Cookie From Frameset

I have developed a site that uses cookies for a low-security login system, which works fine. The client now wants to put the entire site inside a frameset, with the parent page on another server, but when we do this the cookies are set (i can see them in netscapes cookie list) but then cannot be read. is this a domain problem? is there any way around this? I've been seeing a few things on p3p that might make this hard...

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Frameset Value Set

I have 2 framesets:

A.asp (parent frameset)

In my A.asp form I have input textboxes. I am doing my query in B.asp.I want to post the result of my query in A.asp.

How can I do this?

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I am trying to set a url in a frameset asp page, so that it goes to a non-frame asp page.Is it possible?

my example code is below:

<frameset rows="*" cols="180,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Softwarelist.asp" name="leftFrame" scrolling="Yes" noresize>
<frameset rows="80,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Topbanner.asp" name="topFrame" target="_blank" scrolling="No" noresize>
<frameset rows="1100,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="Risk_info.asp" name="MainFrame" scrolling="Yes" noresize>


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Refresh A Frameset

My frameset has three frames, header, navigation bar and a main page.
I can tell when the server has timed out because the session variables have
been reset but, when that happens, how do I refresh the frameset and all the

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How To Set Unknown SRC In Frameset

I have two pages of aspx one is content.aspx and other is framing.aspx

I want that I have 3 diffrent link on my content.aspx


and on framing page there are only frame on top my header, on bottom my footer:

but i want that when i click one of the link on content.aspx it must be opened in middleframe of framing.aspx

I have created link using <a href="">yahoo</a>
same like this for other 2 .

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Secureserver In Frameset

I am using secure server in my site for payment process. the site is divided in three frames top, left & main. For jumping between http and https I made the links hardcode. When I click on the shopping cart button from the menu in left frame it shows the page in main frame and change the URL from http to https in address bar.

But the problem is when I click on any other button URL does not change from https to http while all the links on buttons are hardcoded. The page displayed in main frame is actually changing between http and https but URL Displayed in address bar is not changing.

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Frameset And Border

I have a frameset with a nested frameset, like follows:


I set the border, frameborder and framespacing to zero, I still see borders. I have images in each of the frames that, put together, comprise a single image. I ensured that there is no white space in the images' borders. How can I make it so that there are no borders at all?

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Can ASp Be Used To Close And Reopen A Frameset

I have a system of pages set up on an intranet that uses a top frame and left frame for much of the navigation. But I would like to allow the people viewing the pages to close and reopen the frameset thus allowing more room to view the content. Is there a way that I can make a button either close or just resize the nav frames without losing the content page...

I think that a resize option would be the best that way I can just put a link on the frame and resize it to where only the link is viewable.

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Frameset Problem With Some PCs Running IE6

We're just in the process of setting up a small intranet site running
on a W2K server. Our home page has a basic frameset with a main window
which displays information depending on the link selected in the left
hand toolbar. It all works fine on most of the PCs on the network. All
the left hand toolbar links have a target="main" attribute in order to
display the information in the main window within the frameset.

However, on a couple of PCs, when you click on a link, the information
is displayed taking up the whole screen (i.e. as if the target was
"_top"). The setup of these PCs is no different from all the others.
They are all running XP and IE6. Is there an IE setting that could be
preventing these particular PC's from using the frameset properly?

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Frameset Or Include Files

I'm going to revamp an intranet for a company... which need further maintanence in the future but I got a doubt.Should I use Include Files method or Frameset Method to design?

If use frameset ,the design has 2 frames which are a top frame and bottom frame and the critical(other programmer could add and delete links in the future) links are all in bottom frames. If use table ,only have to include files on the 1st row & 2nd row.Which is better to maintain ?

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New Session On Page Inside A Frameset

I have been using session variables to pass a user name from one ASP
page to another inside framesets for 9 months and it stopped working
this week. I have made no code changes but there was a "security
update" installed on the server a few days ago but I can't find out
exactly what it was.

In the research I have done I found many articles on the subject of
session variables in ASP pages inside framesets. From what I read a
new session will be started every time a new ASP page is accessed
until a session variable is set, once a session variable is set the
session will stay the same from page to page, even when using frames.
It is possible to start a session by setting a session variable in the
global.asa file.

