Coding Plian Text Email Urls

I am sending an email to subscibers of a news letter with the url of the latest newsletter in the email. this is built up in code. how do i encode it to include special characters such as spaces as %20. I have tried a simple replace routine but this gives errors on invalid chars.

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Email Coding

f_strHost = ""
Set f_Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
f_Mail.Host = f_strHost
f_Mail.Port = 25

f_Mail.From = ""
f_Mail.FromName = ""
f_Mail.AddAddress ""
f_Mail.Subject = "Admin Record on Submission"
f_Mail.Body = f_msg_admin
f_Mail.IsHTML = True

f_strHost = ""
Set f_Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
f_Mail.Host = f_strHost
f_Mail.Port = 25

f_Mail.From = ""
f_Mail.FromName = ""
f_Mail.AddAddress request("email")
f_Mail.Subject = "Customer Submission"
f_Mail.Body = f_msg
f_Mail.IsHTML = True

Is this a good email coding practice? i havent yet found any simple code but this one works on me.

I just want to send one email to the customer's email add and another to the admin(having a default email add while sending at the same time.

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Coding For IMAP Email

I have a simple helpdesk page on our internal intranet where the users input their information and it emails them the ticket and info, etc. Well, we host our IMAP email offsite right now, so we have IMAP.MYDOMAIN.COM in DNS forwarded externally.

Problem is, most if not all users internally know their email address as, and NOT Since the email that gets sent to the engineers on the backend is hard-coded, the emails for our notifications work... ( and will always work.

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Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include a value from a text file for the txRate variable in the code below. I tried using the include function as shown, but the double quotes are of course killing it. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? Code:

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Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include the data from a text file for cSalesTaxRate, cStateFullName and cStateAbbreviation values in the code below. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? ....

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Encrypt Text In An Email

After searching the forums have found the following code from to encrypt/decrypt text.

I am having a mare trying to implement it, I know i need a form for the text but am having a mental block with calling the functions..

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HTML And TEXT Email Using ASP

Need help with sending HTML and Text email from ASP page. I want to specify both and depending on the receivers email reader the apropriate one should show. Any help or pointing to a source for MULTIPART MIME type is going to be greatly apreciated.

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How Can I Send Email As TEXT

How can I send email as TEXT as opposed to HTML using ASP?

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Plain Text Email

how i have multiple line and link in my plain text cdosys email? below is my coding in html, how do i put it in plain text cdosys?Code:

bodytext = bodytext & "<p>paragraph1</p><p><a href=''>paragraph2</a><p>"

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How To Extract Email Ids From A Text Paragraph

I ve a text paragraph something like

sample sample sample sample Join Bytes! <ee@ss.comsample sample
sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample
Join Bytes! sample sample sample <ww@example.comsample sample
sample sample sampl Join Bytes!

i want to extract email ids from the above text paragraph.. using
Active server pages or php can u give me some clue to find a

i ve tried some regular expression technique to sort out this problem
but.i cant get the proper output

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Cdosys Body Text Is Not Being Sent By Email

cdosys body text is not being sent by email. Please see if you can spot the problem. Everything below emailHeader & emailFooter is not being sent by email.

see code below:


dim strBody
Set MailObj=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
MailObj.Subject="Your Online order from store-website"
MailObj.From= ""
MailObj.To= Request.Form.Item("cEmail")
MailObj.TextBody = strBody

strBody = strBody & "DELIVERY INFORMATION (If Delivery was selected):" & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Choice: " & Request.Form("dChoice") & " on " & Request.Form("choiceDate") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Name: " & Request.Form("dName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Address: " & Request.Form("dAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery City: " & Request.Form("dCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Zipcode: " & Request.Form("dZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Phone: " & Request.Form("dPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Instructions: " & Request.Form("dInstructions") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

strBody = strBody & "CONTACT/BILLING INFORMATION: " & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Name: " & Request.Form("cName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Address: " & Request.Form("cAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing City: " & Request.Form("cCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Zipcode: " & Request.Form("cZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Phone: " & Request.Form("cPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Email: " & Request.Form("cEmail") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Gift Certificate: " & Request.Form("GiftCamount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Gift Certificate Number: " & Request.Form("GiftCnumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Credit Card: " & Request.Form("cCardAmount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Type: " & Request.Form("cCard") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Number: " & Request.Form("cCardNumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Expiration: " & Request.Form("cCardExpiration") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf

wantedCartColArray = Array(0,0,0,1,1,1,1)
wantedCartColNamesArray = Array("LineItemTax","LineItemTaxValue","ProductID","Quantity","Name","Price","Total")
wantedCartColFormatArray = Array(false,false,false,false,false,true,true)
currencyTypeArray = Array("$",0,-1,-2,-2,-2)


' UltraCart II Email Order Version 2.01
MailObj.TextBody = UCII.BuildEmailBody(false,emailHeader,emailFooter, _
"Order ID",true,_
"Order Date",true,_
"Sub Total",true,_
"Shipping Method",false,_
"Grand Total",true,currencyTypeArray)

MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "localhost"
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 60
Set MailObj = nothing

<!--- END CDOSYS CODE --->

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Two Different URLS

We have just signed up for and I need to somehow integrate the canned web-to-lead form from salesforce inside my login/registraiton system without messing up the existing 'join' form.My registration form is built on top of database while the alesform form isstatically generated form which is similiar but not exactly the same.

