Code Showing

I've been working on a page at work, which has been fine, yet when ive come to try it at home, i load the page (the page loads fine) but i see all the code etc that was hidden before.

example what i see at the top of the page:

oCdoMsg, oCdoConfg, st

but i see tons more than that, basically all the code to the next %>

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Showing XML

Can anybody help me with displaying two xml content in a asp page. i want it to be shown with collape and expand feature (with those + and - feature when an xml file is opened in explorer).

i tried having html frames but i am not able to add menu in the same html page. right now i have menu and two text boxes to display this xml content. i want to use something else instead of text boxes to display xml in indented form. i thought i could use browser component in asp page but it doesnt work.

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Video Showing

I have an active-x control on my asp that loads a wmv video file.But i have a problem viewing the video until i have download the whole video on the active-x control.

Is there a way to see a portion of the video without complete download?

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Showing Tif Files

I have a strange problem on WindowsXP proffessional with IE6 ,when i try to display a tiff file ,it is not showing ,small red x is comming up. I tried by dowloading latest IE from microsoft but no use. This is working fine on win2k IE6.Here is the html file I am using to display the tif file.

<img SRC="" BORDER="1">

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Showing Reminders

I make a intranet Project For a Company.In that Project i make some reminders that can send each other users.When the Reminder come it should be alert like yahoo or Msn means Reminder should be show right side of the Taskbar and it's come like fade.

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New Pages Not Showing Up

i have just uploaded the new files to a website i have rebuilt. I have refreshed IIS and restarted the website but the new files are not showing through on directories that existed before eg subscribe etc. The new directories that didnt exist before work fine but would the internet connection in our office be caching previous pages that are no longer there and trying to access them?

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Showing Records For Each ID

I'm really trying to make this work. I have a dbtabel with following fields.


I want to show each players point like this "1,2,5,6,4,8,9", but i want the script to first add up which player who has the most points, and then list them in order of wich player who has the most points...


Each row is each PlayerID's row. Is this possible.

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Updates Not Showing

my problem is The updates on my asp files are not reflected in the browser. Till recently everything was working fine.

Today I installed new updates on my windows 2000. After all the cached asp contents are appearing and the updates are not getting refreshed. I dont know if this is becoz of the updates on my OS.

I had a file addfield.asp. It was working fine, I made some changes and they worked. But after that my updates are not reflected. If I rename the file to addfield1.asp. I am getting the desired results. Again if I change the contents of this file, they are not appearing.

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Images Not Showing Up

why some of my graphics wouldn't be showing up? I'm using css and everything looks fine in dreamweaver until I upload it then half my graphics are not visible on the page but they are there because I can still click on them, I just cant see them. Any reasons?

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Records Not Showing

I inherited a database driven site, which displays events pulled directly from an access 2000 database. when these events are edited in the admin system, or when a new record is added (again via the admin system), the record will no longer show up as being editable on the choose_event.asp page. I checked the database, and the changes are being made.

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Showing Companyname In URL

ok so I wrote a template based CMS.... A small company requires a website, they come to my site and choose a template, pay, register, edit ther details and pages and then view their site simple and it all works yay! Code:

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Showing Shared Dir

I'm working on a Intranet, and found this code to list the contents of a directory.
However, the only directory I've been able to show is the dir where the script itself is (Inetpub/Scripts).

How can I redirect to a directory somewhere else on the network ? Code:

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Showing Birthdays In ASP

I have a table called 'players2005' with fields of 'player' and 'pdob' The 'pbod' is a DATE realted to the players date of birth.

Using ASP how can I call the access database to show members that date of birth is today.
I have the rest of the script but just nedd a SQL statement Code:

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Showing Only Null Fields

What to only show the Null fields on an ASP Update form. eg.

<% If "Recordset1.Fields.Item("B15-1").Value" = IsNull then %><input type="text" name="B151" value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("B15-1").Value)%>" size="32"> ...etc

get what i mean? Needs to be per field - as the exact fields will differ from record to record Any ideas?

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Showing Different Pages (AbsolutePage)

I'm using AbsolutePage to show the results of my recordset in different pages; of course if there is a lot of data, it's gonna show all the links (for example 100 pages, 100 links) So I want to do something like this:

pag. 1 2 3 4 ... 97 98 99 100

and of course without showing "..." if there are less than 4 pages.

What's the easiest way?

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Showing Records For Each User...

I have a Golf leaderboard based on points given to each player after each match. That works fin, but is it possible to show everys players record after his or hers name. At the time it looks like this.

Mike 7,50
Peter 5,45

My code is like this Code:

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Some Data Not Showing In A Form

I am using SQL 2000 database and MS Server 2003.

I am pulling in data from a sql table. For some reason, when I include
the following line:

<tr><td><b><%if rs("Street_dir")<> "" then response.write
rs("Street_dir") & "&nbsp;" end if%>

then the following line does not display:


The REMARKS data is blank. But, if I remove the upper address line, then
the REMARKS appears. The address is 1111 Main so that does not seem to
be the issue. The address information is VARCHAR fields, 255 characters.

This works fine on another server where my files used to be, but I just
moved to a new server.

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Pictures Not Showing After Upload

I have an upload facility which is working fine. uploads to a folder (photos) through aspsmartupload and database. Ive checked the folder, n database to see if the file is being uploaded and it is.

ITs just not being displayed properly on the site. ALl the pictures come up with a little white box with a red cross in it, in the top left had corner.. so its identidied as an image , but its not showing the actual image. .