My page 1 sets the session variable "username", this page calls page 2
which then uses the "username" variable. This still works on the two
test servers I have where no upgrades of any kind have been done. I
changed the code to display the Session.SessionID in both page 1 and
page 2. On my test systems I get the same session id number, on my
production system I get two different session id numbers and when I
turn on prompting for all cookies I get the session cookie prompt when
the second page is called. The two test systems are on the same
network as my workstation, the production machine on the internet at a
hosting site.

I have cookies enabled in my browser, session state is enabled in IIS
and there are no special characters in the domain name of the web
site. I did not have a global.asa file so I added one and I set a
session variable in the global.asa just to get the session started.
What I find interesting is if I display the variable I set in the
global.asa file I can see it on both page 1 and page 2 but on page 2
I can't see the variables set on page 1. I am completely stumped.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do to get this working again? .....

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Passing Form Data Into Frameset

I have a page "entry.asp" where a user enters data into a form (named "form"). I want to submit the form and have the data passed to a frameset with two frames (frame1.asp and frame2.asp). I need the posted data from the form to be accessible to frame1.asp and frame2.asp.

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Response.cookie In Session_onstart Event And IE 6.0 Cookie Acceptance

When I set a cookie in global.asa in the sub session_onstart, even if
I have "privacy" in IE 6.X set to "block all cookies" the cookie is
still set, and I can get it on other pages.

I can't find an article that addresses this as a specific issue. Why
does the browser get the cookie when it is set in the session_onstart
event even when I have "block all cookies" set?

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Session Cookie Vs. Regular Cookie

I want to know what's the differences between session cookie and regular cookie.

In ASP, when we create cookie, we do the following to identify an user:

Response.Cookies("name") = value

Is this regular cookie? How about session cookie? and when to use which?

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How To Set Cookie To Nothing?

The problem is that the code for "change_school.asp" takes the user right to "portal.asp". I checked the code of "change_school.asp" and it does indeed set a cookie value for "school", but for some reason "default.asp" is still finding the old cookie stored and then redirecting...any ideas guys?

'code for change_school.asp...clears the cookie "school" and redirects to page (default.asp) where user can select a new school
<% Response.Cookies("school")= ""
Response.Redirect "default.asp" %>

'code for default.asp which allows user to select a new school, and if the cookie "school" has some value then they are redirected.
If request.cookies("school") <> "" then
Response.Redirect "portal.asp"
end if

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Cookie And SQL?

On this website i am building it has password protection on certain pages. So i have a "login" portion on the right side of the page, that is shown on every page. When someone logs in is it possible to change that little section to just say Welcome so and so? Instead of having the username and password form with submit button?? Or is this something that requires some java to hide it?

Part II
When someone logs in i want them to recieve a cookie, in that cookie i want it to contain the person's name (wich i want the to be put next to the "welcome back on part I), email address, and up to four other numerical values. (some people will have greater access to sections of the site depending on who they are)

Is is possible to grab this information from the SQL database and put in the cookie? If so can anyone please show me, point me in right direction, ect?

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Cookie Value

I'm using FrontPage Database results wizards to retrieve data from Access. I have a cookie containing a number I'd like to insert in a custom query. Whenever the page opens, I want the query to run using the value in the cookie. I haven't been able to figure out how to transfer the cookie value into something the FP webbot will accept in the query.

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What i am trying to do is this: I want to make a cookie. If someone comes back to a page (say after an hour after they left)i want them to get a specific popup. If someone comes back after than hour I want them to get a different popup, telling them something different.

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Cookie Detection

I'm going to go down this route of Cookie detection


If Request.Querystring("Check") = "" Then

Session("cookietest") = "True"



If Session("cookietest") Then

<!-- Execute code if enabled -->


<!-- Execute code if disabled -->

End If

End If


I’m a little worried, do you know how spiders work with regards to this sort of thing? My site gets some traffic due to it being spidered by the likes of google and I don’t want to loose that flow.

If I use this at the entry point of my site to redirect browsers with cookies turned off to a page telling them to turn them on will that stop the spiders?

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Cookie Availability

If my user turns cookies off, both permanent and temporary cookies can't be used or only permanent cookies can't be saved on the user's machine?

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Cookie Not Being Deleted.. How Do I?

I have a cookie with a path of "/"

im trieng to delete it before the expired time has comed anyway i am trieng to delete it by setting the cookie to ""

like so: Response.Cookies("name") = "";

but its not working but...i found out that if i dont set the path it is being deleted but i have to set the path because from some reason without it i have issues where the cookie is not found in some pages.

