Copy File From Disk To Server?

How can I copy a file from disk to server?

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Asp Copy File From Local To Remote Share Drive Disk

I have two machines, one generate files, and copy to the other.
I try in my program, but it dit not work.

The two machines are not in the same domain. I saw some people's
question but not suitable for me,their machine are in the same domain.
They can assign permission to do the job.

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Copy Or Upload File From Server To Ftp Server

I want to copy or upload a file from server say some lanserver to ftp server through ftp. Is it possible.

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Copy File From Local Comp To Server ?

how can I copy a file from local disk to windows server using ASP (not

I have a control file on my web side, <input type="file" name="file1" />

I choose file on local computer and what function must I use to copy
this file to server ?

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Copy File From Local Machine On Server

I have one .asp page with form and <input file> field on it.I want to copy selected file from local machine on server.But it doesn't work.

Should I use some component?

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Monitor Intranet Server Disk Space

We have a process at my work where we use a program (DameWare Utilities) to generate a text file of all of the hard disk space used/free from all of the servers on our network. We then import the text file into an Access database and use an ASP page to view the information.

We are looking to automate this process a little more. Ideally, we would like to make an ASP page that will retrieve all of the disk information from the servers, and save it to a database. The problem is that we can't seem to be able to connect to drives on other computers, even by mapping them.

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Save On Hard Disk Exel File

how to work with ASP apart from tweeking some codes through Macromedia at times.The application has 1 form and 2 reports.

The report is viewed directly at the site and now I want a feature to export the report to excel by adding a button on the report so that it asks me to save it onto my harddisk in Excel.Can anyone help me with the code or concept?

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File Copy Using ASP

I have an ASP script running on the server that generated a PDF file for me on my server. Now, before I return to the client, I want the script to copy the file to a different location (on a different server). Can someone tell me how to code the file copy in ASP?

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Copy A File From URL

i m dealing with a problem i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this...FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files

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File Copy

I am writing a web app that will copy large files (250-3,000 MB) and wanted
to know the easiest way to implement some sort of progress bar? Each copy
will only have one file, but I would like a way for the user to see how far
the copy is.

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Copy A File From URL

i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this. FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files.

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Read And Copy Html Page From Another Server

Is it possible to do the following in asp: To read an html page from a server (not mine) every 5 minutes and copy it to my server. The html page just contains a list of numbers.

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File Copy Issue

I can log into the server, run the asp page and make the following
test code work, but if I log onto a workstation and run the same asp
page, I don't get an error, but the file copy doesn't work. I have
anonymous turned off because I record LOGON_USER as the clerk in the
site when the user processes orders. Why would this work running
directly from the server but not from a workstation? Code:

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Copy HTML File

I'm running a Win2k server with FP 2002 Extensions using discussion boards.There is a time delay in the posted content and the way our moderators are managing it now involves logging into the server,copying the TOC file,deleting the public TOC file and renaming the copy to the new public

version. --Copy and paste Tocprivate.htm -> delete TocPublic.htm -> rename copy of Tocprivate.htm to TocPublic.

Is it possible to script something that would allow this to happen with a single click of a button through their web browser?

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Copy Network File

I have write a asp that need to copy network file from file server to web server.I try it in webserver is everything alright. When I try in other machine, error on the filepath is not found. I search for the old thread, and I found it is not the same problem.

My IIS authentication method setting is "Digest authentication for Windows domain servers",and "Integrated Windows authentication",and I access the page using "Domain admin" account.So I sure it can access the file server to copy file to webserver.However, it still shown it "path not found".

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Copy An Html File

How can I copy an html file to a local drive? For example: I would like to copy:


to c:inetputwwwrootmydirmypage.htm

can I do that?

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File Copy To A Remote Mechine

I have sucessfully able to copy file to a remote mechine in our network by writing some asp code. To make it sucessful, I had to keep destination folder in remote mechine as "Share" for IUSER that my ASP code running with.

I thought just giving the IUSER write permission on the destination folder will allow to copy the file. But it does not, I had to keep the folder "Shared". Is there any way that I can copy file to a remote mechine without havving the folder "Shared".

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Copy File From Location Variable

I want to copy a file from a variable location


hisfile.txt" to a destination D:data

How can I do that? I tried to get the path from <input tyep=file>, but I couldn't pass this value to the filesystemobject.

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All The Sessions Reset When Run Copy Folder Or File

I have very weird problem on my server, when I run this function: Code:

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Security Issue On Copy Network File

I have write a asp that need to copy network file from file server to web se

I try it in webserver is everything alright.
When I try in other machine, error on the filepath is not found.
I search for the old thread, and I found it is not the same problem.
My IIS authentication method setting is "Digest authentication for Windows d
omain servers",

and "Integrated Windows authentication",
and I access the page using "Domain admin" account.
So I sure it can access the file server

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How Do I Save An XML Document To Back To Disk

I read in an XML document, change an attribute here or there, now I want to save the new version back to disk,

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Opening Bianry Files From Hard Disk

I'm looking for code regarding opening (not saving) binary files (pdf, word, excel...) from hard disk with asp, the website is hosted in C: and the pdf files are in D:

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How Can I Load A Web Programmatically From Another Website, And Save It To Disk?

