Data Source Wont Populate - Paraenthesis Issue

I have a couple fields in an Access DB that have parenthesis in the name:

EST(Minutes), EST(Seconds)

When I try and populate the dataset and then bind the datagrid it claims there is no field having that name. Can parenthesis be used in fieldnames. If so, can you please tell me the correct syntax please.

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Data Source Name

i dunno what's the DSN coz it's my friends code and she's using windows2000 so her open database connection code differs from what i

" ...."

what should i do to redirect the the connection to its database?i cant change all the codes coz there's many pages and takes ahellotta time

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Data Source Name Not Found

ADODB.Connection.1 error '80004005'

SQLState: IM002
Native Error Code: 0
[INTERSOLV][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


strconn ="DSN=dsnname ; UID=username ; PWD=password"
set conn = Server.Createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Mode= 3 strconn
the error is in the last line. THANX

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Cannot Populate Data Into Table.

sql = "SELECT [R.oriAddress], [R.oriCity], [R.oriPostcode], [R.oriState], [R.oriCountry], " & _
"[R.mobileNo], [R.homeNo], [R.resDate], [R.resTime], [R.surveyDate], [R.surveyTime1], " & _
"[R.surveyTime2], [R.moveDate], [R.moveTime1], [R.moveTime2], [R.destAddress], [R.destCity], " & _
"[R.destPostcode], [R.destState], [R.destCountry], [R.resType], [R.resStatus], [R.staffCode], " & _
"[S.staffCode], [S.staffName], [C.custName], [C.custIC] " & _
"FROM (Reservation R " & _
"INNER JOIN Customer C " & _
"ON R.custCode = C.custCode) INNER JOIN Staff S " & _
"ON R.staffCode = S.staffCode " & _
"WHERE R.resCode = " & id

i used sql code above to display data in a table. basically, the flow is like this. when there is a new reservation, a staff will be assigned to handle that reservation from the beginning until the end. before this, i just display a staffCode that retrieved from Reservation table.

then, i made changes to display staffName and removed staffCode from the table (based on requirement). but, because previously, there are some reservations that have been assigned to staff, i do not have any problem to view all data in the table.

but, when i click other reservations that have not assigned to any staff, an error page came out. the default value for staffCode in the Reservation table is null. because this null value, i've got an error page. is there any steps i can use to solve it?

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Data Source Name Not Found And Default ..

Mircosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers [0x80004005]
[Mircosoft] [ODBC Driver Manager]

Data source name not found and default driver specified

This is the connection string im using and ive install an odbc driver
connect_string = "Driver={Mysql}; Server=localhost; Database=Tester; "
set dbConn = server.createObject("ADODB.connection") connect_string

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Complex Data-source Question

I have knowledge of programming ASP pages, HTML, Vbscript and making/connecting to MySQL databases with SQL queries. I am prepared to learn new things if they are required, but ideally if it can be done using the above, or slight additions to the above it would be great!

I would like to get data off of the web. What I mean by this is that there might be a site that has a table on it. Is it possible to make a script take data out of the browser window (just thinking about it sounds difficult!).

If not, is there an easy way to get a script to dump the information (i.e. the source code of the page) into a .txt file or something that can be read by a script. Alternatively, would automating the pasting of the table into an excel spreadsheet be possible. Code:

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Populate Data From Public Websites

I am going to construct a housing search website ... similar to ... is there anyway I can populate the data(s) stores in their database? So when my user search for one kind of house, my website will return the data from the MLS database? Or there is similar way to get data from public websites?

Also, if a user search "sport" in my search text box, it will returns all the related links ... just like those search engine ... how can I acheive that? Or I need to pay or register to get the function?

