Checking For Nothing Entered In An Asp Form Post

How do you check for a empty value from a form?

lservice = request.form("pservice")

if not isnull(lservice) then <== this doesnt work.
tried "" empty string and it still didnt work.

I'm having problems with the fact the user didnt enter anything. The field is optional.

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User Entered Form Data

I am storing user entered form data from an ASP page in a MSSQL 2000 database. I would like to give my administrators a way to download a tab file with the entries. Is writing an ASP page the best way to do this? And if so, how can I convert database records into a file that will download through the browser?

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Check Entered Form Values And Insert Them To Db

I have this page set up at
what is the easiest way to check where the user has entered a value
and submit the row to the db. Maybe i'm going about the form wrong.
Each box has its one name but I was hoping i could get around using a
request.form on each one and useing the isEmpty. Its so tedious and
non efficient there has to be an easier way.. Maybe with .net possibly?

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I am working on an ecommerce app and want to be able to take my entire POST results as one item (or iterate through them) and check for any malicious SQL INJECTION items. After checking/escaping them i want to save them back into the post results. The reason for this is because I have coded the entire app and just learned about the dangers of SQL Injection and rather than going through every post var and fix it I would rather run a function at the beginning of each page.

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Form Checking With Reg Exp

The script is designed as a form validator which checks fields for various criteria and then sends a mail with the form contents. Since 40 different forms will be plugged into this script, there needed to be complete seperation between the two.

I've managed it so far by checking for required fields by putting the word 'required' into the name of the field. The script then sources out any fields which has this text and checks them to see if they are filled out.

The problem I've come across now is that I need to check for field length. My idea was to put the amount of characters needed into the name of the field in the form and then have the script check with a Reg Exp. However, Im not too sure of the regular expression needed to check for this.

Can someone suggest one? The one I have at the moment is [1-14] but say I had a field like this: <input type="text" name="passwordrequired12"> That would match bout for 1 and 12. Any ideas?

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Checking A IP Sent From Form

I have a form field that will contain an IP based on a TeamSpeak or Ventrilo IP. What I need to do, is check to make sure there are 4 groups of numbers in the form field. Or, check to see if the entry contains 3 periods. <--- example there are 4 groups, and 3 periods.

Now of course, the IP can be as large as 4 groups of 3 numbers, so I can't check string length. how would I check this and validate it on my asp processing page?

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Checking A Form

I need to check a form to make sure the ID is between 8-15 characters and the password is between 8-10. I can create the form, but am not sure how I could check these lengths. i'm sure there is some simple code and also I do not know where I would put it.

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Checking Db Before Submitting A Form

I have a form that currently input data into an access db. The first thing that I would like to happen when the Submit button is clicked, is to check one column in the database to see if there are any duplicates before uploading any data. So my question is, how?

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Error Checking A Form

i'm making a forum, and previously i was submitting the form to an asp file, which would check for errors -- if there were errors, it would redirect back to the form with error messages to be displayed -- if it was error free, the message would be written to a txt file.

but then i wanted to put in a preview message page, and so error checking and passing values between the three pages is becoming tricky. so i'm at the point where i'm starting to use javascript to error-check, which works fine for making sure the input is good, but i don't know a good way to notify the user that there are errors with javascript. alert messages are unprofessional, and i can't just add text to the page using javascript.

i'd prefer to use only asp, and i'd prefer it if i didn't have to use an extra asp page JUST to error-check. as it is now i have these pages involved in adding a new subject:

post subject (has the form for the subject and message; the user can click either post message, which will directly write the message, or preview message, which will bring them to a page which displays the post as it would appear once written)

preview message (regardless of what the user clicks, it would come here first to do error checking, and depending on what the user clicked it would either redirect to the page which writes the subject, or display the message;

the problem is, if there are errors with the form, i need to point the user back to post subject without losing whatever info they have already entered. the only way i know how to do that is by submitting a form [i can't use a querystring because it won't maintain the message if the user entered multiple lines in the message])

add subject (this does the backend writing of the message, and is only accessed if the fields have made it through the error-checking)

any solutions in mind on how to pass the field values between these three pages?? or is there a better way i can do error checking??

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Checking Fields In A Form

How do I check the field for example zip code to make sure that it has 5 digits?

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Checking Form Values

Is there an easy way in ASP to check the value of a form element, like a hidden field, of the current page, not the previous page?

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Checking Form Field

I'm trying to verify a request.form("blah") with a field (value) in a recordset taken from an Access Database. Basically what I'm trying to do is once this NUMBER is entered into the form object (textfield), check a database to see if this number has been used (i.e. in the database) and if so redirect them to an error page.

I thought this would be rtight, but doesn't seem to work

If rsTeddyCheck = Request.Form("PersonalID") then
response.redirect ("Error.asp")
End If

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Basic Error Checking Within ASP In A Form

how to create a form that would handle basic error checking within the ASP itself?

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Form Validation(checking For Digits And Blank Spaces)

i have a form for users to enter their name password and e-mail,i am currently using javascript to check that all details have been filled,

alert("Plz enter a first name")
return false

This works if the field is left blank however if the user enters numbers(1,2) or spaces i.e.(" ") how do i deal with these,i also need to check that the e-mail contains "@" and "."

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Form Post

I've seen something on my logs that's not supposed to happen.pagea.htm has a form with a Select list called country as below:

<select name='Country' size='1'>
<option value='USA'>USA</option>
<option value='Canada'>Canada</option>
'lots more countries...

Page B has code that references request.form("country"),and assumes that this field is nonempty as it is coming from a select list.I saw an error caused by an empty string in this country variable

The User agent was IE6, and the pages appeared in the correct order in the IIS logs.pagea.htm (the page with the form) was requested with a GET method about a minute before the POST to pageb.asp, and no intervening pages were requested by that IP I would suspect AOL wierdness, but it's not an AOL IP.

