Client Timeouts. Need A Solution

we have a page, that posts some search results to the server.

however it takes a while to execute and return to the client.

we added a server.timeout = 120 to the asp script. but it still timesout

is there a "USER FRIENDLY" way to redirect the client to another page, pending execution of the server results ???

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I'm doing a query on a webproxy log, which is a pretty large table. I'm only doing a query on a single days worth, but could be upwards of 250000 records.

Originally I got a timeout error saying to increase the time using Server.ScriptTimeout so I put Server.ScriptTimeout = "900" at the top of my script. This didn't seem to help. Now I got this error: a.. Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
/suntest.asp, line 39

This time it didn't mention what type of timeout I'm experiencing, at least, not that I can see. Code:

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Session Timeouts - Have To Log In Twice

I have a couple of pre-built ASP scripts running on my site. One is a mailing list application and the other is subscription/user management app. The two aren't related - they were programmed by different people and use separate dbs.

I have a problem where the user has to hit the login button twice in order to succesfully login. On the mailing list app, as soon as I try to login the first time, I get an error that says "Your session has timed out".

Then once I re-login, everything is fine. The subscription app has the same problem in addition to timimg out very quickly if the user is inactive for even a couple minutes.

Do you think this is a problem with the way the web server is setup for session timeouts, or is there some code in each of these ASP scripts that need to be fixed?

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Session Timeouts

is it possiable to have for example 2 sessions and that one of them will have 40 min timeout and the other session 60 min?

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Changing SQL Timeouts

I connect to a databae with my ASP code to run special reports and every now and then the DB server seperate from the server I have the ASP on is really being used and I get SQL timeouts after 60 seconds.

to connect I use a DSN. Is there a way to set the timeout to 360seconds instead of 60 when using a DSN?

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Avoiding Query Timeouts In ASP.NET ?

We are using ASP.NET on IIS5 to process requests
in a database.

How can one make choices in the .aspx based on
if a user has or hasn't changed a field? Is it possible
to control the ASP.NET environment by use of
some client side scripting ( ?changes=yes to URL)
or is there a way to tell in .aspx which Label elements
has changed?

Only solution i can think of currently is to query the
DB and then do an field by field comparision. Is that
the best way?

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True Answer Re Timeouts

I've been using text files for Tab-Delimited/ADO/ASP sites so that users can
update and display their products lists through my system with relative

Only problem is that for the last few months or so, this system has been
generating loads of timeouts. ISP has said that I should be looking to
upgrade my system, as it is the mechanics of it that are creaking under the
strain. My queries are:

a) Which REALLY performs better OLEDB DSN-less or ODBC DSN-less?

b) If I convert the system to use 1 Access DB rather than 50-odd
tab-delimited text files will this REALLY perform better in relation to

To give you some idea of the problems, the site can viewed by going to and clicking the Product List link.

I just can't understand it because the pages on the whole are very lean and
zippy (esp. ADSL), but its these exact same Broadband users who seem to have
more trouble with timeouts than dial-up ones.

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Data Access Timeouts

I'm beta testing a community membership site using ACCESS/asp on IIS5/windows server, shared with other sites. The performance is not consistent - sometimes OK, sometimes very slow and sometimes data access scripts time out (even when timeout set to 5 minutes) - sometimes the server recovers, and others a re-boot is necessary.

Can some one tell me if there are (or where I can find out if there are) performance issues involving 1. shared servers 2. incorrect data access set-up resulting in data access (e.g.concurrency/record locking, etc) problems 3. possible sloppy asp coding resulting un resource-hogging/non release, record locking etc.

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Different User Session Timeouts

I want to have different user sessions timeout at different time intervals. How can we make this possible in ASP with and without using database tables.

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Scripts, Large Rowsets, SPs And Timeouts...

I have an ASP page which pulls in, say, 800 records from a table containing ~ 1 million rows (and growing) - I use a command object and this calls a stored procedure, passing 5 parameters to the stored procedure from the querystring.

Now, if I run the stored proc from Query Analyzer, it takes between 25 and 40 seconds.

If I run it from the ASP page, if it takes LESS than 30 secs to generate then I get the output fine, but as soon as the 30 seconds elapse without anything being returned, I get a "Timeout expired" error.

I have taken the following action to eradicate, but all to no avail.

1.) Added Server.ScriptTimeout = 1000 into the page itself
2.) Upped the Script timeout figure in IIS for the application the report is within.
3.) Added a "Connect timeout=1000" line into my connectionstring (I was clutching at straws here...)

None of these alterations made any difference, so i'm a bit miffed.

