Content Page Too Long

If the content of a db field is too long, (like when the web page ends up being 3 A4 page lengths due to alot of content in the db field), is there a way of say, creating a 'next page', thus splitting the data content over 2 pages?

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Divide Long Web Page

I want to divide long HTML page (paging) into smaller pages.I know how to do it if I use recordset but in my project, I dont need to read from a Database, I'm reading a file system wich is a folder and list all files insid it.

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Page Taking Too Long To Load

I have a page that is taking way too long to load. The time is around 8 minutes. It is pulling about 2600 records from an SQL database.

The page works properly, and I’ve put a “Please wait” <div> to help, but I’m not sure where to look as to the problem. How much is the way the page is built or the server that is serving up the page? Code:

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My Server Hangs For A Long Time After I Run This Page

My server hangs for a really long time after I run the following code...

It is to serve up 3 types of files: a picture, a word document, and an mp3 file from a directory "/uploads" that is not accessible through the URL. The script works perfectly for the picture and doc file, but nothing loads when it is used for the audio files. The files are a few megs large, but after I run it I can't access ANYTHING on the site for quite some time.

What's wrong? Is it something wrong with M@rco's script? Did I impliment it wrong?

I don't mind if it simply takes a long time for it to load the audio file, but it is killing the entire server it seems like. Code:

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Get Page Content

I am trying to read webpage content into a string variable to be able to search it for a pattern that I want to be able to display on another ASP page.Is there any obvious method to do this with VB script?It would be something compatible with following PHP script:

<? $fd = fread(fopen("", "r"), 100000); if ($fd) {  /* $start = strpos($fd, "<unique HTML tag>">"); */$start = strpos($fd, "Veðurhorfur á landinu til kl. 18 á morgun:"); /* $finish = strpos($fd, "<unique, sem næst lokun HTML tags>"); */$finish = strpos($fd, "Næsta veðurspá er væntanleg"); $length = $finish - $start; $code = substr($fd, $start, $length); echo $code;}?>

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Web Page Content

i have a web app whereby the content for each page is stored in the database. This content is interweaved in html and saved in the Database. As a result when teh user does a search through the app and searches for say <table it brings back everything with teh table tag in the database

Does anyone know if I can only search the text rather than the html and content in my Database.

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Content Of A Page To A Variable

Is there a way to save the contents of a web page to a variable? I have some Word docs that have been saved as HTML (yuck!), but I am stuck with them. I would like to create a page that writes out the contents of the word/html document while maintaining the formatting.

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Content Fill Asp Page While It Loads

I've got an asp page which scans a range of IP addresses and printes the
response to screen.

I've tried loads of methods and ended up with using javascript innerHTML to
try and fill the content

What I'd like is the value to return instantly rather than wait until the
routine has completed and return ALL the results.

if i'm pinging a big range of addresses the page usually times out......
I thought if I could build the page dynamically, one result at a time, the
timeout error wouldn't happen - and users would see that something is
actually happening!!! Code:

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Display Csv File Content On Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns..."Name" and "Team" I would like to be able to have 2 dropdown menus on a webpage showing both of these and a method (a post I guess) to change which team they are a member off...For example Joe is in Team 1 but moves to Team 2, from this page the user can change Joe to Team 2..

I would also like to be able to add new members and remove existing ones.

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How Can I Insert The Content From An HTML Or ASP Page Into A DataBase

what I want to make actually is to take the results of a search engine that I use, which are in form of HTML or ASP and transport that results in a DataBase. For example, I wont to place as registrations in the DataBase the equivalents URLs and their descriptions from the results of search. I use MS Access, code asp, HTML , Javascript .

QUESTION! How can I insert the content from an HTML or ASP page into a dataBase? How can I determine from what point to what point a string it will be entered in the first cell of table and afterwards in the next and next ....

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HTTP Header Modifications Must Be Made Before Writing Page Content

am using pws on win 98 and when i try to excute any asp page i got the following error

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' The HTTP headers are already written to the client
browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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Printer Friendly Page :: Directly Print The Content From Textbox Data

how to print the content of a multiline textbox without taking the content to some other "printer friendly" page. I just wanna send whatevers in the textbox directly to the printer.

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Too Long To Insert

I want to insert a new row in my db but it says that the "identifier is too long"...

ORA-00972: identifier is too long

to be more precised... I googled it but I can't seem to pinpoint how to work around this

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Long Emails

When sending long emails a mysterious space-character is added after a
certain number of characters. Any idea why that happens?
I am using a Dundas Mailer control (if that matters) called from an asp

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Long Posts

I have a database-driven site and it is possible for users to leave comments, which get written to the database. How do I make it so large comments can be added?I am getting this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error'80040e21'

The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

/wall2.asp, line 37

I have set the default field type in the database to be 'memo'and set the default text field size to 255 (the maximum allowed)

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Long Numbers

How do i make this number shorter?like to make it like.let's say 65.39?

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Long URLs

Is anyone aware of any sort of asp coding to deal with long URLs? I have a few asp that pull URLs from fields within a MS db, which then display on a width-limited table. Is there any way to wrap these long URLs such that my table doesn't get widened? e.g. wrapping at "/" or something similar?

