Close ALL Connections

how to close all open database connections without referring to each connection by name across an entire server?

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Is There Any Way To Close All Existing Connections

I have a site which has extensive database activity. What I do is for each procedure I open a connection to the database and close it as and when I leave the procedure. However, in long run I find that some connection to the database is not properly closed causing the site to hang. This has become a big headache for me.

Trying to find what is going wrong I logged opening /closing of connections to the database and found that at some points the connections are not closed resulting in large no. of active connections to the database.

But if I go through the script I cannot really understand why that connection was not closed since the script ensure that the connection is closed before exiting the procedure.

Is there any way where I can check the database may be during night time and close all existing connections to the database. I repeat all my connections to the database are done at the procedure level.

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Close All Connections To Database

Is there a function or a script that I can use to monitor the connections to my SQL database. I want to see if any of my connection objects aren't closed (I have many ASP files and it's easy to forget to code something like this: PHP Code:

set MyConn = nothing 

What happens if a connection wasn't closed?

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Connections DSN Less

I have a problem with DSNless connections. I used the code below but doesnt works.
An error message appears in browser...

conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection");
conn.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:path odatabase.mdb";

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DNS-less Connections

I'm trying to make the following asp code work using a DNS-Less
connection on a windows 2000 server running IIS and ODBC 4.0 driver.

The Access database (odbc_exmp.mdb) was made using Access 2002. The
code works if I set up a DNS on the server under the ODBC drivers.
What I'm I doing wrong and what do I change the code to, to make it
work using DNS-Less connection? Code:

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DSN Or DSNless Connections...

Right, which do you use? If your using DSNless, then STOP! It's SLOWING down your code and making it UGLY!!

Why? Lets look...

Which looks better
"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.mappath("./data/vote.mdb")

Its also easier to manage and will cause less typing errors. Think about it, it makes sense!

Everytime you run a DSNless connection inside an ASP page the connection string needs to be verified,but a DSN connection is only verified when it is created! Meaning the DSN connection is indeed faster.

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DSN Less Connections Problem

I am not sure what is wrong with this code. I have tested it at home, used in on previous webpages, and with previous employers. But I am getting this error at my current employers server: Code:

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Multiple Connections

I've been using ASP.NET for a couple years now and I'm trying to fall back into ASP for a new position I've acquired...and I'm having a bit of trouble remembering. I'm running to a problem where the basic logic is as follows:


Do While Not rs.EOF
Query based on value in rs
Another query based on value in rs

There is no explicit connection object, they all use the same connection string however. When I limit myself to one query within the Do/Loop, I don't have any problems. However, when I add another query in there, it bombs with: Operation is not allowed when the object is open.

I'm assuming it's referring to the connection string being reused, but why would it allow one additional connection, but not two. I can't really close this connection before needing to requery. Is there anyway around this, or am I missing something entirely?

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Implicit Connections

i am maintaining a system that was developed using dream weaver. a lot of the asp ado code looks like this:

set sp_yellow = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sp_yellow.ActiveConnection = MM_MHR_CONN_STR_STRING
sp_yellow.CommandText = "Sp_HPMSQ007_GetSystemConstants"
sp_yellow.CommandType = 4
sp_yellow.CommandTimeout = 0
sp_yellow.Prepared = true
sp_yellow.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4)
sp_yellow.Parameters.Append sp_yellow.CreateParameter("@P_NAME_TXT",
129, 1, 17, "MLSTN_YELLOW_DAYS")
set rst_yellow = sp_yellow.Execute

someone on another forum expressed that dreamweaver "tends to drive the programmer to creat implicit connections and their effect on performance".could someone explain this to me? a provide some better code? (we no longer are required to use dream weaver to develop code for the app).

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Open To Connections

in my main page i need to retreive record set from the database as well as search for products. but the recordsets i need to retrieve are located in a different table then the products i need to search. is this possible to do ?

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Active Connections

I am programming a rather large site which will hopefully attract thousands of visits per day. I have been told by other people that MS access begins to struggle once it has about 15 active connections.

Since I am currently using MsAccess to test my scripts along with IIS 5.0 or whatever it is, I guess that at some stage I am going to have to convert all my stuff so that the data is in an SQLServer Database, and that the scripts can read and write to it. could anyone tell me what the transition is like. should I consider using SQL Server from the beginning or will I just have to change a few lines on each page.

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Multiple Db Connections

On my website, I want to provide 3 pieces of statistics that will require 3 queries to my SQL database. As much as I'd like these to be live, they are part of a footer that will load each time for about 10 pages on my site. I am thinking that, although they are simple queries, it may be just too much.

What do you recommend? I could open the connection, run the query and then close it, each time. Would this be a recommend plan? Or, should I create a daily task that builds a simple text file with those query results and just pull those in each time the footer is loaded? This would not be live, but I can deal with it.

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Limited Connections

I get somthing like "Max Connection limit is reached" error msg when trying to access a page. I wonder it is got to do with winxp pro sp2 patch which only limit 10 tcp connections? Running ms access as database and IIS 5.1.

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Multiple SQL Db Connections

I use a global.asa file to connect to SQL Databases. how would I go about connecting to multiple SQL Databases within a global.asa file?

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Closing Connections

What's the proper syntax for determining if a connection is open before closing it?