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Asp Solution?


2. I create an array x(0,n), and I populate n with the values based on
select above.

What I have... I have x(0,1)
x(0,3)... and so on.

Result:> I need to have variable called
varx that should consist all the values from x(0,1), x(0,2), x(0,n).

So I need to declare varx = x(0,1) & "," & x(0,2) & etc.

1. question. I don't know how many elements I would have, coz they depends
on "select".

2. Can someone give me example how I can dynamicly create (parse) this
values in single variable, so I can send this values to pageB.asp

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Need A Solution

After a member registers, he's able to access and download any file
available. We want to avoid the end user being able to distribute an URL
to these files thereby making it simple for other users to download them.
Solution I'm working on:
I have a variety of files (html, pdf, doc, xls, and others) sitting
outside my "wwwroot" folder. I have an ASP script which checks the MIME
type for the given file and now, my problem is, how do I use the
FileSystemObject to grab those files and display them to the user?
Let's suppose the user is requesting demo.html. I use the FSO to open
the demo.html in the folder outside the wwwroot, and then set the mime
type and then what do I do? Response.write? What about binary files
which need to trigger a download action?

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Forum Solution

my client wants a forum integrated in his website. Ive found some existing forum solutions (snitz, carbon communities etc...). These are great, but my client wants the forum working whereby when a user posts, the post is sent to the clients who then confirms or denies the post. The forum is for a school, hence the very tight regulation of posts.

Does anybody know of an existing forum which allows this functionality (preferably a free forum).

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Print Solution

I am trying to implement a printing to file solution of a html page on the server. What I have is a form with a IE control that loads the page I want to print to.

I am using execWB command for printing. Printer's port is set 'To file'. Everything works fine when I am running that component from a desktop apps. But when I call that component from an asp page nothing is happening. I dont see any dialogs popping up on the screen.
BTW, if I print to a printer works fine either.

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Easy Solution

I'm hoping for an easy solution to this that I'm not seeing that
someone more experienced will.
All I want to do it mark an option tag as selected....

hourCounter = 1
Do WHILE hourCounter <= 12 %>
<option value="<%=hourCounter%>" <%If hourCounter =
hour(rsCalendarEdit("fld_calendar_DateTime")) Then Response.write "
selected" End If %>><%=hourCounter%></option>
<% hourCounter = hourCounter + 1

The trouble is if the time is "PM" I have a problem as you can see. Is
there a method or property here I can implement that I'm not seeing?

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Any Integrated ASP & FTP Solution

I'd like to know if there is any robust FTP solution out there that
integrates well with ASP applications. In particular, it has to allow huge
uploads over 3 gigabytes in size. It must have the ability to resume
incomplete uploads by the users.

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Charting Solution

What's the best free method of getting attractive looking charts to display data from a DB.For example, in my next project i will need to show the change in someone's weight over time. The different weight in pounds(lbs) will be entered into the database along with the date that the weight was entered.

Whats the best way to show it? I can't install any 3rd party com's on the server.I have seen a website offering a flash based solution. Is this the best way? Ideally i would like a line graph, rather than a bar chart.

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I need an ASP dictionary/glossary script. I saw a bunch of options online for PHP but almost nothing for ASP. I'm not a programmer....but can install working code and connect a database. can anyone recommend a tutorial or even better a finished working piece of code I can implement to create my own dictionary with custom definitions?

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AdRotator Solution

I am using adRotator to rotate some reminders on my intranet site. I have a
redirect page name redirect.asp that recieves the querystring variable, 'url'
and redirects the user to that page. One of the reminders should be
redirected to a url that contains query strings itself. The url passes in the
string up to the first '&'. What should I do. Here is the code on the page
displaying the ad: Code:

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Relative Paths Solution

Can anyone help me find a solution to quickly working out relative paths to
a folder in the root of my server...

Although it easy when you go - say - two levels down:


it becomes increasingly difficult to ball park the folder when you go deeper
and wider down:


....How do you guys get a quick fix on where the hell the folder or file is
and use that path in asp?

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Looking For A 'change Password' Solution

I am looking for an asp change password solution. I know there are very
efficient ways of doing it and perhaps you have some samples or ideas.

Basically I would like the user to be able to change their password. Then a
link is mailed to their email address on file and when they click on the
link, they are taken to a place to type in a new password.

