Creating Order Form Page

how to get started with this project. I want a page where a
user can manually enter an order. Our users know our order# system and it's
much easier to manually enter items as opposed to using a shopping cart and
flipping through multiple pages.
On the page would be the following....
1) Billing address
2) shipping address
3) fields for order numbers

Billing and shipping seem pretty straight forward.
Because I have no idea of how many products a customer will order, I'm
picturing a new order# field being created when one is filled out. How do I
do this?Then, assuming I get all these dynamically generated fields, how do I get
them into an OrderDetails table?

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Submit Order Form

I have online order form that consists of textarea, textbox, radio button, check buttons and etc.. after that, click to submit via email with order form details to someone..

so i need to know what codings to do this to email to someone with order form details need for db so can u please kindly show me how to do it?

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Business Order Form

I'm starting an ecommerce site from scratch and I want to have a fairly simple order form to support around 10 products. I'd like it to have a shipping calculator, have fields for credit cards, and be able to send customers a thank you email after their order. I do have some experience with the asp code and form building but not too much. Is there a script I can download or a fairly reasonable product I could purchase to help me with this?

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Common Order Form

I am a new user so I hope I am doing this correctly. If not, please point me in the right direction.I created a web site in 1995 using exclusively HTML becuase it was the easiest for a novice. When I created the site, I had about 70 types of invitations and I created an order form for each invitation type. Now I have more than 250 invitations and I would like to create a common (one page)order form. I do not want to have a shopping cart. The website is Currently when the user clicks the invitation image, the user is hyerlinked to the order page. I would to have it so that the use is linked to a common order form and have that common order form have some specific information such as:
1. image of invitation being ordered
2. size of invitation being ordered
I need know the coding that needs to be placed on the sending page and the target page and anything else I need to do to make this work.

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Form Field Order

I know that the order of from fields from a form post are somewhat random. But, what about fields that have the same name -

<input type="text" name="something" value=""> First Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Second Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Third Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Fourth Choice

First = "bananna"
Second = "orange"
Third = ""
Fourth = "apple"

Will the values, in the delimited list contained in Request.Form("something"), always be in the order they are in the form? That is - bananna, orange, , apple

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ID To Follow Through Onto Order Form

Basically when a customer sees the gift they want, they click order, which takes them to the order form....all i want to know is how i can get the gifts ID onto the order form. It may be better if you have a look at what im trying to do Example of this trying to work .

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Form Field Submit Order

I have a form with stacks of fields. This is submitted to a formmail.asp script at my isp which emails the values in the form to me.

Is there anyway using dreamweaver that I can define the order of the form fields when they are submitted to me via email? I eventually add the values in the form to a bit of paper, it would be handy if the email could have them listed in the order they are printed on on the bit of paper.

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CDONTS To Send Order Form To Emails

I know this question is stupid. But i need some advice for this. I
am trying to develop a website, which will allow the user send to order form
to the admin email. I am planning to use the CDONTS component method.
Can I just to localhost server to test, whether the form can be send
up to the admin's email. Or I must have the Hosting server to do that. Can
Anyone suggest me, how to I test my scripts can be successfully run (at
localhost), before I host it on the Web Servers.

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Order Form Needs To Send Cust Receipt

I am learning more and more about asp but can't find and figure out where and what varialbles to add to this form. I want to be able to have this form email to me and to the person that filled it out as there receipt as well.

I don't have it set up to show the results after they fill it out that would be nice but not sure how to do that either. My main focus is getting the receipt sent to the person that filled it out. Code:

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ASP Form - Order Amount Not Coming Through On Email

This is my first asp form so please be gentle with me It's a publications ordering form. I've got the form and the asp code setup, when the form is sent the name of the publication comes through but not the amount ordered - i'm sure i've made a simple mistake somewhere - can anyone spot why the order amount isn't coming through. Code:

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Multiple Dropdowns To Create An Arrary To Form ORDER BY Statement

Creating a form that allows people to search a ticket database. One criteria I would like to add is to give the people the option to sort the results by selecting criteria for a dropdown.

My first thought was to create 3 dropdowns with the same name, get the data and add it to the SQL string. It worked great except for when someone decided to leave anything blank.
Here are my dropdowns here: Code:

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Creating A Form

I need help creating a form for my website. I want to use an ASP page. My form will contain a few text boxes for name, a dropdown list box, and will have a "browse" button so that users can upload documents/files. Would also like to add a confirmation ASP page upon successful form submit.

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Creating An Email Containing A Web Site Form

I would like to write a generalised page which creates an email
containg the (calling) HTML form complete with the user populated

In this way the appearance of the email will be just like the form
elements of the form that called the generalised page together with
the completed fields.

I can see that I can caputure the (blank) calling page itself in the
email by using the CreateMHTMLBody method of CDO. I can also see how I
can retreive the individual elements of the form using Request. But is
it possible to combine the two?

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Creating A Form And Uploading It To Sharepoint

I am trying to create a computer management form/web application. I am not a good programmer. I use sharepoint at work to do most of the tasks which are fairly automated.

Now the computer management form is designed this way: Code:

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Creating A Form With Multi Select

I am trying to create a form where you may have more than one person
at a meeting, but want to have them be related to the same meeting.

I have a mulitple select text area and if you select more than one,
all the records are being added to the same row. so if I picked the
following three people:

(Person ID/Desc)
1 - mickey mouse
2 - donald duck
3 - goofy

The row in the data base would look like this:

(Meeting ID/ Person ID)

1 - 1,2,3

But I would like to do this:
(Meeting ID/ Person ID)
1 - 1
1 - 2
1 - 3

I hope this makes sense, if it does does anyone have a suggest on how to best do this?

