Creating Dynamic Variable Names In A Loop

I'm having a brain fart at the moment. Can someone tell me how to dynamically create variable names based on a loop counter?

for i = 1 to Num_Cart_Items
Item_Name & i = Request.Form("item_name" & i)
Item_Number & i = Request.Form("item_number" & i)
Desired result:

Item_Name1 = Test Product
Item_Number1 = 1234
Item_Name2 = Test Product 2
Item_Number2 = 2345

The problem is with the Item_Name & i..I used to know how to do this, but I can't remember or find any code that I did this with.

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Creating A Dynamic Variable

a way to view the contents of a variable. But That variable could be one of several variables. So, I would like to pass in the name of the variable as a string into a function, and pull out the contents of that variable.

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Creating 'vanity' Domain Names On The Fly

I'm working on something similar to Users sign up and they get
their own webpage, with a domain name of ''.

Since is doing it on the fly (as you sign up), I'm sure
they are doing it programmatically. Anyone has any clue on how they do

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Using Eval To Set Dynamic Object Names

I've ran into a little trouble with Eval, hoping someone can point it out to me. This code works :

var_ktml = "textarea2"
Set ktml_textarea2 = new ktml4
Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml).Init var_ktml

This code doesn't :

var_ktml = "textarea2"
Set Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml) = new ktml4
Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml).Init var_ktml

Can anyone point out the error of my ways ?

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ASP Variable Names

Does any one know how many characters possible in a variable name in ASP?
Is it only 15 characters long or could it be more?
i.e. could the variable name be ThisIsTheFirstName
I do not name my variables like this but I would like to know the max length possible.

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Request.form And Dynamic Field Names

Is it valid to get information from a request.form assign that to a value then use that value to get other content on the requested page.

I return a large rs with multiple feild names. I can't use a static feild def because they would overwrite each other on the loop, SO i create dynamic field names then pass the id back to the next page via javascript. I then use that id to add to the feild name to make sure I get the right feild.

Id = Request.Form("Id")



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PostField And Variable Names

I am new to ASP and I cannot figure out how to pass variable content in ASP. How to pass the variable sClientNo in the following redirect.


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Turning Strings Into Variable Names

if there is a quick way of converting a string into an actual variable.The reason I ask this is to save me having to type each variable name out when trying to request the values from a form.

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How To Get Variable = To Loop Statement

I need this variable = to a loop statement

Here is my str

form_bcc = Cstr(If Not objRS.EOF Then objRS.MoveFirst Do While Not objRS.EOF objRS.Fields("Email") Response.Write ";" objRS.MoveNext Loop End If)

And help on how to get this to work?

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Change Variable Name In Loop

Is it possible to change a variable name? I need to store some information to be displayed to the users in a variable but I need to change the name of this variable. So what I need to do is read some info from the db, create a recordset and then read the first row of the recordset and store the result in a variable named Answer_1, read the next line and store the result in the variable Answer_2, is it possible?

I tried the following code:

Answer_"" & Counter & "" = "" & rsResult("Answer") & ""

Then I'll print it in the HTML part like this:

<% Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=""text"" NAME=""QID_2"" VALUE=""" & Answer_2 & """>" %>

Is it possible to change the name of the varialb in a loop?

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Declaring The Output From A Loop As A Variable

I need the the results from the loop, in the Response.Write objFile.Name & "<br>" bit to be declared as a variable and then I could:


Does anyone know how I go about doing this? Or is there an alternative Code:

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Creating A Dynamic Anchor

I have a web page that accesses a database to pull news stories down and create a link to another page that is populated with the news stories. These stories take up enough space that the page has to scroll. I want to be able to have the links it generate go directly to an anchor on the second page where the news story begins.

Can someone point me in the right direction to a place where I can get more information about this?

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Creating Dynamic Array

I wrote a simple code to generate a dynamic array:

Dim TestArray2()
Redim TestArray2(43)

When I uploaded this to IIS (on Vista Basic), the following error
message was given:

"An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please
contact the system administrator"

May I know what is the problem?

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Creating Dynamic Playlists

I am trying to write a script that will insert a commercial (randomly choosing from 3 commercials) prior to a news video clip. I need to have the page dynamically created using asp (or at least I think I do).

I have tried several different methods but nothing works. The only thing that has been successful so far is a static .asx file (but that won't cut it). there is very little documentation on this from what I can find.

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Creating Dynamic Named Folders

Basically, I would like to create a folder on my server for each user that comes to my site based on their last name which they enter. The code I have below is incomplete as I don't know how to incorporate the lastname into the CreateFolder method.

dim lastname, objFSO
lastname = Request.Form("lastname")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = Server.mapPath("/test/")
Set objFSO = Nothing

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ASP: Creating Dynamic Form Elements

I asked a question earlier about creating dynamic pages.

