Copy File From Location Variable

I want to copy a file from a variable location


hisfile.txt" to a destination D:data

How can I do that? I tried to get the path from <input tyep=file>, but I couldn't pass this value to the filesystemobject.

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Copy ASP Variable To Clipboard Using Javascript

I have a search function that is reading companies from a database via
ASP and spitting out the results. I have various fields of each company
in variables and I want to be able to create a link that uses
Javascript to copy the address to the clipboard.

I know there is the javascript:window.clipboardData.getData(), but I
can't get to parse the ASP variable through. Does anyone know how I can
do this.

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File Location

Is there a way to set the location where the input type="file" option gets its files from. I know you cannot set a default file, but is there a way to set where it starts looking.

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Included File's Name And Location

Is it possible to get the filename, and more importantly the path, from inside an ASP file, when that file is included? I know it can be done for the base file using Server variables, but I can't figure out how to do that for an included file.

I need to write an application that uses include files, and that may be moved to another folder on the server...

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Forcing Location For A Download File

if i have a link that allow user to download an application from an server, is like Code:

<a href="wss1/daemon tools.exe"></a>

after i clicked this link, i will be link to an pop up windows to specified the save path location.How do i set the save path location to a dedicated destination or file?is like when i click on the link then it will automatic without pop up and then save into that dedicated location?

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Write A File To As Subfolder Of A InetServer Location

I have an ASP application on IIS server:
I use ASP and a my own VB activex DLL to create a pdf file and write this
file to a subfolder of the Application folder:

Over IIS I have set the "write permission" for this subfolder.
But each time I receive the message: "Can't open output file (bad filename,
in use by other application)", error 0x80040202

2- a visual basic test application can call this DLL, generate and write the
file without problem to the folder

3- with ASP I generate the file in a normal folder (ie c: emp), it works
Then my ASP page use FileSystemObject to copy this file to the folder

When I call this page there is no error message, but the programm runs utils
the line, where FileSystemObject to copy the file to the folder, then it
stops there. The process is hung (dead). The file is not copied...

How can I do?

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Save A File From Remote Location To Local?

Is there a way to save a file from a remote location to my local computer with asp?

Let's say as an example that I would like to save a file from
on my pc using an asp page located either on one of the two locations?

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Global.asa An Error Referring To A File That Is In A Different Location

i have two sites on shared NT hosting and

both sites have their own global.asa files and both appear to be throwing up an error referring to a file that is in a different location

anyone know whats happening?

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File Copy Using ASP

I have an ASP script running on the server that generated a PDF file for me on my server. Now, before I return to the client, I want the script to copy the file to a different location (on a different server). Can someone tell me how to code the file copy in ASP?

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Copy A File From URL

i m dealing with a problem i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this...FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files

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File Copy

I am writing a web app that will copy large files (250-3,000 MB) and wanted
to know the easiest way to implement some sort of progress bar? Each copy
will only have one file, but I would like a way for the user to see how far
the copy is.

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Copy A File From URL

i want to copy a FILE from some SPECIFIC URL to my server through my ASP code....can any1 help me in this regard ..i ve no idea doing this. FILESYSTEM OBJECT just support the physical files.

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File Copy Issue

I can log into the server, run the asp page and make the following
test code work, but if I log onto a workstation and run the same asp
page, I don't get an error, but the file copy doesn't work. I have
anonymous turned off because I record LOGON_USER as the clerk in the
site when the user processes orders. Why would this work running
directly from the server but not from a workstation? Code:

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Copy HTML File

I'm running a Win2k server with FP 2002 Extensions using discussion boards.There is a time delay in the posted content and the way our moderators are managing it now involves logging into the server,copying the TOC file,deleting the public TOC file and renaming the copy to the new public

version. --Copy and paste Tocprivate.htm -> delete TocPublic.htm -> rename copy of Tocprivate.htm to TocPublic.

Is it possible to script something that would allow this to happen with a single click of a button through their web browser?

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Copy Network File

I have write a asp that need to copy network file from file server to web server.I try it in webserver is everything alright. When I try in other machine, error on the filepath is not found. I search for the old thread, and I found it is not the same problem.

My IIS authentication method setting is "Digest authentication for Windows domain servers",and "Integrated Windows authentication",and I access the page using "Domain admin" account.So I sure it can access the file server to copy file to webserver.However, it still shown it "path not found".