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ASP: Creating Dynamic Form Elements

I asked a question earlier about creating dynamic pages.

I want to know if its possible to create dynamic form elements based on a condition equating to true.

e.g. as you could have dynamic texts when a condition is true.

Could i have dynamic form elements when a condition is true
e.g. response.write(create radio button)
or create combo box etc

or how is it done ?

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Creating An Online Applicaiton Form

I run a small finance company and would like to add an online application form that potential customers could fill in.

at present all they do is email me asking for a loan, but if i could create some sort of form where they enter their details in each box, then click submit i think this would look alot more professional. Does anyone know of any tutorials or anything that may be able to help me along my way?

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Creating An Asp Page

i want to include an xml file as an asp include file - i'm transforming it using xslt, but it just appears as a blank.i take it i have to use xslt to transform the xml file to an asp page. can anyone point me to tutorials or tell me how ?

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Creating A New Page

I try to develope a category page in asp. How can i creat a new asp page and save it on the server dynamically?

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Creating An Excel Spreadsheet From Web Form Data

I want 2 create a survey Web Form that people can fill in. I then want the data entered to be saved to an Excel spreadsheet located on a server.

Can .ASP handle this kind of task? and if so does anyone know the code required to perform this function?

The data entered will be RAW and the .ASP (or whatever required programming) will need 2 process and convert the data into the spreadsheet.

Also, would it be possible to run this from a stand alone machine so that the web form, .ASP and spreadsheet are all contained on the machine and have no outside influences?

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Creating Feedback Email From Form Enquiry

I built a form to collect users details, and noticed that a lot of sites these days have feedback emails that return a recieved email confirmation back to the customer.
Can anybody point me to, or allow me the code so that I can try it myself.

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Input Form For Creating Hierarchy Structure

I'm trying to create an input screen that allows users to create a hierarchical structure as the one below, but have no clue where to start or how to construct it. Code:

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Creating A New Page After A Post...

I am looking to create some sort of function that on the click of a submit button, a new HTML page will be created. Is this a simple task or something that I should research?

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Creating An Error Page

my problem is:

i am creating a appointment calender everything is fine except for one page
what I want is to have no duplicate times for example if someone books 2opm on tuesday 22 of june no one else can book the same time.

I have set the database to not allow duplicate entries but I need a page that if someone tries to book the same time it will say sorry that time is taken.

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Creating PDFs From Page

Does anyone know of a web-based tool that will allow users to print certain pages in PDF?

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Creating .asp Pages From A Web Page

In my site i need to give the user an option to have a landing page to a site or not to.

If they choose no i need to create a page that has a basic response.redirect in the page

so the code that would be used to generate the link would look something like this :

<%response.redirect("/site/" &siteName & "/" & pageName & ".asp")%>

So how do i create a page with asp?

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I've got a problem i would like you to help me out with. My company has got a client who sells meat and my senior tech lead has customized the cart to fit their needs and have created a despatch table with a "simple asp form" that allows them to scan their products in with a wi-fi scanner. Code:

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Creating A URL Still Exists Page/util

if there is a method out there that allows me to create a web page util to see if URL links are still valid. In other words I've created a system whereby a user can add their own links/urls page, but they want to periodically check whether all of these links by executing a multi-check.

My theoretical thought on this would be that the script would check if it receives a 404 on each page request and mark a flag if and when it gets it, but as to how I would do this in ASP or JavaScript.

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Creating Search And Results Page

i have been trying to create a search and result page. - (The same page if possible) using both Dreamweaver and Frontpage. But keeps returning a provider failure code. i know want to just code it to see if that will work but am a newbie when it comes to coding. I wish to do a search on 1 field in a SQL database if at all possible using a trusted connection, but return more fields from various tables.

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Creating An Automatic Reload Page

How can I create an automatic reload page, depending on a timer in ASP code?

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Validation Of Data Creating Problem In ASP Page

I got a ASP page where one can add a record or update any existing records.
As soon as a record is added it is appended to the existing records. With
this design user can check for erors in existing records or the added record.
Initially, there was ino data validation rule.

Now, as soon as I am putting
data validation via script, I cannot update the exisiting data as the
validation looks for empty space in the text boxes meant for adding data. Is
there any way, I can avoid this situation and can update existing records. If
this is possible, how does one validate the existing records.

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Problem With Creating A Review Before Submitting Page

I’ve created an application with 3 pages[forms] that have information that must be entered. This application has a session variable that is passed from page to page to ensure that the information that is put in the tables in the Sql Server database is linked together. It also sends an email after the last page is submitted.

My problem is that I am trying to create a page that will show the user what they have entered and allow them to go back and make changes if necessary, before they go to the next page. [A verification page I guess you would say]

I have created the 1st verification page which shows the info [from the first form] the way I want it to and it allows them to go back and make changes, [while I’m testing locally, that is]. When I go live, it skips over the 1st verification page and goes straight to the next form page. It does process all the code that is in the verification page and adds the info to the database but it will not show the verification page! When I do get it to show the verification page, it does not process the code behind the page that adds to the database. Code:

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Having A Problem With Creating Multiple Page Results

I am attempting to only show 10 results per page in my results page. I keep on getting the following error. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'MoveFirst'
Does someone know where i am going wrong? Code:

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