Connect To Your Database Oracle 9i

How do you connect to your database(oracle9i) upon clicking a button? Let's say I have a text box which ask for a specific date, then upon clicking the button, the script will connect to the database and extract records based on the input date.

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Connect To Oracle From ASP

My asp application is connect to oracle database. However, when i try to open the default page, an error occurs and i receive this message:

- Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'MoveFirst'

The code that is causing this error is following:


Dim objConn
Dim rsForums
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "dsn=ORCL9; uid=toy; pwd=yes;"
Set rsForums = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsForums = objConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM Forums ORDER BY Forum ASC")
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="1">
<td width="60%">
While Not rsForums.EOF
<td><a href="forum.asp?ForumID=<%= rsForums("ForumID") %>"><B><%= rsForums("Forum") %></B></a>
<%= rsForums ("Description")%><BR>
<SMALL>[Total Posts: <%= rsForums("Posts") %>] [Last Post on <%= rsForums("LastPost") %>]</SMALL>

The forums table in the oracle database has 2 lines of records, and it should not occur this error. Do you have any idea what is happenning?

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Connect To Oracle

am trying to connect to an oracle db. I'm not sure if I need a whole path or what am I doing wrong here?

Username = Request.Form ("UserName")
Password = Request.Form ("Password")
Source = request.form ("source")

If username="" Or Password="" Then
Session("Error_message") = "User name and password are required."
End If

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'original connection string
conn.ConnectionString = "msdaora.1;Password='" & Password & "';User ID='" & Username & "';Data Source="clscen;"

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Connect Asp With Oracle

i am newbie to this environment,please tell me how to connect asp with oracle, ineed all the steps and sample coding.the sample coding has to show "connected" msg after conecting asp with oracle.

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How To Use “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial

So I tried the following, but still no go. Code:

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Example Of “RDS.Connect” To Connect To A MS Access Database?

The example I am working from uses the following code which does not work:

RDS.Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Integrated Security='SSPI';Initial


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8i Oracle Database

i searched the web for a code to connect an 8i oracle database with the ASP and i didn't find anything useful untill now . So if any one can help me in this i will be so greatful , also i wanna know if it is possible for the PWS or is it only working with the IIS

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Oracle Database On Unix Box

I'm new to ASP so please forgive my ignorance. Our IT department says that there is no way that what I suggest can be done. I disagree because it should be possible (if not there is a massive hole in the market), but don't have the technical knowledge to back myself.

We have an Windows/IIS web server for our public website. Internally for our intranet we have a Unix box with and Oracle database. What I want to know is: Is it possible to query that database from the windows server using ASP? Are there any clients/COM/APIs etc that this would require? Can anyone direct me to a webpage that has more info?

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I Am Trying To Connect With Database

I am trying to connect to my access DB. I am developing my site in Dreanweaver and I have the site hosted already. I want to use the hosts server as my testing server.

When I create a connection string to the DB I have to use the servers directories. ex: e:/hshome/site/something.mdb When I try to add a server behavior to a form it can't find the DB. What am I doing wrong ?

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Asp Connect To Database

I have an access database that I need to put online for basic viewing. However, the database is also used by other people for updating and report printing. The web server and the access database are on two seperate servers. I cannot connect directly to the database cause if somebody has it open, the website will not work and for some reason I cannot connect to to database across servers. I tried a linked database, but asp will not recognise it.

I know that I could put all the reports and stuff online, but I have till next week
and I do not think that I can do it in this short a time. Any ideas will be helpful and if there is code that I need to manipulate I could try to do it. And also I do not have rights to configure the IIS option on the servers.

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Connect To Database

I'm having a hard time figuring out what type of database is used and where the file is located and how the script is even acessing it. From what I've done in the past with ASP a file was always used that had a DSN, username, and this code is access the database without a username/password/DSN? I've tried using the login info in the line that is commented out (line 2) but it wouldn't let me in so I guess this isn't being used.
Set objDbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'objDbConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};;database=databasename;uid=login;pwd=password;"
objDbConn.Open application.contents("strconn")
Set rsQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsQuery.ActiveConnection = objDbConn "sp_MajorList"

Set rsetQuery = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsetQuery.ActiveConnection = objDbConn

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Best Way To Connect To Database

I have seen 2 techniques to connect to database and was wondering which one is the best (i.e put less pressue on the database and time wise)

set getRecords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
getRecords.ActiveConnection = mlConn
getRecords.Source = "SELECT * FROM myDB"
getRecords.CursorType = 1
getRecords.LockType = 3


set getRecords = mlConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM myDB")

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Trying To Connect To A Database.

I am currently trying to get back into ASP and have begun looking at an old webpage I developed some years ago, it was fully functional back in 2002 and I had it up and running with no problems. I have just recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista Home Premium on it and installed IIS. When I try and connect to my data base I get the following error message retunred:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network error.

