Create A Node Function In Pages?

I have a page that lists categories on the left, and I'd like to be able to click on one, and have a node pop out, revealing subcategories so users can navigate to them that way. How does one create a node function in ASP pages?

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Node Inside A Xml Node

how do i create a new xmlnode inside a node i have folowing code :

Dim tmpElement As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim nlItems As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim tmpNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode

Set nlItems = axResponse.responseXML.selectNodes("//item/data")
For Each tmpNode In nlItems
Set tmpElement = tmpNode'is it possible to wrtite som thing here to create a new node

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How Can I Add A Child Node To XML Node

How can I add a child node to XML node "ItemID" below?

Dim oDOM : Set oDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
oDOM.LoadXML "<rss version=""2.0""></rss>"
AddElem oDOM.documentElement, "ItemID", "15314"

Function AddElem(roParent, rsName, rvntValue)
Set AddElem = roParent.ownerDocument.createElement(rsName)
roParent.appendChild AddElem
If Not IsNull(rvntValue) AddElem.Text = rvntValue
End Function

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Create ASP Pages

i work on a ASP Not .NET but version 3 project. This project is on our server for development. I use SQL-SERVER, IIS and VB for DLL.On the server i have create a folder with my project name "Aptitudes" under inetpub/wwwroot/.

I recently talked with an external consultant and he told me that I did something wrong when I created my Aptitudes folder. He said that when we will be ready for transfering the project on a commercial server everything will go wrong because I didn't put my project directly under inetpub. Dll will not see my project, and so on. Is it the truth? I don't understand why it will be so complicated.

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Create ASP Pages Automatic

how can i Create daynamic pages or static pages Automatic .?

i have a problem with my website i want Create page asp classic to every member
The page name equal the member name

If i have 3000 members in my website it's possible to generate 3000 pages for everymember Automatic and if it is possible how can i do this ??

my Tec. are ASp classic and java script ..

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Create Html Pages Through ASP

I have a large database of reviews, and the asp processing slows down the server a lot when retrieveing the information. I want an asp application to generate an html page everytime a review is entered into the database so people view static pages.Anyone have a clue on how to do this, i've searched everywhere i cant find the solution.

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Codes To Create Pages

I have created a form with the folowing properties, first name, last name, registration number; course; grade etc I have passed this form to a page to be called create_table.asp, and on submitting the form.

I want this page (create_table) use the info from the form to create tables in an access database (jacko) each time the submit button is pressed with the tables to be named automatically according to the convention fname_lname. I also want to create a page that I can use to edit all the tables in the database can any guru assist me with the required asp codes.

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Create ASP Classic Pages Automatic

how can i Create daynamic pages or static pages Automatic .? i have a problem with my website i want Create page asp classic to every member The page name equal the member name . If i have 3000 members in my website it's possible to generate 3000 pages for everymember Automatic and if it is possible how can i do this ?my Tec. are ASp classic and java script .

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Create A Function ASP/js

I'm not sure if I'm posting this question to the right place? I'm a complete ASP novice, but need to learn quickly. I need to create a function to pass a variable. I basically need to create a unique id using a date format along the lines of yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mm/ss & a random number. There's probably a better way, but this is what I've been told to use.

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Create A Quarterly SUM Function

I am working on a project using VB/ASP and SQL and I was wondering is there a way to create a quarterly sum function using SQL?

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Complete Function To Create Table And Columns

I have been looking everywhere, and can't find a complete function to create tables and columns in access .mdb from ASP, while adding columns that are missing in tables that already exist, can anyone post a link or the code to such function?

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Read Xml Node Value

i am trying to read a nodes ( i dont know if i am right by
calling it node. see sample) value with asp.
xml page is very simple :

<?xml version="1.0" ?<response success="true" </response>

my code is this

Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET",
""&token&"&u="&userid&"", False
Set xmlhttp=Nothing

how can i add xmldom and parse the result page so i can assign response's
value to a variable?

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XML Node Removal By Name

I'm trying to remove a node by name. I can access the node by using the selectSingleNode method, but I'm not quite sure how to remove it from there. The only remove method I can see is: removeChild. So assuming I select the node I want, i would have to call ParentNode. But once i have the parent node, I know longer know the exact child that i wanted to delete.

So is there is a deletebyName or something similar that I'm missing? or can i get the position of the node i've selected in the node list? If i know where the child is located in the node list I can then call the parent and use the removechild method from there.

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ASP & XML - Selecting Last Node??

I was wondering if anyone has a moment to look over some code I've written?

I'm involved in the maintenance of an old CMS system I wrote a number of years ago, when I was regularly coding in ASP. These days it takes a while to mobilise the grey matter when it comes to ASP.

Anyhow, basically I am trying to select a specific node and determine the id of the last child of the parent node.

At the moment, I am only returning the first childs id, despite my best efforts. Code:

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Reading Xml File By Node Name

how can i read a xml file using the node item name.

one example:

i could use:


but instead of that, i want something like this:


is it possible ? how can i do that ?

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Parsing Xml Node Using IXMLDOMNodeList

Am trying to parse the following xml file using IXMLDOMNodeList of MSXML with this code snippet but it always retrieve ist fund value. Here is the code snippet and xml file Code:

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Deleting A Node In An Xml File

I have a xml file with this structure: Code:

<user id="1">Alethesnake</user>
<user id="4">Goofy</user>
<user id="7">Donald duck</user>

Could you suggest me the best way to delete a node knowing its id (i.e. id=4)?

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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Function Inside A Function

Can I define a function inside a function. e.g;

function abc()
function xyz()
....some code.....
End Function
End Function

I googled this but can't find any related topic.

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Function In The InStr Function

I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:

I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.

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Create A PDF From ASP

Is there anyway to generate a PDF using ASP Scripting(VB Script).

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Create Pdf

Does anybody knows a way (free of cost, code or dll) to generate pdf?

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Create Url

I use a website in asp for which I have to type a username and
password everytime I want to login.
On the form are two fields for typing the username and password and
one button LOGIN.
I want to create an standard url for the website which includes my
username and password so I don't have to type it in everytime.

I looked at the page source but I can't find the right string.
I thought maybe http://.........aspx?username=me&password=it

but that doesn't work.

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Create PDF

Is there a (simple) way to create a PDF file from ASP?

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Cannot Create A Asp

I have 2 developper machine running visual studio 2003 and Windows 2000. On the first machine (Machine A) I may create a new asp project without problem. On the second (Machine B) I cannot create a new project.Visual Studo create the project but not the initial files and freezes.

But I may create a new project from Machine A using the web server of machine B.I have checked the access rights of both servers, the access rights on directory wwwroot and inetpub.Everything seems the same.

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Create A TGP In ASP

Has anyone seen or know if anyone has done this? I think that ASP would be a great tool to do this with but I am curious if anyone has tried it and found it to be too hard or too burdensome to follow through with?

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Create New User Using IIS/ASP

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2K server, and I want to have an ASP page that
creates new users. I have some simple code to test this, but am getting
a "500" error when I run it. The ASP looks like:


strDomain =""
strUser ="Foo1"

' Create new user with password
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
Set oUser = oDomain.Create ("User", strUser)
oUser.SetPassword = "password"

Just for this testing, I've added IUSR_machinename to the Administrators
group, but am still getting the 500 error.

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Create Object & DAO

how to create dao.tabledef object in asp:

I need to convert the following code into asp:
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:Mydb.mdb")
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("Table1")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Field2", dbText, 10)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

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