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A Cookie Disappears, But Not All Of Them

I have a problem with a Cookie in an ASP page. Without any apparent reason, one of the Cookies disappears, but the others are ok.

I'm at Page1, a link goes to Page2. Page2 redirects to Page3 and Page3 redirects to Page1. When I'm back to Page1, sometime, one of the cookies don't exist anymore... But the others are there! The disappeared Cookie isn't always the same, in the 18 Cookies that I have.

The environment is composed of 4 clustered servers. Page1 is SSL, but not Page2 and Page3.

I don't have more than 4KB (1.86KB to be more precise) of data and I don't have more that 20 Cookies on the same domain.

I added the following code:

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Sessions Without Cookie

Do you want manage ASP Sessions variables without Session Object and without Cookie?

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Retrieving Cookie Value

I want to retrieve the value of a cookie to make a form a little more user friendly (our intranet is configured to set a cookie for User First Name, Last Name and Email when they log in)

Unfortunately I can't figure out how to retrieve the value of the cookie. I've been trying:

Response.write Request.Cookies(UserLName)

But it gives me an error - I used Checky to make sure the cookies are there and they do exist:

Value: UserLName=Tarby

Can someone give me some advice?

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Encoding Cookie.

When I run the ASP page for the first time, I find out, that the Cookie file name contains some several special characters such as %5F, which are encoded with a URLEncode function. So, I have the following string (after convert): ....

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How To Remove Cookie?

How can I remove a cookie from the client in ASP? I'm not talking about setting the value to a blank string and I've tried this:

Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Now()
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Date() - 100

Neither of which work.

Is there any way to completley remove the cookie?

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Cookie Array

Is there a way to store an array of information in a cookie? ie. a user can have a "x" long list of a variable stored in a cookie, so when they return to the site this information can be retrieved.

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Get Cookie Path

Is it possible to get the physical path of a cookie? (C:Document and SettingsmyLoginCookies)

Because I need "myLogin" (the Windows Login), and I can't get with request.ServerVariables("logon_user") or ("author_user") or whatever...

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Write Db Value To A Cookie?

I select 'name' from the customer table.

Is it possible to write it into a cookie?

Response.Cookies("customer")("firstname") = '" & objRecordset(NAME) & "'

when I try to write the above using

Response.Write (Request.Cookies("customer")("firstname"))

i get the following ....

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Cookie Testing

I need to revisit cookie testing. On the home page and every product page I
write a cookie. I do this because some users enter by direct links to
product pages.

Response.Cookies("cookietest") = ("49")
Response.Cookies("cookietest").Expires = Date + 2

On the cart page I test for the cookie...

If Request.Cookies("cookietest") <"49" Then
End If

I have a user that insists he has cookies enabled, yet he keeps getting
redirected to my error page which suggests he does not have cookies enabled.
What could cause this? Is the above too simple for all circumstances?

Is there more extensive code that I could setup on a hidden page where I can
send users to get read out on how they actually have their browsers setup?
i.e. Run a test on their browser and the results are emailed to me.

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Creating A New Cookie

I have an asp page where i created cookies-for admin and for user. The aspx page reads these cookies. Everything seems to work fine but now i have to create a new cookie if cookie has expired or if cookie is null. Also, i am having problems with the expire because if the username belongs to the admin for example and then i want to change
the username that belongs to a normal user the cookie recognises the first (admin) cookie. How do i solve this? .....

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Cookie Poisoning

I have created a page where i got sth like this:

if (request.cookies("example") <> ""
end if

(I will try to explain as easy i can), so in the login.asp using a .mdb i get the username and check with the password, and putting the username in the cookie in this case called example, but using some cookie poisoning i can be anybody logged in, even sb out of the table of users, i didn't use the session object, i wanted to use a cookie because i got curiosity and i didn't understand what is the difference, and actually i don't understand so much...anyways i got 2 questions, how i do sth for protect the cookie for cookie poisoning and what is the difference between the session and the cookie (from the little what i know is that the session is a predefined cookie that has some encrypting stuff and that so on and got some properties, methods right? and the cookie is just a information holder without any extra stuff as the session object has, am i right?)

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Encrpyt A Cookie

I have created code to create a cookie about a user when their login and when they tick a remember me box.

The problem is though the the data in the cookie is stored in plain text. Which means I can use firefox and it webdeveloper tool to look at the cookie and change the values.

My question is how do you encrpyt a cookie so it doesnt store the info in plain text?

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