Data Access Pages

We were using asp pages to mine data from our ms access dbs. Now have upgraded to 2003 ms access. I tried the data access pages and am able to of course query data on the website from the db elsewhere.

Do you HAVE to have ms access on the machine to access the data this way? We tried of course and got "data provider could not be initilized". Is there a way around that?

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Access Certain Pages

I'm writing a CMS for my new web site and there will be around 4 users using it to update the site but I don't what all the user to accessing all of the pages. I want to be able to set which pages the can access.

So far there are 15 pages and growing to the CMS, I have made a login script and which user has there own account.

Now I was thinking I could add each file name (eg. page.asp) to a field in the database and when the page loads it checks to see of the filename is in that field of allowed pages. But a database field can only hold 255 Characters and my page file names are around 15-20 characters long so by the time I add more pages to the CMS it is going to exceed 255 characters.

Anyway I hope you have a understanding on what I want to do, so does anyone have any ideas on the subject

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Data To Two Pages

i want to send my form variables to two pages? something like this:

<form method="post" action1="page1.asp" action2="page2.asp">
<input type="text" name="mytext" value="myvalue">

i want to be able to do this . equest.form("mytext") on page1.asp and page2.asp? know above does not work...but how would i achieve something like this.

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Restricting Access To Web Pages

I'm doing a web page with Admin rights to a MS Access database. So far when the admin logs in they are directed to the admin page. However if someone knows the name of the admin page they can still type it into the address bar and it will pop up with no restriction. Any ideas how to restrict this access to administrators only?

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Sending Data Between Pages

How can I through asp figure out if a page is opend through a regular link
or from form post method like this :

<form action="something.asp" method=post>
<input type="submit" value="Ok">

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Passing Data Between 2 Pages

I have a asp page created which pulls information from an access
database. One of the things it pulls from the database is the address.
I want to put a link on this page which when clicked will open a
smaller new window asking the user to input their address. Once they
input the address and hit submit, the 2 addresses, user inputted (as
starting point) and the one from database (ending point) needs to be
inputted such that a url is formed, leading to the directions page on
yahoo or mapquest or any other site.

My question is how do I take the ending address and pass it over to
this new page (using http_referrer???) and then construct the url to
the directions page.

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Data Interchange Pages

What are the alternatives to share data between two ASP pages ? My problem is related to the need to invoke a page passing as argument a location reference, wich is converted to a GIS web page and visualized in a child page, but, on that GIS page the user can click an option to return to the original page with new data selected from the GIS page, so that original page should be able to read them and react to those data coming from its child. I don't know if there is a way to communicate both pages in both ways interactively. Cookies Web services ActiveX Is there a way to share a "common data area".

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Posting Data To Two Pages

I have a developed asp page where user inputs the data and it will be submitted to another page. I want the data submitted to two pages of different application.
for example the code:

<form method="post" action="test.asp"&"test1.asp" name="processData" onSubmit="return ValidateAndCreateInstanceName( );" >

with the above code, i am getting error.with one form, how can I submit the data to two pages??

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How To Send Data To ASP Pages?

How to use VB to send data to ASP pages?For example,i click the ON/OFF command button.If ON button is pressed,the user that viewing the ASP page can be able to know that the ON button is pressed.

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Anonymous Access To ASP Pages Not Working

A freshly installed IIS on my Windows XP SP2 does not allow anonymous
acces to the default ASP file (localstart.asp). I just used default
configuration for installation, which enables anonymous access. But
when I load http://localhost I just get a login box. A simple
index.html placed manually for debugging purpose loads without login

I am testing the same thing on a Windows XP (w/o SP2). ASP works for
anonymous access like a charm.

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Controlling Concurrency To Access Web Pages

We have an issue where we need to control access to specific web pages e.g. if one user is editing a purchase requisition another user shouldn't be able to perform any actions on it.

I presume we could lock the purchase requisition for editing by a specific user when an edit button is pressed. Only that user would then be able to edit the document. However can anyone think of any better approaches to this issue which I presume must be quite common in other application domains.

