Create Dynamic Hyperlink From Database Field

I would like to create a page of hyperlinks that are constructed from the contents of a database field. When the user clicks the link they are taken to a page that will display all fields from that particular record.

I already have the page structures in place. There are two pages, one with the links and the other to display the record. Code:

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How To Browse To File And Create Hyperlink In Database

I have a form where a user enters their name, date etc. i also want them to be able to click on a browse button and select a file which will then appear in a textbox. when they press submit i want the file name and path to be put into the database. e.g.

Basically I don't want to UPLOAD the file just enable the user to browse to it and send the filename and path to the database.

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Create Hyperlink

i got this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'
/update.asp, line 46, column 28
Response.write("<P><A HREF="default.asp">Return to Main Menu</A>")

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Create Hyperlink

Below is the current code which displays the Region Name and what I would like to do is make the Region Name a hyperlink passing a value like the second code listed, but when I try that I get an "Expected ) " error. Code:

If strCurrentRegion<>strLastRegion Then
Response.Write("<tr bgcolor=#D3D3D3><td colwidth=""150""><b>" & strLastRegion & "</b></td>")


<TD><A href="//amsdb/rollout/RegionResults.asp?RegionID=<%=rs("RegionID")%>"><%=rs("RegionName")%></A> &nbsp;</TD>

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Create Hyperlink In Access

How to create hyperlink in order to download files in microsoft access? I have change the field into hyperlink but it only can be downloaded once.

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Retieve A Field Containing A Hyperlink

I have an access database where one field of each record contains a hyperlink. when I try to retrieve this field with rs.field.item(xyz).value I get a blank result. When I retrive a single record I get the display value attached to the URL value of the record.

in Access, the field containing the URL has a "display value" (say link) and the "Hyperlink" (say When I call this field to the webpage, I get the result "" as if it is an anchor on the same page. How can I retreive the hyperlink without the display value and make it into a hyperlink in the page?

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Long Hyperlink Into Database

I'm trying to put a long hyperlink into my database table which works fine. I used longtext as the field type. My records insert just fine. But when I try to retrieve the records on the asp page all the other data shows up but the hyperlink data. Here's an example of my link.

INSERT INTO products
(manufaturer, prod_category, prod_link)
VALUES ('Xtra','Irons','<a href="" target="_top" >CG1 Irons w/ Steel - 3-PW Iron Set<br>$799.99</a><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0">');

What am I doing wrong.

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Hyperlink From Database Record

I have a database which I need to display a hyperlink to another web page when the results are displayed in an existing web page. The current line of code is as follows:

Response.Write " | " & objRS.Fields.Item("contact")

This displays the information I need but it also displays the hyperlink as text after the field information ie development team# .what the line of code should be in order for the contact field to appear as a working link to another web page.

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Create A Dynamic URL

I've captured some data from a form and stored it in an SQL server table. The form is passed to an action script which builds the sql statement and writes the data to the db.

I want to write a URL (
and store the userID at the end of the URL ( so when I call the URL from a web page it goes to that users page.

I'm not sure how to approach this?

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Query Database, Display As Hyperlink

I am using ASP with VBScript. I want to query an access database username
field, and display the output as a hyperlink on an a webpage.The webpage
will display all records. I then need to be able to select a given
record(hyperlink), and display all of the fields for that record on another
webpage so I can execute some code against it.

Can anyone point me to some sample code so I can get an idea of how to
accomplis this?

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Create Dynamic Forms Using Xml

i need to create a dynamic form using xml

this is what i am doing

Response.Write "<ROOT>"
For Each Field In rstCampaign.Fields
If UCase( <> "KEY" Then
Response.Write "<FIELDINFO><FIELD>" & UCase
End If
Response.Write "</ROOT>"

in the browser i am getting just the field names.

the output i want should look like something

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Request.form And Dynamic Field Names

Is it valid to get information from a request.form assign that to a value then use that value to get other content on the requested page.

I return a large rs with multiple feild names. I can't use a static feild def because they would overwrite each other on the loop, SO i create dynamic field names then pass the id back to the next page via javascript. I then use that id to add to the feild name to make sure I get the right feild.