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ASP - XML Form Post

I've always been able to find my answer in other posts. Which leads me to wonder if what I want to do can be achieved?

I need an xml object to post a form on my site without a user having to click submit.

The form it will be submitting will always be submitting to 1 specific page. The form element it submits will be a different string every time. When the form is fired off it will search for this string in the code of the page it has been sent to and then return to me whether it was found or not.

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Looping A Form Post?

Basically, I have a dataset I need to send to a vendors site. They
have a page that will accept from form posts. What I'm trying to
figure out is how to loop through and submit form data when I do not
have control of the end site.

My basic idea is to have a page that will cycle through the dataset
put into invisible form fields and submit to the site (many times
over). Is this possible through asp?

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Form Post From Email

We have created a new ASP file that will process a standard HTML form, write the data submitted in the form to a database table, and send us an email of the data submitted. All works OK except if we now send that form code as part of an email, the form appears OK at the receiver's end, but when you fill in the form, there is no data that is transmitted back to the asp file.

The ASP file acknowledges the receipt of the form, and all that, but there is no data in the email and no data in the table.

It is obviously something that is happening when it is sent as an email, but I have seen this sort of thing done before, with a form in an email, and I wonder if anyone has some clues as to what we need to do to make the form work properly when sent as an HTML email.

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How Do I Get All The Form Variables In A Post

Could someone please remind me how to get all the form variables in a post?

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Post A Form To 2 Places...

Alright, I have a form that needs to post to form_process.asp

However, it also needs to post to another site/, say

How would I do this?

The place it needs to post to is off site, and MY form_process.asp needs to save the data before submitting it to


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Post Form Dyanmically

This has got to be easy, but I don't know how to do it. I have a form with an action="email.asp" I have a submitt button that when pressed submitts the form and goes to email.asp.

I want to add another button that when pushed submits it to another page, say print.asp
How is that done?

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Array In Form Post

I have problem getting right info using array.

When I post data with form:
<% i = 1 %>
<input type="text" name="Boys(<%=i%>)">

and retrieving the data on another page:
i = 1
Response.Write Request.Form("Boys(i)")

I do not see the data. If I replaced "Boys(i)" with "Boys
(1)", I can see the data. What am I missing?

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Retrieving A Post Form

I have a comments form that when filled in posts the comments from a text field into a database.Due to a bit of duff coding (Doh!) the database was not getting updated and i lost 50 or so posts worth ofcomments.

Is there any way of retrieving the posted forms from theserver?The form uses the post method, with asp doing the work.

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Post Multiple Form

I have form1.asp which contains a form which is posted to and processed by a page called process.asp.I want to create a second form on form2.asp and also post it to process.asp. On process.asp I would execute different stored procedures conditionally based on where the form is submitted from.How can I tell which page the form is submitted from?

I think I should be able to have a hidden form field on my forms and post that to process.asp.Is there a better or preferred method.?Can I combine these three pages on one asp page?

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Post Form Variable

I am posting a form variable to an ASP script, but when the asp script receives the variable, I don't want it to open a new web page or open in the same window. I also can't have the script on the same page and refresh the page.

I use javascript to submit the form with the hidden field, and I want the variable to be processed by the asp script in the background on the server and return nothing. So essentially, i want the script to run transparently. How can I do this with asp? We run a classic environment.

I am doing this because the script is a tracking script, and it's disruptive for the user to see any trace of it. I want them to continue surfing as normal.

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Simulate Form Post

How do I simulate this from the server side:

<form name="SearchForm" method="POST" id="SearchForm"

I have generally been posting data using:

Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xml.Open "POST","http://SOMEURL/Search.asp?" & strParmList, False

The above is fine for passing URL parameters, but I need to simulate it coming from a form which has a name. How do I pass the form name which is used at the posted URL?

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Post Form Data

Does anybody have the syntax to post form data to a CSV file? On submit, my form page will post to another asp page that will actually handle the data being dumped to a CSV file. I just can't seem to find the correct ASP syntax for this.

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Form Have Two POST Locations

Is it possible to POST a FORM to multiple URLS at the same time OR Is the only workaround for this scenario to use response.redirect in the called ASP page and do a multi processing?

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Hebrew Form Post

help with posting a .asp form with Hebrew form values to an Access database. When I post it, and do the insert - garbage goes into the database. I can sucessfully read from the db - prefacing a all my response.writes with a server.HTMLEncode call.

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Post The Form With Controls

If I disable the form control, even I post it, it still cannot get the value. Is that correct

<form action="page2.asp" method="post"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="fname" value="Joe" disabled></form><%= Request.Form("fname") %> still cannot get the value "Joe

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How To Post Form Data From Asp?

There are 2 ways of passing variable to another page: GET and POST

If i want to use Method GET, I jst need to do Response.Redirect "another.asp?id=abc"

What if I want to use Method POST, how to do it?

I want the user's input to be processed before post it to another page.

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E-mailing Form Post

I need to validate a form before
it is emailed to me. I don't really understand what email
functionality I have on the server (and the tech support might get
back to me in about 10 years). Right now all the current forms are e-
mailed using a method="post" action="
mail?", but I do not have any access to the script
that is e-mailing the form data.

What I would like to do is validate the form data and then e-mail it
directly, bipassing the mail script I'm currently using (the /cgi-bin/
mail?, or validate the form data and pass it to the
current e-mail script.

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Form Post With MySQL As Backend

I'm using ASP as frontend with MySQL as backend, and Dundas Mailer as the email object. I'm making a contact form where the submitted datat would be inserted in the database first and then using Dundas for mail ...

But I have tried to include strange characters like " ' in the message field. But return error ...

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