Convert Otb Files To An Hex String

I have an asp application by the means of which I'm sending cellphone icons in otb format to a company who sends them by sms to the user. The company requires those otb files as hex strings.

Does anyone have an idea how to do that?

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Convert ASP Files To Executable Files

I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.

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Convert Asp To DLL.files

i did a application here it works off line and for online also
when i sold it for offline there is a problem with ASP code

any idea for changing asp files to dll file

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Convert A String

i need to convert a string to hexadecimal prior to posting it onto the next do i pass the field value to the function prior to posting ? Code:

Function StringToHex(str)
' conversion here
End Function

i hope my doubt is clear. i tried looking in the posted forums couldn't find anything . Anyone know how ?

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Convert To A String

im trying to input some data into a database from a text box to a field with a text data type the problen is when i try to input "44/22" it goes into the database "2"

so it makes the math process

so how can i fix this to insert the 44/22 into the database ?

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Convert A String

I've got a string that contains commas and semi-colons to be used as delimiters. It looks like so: 1,1;4,2;

I'm trying to write a function that will turn similar strings into a multidimensional array, but I'm having problems.

Function fncCreateMultiArray(strString, strDelimiter)
arrOneDimension = split(strString, strDelimiter)
For i = LBound(arrOneDimension) TO UBound(arrOneDimension)
arrTwoDimension = split(arrOneDimension(i), ",")
fncCreateMultiArray = arrTwoDimension
End Function

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Convert String To Int

i am trying to connection to the datbase and retrive information from it. At the same time i am using some updation satements.The problem here is i am not able to store values in the database which i declared as 'int'.i tried every possible way.suggest me a way to write into 'int' fields in asp. Do i have to use JScript?? do post if you have any code related to this topic.

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Convert A String

How would I convert a string to integer? e.g July to 7 . How would I make use of a graph in asp? I need to put a organogram into a intranet site.

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Convert String Var

a = "1"

b = 2

how can i convert a string var to a number var? how can i make the a var to be numerical,so I can add it to b?

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Convert To Image Files

i need to upload files of type .doc,.tif,.pdf,.xls,.txt to the server and convert this files to images(jpg or gif).

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Convert String To Number

which function should I use to convert a simple string to a number?

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Convert Filename To String

I'm uploading a file to my server, and I retrieve the filename. Now I can print out the filename with response.write(filename) but when I try to insert the filename into access I get a "cannot be a zero-length string." error. I'm assuming its because the filename was read in using binaryread. So how would I convert this back into a string?

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Convert Number Into A String?

I need to convert a variable, nNum, into a two-character string. nNum is
always less than 100.

If nNum is 0, the string needs to be "00", if it's 1, it needs to be "01",
if it's 34, it needs to be "34".

What's the best way to do this?

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Convert Object To String

How to convert Object to String

I have objError.Description, i need to convert string in order to use InStr function.
I tried using CStr, which doesn't work

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Convert A String To An Integer

I get the EmpID from the form which is a variant. When I do the following, I get an overflow error. Can you suggest of a way I can convert this EmpID to a number?Code:

'Get the EmpID from the form
strEmpID = cInt(Request.Form("empid"))

VBScript is the scripting language I am using.

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Convert A Date String

I've got an ASP script connected to a db table with a datetime field which is filled mannually for each record. When I want to select only those records with a date greater than todays date using this sql query:

Select * from fixtures where home_team_code = '" & idno & "' or away_team_code = '" & idno & "' and game_date > '" & today & "' order by game_date asc

it returns all records rather than only records with a date in the future. Is this something to do with the fact that i'm comparing a string to a datetime?? Can I use a VBScript function to make the string comparable to datetime?

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Convert String To Float

i want to covert a querystring to float number in asp.what function should i use?i know cint() can convert string to int but how about float?

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Can't Convert String To Number

I'm reading through a txt file and using split to create an array of values. I need to convert one element in the resulting array from a string to a number.

