Creating Excel Object

I have an ASP page that create an Excel object.

xlsApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");

It works fine when using under Administrator logon name but not under other users. Proper permissions have been given to IUSR_servername for all folders.what I am missing.

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Creating Excel In Asp

i want to generate excel spreadsheet from asp by fetching record from access database. i want to save the excel file on the server and make the excel file read-only too. can i do this in anyway ? if yes, then plz help me by providing with samples or tutorials.

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Javascript Creating Excel

I got the following error even the document itself and its parent/children folders are writeable. The IURS_machinename has all the Administrator permissions (NOT Guest group). The "test1.xls" document is editable through Excel.

Error Type:
Microsoft Excel (0x800A03EC)
Cannot access read-only document 'test1.xls'.
/CreateExcel.asp, line 222

The following is the code .......

var ExApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // This is line 222
if (ExApp != null) {
ExApp.Visible = false;
ExApp.Application.Workbooks.Open("c: est est1.xls");

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Creating Excel Reports With ASP

i'm trying to display a page in an excel format.

I'm using:

Response.ContentType = "application/"

at the beginning

it opens an excel web sheet, but all i get is:


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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet

I am creating a website in which users will be able to query an sql database by several different criteria (i.e.- name, department,supplier, part#, date). What will return to the user will be a webpage with the column headings that they selected in their search criteria (i.e.- name, supplier, part#) and below those column headings, a list of the results.

I want the user to be able to print this report or export it to an excel file, this is the part that is tripping me up.Any ideas about this? Am I going about it all wrong?

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Creating An Excel File From A Db

I do not get an error, but I also do not get any data in the excel file. I
know it is connecting to the db Code:

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Creating An Excel File

From ASP I create response, which is to be shown as an Excel worksheet in the user's browser (by setting the ContentType and creating a table). This works fine.

Does anybody know what to do, if one of the cells should contain a multiline text? I already tried by inserting a <br> inside the <td>. But this won't work.

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Creating Excel Chart

I am tryign to create an excel spreadsheet/chart using office web components in asp. However I seem to have a registeration problem. I'm running office2003 and IIs is also running on my pc. When the following line exceutes an error "invalid string class is thrown" :

set objChartSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")

I have intalled owc again but still no luck. IS it a registeration problem ?

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Trouble Creating Object In Win 2000

I have an asp app that works fine on a windows xp machine but does not work
on a windows 2000 server.

I have the following code in my global.asa:


I get the following error when trying to run my app:

Active Server Pages (0x8002802B)
An error occurred while creating object 'MyID'

Initial searches pointed me towards a permissions error but I still can't
find the problem (everybody has full permission to the app folder).

Once agian it works on windows xp machines running IIS 5.1 but does not
works on win 2000 IIS 5.0. I think I've changed every setting in IIS but
still can't get it to work.

Any suggestions on what might be the problem or how I can troubleshoot this?

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Creating Word/excel Document

We have an application where the user fills out many screens and when
they are done, we are supposed to display the text they entered in a
word or excel format. That is fairly easily accomplished by changing
the content type in the response object.

On one of the screens where they enter data, they also have the
ability to upload a word document containing additional information.
This is also not a problem, and is working fine.

Now they have decided that when we create the document with all of the
text fields in it, they want to embed the word document that they
uploaded. Is this possible? I have been trying to find a way to do
this and so far haven't come up with anything.

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Creating Excel File Dynamically

I want to update Excel file when i update database.

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Creating A Database Object Using Passed Parameters

I have created a database connection function which I use to open my database connection and recordset and another to close it. Easy stuff I know. The problem is this.

I want to be able to create database conenctions and recordsets specifically when I call the function. For example Code:

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet From Web Form Data

I want 2 create a survey Web Form that people can fill in. I then want the data entered to be saved to an Excel spreadsheet located on a server.

Can .ASP handle this kind of task? and if so does anyone know the code required to perform this function?

The data entered will be RAW and the .ASP (or whatever required programming) will need 2 process and convert the data into the spreadsheet.

Also, would it be possible to run this from a stand alone machine so that the web form, .ASP and spreadsheet are all contained on the machine and have no outside influences?

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Creating An XML Document Object In IIS 5.0 W2000 Professional Wkst

I am attempting to open an XML file in an asp on my personal IIS server. The
VBscript code is:

set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False

When I test for errors, I receive this message from the
xmlDoc.parseError.reason property:

reason: System error: -2146697210.

However when I run the same VBscript code on the client it successfully
opens the xml file and away we go. Is there something I need to load or
configure on the IIS server to enable XML DOM processing? What is causing
this error?

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Excel ADO Object And Printing

I have been developing an ASP driven web site that utilizes an interface with Excel via a CreateObject("Excel.Application") call. I then can format and fill any cells I wish, create a graphics sheet, etc. Code:

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How To Instantiate An Excel Object In The Server

Does anyone knows how I can instantiate an Excel object in the server where the SQL DB resides thorugh client side on asp's ?

I want to be able to generate a report on the server through the client side.

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Arrays Of Dictionary Object Stored In An Object?