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Port In Connections

i have a connection string (this all in asp )

tCSCst = Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=test02x2;Port=1444;Initial
Catalog=<cataloge>;User ID=<id>;Password=<password>

Set testCaseServerConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
testCaseServerConn.Open tCSCstr

but i get the following error

An error occured:-2147467259 - Invalid connection string attribute

the problem seems to be the port itself, if i use 1433 then it works fine.

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Open DB Connections

how I might go about displaying all current open db connections in ASP, either for a particular web app/page or hopefully all of IIS ? We are having a few issues with IIS hanging and we feel that it is related to db connections that were opened and not closed. I would like to be able to write an ASP page that could show me the current amount of open db connections from IIS.

I need to do this from the IIS side not the SQL Server side. I can already see the number of sessions in SQL Server but I am more interested in trying to find asp pages which have opened a connection to some db and not cleaned up properly afterwards.

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Clear All Connections

Is there a way that i can force a drop of all connections to a database. My problem is Access keeps locking my database, i have multiple users using this database, at different periods of the day, and i need a way to clear all connections, i.e at set points throughout the day or at request.

I do close the connection and set all record sets to nothing not sure what else i am missing?

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Maximum Access Connections

What is the maximum number of connections that will work when using ASP pages with a MS Access database. I've seen some information that leads me to believe that up to 20 simultaneous users is a practical limit?

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Setting Up Multiple DB Connections

I have a global ASA file with the following entries

application("ConnectString") = "driver=SQL Server;Server=HOLLYWOOD;uid=user2006;pwd=password2 006;database=server1"
application("ConnectString") = "driver=SQL Server;Server=HOLLYWOOD;uid=user2006;pwd=password2 006;database=server2"

What I have is two db servers that mirror eachother. What i want to do is if the first server timesout then try to connect to the second server. It there a way to set a timeout and have these switch accordingly?

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Multiple MS SQL 2000 Connections

I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple server connections in one asp application. Like if one connection to the main sql server failed, it would connect to the backup sql server.

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How Can I List ALL Open Connections

is there any ASP script that will display a list of all open connections on
a shared host

im trying to determine if my previous problem with "system resource
exceeded" can be resolved by brute force?

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Opening Simultaneous Web Connections

i'm looking for a way to simulate, say, 10 simultaneous connections to an especific Web page, i'm using ASP and Javascript, this is the code:


for i=1 to 20

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
<!-- ('')
<% next %>

The problem is that the "for" opens consecutive windows, not simultaneous windows. Is there a way to achieve this using ASP and Javascript?

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Dealing With Too Many Database Connections

I have a database class that I've been starting to use with my ASP apps and I was wondering about having too many database connections on one page. I'm beginning to write other classes that use the database class to reach into a table and pull data out.

Say for instance I have these classes:


All of these classes have a method like getUserByID() or getNewsByID() but they are all using a private database object from the Database class.

Are they all using the same connection behind the scenes (underneath ASP) or are they all actually using separate connections? And if in fact they are using different connections then is there a common design patterns that alleviates the pressure by passing around the same DB object?

It makes me a bit uncomfortable to know that every class is creating a new Database object and a new connection on top of that; however, if you were pulling data from a MS SQL database for the users and an Access (ugh) database for the Reviews this would be necessary.

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Global.asa And Database Connections..

On everyone of my pages I have an a include page at the top and at the bottom of the page

one is the database connection and one is for the database disconnection.

is there anyway I can automaticly connected to the database using a string without adding it to every page ?

I checked in IIS and I can add a footer but not a header, or anyway using global.asa file

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Multiple Connections On One Page?

If you are going to be making multiple calls to the same database from a single page, should you connect/close, connect/close, connect/close....or just connect once at the beginning of the page and close at the end?

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Multiple Connections To DB From One Document.

On the second connection to a DB i get an error saying:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Could not use ''; file already in use.
/Contacts/ContactDetail.asp, line 157

In the same file I open a connection before this attempt successfully.

I bet that this is a permissions problem but I have given full control to the IUSR_Machine account as well as given it to the containing folder to be safe. The DB is access.

Still getting the error. It is relevant to opening a second connection in the same file. Here is line 131 through 165 I have enlarged and italisized the second connection where the break occurs .....

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6 Different Graphs Without Having To Make 6 Different Connections To A Db

Does any one perhaps know an easier way of showing 6 different graphs that all display different information with out having to execute 6 different connections to the db?

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Reporting On Unclosed Connections...

Any one know if there is any way in asp to create a way to report information on any unclosed recordset instances or unclosed database connections etc...?

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Access Connections Problems

I get the following error when trying connect to an Access db on the
local drive.

Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error
/ndss/sdd/concierge/For_sale.asp, line 34

The weird thing is that teh connection works Sometimes. So if I
connect and get data back, I need to wait about 1 minute to do it
again or I get this error. Code:

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Finding Open Connections

Is there a way to detect open recordset and connection objects easily? I have hundreds of pages of code making up this web application I wrote and I want to make sure I didn't leave any loose ends. Short of going page by page, connection by connection, I'd love to discover any issues a different way. Does anyone know of a strategy?

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Database Connections And Inserting

I am currently developing a coursework for uni that involves inserting some values into a Access database. I know how to do this, however I am trying to use different insert statements to insert data into different tables, however all the input field are on the same page. Code:

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MSSQL SERVER 2000 Connections

i just want to ask how many online connections can mssql server 2000 accomodate at the same time?

can it handle 250 to 400 simultaneous connections? the specs of my pc is pentium4, 2gb ram, 80gb this enough?

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