I want to know if its possible to create dynamic form elements based on a condition equating to true.

e.g. as you could have dynamic texts when a condition is true.

Could i have dynamic form elements when a condition is true
e.g. response.write(create radio button)
or create combo box etc

or how is it done ?

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Creating Semi-dynamic Pages

What I am trying to do would be useful to many sites that have product listings or archieved articles.

Instead of having server load and spider unfriendly dynamic asp pages, create semi-dynamic html pages by running an asp script which requests an asp page from a Local IIS server (or www server if need be) and writing the html text to a file and saving it as a filename.htm page. Code:

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Create Dynamic Input Names Or Input Fields In Asp

I have a little code to add multiple items to a shopping cart based
page. This code works perfect, but it adds all of the info to the
same input fields every time it loops. I need it to change the input
names each time it loops. Here is the code:

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Creating A Variable Name

I have a txt file with content similar to below I want to read in each line do a split on the = and then create a variable with the name of the first value and the value of the second. I'm fine with the splitting etc but I haven't got a clue of how to set the variable name to the value on another variable?

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Creating A Variable

I need to create a variable after the first time a page has been run.Ok this is really for flash but the need is from the asp side.When the user visitsthe site the variable will either not exist or be set to 0.When the user goes back to the same page or any page then the variable will be set to 1.I dont wish to use a cookie, but I believe this can be done using maybe a session, or even the global.asa to detect one visit.Can anyone give some light into this request.

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Creating Session Variable

Working on a survey with results going into an Access (2002) database. Each survey-taker would be a new, unique entry in the survey-taker table, and the primary key is set as an autonumber.

The survey is several pages long, and I need a way for the autonumbered primary key to carry over to each page in order to keep the results together.Would creating a session variable tied to the primary key work, or am I going about this all wrong? If a session variable would work, how do I tie it to an autonumber?

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Creating A Count Variable And Generating Forms In ASP

Im currently studying an HND in computing at uni and i am having a MARE of a time trying to work out my ASP as this is a major project and i tihnk i have thrown myself in at the deep end.

Basically what i want to do is Pull details up from a table in access but i want each row to be put into a seperate forms and make some of the fields that i have pulled from Access into text fields so that i can enter data into them and then save this data back into the table.

I figured that in order for me to do this i would need to firstly create a variable that i could include in the name of the form so that they are ames; Form1, form2, form 3 etc every time a new one is created. Code:

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Dynamic Variable Generation

If I have 5 variables "SUB_1, SUB_2, SUB_3, SUB_4, SUB_5" and I assign them values from a SQL2005 database..

SUB_1 =(UPDATE.Fields.Item("SUB_1").Value)
SUB_2 =(UPDATE.Fields.Item("SUB_2").Value)
SUB_3 =(UPDATE.Fields.Item("SUB_3").Value)
SUB_4 =(UPDATE.Fields.Item("SUB_4").Value)
SUB_5 =(UPDATE.Fields.Item("SUB_5").Value)

I have a WHILE LOOP generating a dynamic table from a different database table

Code: ....

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Arbitrary/Variable/Dynamic Variables?

I have a spare parts database that I am working on. All that needs to be stored is the part description, what it goes to, and the quantity in stock.

Since that's all that I need, I want to be able to allow the user to edit the quantity right on the results page, through a textbox. Just change the number in the textbox for each part, press the button, and voila, it's all saved to the database (and is redisplayed for your convenience.)

However, there is no set amount of part rows. Right now, I'm creating the text boxes using the id of the item (i.e., name="quantity<%=RS("partID")%>"), but I'm not certain how to call the variables to put in an insert.

What is the syntax for dynamic/variable variables (if they even exist in ASP)?

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Set Dynamic Contents Of A Asp Page In A Variable

I would like to read the dynamic contents of an asp page and set these in a variable.
In php I can do it with the help of include, but include is not exactly the same in asp.
Any clue?

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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Parameter Not Passed From For Loop To While Loop

I'm trying to pass a parameter from a for loop to the nested while loop
but only the first counter is passed. Here is the code:

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Nesting One Loop Within Another, Using 1st Loop As Criteria For 2nd

I have a recordset that I loop through all of the data within a table, within the same loop, I am trying to add another loops that pulls information from the first recordset to base the second recordset off of: Code:

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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Names Of Scripts

I need the names of some either ASP or PHP programs that will work like a video rental store. I know there are some out there, but i cant seem to remember the name of them. I would prefer something that is free.

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Cdonts Names

I have a web application which saves files to a server and emails the file as an attachment. I generate a unique name for each file by concatenating a unique numeric string so the file name is unique and cannot be accidentally be overwritten. I also store the original name of the file. Is there any way to rename the attachment when I send it so it doesn't have the unique name but rather the orignal one.

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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