I need to load a load a web page and save the whole page to a file.

I tried ADODB.Stream.Open

this fails when you append querystring parameters to the URL. Otherwise it
would have been fine.

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Upload File To Server And Get File Properties

I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.

I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.

What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).

I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.

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File Held On Server's File System

i am currently working on a project in which part of the requirements are to store files on the Server filesystem and make these files available for download by users. Is there a simple way to provide the user with a link which starts downloading the file when it is clicked?

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To Save A File To A Server And Retreive The File

I have an asp page, which displays graphical images.I am using Flipper graph in my application.

There is a link in the asp page "Click to view Image file",On clicking on this link,The graphical image need to be stored(Preferably in the server machine) and has to be opened in a new browser window.

To explain in detail. On clicking of that link"Click to view Image file" a function is called which does the following

1)Save the image file(.gif file) on the server machine
Graph.ImagetoGif("Location to be saved",100,200);
2) Opens the image on a new browser window.'from location from where the image is to be retreived',100,some more properties) So i need the image file to be saved in the server and retreived from the server.

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Post File From Server To Another Server

I accept a few user inputs and a file from the user, post it to my ASP page.
I'm able to receive the data as well as the file properly in Receiver.asp.
In my receiver.asp, I need to process the user inputs and subsequently POST
this data and the file again to a different server. I would like to use
ServerXMLHttp. Now, how do I simulate Form creation in receiver.asp.

I use the following code to post to the second server "post", myTargetURL,false
MyXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"

Now here's where I get stuck.

1) How do I construct the form data? How can I put together the data i
received (which is text) as well as the received file (which is Binary) in
the same Send statement for the Post? -- I assume that if HTML forms do it in
some format, I should be able to simulate the same through ASP, but how???

2) The received file will not be stored anywhere in my server. It has to
be forwarded in memory.

Should it look somewhat like the following?

MyXmlHttp.send ("userId=" & someUserId & "&privateLabelID=" & someLabel &
"&File=" & receivedBinaryFileInMemory)

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Get File From FTP Server

Response.Buffer = True
Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
' "GET","", false, "username",
"password" "GET","",

Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite ObjHTTP.responseBody

why the above code does not let me access the file on the FTP server? Neither method to authentcate seems to work. Also tried "OPEN" but I don't think that worked either.

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File Server With Img Tag

I have images on a file server with the name convention of lastname, firstinitial, and last 4 of SSN. I already have the select statement to concatenate all three from my sql server database. Now how do I get asp to query the statement in a IMG SRC tag calling the images from my file server?

here's my sql statement:
Select 'srv-file-b/j:data/cert_pics' + rtrim(lastname) + left(ftrim(firstinitial),1) + Right(SSN, 4) +'.jpg'
from customerInfo
where customerID = 1116

My problem is that when i execute the page i get an X where the image should be.

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Upload A File To The Server?

I have just this morning built a very basic login area for myself.

Now I wish to have a script that will move a file on to the server.

I have tried looking up Google but it seems a bit quiet on tutorials with this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I basically want to be able to upload a file onto the server with an ASP script.

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Reading File From Server

Consider the following code snippet:

Dim objFSO,objOpenFile,strPath

Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1)
Do While Not objOpenFile.AtEndOfStream
Response.Write(objOpenFile.ReadLine() & "<br>")
Set objOpenFile=Nothing
Set objFSO=Nothing

When I try to execute the above code, the code never gets executed. Neither
am I shown a script timeout error. After a lot of investigations, I
concluded that the code is not getting executed due to the presence of

Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1)

If I comment line nos. 3 to 8, then the code gets executed but as expected
without any output. Is this happening because of some permission which has
not been given to IIS 5.0? If so, what is it? I am working on Windows 2000

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File Uploading To Server

Can you help me find an asp code that will upload a file from my PC to web server?

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Using Asp To Generate Xml File On Server

Is it possible in a global.asa file (or some other way) to have an xml file generated by an asp script and saved to the server some how?

Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p'Create an XML document
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")'Create a root element and append it to the document
Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root")
xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl'Create and append child elements
Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1")
Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2")
rootEl.appendChild child1
rootEl.appendChild child2'Add an XML processing instruction
'and insert it before the root element
Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)'Save the XML file to the c directory
xmlDoc.Save "c: est.xml"

THis seems to be what i am after but when I try to modify the xmlDoc.Save line to either "/images/listings/test.xml" or imageslistings est.xml" and it comes back saying it can't find the path. If I just leave "text.xml" it comes back saying permission denied. If I can solve this path issue so as to be able to save the file to a directory I think I will have it solved.

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