Command Text Not Set Error

I'm getting the following error:

Command text was not set for the command object.
/supercircuits/results.asp, line 30

I've never encountered this error before. Is there a problem with the
syntax? Anyone see where the problem is occurring?

Here is the code to the page: Code:

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Error - 2147217908 Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I am getting the above error when trying to execute the following code:

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Error In Asp Text: Command Text Not Set For The Command

I am getting the above error in an asp page. Not sure why? The error details is given below. Code:

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Command Text Not Set Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c' Command Text was not set for the command object. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c'
Command Text was not set for the command object.

Line 87
Line 87 = rs1 = conn.execute(finalSQL)

Here is the page causing the error. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For Command Object

I keep getting this error. I searched the forums, and found one. It said to basically replace elseif with else. It worked for that person.

I tried it and it didn't work. So what i decided to do was, remove all of the if statements and keep one. Even with just one if statement i get the same problem. Does anybody know what is wrong? It worked fine, up until i added the if statement. I need them there though for a reason.

Personally i think, it;s not getting the value from the request form, and hense it isn't picking anything up. What do you lot reckon? Code:

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Command Text

I'm currently working on an ASP site that connects to a MySQL database
I've built a form that allows users to insert press releases. They add the date and title and then the text of the release.
The problem that I'm having is that every so often when the user submits the form they get an error message saying "Command text too long" The record isn't added to the database after this .I use a longtext field for holding the main text of the press release

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Command Text Too Long?

I'm currently working on an ASP site that connects to a MySQL database I've built a form that allows users to insert press releases. They add the date and title and then the text of the release.

The problem that I'm having is that every so often when the user submits the form they get an error message saying "Command text too long" The record isn't added to the database after this

I use a longtext field for holding the main text of the press release Code:

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SP Command Error

I a running a SP and calling it through ASP. I keep getting this error:

Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided. I think I have the format of the date wrong somewhere. Code:

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Command Error

I am trying to run this command but get the error below.


INSERT INTO Paint_Orders ( PaintID, Paint, Qty, TicketID )
SELECT TempCart.PaintID, TempCart.Paint, TempCart.Qty, Order_Business.TicketID
FROM TempCart, Order_Business;

Unterminated string constant
/pinsys/Goods_receive/cart4.asp, line 59, column 82
Command1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Paint_Orders ( PaintID, Paint, Qty, TicketID )

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ADODB.command Error

I'm trying to run a stored procedure and access data to read data. I'm getting an error with the ObjComm.CommandText when it's calling the Stored procedure.

ADODB.Command error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.....

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Command Time Out Error

I am running into a command time out error. I have to retrieve a lot of date thru a complex query. For some reason, I can't change the commandtimeout to more then 30 secs. And yes I have Connectiontime incr4eased to 90 seconds. Code:

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Determining Command Prompt Error

When I run the following code, i get an error:

80070002 corresponding to line18: (name).

When I copy & paste this command to prompt it works fine. Have tried other simple commands such as ping as they work fine. Any idea what error number could be or how I could output the error the prompt might be giving. Code:

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Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Command.

I am having a problem with an insert statement. I keep getting the following error:
2147217900 Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. Here is my SQL statement:

INSERT INTO Notes (Note, Submitter, NoteDate, ContactID)
VALUES ('Barb us our Rep', 'DrM', '10/13/2004', '1')

I am not able to seee the error. Are there other problems that could give me this error that are not relative to the SQL Command. If I have made an error please help me to see it.

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Error In ASP Input Text Statement

I want to capture the value of variable into a hidden input test field, using the following code.Code:

<input type="hidden" name="selectedby" size="20" value="<%'strNTUser'%>">

When i run the code the variable value is not captured in the field "selectedby". strNTUser is the variable.

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Error When Passing Text With Apostorphies

I have a string (holding a book title) that contains an apostrophe. This is generating an error when I try to pass it through sql into a table of orders. I retrieve it from the form with

I'm trying to pass it through with: '"&rs("title")&"'

This isn't working. I tried taking out the ' ' but that didn't help, nor did elmiminating the " " help eather. Can someone suggest what might be the problem?

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ASP(xlWorksheet.Cells) W/many Text Chars Has #VALUE! Error In XL S

I have an ASP page that loops through a SQL Server 2000 table, then
downloads an Excel sheet the users can save, etc. Works fine, except, I see
that in one particular "comments" field the Excel sheet returns a #VALUE!
error in the cell when there is a large amount of text. I've looked through
the MSKB, MSDN and many ng posts to see if there is a workaround or solution
to this, inclduing looking at the xlWorksheet properties (I've tried
'xlWorksheet.Cells(iRow, 11).WrapText = True), played with Orientation, etc.
But to no avail.