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Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

So i get this error and i have no idea what it means. So if someone could help let me know what this error is coming up for it would be nice. Im just starting asp today because my work has a client who has an asp site. Thank you


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/class/classView.asp, line 13

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Win2k Asp Connection To Data Source On Unix

i'm trying to use an odbc driver to connect from an asp page to a data source (dbase) on unix sunsolaris. is this poss?

the driver is installed though i cant seem to do it through dreamweaver ultradev - can i do it through the ftp connection?

what would i input as the source on the following to initiate the connection in the asp page?

"Provider= "MSDASQL"; Data Source= server name ?
"Database=test;User ID=sa;Password=blabla"

or how would i do it using the followign as an include file ? Code:

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Populate 3rd Party Site Forms With My Recordset Data??

I have a simple application setup where people can submit a request for a sample of our product to be mailed to them. It's a very simple form with name and address information. I have a page setup where our warehouse guys can pull up current requests and then the plan is to use to print shipping lables.

While it's already a big time saver, they're still having to either copy/paste or re-type the information into's forms. Knowing the names of the form fields on their site, is there a way I can populate their forms with the data in my recordset from my details page?

For instance, they pull up the current requests and they click into the details page for one of them which lists the person's name and address. If I have the page open in another window and on the screen which contains the form fields is there a way to call that page and populate those fields accordingly?

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Access Is Denied :: Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

We had a web site that works in windows NT very good with a DB in Access. Our clients migrate to Win 2000 and now the connection to the DB doesn't work ... the error is this:

Error: Access is Denied.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/directory/progs/, line 17 ...

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Populate A Popup Window With Clickable Records From An Access DB And Upon Clicking, Populate A Selectbox On The Original Webpage With The Clicked Record

We have an ASP site that hits up an Access database of categories of
products and products. (e.g. Categories = Napkins, Tablecloths;
Products = 20x20 Napkins, 21x21 Napkins, 54x54 Tablecloths, 60x60

We currently have select boxes that when you select a category, it
populates the next select box with the proper list of products (i.e. I
select Napkins as a category, I get a listing of the Napkins)

We would like to put a clickable link before each of these select
boxes that would pull up a pop up with links from the records from the
proper table.

(e.g. I click the categories link and a popup with html
anchor tags of Napkins and Tablecloths appear) I click on the Napkins
anchor and it populates the Categories Select box with Categories and
Napkins being selected.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver

When I try it on original server, it works, but when I moved everything to a different server it does not work. I have checked the dsn name, userid and passs. But no luck.

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


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Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Spec

We hosted our asp based application under windows 2000 server with sql server 2000 as backend. All the asp module works fine with internet explorer version 5 but same application is giving odbc error when we run the application in IE 6.

The exact error is :
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified xxxxxxxx/login.asp, line 27

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Can XML Be Used As ADO Source

I am working on a small project which requires XML data to be read from ASP.

I am successful at using XML/DOM objects. But when the data size goes up, sequential access will tax the web server. I would like to retrieve the data in the xml file like a MSAccess DB.

I read somewhere that XML source can be provided as data stream in ADO. If anyone has knowledge on this, please provide me links. If possible, answer to these queries will also be appreciated.
1. Which version of IIS supports this.
2. Which version of ADO
3. Additional components needed at the server ?

I found the following link at MS.;en-us;q263247

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Open Source

I am looking for an open source, very simple CMS that allows an administrator to add pages, news articles, and maybe a staff directory.
We don't need new users to signup, or comment, or anything along those lines. Maybe a wysiwyg editor included. Just for a homepage, a news section (that may include many sub-cats, pages).

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Source Of Dllhost.exe

I've got a Windows 2000 server running with about 50 websites on it, all
running ASP scripts. I've noticed that the servers CPU usage gets up 100%
sometimes, caused by dllhost.exe, which I'm certain is a hanging ASP script
somewhere on the box. Probably an on error resume next line that doesn't go
anywhere when an error is an encountered. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's
a way to isolate the website where its originating, or even the page this
problem is originating from. Is there a way to do this?

