Checking Db Before Submitting A Form

I have a form that currently input data into an access db. The first thing that I would like to happen when the Submit button is clicked, is to check one column in the database to see if there are any duplicates before uploading any data. So my question is, how?

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Submitting More Than One Form

I don't know if this is possible or if it even makes sense, but this is what I want to do. I have a page with a form to fill in a timesheet for a user. Depending on how many users did a "job", a form will appear on the page for each user. So basically, you could have 3 forms, all with the same names etc.

and the only thing distinguishing them is a hidden input with userID and different data for each user. Now what I want the person to be able to do is fill out all the forms on the page and submit them at one time, rather than one at a time.

Then in the asp, I'd like to iterate through each form that was submitted (obv I don't know how many were so I assume I'd go through a collection if one exists) and process them one after the next. Is this possible and if so, how do I submit them all together and how do I then go through them on the asp side.

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Submitting Form

Currently I'm able to run the insert with a form that is fully filled. My problem is I want to allow the user to leave some fields and be able to submit the form.Any ideas how I should do that?

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Submitting A Form

I have a form where students can enter their evaluations which are sent to a database. The asp code has been working flawlessly for more then two years, but suddenly when they hit the Submit button, nothing is written to the database.

Instead, the code of the submitting script is shown. No error message is shown. As far as I can tell the code is unchanged, but obviously something has happened. I would be grateful for hints on where to start looking.

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Submitting A Form Into Iframe

how I can submit a fomr into an iFrame on the same page?
I have a page called search.asp and in it is a form with one text box and a submit button.
Once the submit is pressed, I want the iFrame to be updated with the results from the database.
(I tried adding target=[iFrame name] to the form tag, but this loads the whole page into the frame)

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Submitting A Form With XML Parser

I want to be able to post data from a form on one server to another server at regular intervals. I know the XML parser is built around this kind of technology and can post information to a server.

Is there a way of either posting form data to a seperate server without user interaction either using the XML parser or by generating a form and using some JavaScript to autosubmit a form once the page has loaded.

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Form Submitting To Self And Not Redirecting - How To?

I have stripped it down to the basics for example purposes.

At the moment, if user completes all required textboxes, it submits to itself. I need to set it so that if the form is completed properly, it sends all the values to a validate page where I will set up my connection etc and submit to a db.

Where am I going wrong and how can I get the form (after doing the validation checks) to submit to another page? Code:

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Submitting Form To A Fax Machine

I am trying to send information that I collect using an ASP form to a fax
number that I specify somewhere. Can someone please tell me whether I can do
that using ASP code and if so, how can I do it and what kind of applications
I need to have if any.

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Form Submitting Problem

i am having with a different page this page works in mozilla and firefox and doesnt work in internet explorer what i am trying to do on this page is when the user clicks on submit button show him a different page works fine in mozilla not in internet explorer.

i have tried changing the type to button instead of submit it still doesnt work in internet explorer it doesnt give an error but it just doesnt submit the page here is the code can someone tell me whats wrong in it Code:

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Submitting Form To A Preview Window?

I have a form with 2 text boxes, both of which add to a database and make up a dynamic page, i.e. page title & page text.

I want however, before the user can add the page, for the page to be previewed in a popup window. So effectively there'd be a button which when clicked would open up the new window, load the preview.asp page I have already built, and display the contents of what was typed into the text boxes.

So basically I need to pass the variables through to this preview.asp page - anybody know how I can do this?

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Changing The Action On A Form Before Submitting

I want a form to submit to a different page depending on what selection has been made in a dropdown option box. However something is going wrong my code looks as follows: Code:

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Submitting Multiple Record IDs Via A Form.

We have a facility on our intranet where users can log problems, comments &
suggestions about the site to a DB.

I'm building a page that lists the outstanding entries, and allows use to
mark any number of entries as being 'done'

That is, we have a number of rows, with the last field in each row being a
checkbox to indicate the entry has been dealt with. At the end, there is an
Update button which submits the form.

The question is.. how to handle this...?

The best solution I have thought of so far is to use the record ID as the ID
for each checkbox. Then to Split() the resulting Request.Form into an array,
loop through the array picking out the record IDs.

It's not a bad solution, but I figured this must be a fairly common
procedure and that somebody might have a slicker way of doing it...

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Problem Submitting Form To Its' Same Page?

I'm trying to submit a form to the same page. Eg. (page name = test.asp)

<form action="test.asp" method="post" name="testform">
<input type="text" name="testval1">
<input type="submit" value="Go">

At the very top of the page I try to get the value by saying:

newtest = Request.Form("testval1")

I got the example from here

The trouble is, my page instantly throws an error. I think it's because when I first load the page up, it's obviously not coming from a form submit! Can anyone shed any light on a way around this?

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Password Field & Submitting A Form

When I press enter on my Password field in my asp page it submits the form. If I do this in a straight HTML page it doesn't submit the form. I don't want the form to be submitted until the submit button is clicked. Has anyone got any ideas on this please?

Also, I know that the Java code to submit a form is frmForm.Submit(). Is there an asp equivalent? Is there an alternative to using Repsonse.Redirect?

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Verify Availability Before Submitting A Form

I would like some help in having the form check to see if the
selected course is available before submitting the info to the database and
instructs them to choose another date if the course is closed. I have a qry
that does a check and brings the information on availability. Any way to run that qry
-check and send back the message or submit the confirmtion?

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Submitting Data From ASP Form Using Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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Submitting A Form Without Clicking Submit

Can someone tell me how to submit a form from within a scripted page without anyone
having to manually click submit ?

Is this something that XML is needed for ? If so, I still need to know how to do it (G).

