Customer Details Page

Just uploaded my database how to i create a simple page where i can enter customer details into my database. i would like fields like customer id, first name last name etc where the telephone number could be the primary key

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Upload Page With Details

I am looking to create an upload page for my website. I would like to have the user login and depending on who they log in as depends on which folder they upload to. I'd like to be able to upload multiple files, have the file size(s) show up on the form and also be able to calculate how much time it will take to upload the file.

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How To Build Details Page

I'm trying to build a details page that is reachable when a user clicks on the ID of a query that's returned multiple rows of data. The first piece of code is the querytest.asp page, and the second is the details.asp page. However, how do I get the user_id passed to the details page? Code:

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Login Page & User Details

I am creating my student website. I have completed with student registration parts (student enrolment form, personal details) but now my client requirement is that if any student come to my website , he/she needs to register first so if they log on next time , screen will comes up with their all details.
I tried to create login page and if they are not in database , they can register on my website. But I could not able to create in my website. There might be more users so need to have loop in my code.
Once user log in their name and password , it will search in database and if database found that record in it , that page will redirect to my website page which will comes up with perticular student information.
project details : XHTML (Front End), Java Script (Validation), ASP (Connectivity), MS ACCESS (DATABASE).

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Customer Support

I have been using ALS for a while, and I want to be able to create my own version, But the only issue I have is being able to track users realtime, ie get what page they are on, how long they have been online, and being able to contact them by throwing a pop-up.

ALS does it but i've tried scoping the coding, but can't find anything.

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Customer Orders By Fax

I have a small team who are building e commerce sites for different clients .One of our client wants his customer orders to be faxed directly to him.

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Customer Login, How To With Txt File?

I am trying to make a client login system with asp. the users register and their details get written to clients.txt. per client there are 9 lines in this txt file (name, address, etc)

username and pw are on lines 4 and 5. at login.asp i capture username and pw into strUsr and strPwd - that works fine. im unsure as to how i should not authenticate those variables against clients.txt.

- should i loop through all entries of clients.txt and compare strUsr and strPwd to line 4 and 5 of each entry?

- should i first create an array with the contents of the whole txt file and then see if strUsr and strPwd match any of the 4th and 5th lines?

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Customer Textbox Field

i have a page which lets u search for a tupple in the allows the user to search by customername or i have 2 text box to let the user enter.and each text box has a submit button which will link back to the same page and it will display all the search results.

i have error check script that dun allow the user to submit if nothing is entered.but now on my same display page... how mani i suppose to write the sql statment as i dun have idea to display the results from the customer search or job no search.

i mean i can write 2 recordset.but how do i make sure that it will display the 1 tat the user there a if else way or sumthing??i mean if i search by job no.then when i request from the customer textbox field.wat is the value that is pass over?

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Info On Customer Only Area

does anyone know of a site that takes you through a walkthrough on how to set up a client only area, but in javascript to use on an asp server?

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Customer Updating Website

I have a client who wishes to make changes to their website live and without having to purchase any additonal software and do any training.

I have seen a few websites where they have an admin page where the client can login and make changes on the fly to the site through a browser. Does anyone out there know of any software that can do this or where i can find more info on this?

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Only Latest Record Got Customer Name.

i have table Comment and Customer. Customer is a registered customer. but, comment can be given by registered or non-registered customer. right now, i have 6 records which are 3 registered customer and 3 non-registered customer in Comment table.

for the non-registered customer, i put as a Guest for their name while registered customer, i have display his/her real name. my problem is, the latest record in Comment is a registered customer and her name is displayed in the html table but the rest registered customers, their names are not displayed. something wrong is there. for the non-registered customer, no problem at all. this is my script. at this page also has paging script. Code:

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The File '/Customer/Login.aspx

I have an 2.0 web application that I have pre-compiled and deployed to a Windows 2003 server. When I try to access the web application I get thefollowing message in my browser:

'The file '/Customer/Login.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be

If I rename the folder containing the web app to something other than'Customer' then it works! I have tried deleting the folder and recreating it but I get the same problem. I have also copied the folder to another serverand it works without any problems.

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PC Details

Is it possible to find, and display a pc name in an asp web page using vb.

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Get User Details

I'm trying to get a very simple task to work. Using the users login name
(gained from IE) I want to get their full name from AD (Win 2k and 2003 AD
domain).I'm using this ASP code on the IIS server:

Set User = GetObject("WinNT://domainname/" & usr & ",user")
response.write "Name is " & User.Fullname
set usr=nothing

This code works fine when run on the server direct using wscript, but when
served by the web server I get the error:

Active Directory (0x80070005)
General access denied error

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User Details

I have a working members code now where members can sign up, login to a protected page and log out. I now want to personalise each members login so when a member logs in it says welcome [username] etc and then when the use logs out it says 'thanks [username] you have logged out'. I tried to query my database but it doesnt work.

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Server Details

Is there a script ( without DB) I can use which can give the entire details of the server, including the root dir, folders info.

