Component Registered On Server

Is there a way I can use my custom dll just by placing it in the ASP folder
and not having to use regsvr32 to register it? I takes forever to get our
admins to do anything like this for us.

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Tracking Registered Users

I have a site with a login page and several dozen secured pages behind it. The user data is in an Access Database. The client wants to add some specific tracking features. I haven't started working in it yet, so I don't have any code.

This is more of a planning phase and I wanted to make sure I wasn't going down the wrong path from the beginning.

1. The primary goal is to track the number of times each user logs in during the course of a month. They want to keep track of 3 months worth of information. After that, each new month would overwrite the oldest month.

The login code is pretty standard stuff - check for a match in the database and create server variables.

I'm thinking I'll need to add a table to the database with a field for UserID, a date field and a numerical field. When the user logs in, the page will need to check and see if a record exists for this user and this month in the table.

If so, it will update the record by incrementing the numerical field and updating the date field. If no record exists for this month, it will create a new record. This part I'm pretty sure I can handle. I'm not quite sure how to automatically overwrite the oldest month when the number of records per user is greater than 3.

Any thoughts on the best way to do this? 2. As a secondary goal, they wanted to see if it was possible to track which pages each user was going to while they are logged in. I don't have the foggiest idea how to do this. Any ideas?

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Email Blasts To Registered Members On A Site

I am trying to send out email blasts to over 6000 users of a website (Not Spam) However when I try it with the following script, it crashes at times and sends it through at times. I need a more reliable way of sending out emails to a large number and this is the mail feature of the website. There will be users trying to send out mails at the same time. Code:

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Agile Server Component

where I could get my hands on a good sample of an ASP 3.0 agile server component developed in VC++/ATL.Ideally, I am looking for a cache/dictionary/lookup object that can beassigned to the ASP application object, therefore the object is going to have to be either an MTA or a TNA.

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Resize Uploaded Images Without Server Component

My host offers the 'Persists ASP-Upload' component, but not the 'ASP-Jpeg' component. I can therefore allow users to upload images which can then be saved on the server.

What I need to do however, is resize their images before they are saved, so that their pixel dimensions are correct. Is there a way to do this without having the ASP-Jpeg (or similar) component installed on the server?

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Out Of Memory Error Using A WSC Component In ASP Page On IIS 5 On W2k Citrix Server

Can anybody shed any light on this issue ??? Or even ways of temporaily
getting around it ???

FISH is an ASP application which uses a WSC object called "finapps.fishapp"
to handle the requests to the database. The WSC is created in the GLOBAL.ASA
as a Session object using the following line:

<OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Session ID=fish
ClassID="{32f74dc1-40f8-4db3-98a7-000200040013}"> </OBJECT>

The finapps.fishapp object creates an "ADODB.Connection" object that is held
open while the session is running, and the Session_OnEnd event should call a
method of that object that closes the connections

The website falls over only when there has been a period of inactivity
greater than the length of the session timeout, and also after there has
been a significant amount of traffic prior to this!

The problem we have only occurs for one of our clients, but occurs seemingly
randomly on all 4 of their servers. The returned results of the error are as
Active Server Pages error '8002802b'

Create object failed

An error occurred while creating object 'fish'.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0007'

Out of memory: 'fish'
//global.asa, line 36

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Is There Any POP3 And NNTP Component I Can Use As A ASP Component?

What I want to do is to show always the latest post on our company NNTP
and the newest email in my inbox as an activex background on my desktop.

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VB Component

I want to call ASP object from VB component. When my component is ActiveX
dll I can get the request object and read the form controls without any
issue. But when my component is ActiveX exe the same code doestnt work
Does Activex EXE support accessing of ASP object model.

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Fax Component?

I was wondering if you guys know if there is a good component for sending
fax? the server has a fax-modem and i would like it to "call" an other fax
and send data. is that possible?

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Using A COM Component From ASP

I don't know to much about asp in general, I'm an developer, but my
boss wants me to find out the following:

Is it possible to use a COM component from ASP. We have a COM component that
allows us to interact with our bank for e-commerce style functionality. Our
current site uses ASP and we know need to integrate this COM component in
order to let us to some fancier stuff, such as on the fly fraud checking for
credit cards.

Can someone advise me if ASP can use COM components and what is involved?
Does anyone know of any good resources such as a tutorial?

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ASP FTP Component

Anyone know a Good ASP FTP Component?I searched and found many but most do not have online demos to see how they work.Anyone know a good one?

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COM Component With ASP

Can i use COM component with ASP? Which is normally fastest?

a)Logic written in VB COM
b)Logic written in ASP
c)Logic written in C++ COM

Which is normally faster to access some data in a database?

b)Stored procedure

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Component Will Not Run

I build a (vb) component for use within in an ASP. When I put the component in Component Services on the server it will not work if there is no one logged in to the machine. How do I remedy this?