I'll admit my ASP skills are very rusty, and come seeking help.

I'm currently using a dictionary object to store a multi-dimensional array.

I want to pass this dictionary object to an object, which holds an array of dictionary objects.

However I'm finding that the array is not getting set, thus I'm having great issue with dynamically resizing the object's property for every new dictionary object I'm adding.

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Can VB Com Object Used By ASP Get Events Fired By An Internal Object?

I have a VC++ COM object which fires an event. I've written VB EXE apps against it and they receive the event notification.

I've now built a simple VB COM object which uses the VC++ COM object internally.

My question is, assuming the ASP page which loads the object does not immediately exit, will the VB COM object be able to receive the events from the internal object?

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

We are using .net 1.1 on windows 2003 server. This is we are facing in our
production server.

When we are doing the load testing we are getting the bellow error. While
the load testing this error is not coming frequently. When we run 20 threads
for 3 mins we are getting this error message 2 or 3 times. But this line of
code is executed by all the threads. Code:

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Recordset Object Vs Command Object

I want to open a recordset object on an .asp page. When I open the recordset I would like to use a stored procedure that expects a parameter to be passed for the stored procedure. I will then use the recordset to loop thru the recordset, update values from the recordset and then update the database by passing parmeters to another stored procedure.

I would like to use the recordset object but can it be used to pass a parameter to a stored procedure? Do I need to use a command object to open the records instead in
order to pass the parameter to a stored procedure?

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"Object Variable Not Set" When Object Is Neither Empty Nor Null?

I have a custom function for checking if a variable has been set or not to make the code easier to read, as well as to keep it shorter.

However, I'm getting errors that "Object Variable not Set", even after I've already checked for null and empty. Code:

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"Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object"

A three-tier user authentication system was running without a problem for almost a year and now is suddenly dysfunctional. We don't know of any changes to any of the servers. It's quite maddening. The details:

1) We know the COM+ app is instanced on the COM+ server (Win 2000). The component graphic spins when CreateObject is called.

2) The proxy is installed on an IIS server (Win 2000) with delivers the interface, written in ASP, to the client PC.

3) These are the error messages displayed when a method of DAMS is called: Code:

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Creating A New

Development PC: W2K Professional
WebServer: W2K Server, IIS 5.0
Peer-to-Peer network

I'd like to create a new project on a remote server (not on the
local (development) machine. I have looked for info on how to do this, but
all I can find are instructions on how to create on localhost, then deploy
later to remote machine.

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Creating An ASP

what's involved in creating an ASP? I need to create a web page where users can check their past history of the account.

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Creating XML In ASP

So i currently have an asp page that creates an xml document with information from a database. However I need to link to my schema when creating the Root element here,

Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("projects")

this is the link that would go into projects:

xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="semesters.xsd"

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Creating A String

Im trying to create a string from checkboxes that have been checked, but for some reason its not working

strNumbers = ""
for each key in request.form("chkFacility")
strNumbers = strNumbers + "" & key & ","
intCount = intcount + 1

So I want to end up with a string like this '3,12,7.' Instead Im just getting a single number. Am I doing this the right way. Any help wud be just fantastic!!

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Re Creating A .csv File

I know how to use ASP to create and write into a .CSV file on the server, but I have a small problem. Every time I write to the file I am adding new lines each time. I don't know how to wipe the previous contents out, and I thought this is probably a no-brainer for you guys ...

So, I'm looking either to delete the file at the start of the process and start from scratch or

* open the file
* wipe all contents from file
* write to the newly cleaned file

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Creating A ZIP File

How can i create a ZIP file from a folder (full of files) of the server.?

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Creating A New Cookie

I have an asp page where i created cookies-for admin and for user. The aspx page reads these cookies. Everything seems to work fine but now i have to create a new cookie if cookie has expired or if cookie is null. Also, i am having problems with the expire because if the username belongs to the admin for example and then i want to change
the username that belongs to a normal user the cookie recognises the first (admin) cookie. How do i solve this? .....

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Creating Fields

I want to create an order form for prints online... I will have up to 200 prints to be selected. What I am thinking is that I will have an HTML Form that has all the 200 thumbnails with a check box next to them. They select the ones they want and push next. Then I would like it to create a set of options for each one they selected.

That basically says the image name then has a check box for 5x7, 8x10 and a text box for the amount for each... I do I create the page what creates these selections and how to I incorporate that into a mail form going to the next page?... it seems like a simple enough idea. Am wondering how the reality of it will be.

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Creating An Odd Array

I am trying to pass a form value and pull some values from an array. I am getting no errors but no values on this code. Any ideas? Code:

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Creating A Menu Using ASP

I am using asp and access database. I need to create a menu according each member access. In other words, if member login I need to display the menu according to the services the member selected during registration. Each service contains diff type of products.


What is the best way to this...

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Creating Rss Newsfeed

i have website which provide daily news. we store the news into sql database. i want to create a rssnewsfeed which i can provide to other websitemasters. can anyone tell me the asp code or other where i can create rssnewsfeed from my sql data.

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