Code Reading Database

I downloaded an online quiz application from the Internet. The application works fine but and after I answer questions, it does not produce any results and display it on the screen. It gives an error message saying the database is read only.

I think there is a problem with reading the database to retrieve the correct answers. It is an MS Access database. But I don't know what it is and how to solve it.

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Reading From Database

I have written some coding to insert customer details which writes to the database (table name is called cars). On my website if an existing customer enters their car reg then i wish for the rest of the fields to be filled in automatically by reading it from the database, has anybody got any ideas on what coding i should use for this and how i would go about doing this? My coding for insert is as follows: ....

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Reading Database Value

I have a check box on my edit ASP page. I have a field called MyCheckBox with a data type of bit in an MS SQL database. If the value is 0 in the database then the checkbox will not be checked, if the value is 1 then a check should appear in the checkbox. How do I do this?

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Reading Site Database

We have a site with ms access backend, hosted remotely with a hosting company. Can we read the tables in the site database within our office desktop app either using web services or some other way? Are there any links to how this can be accomplished?

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Reading Database From Correct Location?

I am trying to run one of my first ever asp scripts. It is a form I copied from the
w3schools website along with its ASp script, demo_add.asp, both which i have
modified very slightly(variable names for my own database etc).

However, "No update permissions" appears in my browser when i run the script -
this means that there is an error. The problem is i dont what the error is!

The only thing I can think of at the moment is maybe my database location. I
am using IIS are all my files are mapped to a virtual directory within IIS. Should
the path in my HTML file below be to the harddrive location or its location within
the virtual directory? Im assuming it is the hard drive location. Code:

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ASP Code From Database

We have some ASP code in a database, say something like


If we ever call that, instead of resolving to the value of the session variable "strFirstName", it shows the whole line of text "<%=session("strFirstName")%>".

The question is, how can we get code like that in the database to generate on the page along with the rest of the ASP code

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Database Last Updated Code

Does anybody have code to add a "Database Last Updated...." line on your webpages that are generated from an MDB? There is simple ASP and javascript for 'page last updated', but the code that I have found just detects the time when the page was generated, which is every time the page loads since it is querying the database.

Im looking for code that queries when the database was last updated, then displays that info on the page.

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Code For Searching A Database.

Basically i have one table and i want to search it by what the user types in the search bar/text box.

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Database Management Code

i just wanna a simple code for ADD, Find, EDIT, REMOVE asp code to manage a simple database contains only products name and its details and picture to be viewed in web site. is there any?

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Pulling ASP Code From Database

I have a two pages. The first is a data entry screen (which saves the form data to a DB) and the second page displays the text that was inputted on the previous page( pulled from DB). Is there a way to insert <%=date()%> into one of the text areas and have it
be processed on the second page when that text is pulled from the database?

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Code For Access Or SQL Database

Trying to find out if this code is written to query an access or sql database or does it just depend on the connection string ?

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_beero_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT beer_brewery FROM dbo.BEER WHERE beer_country = '" + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "' GROUP BY beer_brewery ORDER BY beer_brewery ASC"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

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How To Execute ASP Code Coming From Database ?

I'm showing page contents text coming from database, normally the contents are plain text or in html formatting... it works fine.. but I want to add ASP code within page contents, as well... i did try but it dispalys ASP code as it is in the output...

is there any way to execute those asp code lines coming from database...?

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How To Create A Database Paging With The Code I Have

How to create a database paging with the code i have. im trying to do database record paging, im not quite sure how i had tried couple of open source code but cant not get it to work with my code:

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Generating A Random Code Which Is Not In Database

I am trying to write a script that generate random code which are not in database.

Things are ok on these points:

1. Generating a random code

2. Controlling whether it is in database.

For now, if the code is in database, it gives a message.

What I want the funstion do is to generate a code which is not in db?

How can id do this?

I write the code as reference.....

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Easiest Code For Database Paging

Can anyone help me find a code for Database Paging? I have seen some of it but its very hard for me to read, its too advance. Need to have a code with beginner to intermediate level.

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Code To Handle Database Connection Error

could somebody help me with the ASP code to redirect user to "loginfail.htm" page when an attempt to connect to a database fails.

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Saving Code In A Database Via Use Of A Textarea Form

i have built an interface for template making. i am using a simple form with a text area and submit button to save the code, i want to show in a template page, into the database.
I also use the same textare to view any code saved to the database for a specific page.

THE PROBLEM - i have to save a

the minute i paste it into the textarea it saves it fine but shows it wrong as if once it reads the </textarea> in my saved code the main page 'closes' the main textarea . i.e. the rest of my saved code is shown as part of the page - and its not pretty!