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Too Long Mailto: Link?

ok I have a page that displays all of the 3000+ records of people, phone numbers, and email addresses. on this page I have added a link that combines all of the e-mail addresses into one mailto: link so that we can mass notify these people of upcoming projects. the problem is that i think the link is too big for the browser to handle. the view source shows that everything is there but i cannot click the link. i have tried both IE and FireFox to no avail. The code is below just in case i have a typo or something...

sql = "Select * from people WHERE (IsNull(m_idstatus) OR m_idstatus <> 'id2') AND (m_email Like '%@%')"

y = 0
do while not rs.eof
If (rs("m_email") = "" OR IsNull(rs("m_email"))) Then
e_email = e_email
e_email = e_email & rs("m_first_name") & "&nbsp;" & rs("m_last_name") & "(" & rs("m_email") & "); "
y = y + 1
End If

<a href="mailto:?bcc=<%= e_email %>">E-MAIL ALL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;

I have also tried changing the format of the link by adding before the ?bcc= but get the same results on both browsers. Like I said in the beginning I assume that the link is just too big for the browser; does anyone have any ideas besides making a mail form in the page? I would prefer to stick with a mailto link so that we can keep internal Outlook features.

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Command Text Too Long?

I'm currently working on an ASP site that connects to a MySQL database I've built a form that allows users to insert press releases. They add the date and title and then the text of the release.

The problem that I'm having is that every so often when the user submits the form they get an error message saying "Command text too long" The record isn't added to the database after this

I use a longtext field for holding the main text of the press release Code:

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ServerXMLHTTP Uses 100% CPU For A Long Time

I'm trying to use ServerXMLHTTP on an ASP (not ASP.NET) page to retrieve
large binary data from a remote server. When the request is large (more than
a few megabytes), the ServerXMLHTTP page jumps to nearly 100% CPU utilization
for an unusually long time. The remote server needs a few seconds to prepare
the request, during which time the CPU seems OK. It seems that as soon as
the data is ready to retrieve, the CPU usage jumps and remains that way until
the data has all been copied to the requesting server. That takes way too
long - about 35 seconds when requesting a 12 MB file over a gigabit Ethernet.

I use ServerXMLHTTP hundreds of thousands of times daily on this same system
on the same network, with absolutely no problem - but for smaller requests.
There's something about the size of the request that makes it blow up.

I saw some reports of older systems with this problem (Windows 2000), but
I'm running IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003, SP1.

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Long Response Times

I am trying to simply print to screen all the data in a colum from a .mdb file. Later I will do more advanced things but for now this would be good.

What I have WORKS, but takes a LONG time to retrieve the first record, if I tell it to retrieve more than one row it will time out. I was hoping to connect to the file directly and not have to create an ODBC connection. The code seems simple enough and the server is no dud (p4 2.4ghz) so do I need to setup a DSN and connect to it that way? Code:

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Message For Long Queries

give me a sample code to display a "please wait"
message while retrieving results from the database in ASP.

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Long Select Statement

I have a sql statement that contains many fields. I am having problems with the way I am writing the sql statement. Here is an example:Code:

filePath = server.MapPath("directory/dbName.mdb")
Set conn = Sever.CreateObject("ADPDB./Connection")
conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
conn.Open filePath

mysql = "SELECT field1,

I get an error at the comma on the line "SELECT field1,
What is the proper syntax for line continuation?

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My Query Is To Long To Fit On One Line

I am trying to return a recordset of data. The problem is my SQL query does not fit on 1 row. What do I need to do to start a new row. I tested the asp when I trimmed my query down to 1 row and it worked.

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Long Running Process

I'm developing an intranet application using W2k server and IE5.5 - 6.x
clients. I've got one particular function that calls a stored procedure to
update a number of records, depending on user input. The problem we have
run into is that this procedure can take a few minutes to complete in
certain circumstances, and of course IIS times out.

I've been doing some searching for a solution, but most of the answers I've
found relate to showing a 'Please wait' message while processing the page,
which doesn't help in this situation. The others I've found relate to using
MSMQ, which would probably help, but leads to a load of testing issues that
I'm not prepared to deal with at the moment.

Are there any other 'common' ways to handle this at the ASP level?

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Long Text In Variable

I am using some code like the one below to work with a text file, modifying
its lines one by one:

Set objFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objF = objFS.OpenTextFile("MyText.txt", 1)

Do While objF.Line <= 26 ' --- I am reading only certain lines

'--- get entire line
strTemp = objF.ReadLine
'--- do some other stuff here


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Splitting A VERY Long String

I have a very long string statement that needs spltting down into smaller sections and segments. I know how to use the split() function, and it splits the string down into smaller sections, however when I try and split one of these smaller sections into segments it throws an error out. Firstly is it possible to keep splitting the same string again and again to break it down? If not does anybody know how I would go about breaking down the string?

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Long Text Insert

I was performing some testing on my forms and in the comments section of the form, I copied and pasted a large amount of text. All of the text appeared on my confirmation page that I have that shows all of the submitted information. Once I hit submit on the confirm page so that the INSERT will occur, only about 1/4 of the text that was entered shows up on my "Submission Confirmation" page.

The text insert appears in the database, but only the 1/4 of the text that was entered. I'm using the "text" datatype and the length is set to 16. Can anyone think of why only a portion of my text is being displayed and then inserted into the table?

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Long Hyperlink Into Database

I'm trying to put a long hyperlink into my database table which works fine. I used longtext as the field type. My records insert just fine. But when I try to retrieve the records on the asp page all the other data shows up but the hyperlink data. Here's an example of my link.

INSERT INTO products
(manufaturer, prod_category, prod_link)
VALUES ('Xtra','Irons','<a href="" target="_top" >CG1 Irons w/ Steel - 3-PW Iron Set<br>$799.99</a><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0">');

What am I doing wrong.

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Cutting Long Numbers

anyone got an idea on how to cut the output of a number? coz i made a computation and the output was this


and i want to make it 81.57

anyone got an idea?

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