Creating Excel Reports With ASP

i'm trying to display a page in an excel format.

I'm using:

Response.ContentType = "application/"

at the beginning

it opens an excel web sheet, but all i get is:


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Creating PDF Reports

I'm pretty new to the whole concept of Server Side programming and am currently developing some important elements for a site I have made with Classic ASP programming. One of the things my employer wants me to develop is a Server Side script that will allow a report in PDF format to be generated online to customers who make use of the tools.

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Excel Reports

i have been set a task at work.We produce alot of excel reports that are repeated for all our branches and want to move these to the internet ie asp.

I have been tasked to learn asp but the employer will not provide any sofware and think it is straight forward to create the pages through typing all code into instead of using any software like etc. Could someone help me as all i seem to find are books and not pure asp. I have soem knowledge of vba for excel and wondered how best to learn asp.

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Generated Excel Reports

I have in the past run some ASPs that generated Excel reports via the following line:

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=rpt_s2dpoc_Access_dump.xls"

I have a critical issue where I need to from an ASP gereate and excell spreadsheet but with three tabs. I will need different sections of the asp to write to those three tabs.


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Creating Excel In Asp

i want to generate excel spreadsheet from asp by fetching record from access database. i want to save the excel file on the server and make the excel file read-only too. can i do this in anyway ? if yes, then plz help me by providing with samples or tutorials.

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Javascript Creating Excel

I got the following error even the document itself and its parent/children folders are writeable. The IURS_machinename has all the Administrator permissions (NOT Guest group). The "test1.xls" document is editable through Excel.

Error Type:
Microsoft Excel (0x800A03EC)
Cannot access read-only document 'test1.xls'.
/CreateExcel.asp, line 222

The following is the code .......

var ExApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // This is line 222
if (ExApp != null) {
ExApp.Visible = false;
ExApp.Application.Workbooks.Open("c: est est1.xls");

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet

I am creating a website in which users will be able to query an sql database by several different criteria (i.e.- name, department,supplier, part#, date). What will return to the user will be a webpage with the column headings that they selected in their search criteria (i.e.- name, supplier, part#) and below those column headings, a list of the results.

I want the user to be able to print this report or export it to an excel file, this is the part that is tripping me up.Any ideas about this? Am I going about it all wrong?

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Creating Excel Object

I have an ASP page that create an Excel object.

xlsApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");

It works fine when using under Administrator logon name but not under other users. Proper permissions have been given to IUSR_servername for all folders.what I am missing.

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Creating An Excel File From A Db

I do not get an error, but I also do not get any data in the excel file. I
know it is connecting to the db Code:

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Creating An Excel File

From ASP I create response, which is to be shown as an Excel worksheet in the user's browser (by setting the ContentType and creating a table). This works fine.

Does anybody know what to do, if one of the cells should contain a multiline text? I already tried by inserting a <br> inside the <td>. But this won't work.

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Creating Excel Chart

I am tryign to create an excel spreadsheet/chart using office web components in asp. However I seem to have a registeration problem. I'm running office2003 and IIs is also running on my pc. When the following line exceutes an error "invalid string class is thrown" :

set objChartSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")

I have intalled owc again but still no luck. IS it a registeration problem ?

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Problems Using ASP And Crystal Reports 8.5 To Create Dynamic PDF Reports

As the subject of this topic suggestions I am trying to find a way to
use ASP, SQL Server, Com+ and Crystal Reports 8.5 to Create Dynamic PDF
Reports Over The Web, but the only article I found that decribes this
process is located on which is no longer an active
website. When I try and suscribe to the site I just get a message
saying to email, and when I email I don't recieve a response. Code:

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Creating Word/excel Document

We have an application where the user fills out many screens and when
they are done, we are supposed to display the text they entered in a
word or excel format. That is fairly easily accomplished by changing
the content type in the response object.

On one of the screens where they enter data, they also have the
ability to upload a word document containing additional information.
This is also not a problem, and is working fine.

Now they have decided that when we create the document with all of the
text fields in it, they want to embed the word document that they
uploaded. Is this possible? I have been trying to find a way to do
this and so far haven't come up with anything.

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Creating Excel File Dynamically

I want to update Excel file when i update database.

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet From Web Form Data

I want 2 create a survey Web Form that people can fill in. I then want the data entered to be saved to an Excel spreadsheet located on a server.

Can .ASP handle this kind of task? and if so does anyone know the code required to perform this function?

