Create A Link To Each Item In The Folder

I have 1 asp page.I throw x amount of items into a folder.The asp page automatically creates a link to each item in the folder.

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Create Outlook Task Item

Is it possible to create an outlook task item from ASP? I tried using server.createobject("Outlook.application") but the page just hangs without output. I use CDO.message for mails.

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Folder Full Of Images Write Link To Table

I'm trying to figure out if this is possible before i have someone start scanning a bunch of images.

If i scan a bunch of images and give them specific names can i then look at that dir and read the name of the file and write a link in a field of a table?

TABLE record example
epn =123254
name = Bob
Picture = 123254.jpg

i want the name of the file to be written if there's one in the folder for that epn.

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Create New Folder

how can i create a new folder by using ASP??

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Can't Create Folder

I am trying to use ASP to create a folder. I went looking on the internet and found one I could use but it doesnt work.

POST DATA: nf=music

dim fs,f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.CreateFolder("I:Inetpubwwwroot" & Request.Form("nf") & "")
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing

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Auto Create Folder

I need the user to upload a file to a folder, if the folder doesn't exist then it needs to be created dynamically from a session or a pulldown list would I go about this? Code:

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How Can I Create A Unique Folder Using Asp?

I am trying to create a folder dynamically for an individual user to upload to on my site. However having successfully created a folder dynamically, I cant create a folder by the current users username.

The '<%=username.Fields.Item.Value%>' part was done by dreamweaver and believe that to be the problem.

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Cannot Copy Or Create Folder?

I just switched from win2k to winxp .. and im running into all kinda situations. Finding myself having to do a lot of extra steps to get things to work.

My main problem right now is that i can't get asp to create a folder.. nor can i get it to copy a file. Ive even given full permissions to the folders.. still no luck.. any suggestions?

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Upload Create Folder Or Not

I need to upload a file to a folder wich might not exist yet. How can i create a folder before uploading the file or is there a parameter in asp that creates a folder before copying the file there if it doesn't exit?

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Create A Link

How would you go about creating a link on a desktop through an asp page.
You know the old trick click here to bookmark this page?. I need to take that a step further, i need a link that when clicked it creates a link on the desktop to that page.

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Url Create Link

I'm working on making a form that when submitted checks to see if the user has typed in a link, if so it converts it to a hyperlink.

This is for a news submission form on one of my sites. I don't really care if it is a popup like SPF has, or not. Just wanted to see if anyone here has done something similiar, and which route they took.

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Create A Link From A File Name In A DB

I have uploaded files to a SQL Server DB using Pure ASP Upload, and that was a snap, but what I would like to do is create a link in my recordset from the file name in the database to the actual file that resides in a folder in the database so that when a user clicks on the link, the file will open.

I've done this successfully using another program but it used an ACCESS DB and I want to use it with SQL Server. Plus the ACCESS DB used a field with a data type of Binary.

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Create Link To Database Records

What I am wanting to do is list the last 10 submissions to a knowledge base and create a link to each one with the question text serving as the visual representation of the link.

I have searched the forums for info on how to do this in ASP and have come up empty. I will detail what I have so far.

I have a database table called kbase and want to have html table with links to the last 10 things entered. I just can't figure out how to get a dynamic link to point back to the database entry.

I may be missing something very simple here but as this is work related my time frame for learning is small at best. Code:

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Take Hostname, Look If Folder Exsist, If Not Create And Copy Files

what I need is is when a visitor comes to the site, I need it to check
the host name. if "" is the host, then check a
folder named "something" and if the folder does not exsist, create
folder "www" and then copy folder "temp" and its contents.

If the folder "www" is there, look in it, check to see if the files in
folder "temp" are in there, if not, copy the files that are not from
folder "temp" into folder "www". Code:

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Get Many Item By Using LIKE

how to get many item in LIKE funtion?

Dim count integer
Dim part() as string

For i = o to i =count step 1
Sql = "SELECT TOP 5 T1.A,T1.B " & _
"FROM Table1 " & _
"WHERE T1.A LIKE '" & item[1]& "%' " & _

But the array [1] got error. How to get the array?Please advise me for the above problem.

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Get Closest Item

i've made a calendar that uses newsitems from an access database.
Every newsitem is a record (newsID, date, title, fact).
When the page is loaded for the first time a visitor looks at that page, I want to set the calendar to the newsitem that is closest to the present, but lying in the past. So, today we are the 13th of October. In the database, i've got two items with date "the 2nd of October" and "the 25th of September". The query should return me the 2nd of October. Of course, when that newsitem did not exist, then the query should return me the 25th of September.