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ASP Component DLL's

I have downloaded thia DLL that you register then can use the asp object coded into it. can someone give me more information on these component DLL's ?

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Which One Is Better (component For Tearing)

Do you think which one is better ?WinHttpAspTearXMLHTTP
or another ?

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ASPUpload 3.0 Component.

I'm Using ASPUpload Component 3.0 demo on my personal system.

Can I access individual items using a string variable like;

strFieldName = "FILE1"

it works fine if i give a string value to files collection;


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Best ASP Upload Component

We have been having problem with our file upload component. It seems that at times the file upload process hangs, and the users get a timeout error. Although the users upload 1 or 2 image files at a time.

I have altered the upload size limit property in the IIS 6 metabase properties, so I don't think that is the case. Because most of the time it works okay, but at other times it hangs....

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OWC Component Cannot Be Create Using ASP

I have created an asp page that pulls data from SQL server and displays
on webpage in the form of Table and Chart.

I use OWC to generate Chart. It work find on my computer with Ms office
2000 installed, but when I upload my the page to my webserver, it
doesn't work with the following error message:

006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~Invalid ProgID. For additional
information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online
Support site located at:

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

P.S. On the production server, Office Web Component had already been
installed. WSCript.CreateObject("OWC.Chart") works fine in my colleage's
vbscript file.

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Asp Component Error

I am trying to get a component working that I built in VisualStudio.NET using VB.NET, but I'm still having some difficulty.

I created the .dll, then created the COM callable wrapper from the command prompt using:

Regasm mycomponent_name.dll /tlb:mycomponent_name.tlb

This produced the .tlb file

I placed the .dll file and .tlb file into the bin folder for the website directory.

Then I registerd the .dll file:

regsvr32 pathmycomponent_name.dll

It showed that the .dll file registered okay, but I'm still getting an invalid ProgID error indicating that the component doesn't exist.

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Asp Component Error

I am having a problem with a com object on WinXP Pro. It is properly registered, but gives me the following error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/code/cgi-sec/upload.asp, line 3
Invalid class string

I do not have windows firewall active and it does the same thing with firewall/virus/spyware software disabled. It runs fine on my Win2K Pro desktop.

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Upload Component

I am using a free upload component for uploading a file to a database . It is accepting only .txt files. I wanted to upload word documents. Also How can I upload a .doc file to Access database.
I don't want to buy upload component.

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ActiveX DLL Component

I created a ActiveX DLL component to create a Excel file under my home directory through VB6.0. Then I registered it through "regsvr32" command and a messagebox came out to say that the register was successful. But when I tried to run it in my ASP page under IIS ver5.01 and win XP Pro, it gave me this error:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/tg.asp, line 2

Here is my full code:
set myExcel=server.createobject("test.test1")
set myExcel=nothing

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Debug Component

I built an MTA which is used from an ASA and ASP pages. The MTA was
developed in VC++ 6.0.How would I go about debugging into the C++ code?

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Unzipping Component For .ASP

I am looking for an unzipping component. I have a series of files that are
available zipped at a considerable decrease in size. And before ASPINET
fails on a script timeout, I'd rather download the zip file and unzip it
when it arrives.

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ASP HTTP Component

Is there any good and reliable Upload Component for ASP (or ASP.NET)? I
need one which provides an upload status bar.As well, it must be able to handle more than 4 gigabytes of data transfer.Internet connections can be unreliable at times. This component needs to be able to resume broken uploads.

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File Component

Do you know where have free/buy a upload file component?
I need allow user to select the folder instead of select file one by one

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Upload Component

where i can find free upload component so that i can make a site that can let people upload file thru http.

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Asp Calendar Component

I am writing an ASP site for a small residential center, and need to be able
to make bookings. Can anyone recommend an ASP component that will provide a
good calendar interface so that a user can see which dates are available and

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IIS Loggin Component

I will need to implement a site wide logging component for
an Asset Tracking and Management System and I am wondering
if the MSWC.IISLog component with IIS is up to the job and
is customisable for custom use or should i invest time in
creating my own.Logging needs include exceptions, failures, use tracking,
logging-in information, session stats etc on approx 150
pages for approx 25 users.Running on IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 Server

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Chat Component

Please recommend an chat component ( customer support purpose)
for .net applications with oracle back end.
Loof forward for any information in this regard.

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Office Web Component

Using OWC version 2000 I am trying to input a recordset
into an OWC Spreadsheet. I can pass the variables and
create the SQL fine in the ASP page, but I need to pass
the SQL to a vbscript function outside of the <% asp code %[color=blue]
>. Is there any way to call the function? ASP doens't seem[/color]
to recognize the function.

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Shipping Component

Anyone know of any good shipping components for adding to
a custom built shopping cart. Or if you develop a
shipping piece, is it best to ship by weight or by item
meaning that each item will cost X amount to ship.

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NNTP Component

Do you know any NNTP browsers components for ASP?

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