Creating Asp File Using Createtextfile

When an introducer is logged onto our site, I want to create a separate directory for them and place in this an index.asp page that will redirect including a variable to identify them.

I have created the folder with no problem, but when I try and create the ASP file, I'm getting errors. Code:

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CreateTextFile Excel File Formetting Problem

I am having problems with serving an excel file to client web browsers.
I am creating a tab delimited .xls from a recordset. Below is the .asp
code. Code:

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CreateTextFile With ASP

I want to create a text file,I have read numerous tutorials about this, the problem is
when I try to create it,I get an error message saying that I don´t have permission,
does anyone know how I can change the settings so I can do this? I´m running my test
asp on my local mashine.

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I am pulling info from a couple of different tables and writing the info to a formatted text file. Some of the info is pretty staight forward but I can't get my head wrapped around this last part.
I'm looping through the items ordered but each line I write needs to be numbered. The bold number needs to 1,2,3,4, etc for each line thats written ("dt|1|" & objRS("SKUid") etc...).

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I am trying to create a dynamic CSV file via FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile. I have no problem creating the CSV file normally but I would like to insert comments and VBScript into the coding.

Normally, the file would look something like this: .....

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CreateTextFile Deny On IIS

I develop a website on my local computer in ASP/SQL SERVER 2000 in XP PRO OS. The CreateTextFile, DeleteFile and OpenTextFile (for appending and also just for reading) functions doesn't work.

I had done all security rights from IIS (read, write, execute) and I shared the folder with all rights in reading, writing and executing. I don't understand why this functions doesn't work. I have no error display but the script never stop.

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CreateTextFile Problem

I am trying to use the FileSystemObject to create a text file and then write some data to the file. Code:

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FileSystemObject CreateTextFile Falling Over

I am trying to execute the following function which performs four tests to
make sure the current environment is capable of uploading files. Test 1
completes ok, but test 2 results in the page hanging indefinitely.

An error
number is not returned (it just hangs on the line: Set testFile =
fso.CreateTextFile(fileName, true) ). However when I execute test 2 using
VBScript from within an Excel macro it creates the text file without any
problem. Code:

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CreateTextFile Halts Program

I got the following code from various ASP help sites:

dim filesys, filetxt, getname, path
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile("c:somefile.txt")

The third line causes the program to halt. I am on localhost. (I tried it without "c: too.) What is the problem?

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Filesys.createTextFile Limit

I use filesys.createTextFile to create a csv file. If I have about 600 rows(10 columns) then I can see the csv file created. But, if I have about 700 rows(10 columns still) then the csv file not created. I repeated many times and the result is the same. Is there a limitation on filesys.createTextFile?

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Re Creating A .csv File

I know how to use ASP to create and write into a .CSV file on the server, but I have a small problem. Every time I write to the file I am adding new lines each time. I don't know how to wipe the previous contents out, and I thought this is probably a no-brainer for you guys ...

So, I'm looking either to delete the file at the start of the process and start from scratch or

* open the file
* wipe all contents from file
* write to the newly cleaned file

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Creating A ZIP File

How can i create a ZIP file from a folder (full of files) of the server.?

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Creating Pdf File

Can i create a pdf file with asp by using my database information..?

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Creating A Log/txt File

All I want is a txt file I can write to... and I have a hard time doing it. Only a text file, which I can write strings too (incl timing). My ASP books do not have anything on it and some examples here dont work either.

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Creating A Tif File

Is there any way to create a tif file from ASP? I would like to essentially create a tif of a formatted textual document.

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Creating XML File

Im trying to create an XML file dynamically with asp and a data base. everything is working well until the bit where i need to write the file to my server.

I have been using this:


Set WriteStuff = rsPhotos.OpenXMLFile(strSiteLocationURL & "P4M_new_images.xml", 2, True)

But I now realize that my xml feed is not a .txt file, so I changed it OpenTextFile to OpenXMLFile but it does not work?

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Creating Xls File

i want to generate invoice or bill of an order from an asp application and i want that in xls format and cannot be edited. is there any way to do it......? if yes plz let me know how or the source or tutorials for the same. In short i want to generate invoice in a manner in which user can't edit his invoice which he receives in his email........and i want to do this free......not buying any component.