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Passing Data From Page To Pages?

Because of �refresh� problem after updating the form. So, I have to put the confirmation message in a seperate page:

1.update.asp page click update - goes to updated.asp (update to the db and sending email) then redirect to updatedconfirmation.asp page (confirmation message)

I would like to carry a few information from update.asp page such as name and their address to the confirmation page depends on their ID, how can we I do that in the updatedconfirmation.asp?

I�ve used hidden fields in the update.asp page. but there is nothing display in the UpdatedConfirmation.asp page Code:

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Data Type Mismatch When GETting Data From An Access DB

We are running into problems with the script below, whose purpose is to allow users to choose values from drop downs populated by an MS Access DB.

(returns a blank page with only HTML Titles)

(you may notice this is a modified sample script): Code:

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Sharing Data Among Pages On Different Domains Using ServerXMLHTTP

I'm including the output of an .asp page hosted on other domain using serverXMLHTTP.
Is it possible that I can share the values of some variables from external file.

Like session or others like (suppose..)

TablesBGColor = "#FFG445"
TableHieght = "600"
session("ImagesFolder") = "http://www.SiteABC/_images/"

If i include the settings.asp file on the top of my asp page then How can i use
the above mentioned variables/values down in my own ASP page.

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Passing Data To Pages Using Hidden Fields

I am creating a form that has 5 steps/pages. Each page contains about 20 fields. But I don't want to write them until they submit on the last page. I figured out that I can use hidden fields to carry the data from the previous forms forward. If should bascially work like this:

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 100 Hidden
20 Hidden 40 Hidden 60 Hidden 80 Hidden Write to DB

But the problem I am having is when I submit page 4 page 5 won't load. No error, it just won'tload. It seems to be overburdened. Is there a max on the number of fields it can pass? Is there a better way to go about doing this that someone can suggest? Or a suggestion that someone can make to fix this problem?

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Password Protecting Single Pages In Access Database Cms System

I am working on a CMS website which uses a access database.

When a user adds a page a record is added to a table in the database. The user choses the page style from a selection of 7 or 8 layouts.

I have been asked to find out if I can password protect one of those pages??

I have tried a few sites but not found much. The it has been done before is to add a password protected layout and build a login area into the site.

The effect i want is for the user to click the page and a username and password box will apear?

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Asp+access Data

This is my query.i have a access database, hooked up to dreamweaver mx. inside the database are 3 tables. sun/moons/planets. the planets table is linked to the moons table. In the planets table are the fields:
planet name;
What i wish to do is from my index.asp page click on a link which then displays the planet and EITHER text_1 or Text_2, and seperately Pic_1 or Pic_2.

I have tried using random nos 1 or 2 but i dont know how to pull the number and access the right table/field

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Access Data

i want to display DATA stored in Access DB by using ASP script.i can read data from access so that task is only to display data is a list like.i have a record of some users and i just want to display the users name in a can i do this.

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Access Data

i want 2 asked 2 howwe can acces the data from database using combo box.and how we can save the data to the database from combo box.

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Data Access Via ASP

i am working on a interanet application for Inventory handling, i have a problem while submitting the data to server, the problem goes like this

Data base : Ms-Access
Front End : ASP

how to comit the data "say Invoice" to main database is two persons tries to make invoice at same time at different computers, How to maintain the series of Invoice unaffected, how to allocat Invoice number to them, and how to put a check that both of them can't make a invoice of same customer at a same time at different computers.

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Use Asp To Access Data In Db2

is there anyone use asp to acess data in db2?

i am wondering if there's oledb provider for DB2? and where can i get it ? we use asp, not , therefore we can't install .NET framework , is there any other solution ?

or i can only do that through ODBC ??

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MS Access Data

Im trying to write some asp code to copy MS Access Data into an Oracle database. I have one connection open to the access database but when I try and open the oracle connection it says that the ms access tables does not exist.

