Curl Type Function

is there any function similar to curl in asp? what i want to do is to extract the information from the webpage.

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Instr Type Function

I've been given a large database of "model numbers". based on these model number I have to do something different. example model numbers:


Basically, the first number (B2020, which could be a number of different numbers) is the model. the second and/or third number is what I have to act on. The problem is, how do I pull that third number? Especially if its the same as the first number. right now I'm using Instr(variable1, "SG1") to pull each different set of numebrs. but that only finds the first occurence. what about the 2nd? how can I find that?

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Type Mismatch Calling Function From ServerXMLHTTP Event Handler


function managestatechange
response.write("objXMLHTTP.readyState: " & objXMLHTTP.readyState & "<br/>" & vbCrLf)
end function
dim objXMLHTTP, strForm
response.write("Sending:" & strForm & "<br/><br/>" & vbCrLf)
set objXMLHTTP=CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "************", false
objXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = managestatechange
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "lastCached", now()
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objXMLHTTP.send strForm
response.write("Response: " & objXMLHTTP.responseText & "<br/>" & vbCrLf)
set objXMLHTTP = nothing


Sending: CMN=wmdj3847WNSJ8383&Modi=0208&Pan=4444444444443333&ExpMnth=12&ExpYear=06&IssNo=&StarMnth=12&StarYr=04&CV2=123&PostCode=AB12CD&HouseNum=1&EmReq=1&Value=10&OrderNumber=GOL-2005-00000&IsoC=GBR

objXMLHTTP.readyState: 1

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'managestatechange.onreadystatechange' request.asp, line 34

Why does it work once then fall over? What am I doing wrong?

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Error Type:Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A000D) Type Mismatch: 'UBound'

I got a problem while running an application. The code for this is as follows:

aList = Split(strMsg,";")
For nX = 0 to UBound(aList)
set rs1=conn.execute("insert into tbl_BackupfileInfo(Filename,Createddate,Createdtim e)values('" &aList(nX)&"','"&var_date&"','"&var_time&"')")

while runnig this application some times it works fine .But some times it giving an error

Error Type:Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'UBound'.

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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Error Type :(0x80004005) Unspecified Error Type

I am trying to send a fax from my asp application and am getting the follwoing error on the hghlighted line:

Error Type:
Unspecified error

If anyone knows why..Code:

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Type Mismatch On Type "Text"

I have a table with four fields, ID (auto increment), question (varchar(200)), answer (Text), and shop (tinyint(3). When I connect to the database in an ASP page and write this code

Response.Write rs("question") & "<br />" & rs("answer")

I get an error that reads "Type Mismatch"

but if I change the type of the answer field to type varchar I don't get the error but am limited in the length of the field's contents. I just also noticed that if I keep the type at TEXT and change the collation to ascii_general_ci I don't get the mismatch error but all the ' characters turn into ? characters? Oh woe is me.

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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Function Inside A Function

Can I define a function inside a function. e.g;

function abc()
function xyz()
....some code.....
End Function
End Function

I googled this but can't find any related topic.

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Function In The InStr Function

I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:

I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.

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Looking For Glossary Type App

I was looking for an app that i could use as a glossary, though i'm not sure how you would refer to it.

Basically, something that has 0-9 and A-Z with a search feature, by hitting G, all the items starting with G would appear, etc.

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Type Mismatch

I am moving a mySQL db from one server to another. My backup sql is coming from phpMyadmin and I am using another 3rd party db admin program on the server. I am copying and pasting this code:

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Type Mismatch

I have an access database, with a form field "scores", which is a text field. This is the code (i have included the database code in the script btw):


Dim scoresql,scorers
scoresql = "SELECT * FROM users"
Set scorers = conn.execute(scoresql)


scores = Split(scorers.fields("scores"),"~")


Loop while not scorers.eof


I can't tell what's wrong.

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Type Mismatch

if you can I am getting this errror:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'FormatDateTime' /bb/aspBoardDetail.asp, line 57

<tr><td><font face="<%=abFont%>" size="-1">When: <%=FormatDateTime(adoRs.Fields("msgTime").Value, 2)%>&nbsp;<%=FormatDateTime(adoRs.Fields("msgTime").Value, 3)%></font></td></tr>

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Type Mismatch

After about 30 minutes of frustration I finally discovered what was
causing a general 500 internal server error and to my surprise it was
something I seem to always take for granted for its simplicity. A type
mismatch error trying to compare a string to a numerical value, which
is something that PHP has no problem or qualms with. However, this
continuous problem continues to haunt me year after year and has
brought me to tears with frustration. This is the line that raises the

nID = Request("ID")
If IsNull(nID) Or IsEmpty(nID) Or nID = 0 Then
.... (and so on)

In the past I've written a function 30 lines long that compares values
by confirming value types of the variables first, but I would rather
put a gun to my head than do that. Since there are obviously other
bright PHP and ASP developers out there that constantly trip over this
problem, I would like to know your suggestions or methods of working
around this.

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Day(Date) Type

I am new to ASP programming and I am trying to get an existing website to work.
I have created the following function to get the day:

function nrDate()
nrDate = DAY(Date())
end function

But when I use the page it gives the following runtime error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'DAY'

I have googled the problem for hours but cannot find anything that may be helpfull. Does anyone have any ideas because this is getting quite urgent and I cannot move forward without this function.

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Type Mismatch?? WTF??

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'getTableFields'

Line is commented.

set exclusions = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
exclusions.Add "id", true
exclusions.Add "timestamp",true

set tableKey = getTableFields("CIL_Addresses",exclusions) ''''TYPE MISMATCH ON THIS LINE

May be helpful to see getTableFields()


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Type Mismatch

Any Idea what this might mean?