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Creating Escel File

I have been able to create and Active Server Page that when I link to
it will ask if I want to download to an excel file which I do want. It
works well, but there is one thing that I haven't been able to get to
work yet.

The ASP page has a logo picture in it and I want the picture to
download into the excel file also. It doesn't. My code is the

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition",

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="svra_report.asp"-->

the svra_report.asp is another page with the excel info in it.

Does anyone know how I can get the logo to download also?

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Creating MS Word File

I have manage to create a word doc from lotus notes using the createobject("Word.Application"). Now I wanted to add some text in a field on the template. I want to know how to insert a newline in the field.Also I have created a table in the doc file, now i wanted to know how to place at a desired position in the file.

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Creating An Excel File From A Db

I do not get an error, but I also do not get any data in the excel file. I
know it is connecting to the db Code:

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Creating Binary File

I need to extract some blobs (chm files, actually) from a database and save their contents on the server (recreate chm files).

I tried to do it in several ways (writing the contents to a stream and save the stream to file, writing the contents directly to file, I couldn't figure out how to do it by using the class ADODB.File) but none of them worked.

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Creating An Excel File

From ASP I create response, which is to be shown as an Excel worksheet in the user's browser (by setting the ContentType and creating a table). This works fine.

Does anybody know what to do, if one of the cells should contain a multiline text? I already tried by inserting a <br> inside the <td>. But this won't work.

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Creating Text File On Any Website In Asp

i have some difficulty in creating text file, my question is that how can i create a text file on any website through ASP,

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Creating Excel File Dynamically

I want to update Excel file when i update database.

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Creating A Log File For A Search Engine

I've created an ASP search engine for a site I'm working on. Does anybody know a good script that will create a log file with all the search requests in.

I'm happy reading / writing data from a database with ASP, I'm afraid I come unstuck when I have to start writing data to loose files on the server. Any help or a link to a good tutorial would be gratefully received.

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Creating Text File In Client Side

send me the code for creating text file on client side through asp. or is there any way to direct copy a file from server to client without asking to downloading the file?

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Weird Error When Creating A .CSV File With VBScript On IIS6.

I have a page that creates a .CSV file that has been migrated over to
Windows Server 2003 from Windows 2000 Server. It worked fine before I
moved it, but now when it creates the .CSV file, and you open it, the
first row opens in cell A1 and the second row opens in cell A2. Code:

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Creating Cookies File And Stored In Cookies Folder

I m creating a cookies in my application and it work properly but i can't see the cookies where it will sotred i checked the cookies folder but i didn't find that I want to create a cookies file as the other web site create and store where other cookies will stored in Cookies folder or Temprory Internet files folder eg:1.[1].txt this stored in cookies folder 2. arvind@msn[2].txt ....

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Creating A New

Development PC: W2K Professional
WebServer: W2K Server, IIS 5.0
Peer-to-Peer network

I'd like to create a new project on a remote server (not on the
local (development) machine. I have looked for info on how to do this, but
all I can find are instructions on how to create on localhost, then deploy
later to remote machine.

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Creating An ASP

what's involved in creating an ASP? I need to create a web page where users can check their past history of the account.

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Creating XML In ASP

So i currently have an asp page that creates an xml document with information from a database. However I need to link to my schema when creating the Root element here,

Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("projects")

this is the link that would go into projects:

xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="semesters.xsd"

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Creating A String

Im trying to create a string from checkboxes that have been checked, but for some reason its not working

strNumbers = ""
for each key in request.form("chkFacility")
strNumbers = strNumbers + "" & key & ","
intCount = intcount + 1

So I want to end up with a string like this '3,12,7.' Instead Im just getting a single number. Am I doing this the right way. Any help wud be just fantastic!!

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Creating A New Cookie

I have an asp page where i created cookies-for admin and for user. The aspx page reads these cookies. Everything seems to work fine but now i have to create a new cookie if cookie has expired or if cookie is null. Also, i am having problems with the expire because if the username belongs to the admin for example and then i want to change
the username that belongs to a normal user the cookie recognises the first (admin) cookie. How do i solve this? .....

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