Confirm Message Box

I'm populating some records by using DataGrid and i have put delete option as item template. now on click of delete i want to popup confirm message box.

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Opening Confirm Message In New Window With JS

I have the following ASP code which displays a confirmation message when a particular form is successfully submitted. What i need to do is open the message in a blank (_self) browser window. Can this be done using ASP or would it have to be done using Javascript?


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Confirm Dialog Box

I have a webform with 3 text boxes and a submit button
Based on the first textbox data I'm filling up the remaining two. If the first box data is not found in the database I want to display a confirm dialog box. I need to know the return value from this confirm dialog as I have to clear the other fields in the form, if the user hits yes the I should retain the values in the other fields. I have tried hours on it by using hidden variables...but still couldnt get it to work.

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Confirm Our IIS Metabase

I think we have a corrupt IIS metabase on our web cluster. The controller is replicating the problem to the members. What steps can we take to confirm our IIS metabase is intact? I would prefer not to do ADSI calls. Isn't there a command to interate thru the metabase?

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Confirm Of Delete From Db

I have created a table view of some from an access db. There is a link on the table which calls another page to Delete a record from the db.I would like to know if it is possible to have a button pop up on screen when a link is pressed to confirm that the user wishes to take the action.

Or perhaps a confirm page which details the record and whether the user wants to delete it?

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How To Confirm Update Sql Changed A Row?

is there a way using asp vbscript and an access 2000 database to confirm that an update sql statement was successful?

for example, the sql:

UPDATE yourTable SET yourCol = "some value" WHERE idCol = 1

doesn't return an error message if the sql cant find a row with 1 as it's value.

to throw something else into the mix, i'm using a parameter update query in access - would that possibly make it easier?!

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Confirm Delete / Javascript In ASP:

I'm trying to add a Javascript OnClick feature so that when the end-user clicks the delete option, he/she will see a pop-up window that says, "Are you sure you want to delete this document?". I have something like this in other parts of my site, but just copying and pasting the code doesn't work.

And although I've read tutorials and googled for answers, I'm such a newbie, and can't figure out how to plug a Javascript alert into my code. So many quotation marks and apostrophes, parenthesees ... all I'm getting are syntax errors! Code:

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Confirm Login Not Working

Basically I cannot get this baby to work other than to allow the GUEST ACCESS and the ADMIN ACCESS the MEMBER ACCESS I am not even sure if it is even connecting to the databse.

Here is the code for the CONFIRMLOGIN page and also the LIBRARY.INC page. When Logging in as a MEMBER it simply redirects to the mainview page but as a GUEST. Ishn't dat vierd? Code:

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Javascript Confirm In ASP Page

I'm trying to make a confirm window for my site, the confirmation ask user a question with yes or no answer then if the response is yes redirects the user to a page and if its no redirects to another page.The problem is that i need the two pages to carry a different querystring; also i need this to act as a link and not as a form.

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Open Asp File With Confirm

How I can open asp file when I click on image after answering the confirm?here is my code:

<img src="delete.gif" border="0" onClick=" if (confirmSubmit()){ <a href='test.asp'>;}" >

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

function confirmSubmit()
var agree=confirm("Do you want delete this item ?");
if (agree)
return true ;
return false ;


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Confirm Deletion Dialog Box

i have a recordset that displayed all the infos about a record and a delete herf or button
i want whenever i wanna delete a record a dialog box to appear with YES/NO/CANCEL button.

yes to confirm delete no to disagree and return to the previous page Cancel to cancel the action and remain in the same page !!

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Confirm Form Control Type

Is there a way to determine the form control type in other words, to confirm that a control is a eg checkbox when looping the form controls?

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Confirm Textbox With Letters In Image

how-to do a confirm textbox to match letters in an image in ASP. Code:

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Client-side Confirm() Needs To Run Before Server-side Code

I check to see if a certain submission button is asking for removal. If the removal is true, I update a recordset's delete column. This has been tested and it works. However, now I'd like to prompt the user to make sure that he/she wants to remove the record. Here's the code: ....

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OnClick="return Confirm" Not Work

this is ASP issue.