/joynermorgan/take_registration.asp, line 50

Line 50 looks like this:

writeDB.Open "joynerm" ....

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Connect To The Database

What is the best way of connecting to a database? Is it creating an application level variable which is shared by all users ? Or is it a session level variable for each session ? Or is it a connection in each procedure ? Or Should it be like opening the connection when the database is accessed and closing it immediately which means multiple opening and closing in the same procedure.

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Connect To A Ms Sql Database

I am learning asp and its going smoothly however I seemto not know how to connect to mssql. Can someone show me an example and where I output information from the database and do queries?

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ASP.NET Database Connect

I am trying to connect to an Access database that I have setup through .NET. I have been able to do it with ASP by setting an ODBC connection and using ASP:

strconn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("access_databaselocalFinder.mdb")
set strconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") "DSN=localfinder"
%> .

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Move Oracle Database To Another System

i have written a small asp code with backend as oracle.i have created a small database which is accessed by asp. now suppose if i have to move the database to another system along with code what should i do.

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Connect To Database On Another Domain

I have 2 websites which are related in content and usage, both are database driven.

My question is, is it possible to connect to a .mdb database using asp on one website from another website.

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Connect To Database In Dreamweaver

I've got a database on my web server and when I create the connection using a custom connection string within Dreamweaver, it connects with no problems. However, Dreamweaver then doesn't see the tables in the database.

I know there's an issue with SP2 and Dreamweaver but I've installed the patch and it hasn't made any difference. Does anyone know of another work around?

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Connect To Database Problem...

set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open ("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=sportteam;")

this is my connection to mysql.....
but, when i use looping from market table........
then, get id from market to sum bet table.....

is quick slow........
around 70-80 second.....

why quick slow.........?

my connection have problem?

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Not Able To Connect The Web Pages To The Database

i am not able to connect the web pages to the database I am using the code as follows:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "d:/Inetpub/webdata/db1.mdb"

set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Table1", conn

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Connect To Access Database?

I am connecting to a microsoft access database using ASP. It works perfectly if i put all the code in every page i access a database with.

However i have created a useDatabase.asp file which contains functions for connecting to the database. I use an include statement and call the function but seem to always receive an error which dissappears when i remove the function and paste the code. Code:

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Connect To 2 Database With 1 Provider.

I am using the following to connect to SQL Server. How can connect to 2 database with this?

strProvider = "Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=myserver;UID=user;PWD=password;DATA BASE=myDatabase;"

I do not want to code the Database name and user in the query, as below:


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Connect 2 Ms Access .mdb Database

is it possible to connect 2 ms access .mdb database? can anyone advise me how u connect 2 ms access .mdb?

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Connect To MySQL Database

I'm a PHP developer and i've been asked to do some development for a site which is on a web server which only supports ASP. I had planned to have a bash at writing an ASP program (first time) on this server which will interact with a MySQL database on another web server (my company's web space).

Would this be possible, or should I try and set up the database on the same server as the ASP pages (this may cost money, which is why i'm hoping the first option will be possible)?

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Connect MS Access Database

tell the easy way to connect a database to ASP and also html from in wchich text connect with ASP file whcih are conncected with database .

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Connect To A REMOTE Database

In my latest school project, i would need to use ASP to connect to a remote database that is NOT located on the ASP server. I was wondering if this is possible?

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Connect To Access Database Using ADO

Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong. I have included the asp pages and the database, in hope that someone can tell what I am lost on. This page never loads when i try to open it in the browser.

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Connect With Access Database

using XP pro with IIS to develop offline asp data access site. Suddenly, my DSNs and odbc drivers have disappeared - the only thing I can think of is that an XP auto update has done this in some way.

Can anyone tell me how to get hold of and re-instal odbc drivers to allow me to connect with ACCESS data bases.

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Date Format From Asp Form To Oracle Database?

my database, sqlplus oracle, has a column ccexpiry, whch is set to date. In my form in asp, there will always be an error whenever i pass in a date that is not in the DD MMM YYYY which is the standard for oracle. My qn is how can i pass in a date that is in DD/MM/YYYY format? Code:

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Cannot Remotely Connect To Access Database

I've been setting up an IVR server that needs to be able to directly update databases(remote data input from field reps). The database which I'm trying to get to is in fpdb of the ISS server. It is spewing this information at me: Code:

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Front Page Connect With Database

i wanna connect front page forms with the database for searching and updation .. how can i do it.. in asp it ask to host the web it doesn't works on disk drive..any one help to solve this proplem..any alternative

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Connect To A Database On A Remote Server

I have my access database on a xp workstation setup as a web server using IIS. I am trying to access the mdb from another web server, but when I run my code below I keep getting :

Microsoft ADO/RDS error '800a20ff'

Internet Server Error. Code:

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