Basically what Im trying to do is get the data from a row in the Access db and insert it into a row in an oracle db.

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Data Access Permissions

I am using winXP pro + IIS5.1 to develop my site offline.

My data is in a folder outside the web, and I am told "my IUSR account needs
to have read/write/modify NTFS permissions to the directory housing the

I can find no info on how actually to do this. Can anyone explain?

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Data Access With JavaScript

I'm attempting a login script where I first authenticate a user's login info for a valid connection. When I use a valid ID/Password everything works. When I use a bad user/password I get an error page stating the login failed.

I would prefer to redirect the user to another page on a failed login. This is the part that doesn't work. I'm new to ASP and JavaScript, but have done this kind of thing with PHP with no problems.

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Can't View Data In Access DB

I have a datbase (db2.mdb) on the server

Here is the information:
DB name-Addresses
Input - user
Input - password

Here is the script that I'm using to try to view, unsuccessfully, the user in this database. Does anyone see the error? Code:

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Data From ASP Web To Access Database

I'm using Dreamweaver MX with ASP VBScript and using a MS Access Database. For about the longest time now, I've been trying to make a Mailing List form online and when you submit the data, [data] goes into the Access Database.

The Form is obviously working fine, although sometimes I do get errors, I'm mainly trying to get this data skullduggery working. Is that even possible (with ASP even)? I have to use ASP and I can't use SQL (because I would), but I think my n00b self has tried everything I could think of. Code:

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Populating Data With Asp And Access

I have an access database with about 5 tables. One of which i want to populate data to. Specially 1000 enties at one time(In this example im adding employee numbers to a database table. Initially i want to add the for the employee name field " Unassigned" and when i ready to append a real employee name to the fields add if through a script(Can this be done?

Or is there a better way to do this?)This way, in my script i can call one of of those 1000 entries or employee numbers from a dropdowlist (ex. 1-1000). This way if go to use one of those entries from the dropdownlist the database would not get the " EOF/BOF error ". What logical suggestions do you guys have ?

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Cannot Show Up Data From Access

My code show no error but the record cannot appear. My code =

if request("tarikh") = "" then
tarikh = Date()
tarikh = request("tarikh")
if isdate(tarikh) = false then
ralat = "Sila masukkan tarikh dalam format dd/mm/yyyy"
tarikh = Date()
end if
end if

sql = "select * from audit_trail where cstr(tarikhlogin) = '"&tarikh &"' order by masalogin desc"
set rs = conn.execute(sql)

response.write sql =
select * from audit_trail where cstr(tarikhlogin) = '04/02/2005' order by masalogin desc

Storing record have no problem but this code cant display any data.

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How Can I Clear All Data From Access DB?

I have an Access database containing 10 Tables with a lot data in each Table. I need to copy the database with no data in another directory. Is there an ASP code or object that allows me to clear data in all Table at once? How can I clear all data from Access DB?

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Entering Data Into Access.

I am having a problem with entering long ammounts of information (roughly 400 characters) into a database. The database field is set to memo.

Seems that whenever I want to enter strange characters it gives me an error. (I need to enter strange characters for an important reason).

Also I am having some problems with using ASP on Netscape (not testing...just clients are having problems). Does anybody have an idea of whats going on??

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Retrieve Data From Ms Access

How can I retrieve data from Ms Access Database which is located in another computer over the network.

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Retrieve Data From MS Access

I am trying to retrieve some data from a table which is the link table from another Ms Access database of my network computer but i got a error message "It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."

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Access Data To Excel Using Asp

I have an intranet application written in asp using access as the backend database. My users have requested they be able to download certain data into an excel spreadsheet. I have limited asp experience and could use some help.

Ideally, the user would be prompted to save and name the file (save as dialogue) and then the data would be selected and saved into that file. I know I can use a select statement to select data directly into an excelspreadsheet using:

SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;Database=" & lcPathFile & "].[Sheet1] FROM myTable

But I'm not sure that is the right approach.

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