Decimal Numeric Values

Normally to declare a value as numeric I use Clng() HOWEVER I now have some Numeric values with decimal places, which I need to tell the page when they are picked up from the form that they are in fact numeric, but retaining the decimal places too, which would I use... as all the ones I have used previously Cint, Clng, Fix, etc. do not retain the decimal places.

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Comparing Numeric Values

i have numeric value in my database with two decimal. now i have search page where user can type numeric value. so i want to compare user entered value with my db value. the result will give less than or equal value to user entered value. i had tried following

est = request.form("est")

sql = "select * from mytable where est_cost <= '%"&est&"%'"

but is not working. i think there is some syntax error in comparing numeric value.

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Type Mismatch Error(numeric Values)

i have 3 columns in sql server . all of them are numeric value. when a user enter my site i take the value of userid (numeric one) i assign it as session("userid ") . after a query i take 2 value (both numeric again) from my table and write this code.
if towhom=session("userid") then towhom=fromwhom . it gives an error .. how can i solve it. Type Mismatch Error .

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Numeric ASP

I need to display in my form fields the last record in my access database, which is a numerical value, then add 1 to that value. The code i have so far is: Code:

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SQL Numeric

I'm trying to write an SQL statement that will pull out only numbers from a field. Within that field will be records that contain text, but i just want the records that have numbers in that field. Can I say something like:

FROM Table
WHERE Variable = Numeric

Is something like that possible?

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Numeric Variables

After moving my website from one server to another (Windows 2000, IIS 5,
same as old server), I am forced to use the cInt function to convert all
variables that compare against a numeric value.

For example, on the old server I could code something like this:
If sRecCount > 0 then . . .

The new server requires me to use:
If cInt(RecCount) > 0 then . . .

If I don't use the cInt function, I get a Type Mismatch error. I can't see
anything that is different from one server to another.

Any ideas?

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How To Check Given Value Is Numeric Or Not

How can I check that entered value in a text box is numeric or not in next page?

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Numeric Characters

I have a variable I'm pulling from a database that's a phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. What I'm looking for is a way to strip out all non-numeric characters from the variable (XXXXXXXXXX). I don't want it to look only for "-", since sometimes, there are also alpha characters entered as well.

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Numeric Value And String

I made up a table in database with access consists of columns with text type. Some of them I put in data with numeric value and some of them I put in "Unlimited" as the value.
Then, I allowed people to insert data but only with conditions. They can insert data if the value they are trying to insert is smaller than the one in the database. For "unlimited" value, they can insert any value.
My problem is.... if the limited value in the database is 35, we cant insert data of 40 but we can insert data of 100. It seems that the code only takes the first number to be compared to the value in the database. Code:

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Numeric Entry

how to control numeric entry into a textbox? so that no other character is allowed only numbers and decimal?

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Numeric Validations

I need some help on validating the number entered by the user in the ASP form .
The number should be accepted in the format : 1,234.5648 and should be rejected in the format : 1, 234.456.46 or 1, 234.456 i.e. the format with more then one blank space or more then one decimal point etc.

i am trying with /^[0-9]*.[0-9]+$/; format. I checking all space and decimal point but also not taking data like 1.234

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How To Check A Numeric

if i have a text as follow :

my phone number is 0123456789

i need to check the text and not allow to have more than 7 digit number occur in the text and then change the 0123456789 to xxxxxxxxx.Finally the text will become :

my phone number is xxxxxxxxxx

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Numeric Fields

I have a few ASP pages for my companies web site that allows members to enter reports. A big problem I am running into is for dollar amount/numeric data. The entry line consists of 7 input boxes.

3 of those boxes are used for dollar amounts, but I am having a problem when the member types anything other than what is expected; instead of 32.56 they may type in 32..56 this is just one of the types of keying errors. When the page is submitted and the validation/update script runs I will get "Type mismatch: 'ccur' " errors and the script will stop. is there a way to validate the numeric data so I can avoid these problems?

