"
ElseIf Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("code")) And Not
IsEmpty(Request.Form("submit")) Then
strCode = Request.Form("code")
strSetCooky = Request.Form("cooky")
strSource = "form"
End If

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Checking For The Existence Of A Session

is it possible to create a session cookie and then test for the existence of
that session cookie on another page?

basically, what I'm trying to do is a sort of buddy list. When someone logs
in (lets say Dave) a session cookie (dave) is created, then along comes bob,
when bob logs in, he could see that Dave is logged on because a test for
session.cookie in Dave's name is true.

Alternatively I guess I could set a flag in the DB when Dave logs on, but
then I would have to go about removing this flag when dave logs off (which
most people don't do, they just close the browser), which might be a pain.

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Check Form

How can I check that the form is not posted from a local html page As title?

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Application Object :: Existence Of Variables, Resources And Locks

I'm using application variables for a web based sales tracking application. I use the variables for stuff like connection string, database name, etc. I store the values in a asp file that is included in a login page. The assignments are in a procedure that I then call on the login page. This is done everytime a user connects to
the login page.

what's happening to the variables? Are they being overwritten everytime a user accesses the page? I'm not checking for the existence of the variables. I just call the routine everytime the page is accessed. I know the values are shared for all users but, I was wondering if I should check for the existence of variables? Will it free up resources? Should I be using locks?

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Check To See If A Form Field Is Blank.

I have a page that processes a form and one of the fields might be empty as it's optional if it gets selected or not.

In my process page I would like to check if the form field news_image is empty or not.

How would I do this?

<% If Request.Form("news_image") = "" Then %>

Is that how you do it?

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Check For Blank Form Input

I'm working on a form where the user is not required to fill out every text input. How mught I check for that in an ASP script. Here's what I have:

If Request.Form("mp3title1") == ""
amnt = 0;
Else If Request.Form("mp3title2") == ""
amnt = 1;
Else If Request.Form("mp3title3") == ""
amnt = 2;
Else If Request.Form("mp3title4") == ""
amnt = 3;
Else If Request.Form("mp3title5") == ""
amnt = 4;
End If

Pretty straight forward, its checking in order if the first element is left blank, is the correct technique:

== "", or is there more to it?

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Check Entered Form Values And Insert Them To Db

I have this page set up at
what is the easiest way to check where the user has entered a value
and submit the row to the db. Maybe i'm going about the form wrong.
Each box has its one name but I was hoping i could get around using a
request.form on each one and useing the isEmpty. Its so tedious and
non efficient there has to be an easier way.. Maybe with .net possibly?

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How To Check If A Specific Record Was Checked Off In A Form.

I have a server using a webapp built on classic ASP, and I use a library that creates/manipulates a datagrid-style display on the page.

I am displaying a large chart with sufficient data that it will likely be paged, and there are several columns that are toggles (using checkboxes for these, with the entire column having the same checkbox NAME, but different values depending on the record).

I have a piece of script that for loops through the records present on the page (determined by a collection of hidden form values), and then I need to check if the collection formed by a given column contains that value, something like the following (pseudo-code):

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Function To Check The User Input From A Form

write a simple function to check the user input from a form. I need to check that the string contains only numbers, has a maximum leght of say 15 and that the first number is zero.

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Dynamical Form - If Checkbox Exists, How Check If It Has Been Unchecked?

I have a web page that creates dynamical forms, depending of what kind of product it regards. When the user has chosen a product, data is collected from SQL Server and a form is created.

Some forms contains check boxes and some not. My questions is: How can I check if someone has UNCHECKED a check box? Because if that happens, I want to delete that entry from the database.

Since a form just posts the value of a check box if it is checked, this causes a dilemma.
Any ideas, I can't be the first one having this problem?

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Asp Session Elements

i'm having a bit of trouble inside a loop displaying values for session variables that are wrong the code thats not working looks like this:

Response.Write"<tr><td>Answer "&counter&"</td> <td><input type=text maxlength=50 id=option"&counter&" size=50 title=answer"&counter&"value value='"=session("answer"&counter&"")"' name=answer"&counter&" /></td></tr>"

its enclosed in a loop with the counter element increasing to the given total and its meant to set the value of the text box (the session variable) to display the value.

in plain ASP and html all thats needed for the normal input box to display a session value is :



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Array Elements

i have one array of string and it contains 51 elemnts. it will get bigger and bigger but i want to read these array ellments from a text file.this is possible?

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DB Elements As Hyperlinks

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 to get me started - probably a bad idea I'm told. Anyhow, I've connected a drop-down list ('Components') to a column in a SQL DB, and, upon selection, the resulting gridview is being generated as I hoped (with the corresponding 'Applications').

However, I would like each of these resulting rows in my gridview to be "clickable" as a hyperlink so that I can display each of the applications details on another page. If someone could enlighten me as to whether/not this is even possible, and if so, how?

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Inserting XML Elements

I am aware of how to create elements, attributes on the fly with the Microsoft.XMLDOM however I was wondering if anyone had any examples of how you could extend this to insert the content created in to an existing node.


<section> <- INSERT ELEMENT HERE -> </section

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Menu Elements

In my ASP page I have a set of menus on the left side and list boxes just on its right side. Whenever I click on a menu and the submenu appears it gets hidden under the listboxes and cannot be read properly.

The page design cannot be changed at this point of time and the listboxes cannot be moved to any other position of the page. So is there any property or function so that I can make my menu elements appear above the listboxes.

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How Many Elements In An Array

Like in PHP you can use:

PHP Code:

$length = count($array); 

Is there an ASP alternative? I'm using VB4.

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Removing Empty Elements

I have this form that collects text values and I use VBCrLf as delimiters to tell one element from another. Sometimes, I get several empty elements. Is there a way to remove those elements?

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Display Elements By Date

I have an html file where I put a date (im_lixis) in a form and I also have an asp file that checks this date and if this date exists in my table timologisi in ms access I want to display all the recordsets with this date.

I dont know what I'm doing wrong... but when I run it.. it takes some time and then tells me that I got out of time ... without telling me if I have something wrong in some line Code:

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Problem With Array Elements

I'm inserting elements into a 2-dimensional array from a form like this..... Code:

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How To Get Number Of Input Elements?

Does anyone know how to get the number of input tags contained in a div tag? I am trying to build a dynamic list of checkboxes from a database and I don't know how many checkboxes i have until the form is built to do some validation.

Probably using client-side javascript - something like

var obj = document.all.tags("div").item(0)
var mydiv ="chk0100")

But I am not sure how to specify the name of the input tag.
I dont know what the above statement does.

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