Post to two different urls at once for my main Join form.Or, perhaps 'hide' the form and somehow populate the values in the form and when the visitor clicks my Join form it also posts the sf form?

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How? Send Same Email As HTML *or* Plain Text

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

We have a database that serves-up content to a website. Some of those items
are events, some are news articles. They're stored in the DB as formatted
HTML so ASP just drops them right into a page shell.

Now, we want to send out a newsletter email containing some of those items.
No problem sending as HTML. However, some of the members want just plain
text. Is there some magic method in CDO that can automatically convert HTML
to plain text? Or, is there some existing VBScript code out there that can
do this?

BTW, the environment is IIS 5.x (Windows 2000), Classic ASP, and CDO.

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HTML Email Can't Be Read As Plain Text??

I'm using the ASPEmail component to send HTML email newsletters:

Mail.Host = ""
Mail.From = strFrom
Mail.FromName = strFromName
Mail.AddAddress strTo, strName_In
Mail.Subject = strSubject
Mail.Body = strMessage
Mail.isHTML = True

The emails are coming through fine, though in Outlook the option to 'View as Plain Text' is greyed-out. This should let the user see the plain text version as defined in the code above, but it is inactive.

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Sending Email Both As Html And Plain Text

Is it possible to send email both as plain text and html in the same email
using asp?,,,if do you do it and what do you need to set up to do

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Sending German Text In An Email From A Webpage

I have email form on a website and there is some fields that have german
characters in it, like the umlat and so on, when I look at the email that is
retuyrned I get the following message Code:

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Reading URLs

if it is possible to store the URL of a browser window as a variable? For example:

var loc = window.location.href

in JavaScript will store the contents of the address bar as the variable loc.

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Long URLs

Is anyone aware of any sort of asp coding to deal with long URLs? I have a few asp that pull URLs from fields within a MS db, which then display on a width-limited table. Is there any way to wrap these long URLs such that my table doesn't get widened? e.g. wrapping at "/" or something similar?

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Encrypting URLs

Are using this practice? If yes which method are you using?

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SE Friendly URLs With ASP & IIS.

has any one tried SE Friendly URLs with ASP & IIS? There's nothing like mod_rewrite for IIS. Ofcourse there are some 3rd party COM available but how many of us can use them on shared webservers?

So, is there a way to do it?

For those people who don't know what I'm talking about,

Normal URLs with querystrings look like

while SE Friendly URL will look like

The operative words being look like. You will see the 2nd URL in the browser's address bar but the server will take it as the 1st URL.

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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CDONTS Text Based Email Message Not Working

I'm trying to send email through a form I created and everything works except the email portion. It's not sending the text message. Code:

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Creating Clean URLs

I need to convert the Query Strings into Clean URLs, Found some articles on
PHP and Apache server.. How do we it them with ASP ??

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Dealing With Friendly Urls

My application runs on ASP and the business logic is embedded in Dlls written in VB. The application hosts a list of articles for the user to view and these are accessible through some complex urls like "http://mysite/articles/category1?articleid=34512". I would like to denote a friendly url to these articles such as "http://mysite/articles/kb_TaxPlanning.asp". I am thinking of using an ISAPI filter to do the work for me. My friend was trying on using a httphandler, but it did not work. Please share with us the resources for creating an isapi filter for the same. Also how to use the same for the expected result?

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Linking Names To URLs

I have a dynamic table that displays names of companies. Some companies have URLs and some don't. I would like for those companies with URLs to open a new browser and show their website, for those with no URL just to open nothing. So far I have this, however doesn't work.

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Response.Headers And URLs

Is there a way to add a header to a page that will change what text the
browser displays in the address field?

For example, say I point my browser to

I would like IIS to send back the content generated by the page
request.asp, but would like the address is in the browser to read

Is there any possible way to do this? It seems like this should be possible.

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Upload Images From Urls

I'd like to save images from urls ? I need to save images with a procedure that i get it the url of image. if anyone know about this problem, let me know?

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Make URLS Understandable

how to create urls friendly in the term of 'search engine friendly'. I have a website writen in ASP. For example when i click to new page-About us, the url is ....

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Generating Temporary URLS

I have a form on my site that users must fill out before downloading a pdf document, however, i would like the form to send them an email with a temorary URL.

which they can click to download from, and which expires after 'x' days. is this an asp thing? or do i have to move to .net to do this?

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Relative Addressing For URLs

Anyone know of a site that gives all of the syntax of relative addressing for URLS?
for example: /, ./, ../, etc.

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Search Engine Safe Urls

Has anyone seen a good solution for Search Engine Safe URLs with Classic ASP? I've been looking for a while and short of using the 404 or installing tool on the server I was hoping there might be something else.In ColdFusion you can do a and it just works ... (well, after you parse the slashes)

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Dropped By Google/static URLs

I having trouble with some of my classic asp pages being dropped from google.Specifically, a set of four pages reused many times with the content identified via query strings (max 3 variables). I was under the impression that google no longer has a problem with urls appended with query strings. Does anyone know if it is possible to incur penalties for the "over use" of such pages? My product detail page for example is used to display 230 seperate products.

if using static urls may help get my pages re-indexed, but I have had difficulty finding a way to do this with classic asp. Could anyone suggest a suitable method or advise possible reasons for my google disaster?

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Removing %20 From URLS Displayed By Search Engine

I have this asp search engine that displays the urls for the files found, only the display shows %20. I need to remove the %20 and display a space instead; is there some way I can mask or remove that for displaying results for users?

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