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Repeat Details

how I can repeat details in a ASP page. For example I have to fill in a a form which has the following quetion.Language : (a text box here to fill in the details)

and then a message with 2 buttons Do you want to insert another? YES NOWhen click on the button YES, I want my asp page to take the quetion "Language :" and the text box and copy it so the user can insert another value.How can I do it ??

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Visitor Details

Is there a way of detecting and then recording a visitors details(eg. browser, ip, country, OS...) and then storing that info to a database automatically?If, so, could you plz tell me how to record the info straight to a database without the user having to click on anything.

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Browser Details

I have seen an example of a page that displays the users browser details in a friendly manner like this:

Your operating system : Microsoft Windows NT
Your browser : Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

from a HTTP_User_Agent string like this: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) Can somebody give me some sample code of how I can extract this result out of the string, using asp.

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Show Details Of First Record

I have a list of requests that I'm displaying. The client wants to be able
to display the details of the FIRST request as the page loads.

Right now, as I loop through the recordset, I'm checking the querystring for
"rid", and if rid = "" then I do a response.redirect to the page adding the
rid value to the querystring from the recordset.

I'm thinking this is not very effecient, but I can't figure out anything
better.. anyone have a good solution to show the details of the first item
on the list?

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Folder/file Details

Is it possible to run an asp script to display the details (i.e. last
modifed time/date) of several files held on the client and or on the server
running IIS (if i map it to the folder with the files in question).

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Contact Details To Allow Download

im trying to work out basicly what i want to do his have a list of downloads and then at the top of the page have a form that has contact details that enables the download links and sends the details to an email address. is this possible and if so are there any scripts avaliable

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Getting Index Details (eg #position) From Url

The code below takes the script name of a page (which is always an asp file) and substitutes the asp extension with html and then inserts the file in the <frame> tag.

This code works file for a url such as But if the url includes an index eg how do I get the #position1 added to the file name that is used in the <frame> tag? Is there a server variable for # info? Code:

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OnSubmit Clears Details

I have a button which runs and submits a form and if the name and contact details aren't filled out yet all it does is recalculate some totals.

BUT, my problem is that there is a checkbox in this form that is being cleared when the form is submitted at this stage, is there anyway to stop this??

I am of the understanding that the checkbox has to be in the form because when it is selected it adds a value to a field further down in the form.

There is also another text field that I need retained as well???

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Showing Folder Details

I saw a while page a link to show folder details ie folders / files in a directory
let me know any links to tutorials

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Selecting Correct Details

Im trying to make a client area on my website and an not sure on how to go about editing clients details.When the client logs in they are brought to a menu where they can update there record. How can i get the appropriate record from the database so they can update there details?

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Slideshow In Details View

I badly need help head sore from banging it off the wall. I have a Gridview which when a field is clicked on displays more details for that record in detailsview. I am using a single SQL table with fields for details and 3 image file locations.

I need to create a slideshow in detailsview to show these 3 images. I have no problem displying 1 image but don't know how to add a link to flick between images.

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Return Session Details

Does any one have an asp page they can share that returns current session details, cookies etc. I can't get session arrays to return in a page.

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Writing Details From A Form

i have managed to pass over one item from a form and put it into the database, using this code:

' This writes information from the form to the customer database field (cust_name)
dim name

name =request.Form("name")

strSQL="INSERT INTO customer (cust_name) VALUES ('" & name & "');"

con.Execute strSQL

how do i pass over more than one field and put them into the database, at the moment i can only pass over the name data and then store it into the cust_name field in the data base now i want to pass over address postcode , e.g and put that into the db how can i do this.

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Use Array To Retrieve Product Details

I am trying to develop a shopping cart using a dictionary object to represent the shopping basket. I have a products page which displays all the products for the user to click on to add products to the basket. This works fine.

The problem I am having is when I want to display the content of the shopping cart. The dictionary object can only contain the product id / quantity, so I have written a function which uses the product ID to retrieve the product details from the database.

Whilst I can output the values in the function which retrieves the data from table into the array, I can't output the values in the procedure which receives the array. Code:

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Writing Form Details To A File

I've created a form for users to fill in, and I want to be able to write the details of each form to a text file. Each file is named username.txt (eg. JohnSmith.txt or MikeStiletti.txt)

However, when the code below is processed i get a "Path not found" error. Now these files are on a web server and i am trying to write to my C drive. It would be great if I could create these files on the same web server too by just removing the "C:Surveys" on the bolded line. Code:

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How To Allow User To Edit Details Retrieved

I have a feedback form which asks someone to enter their personal details and then submits them to db. There are input, checkboxes and selection boxes on form.

Now I want to allow user to edit this form. When user clicks 'edit', I retrieve all the values from db and populate the text boxes.

What happens with the options and checkboxes. How can I get these to reflect what their values in db? Also I have some drop downs allowing user to select date of birth ie. day drop down, month drop down and year drop down. How do I show user the details we have for them if I'm using drop downs?

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Getting Users Windows Logon Details

I am looking into creating a intranet at work which will do a number of things including forums etc but one thing that i would like to do i dont know if it is possible or not.

When a user signs into their workstation it will launch the intranet, no problem, then i want it to log them in as the user id they logged into the workstation as. Is there any way of getting this information???

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