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Submit Button Solution

i have a simple form in a html page.
the form successfully sends data to my database using asp.
currently sending details using
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
which as you know uses the small grey box Submit button.
what i would like instead, is that instead of using this default button to submit..
i could replace that with a roll over image, that is compiled of the 2 files
submit.gif and submit-white.gif
and when it is pressed, the form details are posted, how can this be done

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Mod_rewrite Or An Alternate Solution

I am in need of something like mod_rewrite or an alternate solution.

I have a client, who's website is all HTML files (200+ files) and was previously password protected by javascript only. Anyway, what I need to do is password protect the site using a better solution, which would be a server side scripting obviously.

I am familiar with apache's mod_rewrite and PHP, which would make this problem easy to solve by simply passing the HTML file to a php file, then after neccessary security checks, pass the requested html back to the browser..

The only problem is that its on an ASP server and I have no knowledge of ASP. I am not even 100% positive what kind of server it is, I just know that .asp files work in it and .php does not.

Anyone know of something like mod_rewrite for ASP or an alternate solution that would work in my situation?

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Domain Parking Solution In ASP

Anyone have Idea on how to create Domain Parking solution.
I have more than 150 domains which I want to park.
I m expert in ASP . Kindly Reply with an Idea / Logic behind domain parking solution.
I want something like goldkey dot com or Coolgoogle dot com

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Building Solution Bugs My ASP

i recently started learning ASP and now i am trying to do some on my home computer.

After doing a few things in my ASP.Net application, i click Build -> Build Solution and then it says this in the output window:

Preparing resources....
Updating references....
Performing main complation....

and then it stays bugged at that section. Then i can go back in build and cancel the building process...

Anyone know what might cause this, my computer is fairly recent and i did re-install Visual Studio .NET to try and fix this problem without any success... I also tried making other applications and it does the same thing...

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ASP On Linux Solution Needed

For ASP on linux, what would the best solution be? Any particular programs suggested?
Right now, running CentOS. We have jsp and ASPX .

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Look for wspwsp.dll in windowssystem32 and add IWAM_"computername" (ie IWAM_MYCOMPUTER if MYCOMPUTER is he name of your computer) account with read and write permissions.

The support person who helped me with this issue told me they will create a knowledge base article for it!

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Content Management Solution

I have a certain Internet project to develop,and I'm Interested in advices Regarding good development tools available in terms of getting Maximum job done in minimum time and minimum investment in buying third party development software.

In general,the project is to turn a static HTML website to a dynamic ASP pages Enabling the site owner a friendly interface to change its contents.In addition it a required to have the possibility to change the Website into a "members only" website allowing A registration process and an automatic or manual billing.

i was thinking that the use of some Content Management Solution is the most
suitable for this case.I would like to hear your opinions on the subject + references,
links,Recommendations for the easiest, cost effective ways to implement that
sort of project.

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Online Form Solution

I manage one of our company's intranet sites. We're using RoboInfo software. I basically just publish documentation for our users. I want to add online forms to my pages so they can be filled in and I can receive in my inbox. I am looking at the best solution. I did have a basic html form online using POST, but the user gets those annoying popup warnings (one from IE, one from Outlook).

I wanted to create a php form, but my IT department says they can't install php on the server. Now I'm looking at an ASP form, which should work on the server. I've found scripts here that seem simple enough to set up. Do I need to know the smpt and port # to get an ASP form working? Anyway I can determine the smpt without contacting IT (they probably wouldn't tell me!). Any other solutions I can look at in creating online forms?

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Sample Enterprise Web Solution

I'm looking for a sample ASP.NET enterprise web solution. There are many issues and questions I have about how a large web site is constructed with multiple developers.
How global settings and constants are managed. How global navigation and other global page settings are implemented, etc., etc.

Is there a complete sample "REAL" ASP.NET web site project created in VS.NET/C# available anywhere for me to download and learn from?

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Database Editing Solution

I have a roster of people from a db showing up in a frame containing ans asp page. In order for the client to edit a record on the roster, I have an edit page opening up in a javascript pop-up.

I know how to edit the db but what I don't know is how to 'bind' the text boxes in the pop up to the correct record in the db (based on which record they selected to edit). Here is how it looks:

John Smith 12 123 Main Street Your Town State edit this

the 'edit this' is a link that opens the pop-up. How can I get the correct record to show up in the pop up?

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Portable Database Solution

I'm thinking of developing a relatively small news system for my website, but I'm wondering if there is a nice free file-contained database solution. Access would be great except for the screwy licensing.

I don't like these server-based databases because I'd like to just plop the DB in a dir somewhere and have the system portable.

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Solution For File Name Checking...

I need a solution that will run through all the files in a folder (specified path), and make sure that there names arn't the same as the file I have.

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