The data entered will be RAW and the .ASP (or whatever required programming) will need 2 process and convert the data into the spreadsheet.

Also, would it be possible to run this from a stand alone machine so that the web form, .ASP and spreadsheet are all contained on the machine and have no outside influences?

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How To Create/design Reports With Crystal Reports In Asp?

I want to create a webpage with asp. on that website, clients can get data from the
database with SQL.

I can already view the report in the crystal reports viewer on my asp page, but i want to
design the report at that time. is that possible? i have read something about RDC, but is there another way to do it. i don`t have VB experience and tolls to use RDC.

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ASP Reports

Now i need some opinion and suggestion for the asp report.

current i need to create a web report by using asp.


after user select the customer ID, it will get the customer record from databae

and show the result at asp web what method to use for develop the web report?

is that using table? or other method?

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Reports In Asp

how to generate reports in asp.

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Reports From The Web

What I would like to be able to do is use the ASP or ASP.NET system to
generate reports from a database. I know this can be done quite simply by
creating a recordset and then creating code to display the data, but I would
like to have a report that is formatted for a printer

I currently do this by creating a service that
checks a database table looking for requests and then calls Access to
generate a snapshot report to post back to the user. This works fine but I
don't realy want to be using Access on my server.

The ideal solution would be a way of creating a report that is formatted for
the client's printer but I guess this isn't possible, so a method of
producing a report formatted for a generic printer would be the next best

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Crystal Reports

Well I'm just a student wanting an economical approach in
incorporating crystal reports with ASP so can anyone tell
me how to handcode to use crystal reports with ASP

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I am trying to deploy some crystal reports to an IIS server. I am very
new to crystal and I am having trouble figuring it all out.

The set up is:

ASP 3.0
Crystal 10 dev edition
Windows server 2000

I have the reports running on my local machine, but I have Crystal
installed on this.

I know this can be done, but I am having trouble getting the server
ready. What needs to be installed on the server? I can't install
crystal reports on the server and I know that I can use merge modules
or somethign to get it working. But everything I find on the interent
uses .NET. we can't use .NET in the project as the client isn't into
all that!!

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Crystal Reports

Does anyone know about a working sample code of how to
call a Crystal Report from an ASP page?

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Crystal Reports

I am trying to run a crystal report created in .net on the web but i am constantly getting the error: "error formatting object. Report header or footer longer than the page.".

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Crystal Reports 8.5

Anybody can provide me with a good link to a forum where I can post questions and doubts on Cyrstal Reports and its integration with ASP.

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Crystal Reports

i have a problem when i tried to call the crystal report from an asp page with a dynamic record source, what i have got is the report with a one line which is the data samples that i defined in the .ttx file

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Crystal Reports

This will probably sound really, really lame and simple
I am in a new job, and took over a project from the guy that used to be here. Anyway, I've never used Crystal Reports before, and have studied it for a day or so.
I have an ASP page that is calling a report. The report is hitting a database and pulling all recods that match the query. I designed the report and see it working, but hard-coded the search perameters. If I redirect to the ASP page calling the report, and pass a variable in the querystring, how do I get that perameter in the report's sql?

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Crystal Reports

how to use crystal reports in asp

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Crystal Reports In Asp

i am developing an application that genertaes haeavy reports.
Sometimes reports expand in width as well. While printing the reports ,
page cannot hold all the columns and some area of the report is missed.
I want to manage reports using crystal reports. If some one knows , how to
use crystal reports in asp

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Generating CSV Reports

I have been asked to produce reports which will be triggered and generated automatically via scheduled tasks against data in SQL SERVER.
The reports will be generated as CSV's to provide compatibility with Excel.
The reports will then e-mailed as attatchments to an agreed list of recipients.
This all has to be done with the use of ASP and SQL Server.
Can anyone advise on how the prolem should be approached?

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Crystal Reports

SomeOne please tell me is it possible to use Crystal Reports in my Asp Application if it is then please tell me how can i do this and the required code.

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Crystal Reports In ASP.NET

I have made crystal report in Visual Studio 2003, and am able to display it with several pages of data. The header information is only available on the first page. Is there a setting to choose to have the headers print at the top of every new page?

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Graphical Reports In VS.NET Web App.

How to include pie graphs in a web page using and code behind and MS SQL there any special componenets or any other options rather than crystal reports.

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ASP And Crystal Reports

I want to run Crystal Reports on the web and i can get the reports to run on my machine that has Crystal Reports installed, but all I get is an X on other users machines that don't have it installed.

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