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Copy An Html File

How can I copy an html file to a local drive? For example: I would like to copy:


to c:inetputwwwrootmydirmypage.htm

can I do that?

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Copy File From Disk To Server?

How can I copy a file from disk to server?

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File Copy To A Remote Mechine

I have sucessfully able to copy file to a remote mechine in our network by writing some asp code. To make it sucessful, I had to keep destination folder in remote mechine as "Share" for IUSER that my ASP code running with.

I thought just giving the IUSER write permission on the destination folder will allow to copy the file. But it does not, I had to keep the folder "Shared". Is there any way that I can copy file to a remote mechine without havving the folder "Shared".

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All The Sessions Reset When Run Copy Folder Or File

I have very weird problem on my server, when I run this function: Code:

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Security Issue On Copy Network File

I have write a asp that need to copy network file from file server to web se

I try it in webserver is everything alright.
When I try in other machine, error on the filepath is not found.
I search for the old thread, and I found it is not the same problem.
My IIS authentication method setting is "Digest authentication for Windows d
omain servers",

and "Integrated Windows authentication",
and I access the page using "Domain admin" account.
So I sure it can access the file server

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Copy File From Local Comp To Server ?

how can I copy a file from local disk to windows server using ASP (not

I have a control file on my web side, <input type="file" name="file1" />

I choose file on local computer and what function must I use to copy
this file to server ?

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Copy File From Local Machine On Server

I have one .asp page with form and <input file> field on it.I want to copy selected file from local machine on server.But it doesn't work.

Should I use some component?

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Asp Copy File From Local To Remote Share Drive Disk

I have two machines, one generate files, and copy to the other.
I try in my program, but it dit not work.

The two machines are not in the same domain. I saw some people's
question but not suitable for me,their machine are in the same domain.
They can assign permission to do the job.

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Default Folder Location For Input Type="file"

I have some ASP pages on my intranet site providing a helpdesk to my users. As part of logging a helpdesk call I am prompting them to link to a file using input type="file".

The file is on a network drive and the problem is when you click on the browse button it defaults to the clients desktop as the starting point of the browsing process. I would like to set a default location to start browsing eg etwork_serverhelpdesk to avoid confusion. Does anyone know of a way to do this ?

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Copy Or Upload File From Server To Ftp Server

I want to copy or upload a file from server say some lanserver to ftp server through ftp. Is it possible.

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.mdb File Variable

I have an ASP page that is the basic 'home' location for all of my clients who log into my website. In the user_area.asp page, it calls for some common elements with an #INCLUDE FILE statement that are standard and not variable.

If I have a field in my Cutsomer Data Base (.mdb) called 'Custom2' and that field would contain a URL to something like: / clients / clientname / personalpage.asp

What I would need to do is be able to use the #INCLUDE FILE statement to call for the 'Custom2' field so that I could include the clients 'personalpage.asp' within the "home" my 'user_area.asp' page.

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Reading TXT File Into A ASP Variable

What's the code for reading a TXT file and assigning it's contents to an ASP variable?

create variable
open a text file... read it's contents into the variable
.... perform string manip. on the variable... etc etc...

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Variable In Include File

It is possible to add variable into the include file.

<!--#include file="../info/<%=strfoldername%>/notetosomeone.asp"-->

strfoldername is from my database. It doesn't work. Anyone knows how to solve this problem. Or has other way to do it.

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Calling ASP Variable To Another ASP File

I have two asp files. I would like to call a variable from one of the asp files to another one.

first.asp file activated it has the following variables that I want called by other files.

demoName="Test demo"

The other asp file should be able to call on this information, and then place it in various areas.

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is it in any way possible to include a file specified by a variable name?

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Content Of A File Into A Variable

I have tried a lot, every time my attempts end up with restarting my computer to have the IIS running again.

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Pass ASP Variable To Execute In A .bat File

I'm using ASP to run a batch file. I need to know how to pass a variable to this .bat file.

Is this possible? I'm using the following code but need to know how to pass ASP variable.

set wshell = server.createobject("") "c:file.bat"
set wshell = nothing

Any ideas? Or a work around?

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Passing A Variable To An Included File?

I'm attempting to include a file within another file using Server.Execute. This works fine... however, I need to pass the value of a variable defined within the parent file to the one included via Server.Execute.

From what I've read, the included files are processed before the parent files, so it seems as though the variable is getting lost. Is there any way to internally (not relying on query string) to pass a variable to an included file?

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