<A HREF="http://SomeWebSite" OnClick="return confirm('Are you
sure?')">Click me</A>


<A HREF="http://SomeWebSite" OnClick="return confirm('Are you
sure?');return false;">Click me</A>

Everything fine in XP and 2000, but in all WindowsMe Stations, it redirects
the link even the users click no, I check all the computers, they have installed IE6 Sp1 and js enabled. What wrong ?

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I'm using CDO.Message to send emails and i'm using the .CreateMHTMLBody to send an html page, the only problem that i have is that when you view the email, you notice all the images that are in that page as attachments !!!! the email loads fine, but is there a way not to show the images in the attachments line

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I have a asp page that sends a excel price list to customers, this worked
fine untill now, but now when i sent one to myself it arrives as a dat file.
Does any one know why, and how to fix it, is it a problem with my emailk
reader (Outlook) or is it some thing to do wih Exchange?

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message to send mail from ASP page. I find that all the mails sent goes to bulk folder or appear as spam message in both yahoo and gmail. How can i prevent that.

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Message Box

Is There a Message Box in Active Server Script like in
Visual Basic?
The four books I have show it the same as VB but I get a
Message "Permission Denied"
MsgBox "Message"

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Message Box

does anyone knoe how to make a message box in asp vbscipt??

I am using

msgbox hello


msbox "hello"

to try and get a message but i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'msgbox'
change.asp, line 17

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Message Box

When I load this script it says, �No record found�. This message suppose to display when I put something in search box and there is no record that matches in database. Everything else works fine. How can I get read of �no record found� message when I load page Code:

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I am using CDO.Message object with code below. When I execute the .Send command, I get the following error.

Error: -2147220973
Description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

Note: The SMTP Server and the IIS Server are the same machine.

Anyone come across this error message in the past? This error also occurs when I use Method #1 where I use the schema reference provided by Microsoft. Here is the code:

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I've created a form that e-mails the response to a person. Problem is that I want to include their name in the From attribute. Unfortunatly, the .From doesn't like spaces between strings. Are there any suggestions how to fix this? Code:

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I use CDO.Message to send mail. The problem is, CDO.Message will send to any malformed address, (eg. and no errors are thrown.

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Message Box

I want to delete a record from sql DB in asp page.. When the word "delete" is click, there will be prompted by message box about want or not to delete the record.

If the message box is clicked "yes" then record will be deleted. If the message box is clicked "no" so the record will not be deleted.

I've tried to use vbscript, but it didn't work, because I don't know how to combine this vbscript with ASP which is should connect to DB too.

If anyone who read this, has a complete coding for solving my problem, n would like to share with me ...

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Does anyone know if it's possible to send an email out in the Session_OnEnd script?
I Know it's possible to create a connection object in Session_OnEnd but unsure if it will create a cdo.message object.

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Message Box

My ASP is limited and I can't recall how to pop up a simple message box
(with OK button).

I want to use them for debugging some code.

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Message Box

im making an online course and on a certain page there are 3 items that each user needs to open and read. I want to check and see if they have opened all of these items before they can continue, so I would like to have a msg box pop up when they try and leave the page if they havent opened all 3 items first.

I have the database set up so if i know if its they're first visit to the page, and it knows when they open each of the 3 items, I just dont know how to get a msg box to appear when they try and leave the page. I know there is no msgbox fuction in, and i have tried javascript alert on page unload, but i get a "Response is not available in this context." error.

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message Class for sending email.My program is working properly.But some times it sends only part of mail.

I am sending through my mail server using authentication.Every thing is fine.I sending mail in html format.I am not understading the reason behid this there any limitation of size of message to be sent?

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i recive this error when sending the email that uses cdosys

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/admin_SubscribedCust_email_processor.asp, line 42

line 42 is --> myMail.Send

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Can someone explain the with/end with operative used with cdo.message.I havent come across this before.

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Message Box

I have created a page which loops through a recordset and creates a new row for each record.This row contains an image which the user can click to delete the record that is displayed in that row.

When the user clicks the delete image (link) I wish to make a message box appear with YES/NO buttons and a "Question" Icon.The message box will display "Are you sure you want to delete record x from the database?"where x is the primary key from that table (objRS.Fields("RecordID") )

If the user clicks YES it will redirect the user to a page.If the user clicks NO no action is performed.

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Message Box In Asp

How do i insert a messagebox in asp?

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