However, none of the conversion functions such as CInt, CSng, Val work. I consistently receive a 'type mismatch' error.

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Convert Date String

I want insert string date from web form into oracle DB, using following to get date value:

sUpdateTime = Request.Form("date")

the date format the user enetr on the web is mm/dd/yyyy: h24:mi:ss (e.g. 04/13/2005 13:35:01). UpdateTime datatype in Oracle is date, so when insert sUpdateTime into DB, using following code got problem, I knew using To_Date (...) in the insert sql, but don't know the syntax.

strSQL = "Insert into table1 (UpdateTime)"
strSQL = strSQL & " values (?)"
oCmd.CommandText = strSQL
oCmd.Parameters(0) = sUpdatetime

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Convert Celsius To Farenheit In String

How can I get the Celsius temperature of a string and convert to Farenheit?

Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
Fahrenheit = Celsius * 9/5 + 32

testString="it is 30C today and will be 32C tomo"
testString=Replace(testString, "find celsius", "replace with Fahrenheit")


I need to look for numbers followed by "C", and use that number, convert it and add "F".

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Convert String To Date-format

I try to convert a string in to date format, but I didn't succeed until now.

I get a specified date in this form:

date = "20060808"

In the first step I convert the date to a valid date-format:

convdate = right (z,2)&"-"& mid(z,5,2)& "-" & left(z,4)
'looks like this now: "08-08-2006"

Now I want to put this value in a date-format to adding and substracting a days much easier for me.

test = (date)convdate
test = test+15

The problem is that I don't know how to convert into date format.

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Convert String To Useable Varible

I have a databse I am pulling news from and evetyhing is working fine.I made a asp script to generate a XML page, my issue is if any of the feilds have invalid strings for XML

ie & <>

It will break and will not output a proper XML page.Is there a way to convert a string into a valid XML string, I know in PHP there was a HTML encode, but will that encoding type be safe still with XML output?All I see are examples to load files and convert their text into XML safe strings, I just want to convert strings on the fly without loading external files.

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Convert Byte Array To String

I want to convert the binary data to string. I tried doing the same using following peace of code.

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
Dim I, S
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
SimpleBinaryToString = S
End Function

It works fine when the data is English. But when the binary data contains some Japanese characters the resultant string gets corrupted.

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Convert A String To Date Type

I need to convert a string that I pull out from a XML-feed to a valid date format. The date format in the XML-feed is like this:


I want to change convert to a date type, in
this format:12.01.2005 12:06:42
(mm.dd.yyy tt:mm:ss)

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Convert String To SHA-1 Base64 Format

I have 3 fields....Name, CC, and Number. I want to combine all 3 fields to become 1 string...example:


StringCombine: VRAO415244411258741125412002

With that StringCombine i want to convert it to SHA-1 Base 64 format. I not sure how to make the string become SHA-1.

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Tool To Convert Html To Multiline String For Mail?

I need to convert html into a multiline string which looks something like this:

shtml = "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""
width=""720"">" & _ "<tr><td width=""100%"" valign=""top""><br>
<!-- MainTable -->" & _


Is there a tool that can do this?

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Convert String To Int :: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value

if my month is represent by numbers. like 2, 4, etc
i recognize this as a string but then i want to store it as int

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting the varchar value '2, 2, 2' to a column of data type tinyint.

/ords/asp/custorder_view.asp, line 41

u can see the varchar value to colum of data type tinyint

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XP's Search For String In Files

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Search to search for a text string in a folder full of a bunch of ASP files. Seems like the normal "Search for text in files" program in XP Pro won't search between the ASP delimiters <% %> .

How can I search for text strings in ASP a folder full of ASP files with out opening each one individually and searching?

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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Time Convert String To OdbcType.Time

I am working on a database that collects information about incidents. One of the fields that people enter is the time of the incident. I am trying to convert that string that people enter into a OdbcType.Time and I am at a lost.

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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Can Php Files Execute Inside Asp Files?

Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible.
My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one.
Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?

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