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: '[string: ""]' /App/Director_Appraisal_Results_Saved.asp, line 444

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This Type Of Error Mean

Does anyone know this type of error means?

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use ''(unknown)''; file already in use.
/asp/PPLMain/memberpage.asp, line 10

and in my line 1o is
RsMember.ActiveConnection = MM_connPPL2_STRING

This works before but then it went like this. Anyone can help?

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Type Mismatch

I am receiving the following error:

Type Mismatch '[String ""]'

Here is the code that the error seems to be referring to:

For i = 0 To UBound(Duties)
dblTotal = dblTotal + Duties(i)

Do I need to convert these variables to Integers?

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Files Of Type

How do I set the Files of Type to only jpg extensions from this <input type="file" value=".jpg" name="File1" size="20"> the red above wont work.

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Xml Mime Type

I use Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") etc to grab the content of
another asp page.
I want the other asp page to look like an xml document. So I set the header
to text/xml with the line
I set this on the calling page and the page that is called.
When I view the headers with it
is still set to text/HTML. Also the browser displays the page as if it were

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Data Type

What data type do you use for this input -- uyen8976? how do you convert it to a string? how do you query it?

I tried to create a table in sql with this field
invoice char not null

qInvoice= "select invoice from ItemMaster where invoice=" + cstr(inv) qInvoice, "dsn......"

when i tried to query this field, computer didn't understand what cstr(inv) was. It kept reporting errors.

However, i couldn't use varchar data type for uyen8976 either. The computer didn't let me convert "uyen8976" into a string.

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Type Mismatch

I pass session variables in a querystring to another page, which increments an array and adds them to it. This had been working absolutley fine on my local machine and I uploaded the scripts to a remote server. Everything worked fine (and still does) on the remote server.

I then decided to try opening the script that receives the querystring in a popup with javascript, to display the results in the popup instead of a full new page as before.

When I tried this I got a Type Mismatch on the receiving page. I hadn't changed any of the code in any of the pages apart from calling the receiving page with, so I thought it just didn't like being called/opened that way. So I removed the and went back to the old way - and I still get the Type Mismatch.

I couldn't see why it was throwing this now, so I downloaded the scripts from the remote server (which work fine) to my local machine and I still get the Type Mismatch on the local machine. I tried stopping and starting IIS and then rebooting, but to no avail. It still works remotely but not locally.

The mismatch is occuring apparently between the String I'm trying to add to the array and the array index (which is also a session variable): Code:

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Type Mismatch

i am getting a type mismatch for a page i am trying to write. Code:

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Type Mismatch

i'm getting a type mismatch error

conn.Execute "DELETE FROM Bmemo WHERE (tDate <= '" & date() & "')"

tDate is a date field in an Access database

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Type Mismatch

Like so many, I will preface my question by saying I'm a complete ASP noob. I am however very experienced with PHP/MYSQL so I understand the concepts, it's just a syntax problem.
I have the following:Code:

sqlGroups = "select groupName from Groups where groupID = '" & rsParts("groupID") & "'"
set rsGroups = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsGroups.Open sqlGroups, strConn


This is resulting in a type mismatch error. rsParts("groupID") is from another recordset in the script, of type Long Int. groupID in the Groups table is autonumber, also of type Long Int.

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Content Type

I am currently taking a lot of web form information and compiling it into a word document for users to download; however, I want to be able to embed any attachments
that they have inside the word document. The attachments are coming from a database and the office suite does not reside on
the server. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a word document with embedded attachments for download.

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Type Mismatch

Guys i tried this
sqlstr= "UPDATE BorrowerTab SET BorrowerName = '" & strName & "', Email = '" & strEmail & "', Phone = '" & strPhone & "'"

I get the error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.

I think the problem is i need to have a WHERE clause in my sql statement
The thing is i dont know how to...
Cuz the field is an auto number(BorrowerId)

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Type Mismatch

One ASP page doesn't throw a type mismatch error and the same exact code in a second ASP page throws a type mismatch error.

I simply throw a Cdbl around my variables and it clears the error, but i'm getting a new one today that i didn't get yesterday on the second page. Again, putting a Cdbl around it... Why is this page being so particular?

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Type Mismatch

I have verified that the info from my submit form with the datbase and have figured out it has something to do with my database. When I dont fill out a certain field on the form like LoanAmount it gives me that error.

In my database the field type is set to currency and no required with a default value of 0. If i change the field type to text it works if I dont fill in the LoanAmount field, but I dont want to change it to that . Any suggestions? I want to be able to not have to enter info if not needed into certain fields and still be able to submit the rest of the info. here is my submit page: Code:

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Type Mismacth

i receive this message when i try this code,

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch /33259/insertproduct.asp, line 42


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Type Mismatch

I am an ASP developer seeking to build an interactive web site. Unfornately I'm so very frustrated and out of answers for a pivital part of my ASP programming. You see, A number of database Tables are linked together through a common ID Value in a Numbered Field.

These values are the ManagerID and the UserID. The ManagerID is used to get data about the manager and the UserID is used to get data about the users. Unfornately I am getting a ton of Type Mismatch results when I try and compare a numeric value to a string value stored in a Session Variable.

While using a Text Field methoud partially solves this problem, it causes a problem when records go above ID 9, as it instantly puts record ID 10 out of order in the table, thus causing severe problems with various functions in the project that add new records to the tables and generate a new ID value.

This is because when new records are added, it takes the last value stored in the bottom field and increments it by 1. thus since the last value would be 9, and if it increments to 10, you get a duplication error every time you try and add a record above 10. Thus only a Numeric Field which can auto-adjust according to the record values can this program function in the way it needs to.

For your review, here is the code of my Login Script page, I will site where the problem is. If I can find a solution to this problem, I can find a solution to plenty of others as well (As many other parts call on Numeric Field values to call records from the database.) Code:

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