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Submitting A Form That Checks Entyered Data Is Not In An Exclusion List

I have an ASP form that users enter a number into. The form then posts
the number with a hidden login and password to a web address which
opens in a new window. However, I want make sure that the number they
enter is not one of the numbers I have in an Access database table that
contains a list of numbers they are not allowed to enter. How can I do

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Form Checking With Reg Exp

The script is designed as a form validator which checks fields for various criteria and then sends a mail with the form contents. Since 40 different forms will be plugged into this script, there needed to be complete seperation between the two.

I've managed it so far by checking for required fields by putting the word 'required' into the name of the field. The script then sources out any fields which has this text and checks them to see if they are filled out.

The problem I've come across now is that I need to check for field length. My idea was to put the amount of characters needed into the name of the field in the form and then have the script check with a Reg Exp. However, Im not too sure of the regular expression needed to check for this.

Can someone suggest one? The one I have at the moment is [1-14] but say I had a field like this: <input type="text" name="passwordrequired12"> That would match bout for 1 and 12. Any ideas?

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Checking A IP Sent From Form

I have a form field that will contain an IP based on a TeamSpeak or Ventrilo IP. What I need to do, is check to make sure there are 4 groups of numbers in the form field. Or, check to see if the entry contains 3 periods. <--- example there are 4 groups, and 3 periods.

Now of course, the IP can be as large as 4 groups of 3 numbers, so I can't check string length. how would I check this and validate it on my asp processing page?

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Checking A Form

I need to check a form to make sure the ID is between 8-15 characters and the password is between 8-10. I can create the form, but am not sure how I could check these lengths. i'm sure there is some simple code and also I do not know where I would put it.

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Error Checking A Form

i'm making a forum, and previously i was submitting the form to an asp file, which would check for errors -- if there were errors, it would redirect back to the form with error messages to be displayed -- if it was error free, the message would be written to a txt file.

but then i wanted to put in a preview message page, and so error checking and passing values between the three pages is becoming tricky. so i'm at the point where i'm starting to use javascript to error-check, which works fine for making sure the input is good, but i don't know a good way to notify the user that there are errors with javascript. alert messages are unprofessional, and i can't just add text to the page using javascript.

i'd prefer to use only asp, and i'd prefer it if i didn't have to use an extra asp page JUST to error-check. as it is now i have these pages involved in adding a new subject:

post subject (has the form for the subject and message; the user can click either post message, which will directly write the message, or preview message, which will bring them to a page which displays the post as it would appear once written)

preview message (regardless of what the user clicks, it would come here first to do error checking, and depending on what the user clicked it would either redirect to the page which writes the subject, or display the message;

the problem is, if there are errors with the form, i need to point the user back to post subject without losing whatever info they have already entered. the only way i know how to do that is by submitting a form [i can't use a querystring because it won't maintain the message if the user entered multiple lines in the message])

add subject (this does the backend writing of the message, and is only accessed if the fields have made it through the error-checking)

any solutions in mind on how to pass the field values between these three pages?? or is there a better way i can do error checking??

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Checking Fields In A Form

How do I check the field for example zip code to make sure that it has 5 digits?

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Checking Form Values

Is there an easy way in ASP to check the value of a form element, like a hidden field, of the current page, not the previous page?

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Checking Form Field

I'm trying to verify a request.form("blah") with a field (value) in a recordset taken from an Access Database. Basically what I'm trying to do is once this NUMBER is entered into the form object (textfield), check a database to see if this number has been used (i.e. in the database) and if so redirect them to an error page.

I thought this would be rtight, but doesn't seem to work

If rsTeddyCheck = Request.Form("PersonalID") then
response.redirect ("Error.asp")
End If

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Basic Error Checking Within ASP In A Form

how to create a form that would handle basic error checking within the ASP itself?

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Checking For Nothing Entered In An Asp Form Post

How do you check for a empty value from a form?

lservice = request.form("pservice")

if not isnull(lservice) then <== this doesnt work.
tried "" empty string and it still didnt work.

I'm having problems with the fact the user didnt enter anything. The field is optional.

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Form Validation(checking For Digits And Blank Spaces)

i have a form for users to enter their name password and e-mail,i am currently using javascript to check that all details have been filled,

alert("Plz enter a first name")
return false

This works if the field is left blank however if the user enters numbers(1,2) or spaces i.e.(" ") how do i deal with these,i also need to check that the e-mail contains "@" and "."

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I have a form that contains another form. For some reason the "nested" form
won't submit via document.FormName.submit(); it says "object is null or not
a value" or something like that. When I place the form outside of the
original form, it works just fine...but that's not really an option here.
Any ideas why it will submit when it's outside of the form, but not when
it's within a form?

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Submitting Two Forms

I need to submit in the same page two forms to two different ASP-pages.
I created two forms, each with hidden input and a submit button. But it
doesn't work. Nothing happens with the second form.
Does it exist a way to do that?

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ASP Submitting SQL For Execution

I currently have an asp page that ask for an email address and then with selection values runs a stored procedure.

Everything runs fine but the concern is that with enough records the processing limit will be exceeded by the web server and it will cause the page to crash.

Is there a way with ASP and MSSQL to send a request to process a stored procedure but have the processing of the asp continue while the sql runs its cousre? My sp will already email the user when processing is complete I just need the asp to send the request for it to be run but not try and run it while the next page loads.

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Submitting Formdata To Db

I'm trying to submit a form field to an Access Db but I'm having a few problems, as it doesn't work.

However, when I change the emailbeta variable manually, and browse to the page, it works fine!?!?!?

I'm including each page within the index page, so I dont know if thats causing the problem, I've included all the code below. Code:

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Submitting The Contents

I am creating a website which has a form for registration. I am not using any database or server side coding. The form details should be sent through an email to me. I tried the action = "" but it only fires my outlook when the submit button is clicked.if it could be done the way I want?

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