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ASP/Mysql Empty Text Field Query Error

I'm getting an error when I'm retreaving from a "text field" in the database and it has no data in it. I'm using MYSQL version 3.23.58-nt. I have the same script running a different system and I don't get this error. It justs output nothing and continues with the loop.

This has to be an ASP problem when retrieving data from the database. I've change the Field for Message to "varchar(252)" vice "text" in the database and stoped giving me error. But I still need to use the type "text" in the database since my "Message" will be longer then 252 caracter. Code:

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Site Search: Reading Text File ERROR

I have to make a site search function for my website. User types a keyword, and the search function searches through all the static pages for the keyword. The result of the search has to display the URL relating to the keyword, which the user can click to read the contents.

I had no idea how to go about doing it, finally I thought of using a textfile containing the word, and its related URL in the format: Code:

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Import Text File Into MS Access DB Script Error

I have a MS Access DB that is used for a small web-based app. And I have an updated text file exported from the db on our local system.

I have got this import text file to access db asp script But it brings up a HTTP 500 Internal server error. site is running on Windows 2003 Server


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Data Mismatch Error Due To Expecting Text String

I'm not a asp expert and only use the built in Dreamweaver stuff, the problem I'm getting is a datatype mismatch due to the fact the sql statement is expecting a text string and not a number string, can anyone have a look at the following code and point me in the right direction in regards of what I need to change so the sql statemnet know to expect a number string: Code:

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How To Do The Error Handling If The Users Key In Character Into Integer Text Field?

How to do the error handling if the users key in character into integer text field? If possible, please give example and show me the coding.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Like Command

I have a form that uses the POST method to call up test.asp and it
passes what is typed into the text box. Since is uses the Like command
the user can enter stuff like %Constant% to get something that is like
what the user typed in. When I call up the test.asp page it is grabbing
the text fine but isn't running the SQL command the correct way. The
SQL command ends up being:

SELECT * FROM [Everyone] WHERE (Name LIKE ':: & strName & ::')

Here is my code

strName = Request.Form("Search")
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Conn.Open "PhoneList"
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Everyone] WHERE (Name LIKE ':: & strName & ::')"
Set Rs = Conn.Execute(sSQL)

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New Command

Given a class called Foo, I can do:

Set f = New Foo

But is there a way to instantiate a class and pass a parameter into it as well, such as:

Set f = New Foo("joe")

If so, then how does class Foo look like to accept such a parameter?

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CLI Command

How can I run a CLI command from asp page?
Please guide me.I have hard coded the variables. I need drections and see if my method is right.

Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run((im editissue --field= "state = verified" --field = "user = abc" 15947)
Set shell = Nothing

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does any body have a command that enables you to talk to another computer on a network
like A instant message.

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Run A DOS Command From ASP

How can I run a DOS command from my ASP ?(prefer to use html/vbscript solution rather than 3rd party add-ons)

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I am using DW to create this ASP page and I need to do a simple calculation that will result in a cell being 10% of the previous cell. I am using this statement:

<%=(rsReferingAgent.Fields.Item("ReferingAmount").Value * .1)%>

Now, all I need to know is how to get it to only display two decimal places instead of multiple decimal places.I need the result to look like this:


and not:


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SQL Command

I would like to use the sql command to query the database from ASP. But it keep showing me the error. Select location from the table tapeinfo. The location must start with "Data". Here is the command?

'sqlStrl="SELECT * FROM tapeinfo WHERE location like ' "&Data&"% ' "

Anyone can help me to verify whether it is correct?

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Using The Like Command In SQL

I have a form that uses the POST method to call up test.asp and it passes what is typed into the text box. Since is uses the Like command the user can enter stuff like %Constant% to get something that is like what the user typed in. When I call up the test.asp page it is grabbing the text fine but isn't running the SQL command the correct way. The SQL command ends up being

SELECT * FROM [Everyone] WHERE (Name LIKE ':: & strName & ::')

Here is my code

strName = Request.Form("Search")
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Conn.Open "PhoneList"
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Everyone] WHERE (Name LIKE ':: & strName & ::')"
Set Rs = Conn.Execute(sSQL)

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Max Command

I have the following code in a function: Code:

dim weight, cubic, length
weight = request.form("25k")
cubic = request.form("4CF")
length = request.form("2m")

Some of these could be null but what i need to do is caputre the highest number and place that in a database. I assume i can use the max command but a bit unsure how to do it.

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Update Command

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to properly enter a checkbox in the SET statement so I can update the checkbox value based on user's input.
I know for number values you enter the variable like this:

Owner = own

and for text you enter like this:

Priority = 'pri'

and for dates you enter the variable like this:

tdate = #td#

but how do you create the variable in the SQL statement so it updates a checkbox value?
Below is my SQL statement, and the checkbox name is "Active" Code:

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