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Basic Code To Open, Select And Close A MySQL Database

I am looking for the basic code to open, select and close a mySQL database using asp code. I am experienced in php and have a site using php to access this database but this client would like one page using asp.

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I Need A Code For Uploading Files Into Oracle Database In Blob Fields Through ASP

I don't know how to upload word doc, images and other files into Oracle Blob fields with binary format.

I tried with the following code, normally it's inserting, suppose if i try to convery binary. Code:

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Code For Collecting User Ip Address/date Into SQL Server Database

I need code to capture a users ip address once they agree to a disclaimer (a form yes/no). If the user states no a message telling them they do not have access and a redirect back to the home page.

I need to put the ip address along with the date a sql server database. I am lost as to how to code this and also how to set it up in my directories.

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Reading XML With ASP

Could somebody please help me out with this? I have been researching it all day and can't figure it out.

All I want to do is put some info from this XML file (staff.xml):

<employee id="1">
<employee id="2">

into an ASP page. I already started an ASP page:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False



That's all I have in the ASP page because I am having trouble with it. Could somebody please help with it real quick? I'm sure it's very simple, but I am having trouble learning the XMLDOM thingy.

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Reading RSS/XML

anyone know a simple to use RSS/XML feed getter so i can add external news
to my site?

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Reading Xml

I got a little piece of ASP code to read from a remote url, which is expected to be an xml, like a RSS feed, and echo the content out to be processed by downstream xml processor. The code is like this:

Response.Buffer = false
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, url, text
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = Request.QueryString("url")
xml.Open "GET", url, false
text = xml.ResponseText
Set xml = Nothing

Using firefox, I get the request.responseXML object back from the code above, works fine. But in IE, the request.responseXML is returned null, but request.responseText did show the entire xml file.

My question is how should I make change to the above code to let IE honor the request.responseXML object? I gues the xml is somewhat ill formatted and IE can not recognize it as an xml.

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Reading XML

I have an ASP classic site that needs to add the option of reading an XML file send back from another web site and parsing it into a multi-column HTML table. The server is Windows Server 2003. Can anyone direct me to where I might find more info on this?

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Cd Reading

I have just created a cd based demo web with FP2000 under XP pro. The disc plays back fine on the XP machine, but when tried on a WIN 98 machine it doesnt play, and I get " G: is not accessible Device not ready" when I try to read it in Win Explorer. The disc is a 48x speed 700mb CD-R. Is it too fast for the older machine?

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Reading A Cookie Value?

am trying to create a login page for the first time, I have a login page, validate login page and if the password is correct it takes me to the first page.

I have customized this code someone else created,but what I have a problem with now is I need to log who submitted that data and that is why I am trying to read UserName cookie so I can later match that data.

This is the error I get which is telling me that it is reading the cookie since this is the UserName I am logging in with
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'boxhill'.

but I can't see what is wrong, and there is not much out there for this kind of error.

So I can login successfully but now i need to read and dispaly that cookie and then insert the value of the cookie but,but don't worry about that now, just trying to give you the full picture.

So this is the code for reading the cookie ...

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Reading Mp3 ID3 Tags?

i was wondering if any one could give me some info on how to get mp3 ID3 tags in ASP?

I've seen it done, but don't really have any idea how,
just looking for info like song lenth, bitrate, and so on.

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Reading DIV Tags

I have a function in ASP and I want to read a DIV tag. Any ideas? I know
the syntax but when I apply it, doesn't work.

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What is a good method to read a file that is hosted on another server. I really want to echo the code found between a "<PRE>" and "</PRE>" tag found in the source of an externally hosted file. How should I go about this? I am somewhat new to ASP, but am confident there is a way.

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Reading File

I have a routine I'm writing to read the contents of a file and modify it. However the file will not parse properly into an array, so I strongly suspect I'm using the wrong character to parse the file. The line of code that is supposed to parse the file is:

arrLines = Split(sFileContent, vbCRLF)

When I view the array, it appears as one continuous line, but when I open the file in a file editor it's very clear there are 15 lines.

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Reading An Xls File

I've got a league standings file that gets uploaded as an xls file. To display the contents, I'm not sure what the most efficient way is:

1.) Import the xls file into a database every time the file is updated

2.) Read the contents of the xls file using OpenDataSource or OpenRow Set

3.) Something I haven't thought of yet!

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Reading A Sql File

I've to got a login script, but in the middle of the verification script, I'd like once the vify has been ok'd to look for a sql file, that has insertion data in it, once the file has been found the asp code must read and carry out the sql command (insert the data in the access db), once done the sql file gets deleted. Code:

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