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Source Control

Does anyone know of any source control software (besides Visual studio) that allows a multi-user environment to be able to check out/in files and keep version control?

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Source Code

I am trying to debug some values in production server.I want to print the value of rRes(10),but I don't want to show it in the screen.I just want to show it in the source code but comment out,so that I can look at the value.Is it possible?

Response.Write("rRes(10) = " & rRes(10)) will show the value in the screen,but i want to hide it in the screen but still see the value in the source code.

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Source Commerce For ASP.NET

there are any open source for ecommerce site like a one such for 'oscommerce' in php/mysql.

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Protect Source

i've developed an appliaction that i want to sell it to my client, but dont want him to reseller it, so is there any solfware or techniques that i can used to protect my asp source ?

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Source From Root

how do u get somthing from the root directory no matter where abouts you are? say i'm in /folder1/bla/test/foler2 and i wanted to place an image on this page but i don't want to have to backtrack ( ../../../../ ) all the way to get there. is there a peice of code that can go straight to the root directory?

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Populate Tb St

I want my asp code(recordset) to populate a table structure like below...How will I do that ? I have the corresponding day(monday,tuesday,etc) stored in my db...This is a weekly schedule for all drivers..A sample db table output would be : Code:

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Source Page In IFrame

I want to open the source code in an iFrame. What's the ASP script for that?

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Extracting Source Code

Is there a way of processing an ASP page and placing the resulting HTML
source code into a TEXTAREA on another page?

I have a page that will be generated dynamically from database content.
However, I want a form on another page to have access to the compiled source
code for use in an electronic newsletter.

Manually I would load the dynamic page, view the source and copy it out. I
would then paste it into my form field on the relevant page.

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Split Up Source File

This is not really language specific but more of a source code parsing.
I have a large ASP source file that I like to split up, resulting in separate ASP files, each containing one function and the filename named after that function.
Does anyone know of a tool/script which does this?
PS: I am too lazy to learn Perl/AWK/Python to do this, hence why I believe someone has already written a tool/script to do this. Possibly in C++/etc.

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Use A Remote Xml Source With An Ado.recordset

how can i load in an adodb.recordset a remote xml file on another http

if i use the simple ole-db provider, that work as an admin only. (according
to ms, this component mustn't be used for non-interactive users.

So i found serverxmlhttp but ...
i can load the remote source in,
i can load it in an domdoc, as describe in the msdn,
as my files are encoded for french, they can't be open by the recordset.

so my question is the following ?

is serverxmlhttp the only way ?
if it is, how to make it work properly in this case ?

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How To Get The Source Code For A Web Page

How can i get the source code of a web page through asp code?

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Hide View Source

I Would Like To Be Able To Hide All My Code And Stop Others From Taking My Scripts From The View>source Option. And I Would Like To Be Able To Put A Picture In That Option So That When Other View Source All They Get Is A Picture ?

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Deactivate The View Source

Is there a code that will deactivate the View Source on a browser? I have people tealing my page content from my client web site.

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Open Source Learning

My company has developed a Learning and Content Management System (LCMS) using ASP (there is some .NET) and SQL Server 2000.I are currently exploring the idea of releasing the source code to the Microsoft development community under an open source agreement. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating please reply to this post with your contact information and why you are interested. (You may also send an email to URL with the subject "Open Source LCMS")

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Copy Source Of A Page

I have a page which contains a TEXTAREA form field.I want to be able to click a button and have it go off and fetch the source code for a compiled ASP page ie.

what the user would see if they loaded the ASP page into their browser and put the source code into this form field.Is this possible?

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Display Source Text

I want to read an ASP file and display its source text.But I only get its HTML output. Later on,I will extract that source text to display certain thing.

Here is my code:

Const Filename = "/aspBoard.asp"

set FSO = server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim Filepath
Filepath = server.MapPath(Filename)

Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filepath)

Dim content
content = TextStream.readall

Response.Write content

Set TextStream = nothing

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