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Item Cannot Be Found

in my asp file i get the following error

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/emirate/view.asp, line 175

my database is access,i checked both data base as well as the coding,both field names are correct

my sql is only this
sql= "select * from MasterEntry"

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Item Number

I want to reverse a folder listing, can I referre to a collection with a
item number like in arrays?

set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fo=fs.GetFolder(smp)
for each subfld in fo.subfolders

can I do the FOR statement reverse without putting all folder names into an

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Add Quantity For Item

i have a view cart page which shows remove an item and remove all item but i also wish to have add item function so i can add quantities for an item in the view cart page. i am not sure the right code for it. below is the remove item code.

if i wanna have an add item code, is there an amendment to do the code below . cos from what i see, its like u can do the opposite function for the code below to add items. Code:

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Select Item Tag

i have a list form object on my page:

<select name="item" size="5" multiple="multiple" id="item">
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>
<option>something here</option>

but i cant find anywhere about how to get at these elements when the forms been submitted. for example, if a few of the items have been select, it returns a commar delineated line, but how can i get at, say the 3rd item selected or find out how many items were selected?

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DropDown Item

i have two dropdowns(dd1 & dd2) in the same page. dd2 items depends on the item index from dd1.when dd1 is onchange, the form will get the dd1 index value and then do a search in DB for the results to be input into dd2.How can i achieved that?

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Creating A Sent Item

Is there a way of creating a sent record in a outlook users account. I am sending the mail through our exchange SMTP server.If this cann't be done.

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Skip Item

I want to skip an item in a loop, and go to the next item, e.g

For Each bla In ble
If bla = "skip" Then
'Skip to next item
End If

Is this possible, and if so, could you show me how?

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Item Cannot Be Found

have a look at this code and see if they can spot the error. I've been looking for sometime but I'm blind to it - I have a feeling it might be something to do with the ID field? The connection appears fine so this is unlikely to be the cause .

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Add Item To Select

how can i add item/s to a dropdown from another page. i am currently using window.opener to initial the link between the 2 different pages. i have 2 pages, main and sub page.
when i clicked on a button at the main page, it will pop out the sub page. when i clicked on the add button at the sub page, it will add the item into the dropdown list at the main page on the fly.

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Item Cannot Be Found

I know what this error is, all fieldnames have been verified and reverified. Not sure why it is happening. Here is the SQL statement

strSQL = "SELECT Problems.TicketNumber, Activity, ActDate FROM Problems LEFT
JOIN Resolutions ON Problems.TicketNumber = Resolutions.TicketNumber WHERE
Problems.TicketNumber = " & Ticket & " ORDER BY ActDate DESC;"

<td><% = rs("Problems.TicketNumber") %></td>

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Listbox Item

if it is possible to narrow in on an item within a listbox of states. For example, right now if I type "W", I will immediately drop down to those states beggining with "W".

However if I type "WI", I go to the top of the list with those states beginning with "I". I would like to continue to zero in on the state by dropping down to those that begin with "WI". Is this possible and if so, how do I go about doing it?

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Deleted The Item

I'm doing an e-inventory system using Dreamweaver MX, ASP. The problem is that I want the system deleted the item that user already choose to use, for example in the store they got 12 keyboard. then when user choose to take 2 keyboard, I want the system automatically state the item left in the store was 10.

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Put Value Of A Selected Item

I've got this listbox and this text field on an ASP page. Now I want the item I click on in the listbox to appear in the text field and I can't find the code nowhere for what seems to me such an easy thing to do.

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Select An Item

How do I make an item the selected one based of the info I get from a querystring.

1 - I pass in a query string containing the color "blue"

2 - I have a drop box that has 30 colors in it (inserted manually)

3 - How do I code to have blue the selected one?

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Item Cannot Be Found

I'm getting this error working on a RecordSet that is filled by a LEFT JOIN query. Everything works fine, until an attempt to access data from the child table in the RecordSet when it doesn't exist.

Which results in "Item cannot be found in the collection". Is there a check that I can perform to see if a RecordSet item exists before attempting to access it?

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What Is Request.item??

if i have four option buttons all named r1, what will request.item("r1") give me??.. the "value" of the selected option button or what??..

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