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Showing All Spaces Without Using The &nbsp;

I am using ASP to read code from a text file that I am displaying on my
page. Because I do not want the code from the text file to be executed, I
used the Server.HTMLEncode() method to display it as it is in the file.
However, the spaces used to indent lines is still removed by the browser.

cannot use VBScript's replace function to replace all spaces with &nbsp;
because that would replace all spaces, including ones that I do not want
replaced as well as majorly increasing the size of my file. Is there any
way to display the spaces used to indent the lines without manually writing
a function to do it?

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Showing An Include File

I would like to have the option to show and include file which has a one line table with a red background and printing to pull info out of a SQL database but only if there is data in the table. Basically it is to show breaking news when it happens before there is an article. The SQL table is called breakingnews and the column is called brknews. If the column brknews has nothing in it, I don't want the table to show up on the page but if there is data in it, I want the colored table and text to show up on the page.

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Showing File Extension

If you'll notice, there's a comment in this snippet that drops the extension. How can this be modified so that the extension IS shown?

Set myFileSys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = myFileSys.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("/meetings"))
for each file in Folder.Files
If Not = "index.asp" Then
FileName = Left(, (Len( - 4)) 'drop the extension
FileSize = cint(file.size / 1024) 'convert into kilobytes and drop the decimal
Response.Write("<li><a href='/meetings/" & & "'>" & FileName & "</a> - " & FileSize & " K<br>" & chr(13))
End If

Set myFileSys = nothing

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Showing An HTML File

Showing an HTML file in part of a Webform.I have a Webform with some buttons on the left side of the form. What I want when clicking one of the buttons is to show an HTML document in a part of the Webform (as if it was a Frame page).

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Showing Folder Details

I saw a while page a link to show folder details ie folders / files in a directory
let me know any links to tutorials

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Showing Default Option

How do I display 'Please Select' as the default value my code is below.Code:

<option selected>Please select</option>
<%SQLStmt = "SELECT magcode FROM Magazine ORDER BY Magcode"
Set rsDistMags = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt)
Do WHILE NOT rsDistMags.EOF%>
<option value="<%=Trim(rsDistMags("magcode"))%>"<%If Request("magcode") = Trim(rsDistMags("magcode")) Then Response.Write " Selected" End If%>><%=Trim(rsDistMags("magcode"))%></option>

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Pivot Table Not Showing

I see a similar unanswered post here, I face the same issue.Does Win XP have some bug with Microsoft Office Web Components 11.0 ?I am unable to see a pivot table which I added, in my web page.Strangely enough, this control is showing perfectly in Win 2K with the sameweb page.

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Pages Showing Codes In IE

when i try to view an ASP page in my IE web browser, all i see are the codes used to design the page but when i preview 'em in Dreamweaver its okay.Why is it so ?does it mean if i publish my asp pages to the web; thats how they'll be on other people's browsers ?what do i do to be able to see the actual web page and not the codes in an ASP page.

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Dynamically Showing Datediff

I have a datediff comparision value on my form. Since one of the dates inside the datediff is: now(), I'd like to know if there's a way to show the result dinamically (without reloading the page..). I can't see how to do it from server side...It's possible to use js to fill the field or reload only the field value? detail: I'll need to submit the current diftime value along the other input values on my form at the end of process.

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Without Record - Page Not Showing Up

I have an ASP page in a table style (heading and data). At the beginn of each month (actually only the first day) there is no data in my database and so-with nothing to show up on the ASP page. If I would like to open the ASP page over the net IE is telling me that it cannot find my page. Is it possible that, even if there are no records to show, at least the heading is shown on the Internet?

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Showing HTML As Text

I am sending out an HTML email using CDOSYS and want to include some HTML code within the text of the email. So, it's something like:


Your link is <a href="">Link</a>

But it includes the code within the HTML. How do I just show it as it's written?

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Records Not Showing Up As It Should In Asp Page

I am new to ASP and tried to do an ASP page up using FrontPage and Access. I have encountered a problem that even when I select all records in the database, the records are not showing in the ASP page as they shld be. Code:

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Showing Files In A Folder

Am developing a website, thats only allows user with permission to acces certain file.

What I have is a webpage that list all different projects available. When a user clicks on a project, he is asked to enter username and password.

If succesful the user is then taken to a webpage displaying all files available to download for that particular project. Note: All the files asssociated with particular project are in necessary folder. So project London, has a folder called london with all its files in that folder.

How do I get all the files displayed on the webpage for that particular project?

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Showing Only X Number Of Characters

I am using a WYSIWYG editor for articles and the article text is being
inserted into a SQL db field called ARTICLEBODY.


On my homepage, I only want to display the first 400 characters of
ARTICLEBODY field. I am using the LEN function and it does what I want.
BUT, is there a way to not have it cutoff in the middle of a word?

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Images Not Showing When Include Navbar

I have an application that has many different look and feels(?) based on the client.
Currently my site uses frames with top_navbar appearing in the top (which appears based on the stylesheet of the client) The main frame houses the welcome page which is stored in a directory relating to that client) or other pages stored in a generic directory (VC) which holds all pages that are common to all clients. In this directory is an IMAGES directory which strangely holds all client's images together....there are some common ones...thats prob why its done like that.

In order to improve the accessibility of the site, I decided to do an include of the top_navbar, to get rid of frames. This works fine when included in the welcome page as the file paths to the images is correct, but when i do it to from a page that is held in the generic directory (VC) the image path is obviously not now correct.

My question is this...How can i get top_navbar to check where it is before setting the filepath to the images? Is this possible?

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