Controling Thumbnail Proportions

I've built a job site, that allows employers/agencies to load their logos up which appear on each advert. Currently the max size limits of images are 600*200. Anything under these dimensions are uploadable.

The problem is that I have a control page that displays and manages all their logos. If their images are of different widths, it makes the page look tacky. So, is there a way of making all their thumbnails that appear on this page, all the same widths, but still in proportion height wise?

600*200 will display 200*66. (1/3 size)
400*180 will display 200*90. (1/2 size)

In otherwords, the width to be 200px, and proportional height wise.

Any ideas on how to do this?

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Image Display/controling Options

I've got a directory site for accommodation providers. I would like them to have the ability to display a couple of images on their details page. I can easily set it up so they upload images to my server and DB and are displayed etc etc... But I would rather have them just provide the links so that the pictures remain on their website etc....

The only issue I have is what happens if it is a bad link. By uploading to my server I can remove the risk of images not appearing, but by using a link, is there a way of 'testing' whether there is an image at the end of the link. Is there a script out there capable of verifying if an image file is where it should be for veiwing? My initial thought was to have a script that tests the image link for a width <> 0. On the page I would use an IF statement to allow displaying of the image if the image existed..... BUT HOW ?

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Image Thumbnail

I am writing an ASP site that contains images. The owner of the site wants
to be able to upload images. The only problem is that the owner is not
computer literate enough to be able to create a thumbnail. So basically I
am looking for some code that would help me take the image he has and create
a thumbnail out of the image.

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Thumbnail Creator

I need a simple function to generate and save a thumbnail from a picture. It would require:

Source Picture Fileame
Thumbnail Height and Width
Thumbnail Filename

There are many pay programs available but they do far more than I require and I want the code to be built in to my code, not operate as a separate program. Any ideas? The browser knows how to resize pictures easily enough, and that is free! Is there no way to capture this with ASP?

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Thumbnail Size Control

i am displaying images from a database using code like this Code:

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tblInfo WHERE RecordID = " & strID & ""

oRs.Open strSQL, conn

Response.Write "<tr><td><a href='images/" & oRs ("PictureName") & "'><img src='images/" & oRs ("PictureName") & "' border=0></a></td>...

if seen examples of resizing images as they are uploaded, but is there a way to get size attributes just having a path? What I like to be able to do is only resize the picture to a thumbnail with a width of 75pixels, only if the image is over 75 pixels wide. Is this possible?

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Creating Image Thumbnail

Some surely must know of a way of creating a smaller filesize thumbnail using just bog standard ASP code and no components?

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Uploading / Resizing / Thumbnail Images

I am working on a gallery and am uploading pics. Is there any way of resizing the resizing image eg make a thunbnail from the image been upload. Also can I rename the image so that images aren't overwritten.

below is the code I am using.....

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Create Thumbnail Of MS Word Document

Just wondered if it was possible to create a thumbnail / GIF image of a microsoft word document on the fly with ASP?

They seem to be able to do it on (see, for example) - Is there a function which does this?

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