Id = Request.Form("Id")



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Showing Only Part Of Data In Dynamic Field

I have an asp page that shows dynamic data from the db, I only want to show
the first 3 letters / digits from the db on the ASP page.

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Create New Database

is it possible to create a database on the server side on the fly. i know creating tables is not a problem sql. but creating a database on the fly im not sure. what are my options?

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Create A SQL Database

How i create a new sql database, i need to use some program to do that ? I never work with SQL, i always use ACCESS, sql is like access?

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Create A Database

how can I create a MDB Database on the ASP server. With the FSO I have some Problems because the Browser tells me that the file with the same name is on the server but there is no file.

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Create A Database

how can i Creat new table in mdb database. Does exist any command to do that?

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Create Dynamic Input Names Or Input Fields In Asp

I have a little code to add multiple items to a shopping cart based
page. This code works perfect, but it adds all of the info to the
same input fields every time it loops. I need it to change the input
names each time it loops. Here is the code:

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Problems Using ASP And Crystal Reports 8.5 To Create Dynamic PDF Reports

As the subject of this topic suggestions I am trying to find a way to
use ASP, SQL Server, Com+ and Crystal Reports 8.5 to Create Dynamic PDF
Reports Over The Web, but the only article I found that decribes this
process is located on which is no longer an active
website. When I try and suscribe to the site I just get a message
saying to email, and when I email I don't recieve a response. Code:

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Hot To Create Tables In A Database With ASP?

I've made a website for a little athletics club in HTML. I want to transform the records page into an ASP page that has an admin page so i can go to the admin page and easily add in the records without having to create all the tables and doing it all the manual way.

I know how to create the admin page and the database, but in my case, i want to be able to create a new table in the database for each week of records (as seen in the link below), and each of these tables will have the same fields (age, gender, event, athlete name etc.) I know how to make it so that asp can add, edit and delete a field in a table, but how would i get it to add a new table for each week of records?

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Create An Access Database

I want to check if this database is exist so I avoid the error that appears when I try to create it another time and also I want to know how to delete this database.

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Create An Access Database

How can I create a database access using asp+javascript withen the code?Is there (createdatabase)?If yes how can we use it?

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How To Create A Database Paging With The Code I Have

How to create a database paging with the code i have. im trying to do database record paging, im not quite sure how i had tried couple of open source code but cant not get it to work with my code:

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Create Link To Database Records

What I am wanting to do is list the last 10 submissions to a knowledge base and create a link to each one with the question text serving as the visual representation of the link.

I have searched the forums for info on how to do this in ASP and have come up empty. I will detail what I have so far.

I have a database table called kbase and want to have html table with links to the last 10 things entered. I just can't figure out how to get a dynamic link to point back to the database entry.

I may be missing something very simple here but as this is work related my time frame for learning is small at best. Code:

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Database Create Blank Space

When rs("firstname") is called on my page,
it returns the first name and a blank space before it.

I want to pass it throught the QueryString,
but URL's can't have blank spaces.

On my DB (Access), the none of the firstnames have any spaces in front of them.

Any ideas?

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Dynamic Drop Down To Database

I have this code which works fine except the information in the second box is not submitted to the database. Code:

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Create A Shopping Cart By Using Mysql As Database?

how to create a shopping cart by using mysql as database?

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Update Dynamic Asp Forms To Sql Database

I have created a form dynamically which displays questions and a selection of possible answers. These questions can come in many forms ie radio buttons, select box etc this is controlled by the entry in the database. My problem is how to update the database with the results entered. I am confused as they all have the same name for question and selection and there can be up to 10 questions. Code:

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Dynamic Display Of Database Records

I am rewriting from scratch some code done by previous programmer on a glossary for our website. I have a database with three fields, ID, Term, Definition and a table called glossary. I need to be able to display everything to the *same* ASP page.

I have already successfully created the db connection and the records display according to the SQL statement, i.e. where Term like 'a%'.

What I would like to do is to display each letter of the alphabet dynamically from the Term field as a hyperlink that will display the terms beginning with that letter, i.e.

A B C D .... Z

The terms would be displayed as hyperlinks and when clicked will display that term and the definition. If A were clicked: Code:

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