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INSERT Numeric Variable

I just can't seem to figure out this problem Here's the code:

minv = request.form("min")
maxv = request.form("max")
price = request.form("price")

Response.write(minv &" "& maxv &" "& price)

sSQK = "INSERT INTO tbl_weight (min, max, price) Values (" & minv &","& maxv &",'"& price &"')"
Response.write("Gegevens toegevoegd!")

But it just keeps givving me an error

"Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. "

I think it has to do something with the "minv" and "maxv" those two are numbers and if I remove them the INSERT command goes fine... but what am I doing wrong ?

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Issue With Numeric Variables

I recently moved our website to a new server (Windows 2000 / IIS 5 - same as
the previous server), and now I get type mismatch errors whenever a variable
is compared against a numeric value, unless I use the cInt function to
convert it to an explicit integer type.

For example, the following code:

dim sRecordCount
[open a database and assign the record count to the above variable...]
if sRecordCount > 0 then ...

On the new server I am forced to use: if cInt(sRecordCount) > 0 then ...

I can't figure out what has changed, if anything. Same OS version, same IIS

Any ideas?

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Convert Byte To Numeric Value

I need access to the bits of a Byte expression and the logical functions operatge bit-wise on numeric vales - per the VBScript CHM.

So how do I convert a Byte to its numeric value?

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Converting A Byte Value To Its Numeric Value

How do I do that? This is for some bit-diddling, but the logical functions like AND require numeric expressions, per the book.

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Numeric Output Instead Of Letters

How do I change this output to give me numbers instead of letters: Code:

Dim intCounter, intDecimal, strTicket

For intCounter = 1 To 6
intDecimal = Int((26 * Rnd) + 1) + 64

strTicket = strTicket & Chr(intDecimal)...

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Split String Alpha Vs Numeric

I have a text file that I'm reading into a SQL table, from there I need to run various scripts on it to clean it up. One being, there is field that comes in as:


I need to split this by Alpha characters, then Numeric characters and be able to input them into seperate fields as such:

JNJG 12345
MAN 5678
XY 4656565

I have managed to locate a script that Memnoch came up with: that managed to get me where I am now.

How do I get the loop to stop once it finds the first occurence of a number? Below is the code I am using.

Code: ....

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How Do I Create A Numeric-type ADO Parameter Objectin Classic ASP

I need to create an ADO Parameter object with the "Numeric" type. How do I go about this?

I thot that I'd be able to follow the pattern of creating ADO parameters with the more "regular" types (Varchar, Integer, etc..) but apparently, there's some conflict somewhere between my ASP line that calls ADO's CreateParameter method, the ADO Command's Execute method, and the SQLServer Stored Procedure's parameter declarations. Code:

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if there is an easy way to convert hex to decimal with asp, the hex() function is there to get the decimal to hex, but i haven't been able to find a way to go back.

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Decimal Value

I want to convert a number to percentage or decimal,is there any built-in function for this?

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Decimal Value

i want to do the calculation like

value=int(basic) * int(excise) / 100

the both value come from the form. so when the data of excise field is like decimal 16.32 then i get the error data type mismatch.because the excise is 16.32 it is a decimal value. i have used CDbl(excise) but still it gives error.

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Decimal Value

My ASP driven site has always used MySQL as the DB backbone, mainly as the hosting costs of MySQL are far cheaper than SQL Server at the mo, and it has worked fine until my ISP thought that they were doing everybody a favour by upgrading to v5 from v4.

What happens now is that any ASP query that I do that involves any of my MySQL Decimal data type fields goes belly up. It will not work. Looks to be an issue with ASP, MyODBC and MySQL, but I just wanted to check if there was a better/more reliable data type than Decimal (which obviously performs the same numerical functions) and if there was a quick way to convert all of my Decimal fields to this new type.

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Decimal Value

Testing a ASP page using an Access db and I have a field in the DB defined as a 'number' with a precision of 3. Upon submitting the test data, I get this error message.

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e21'Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation. Can anyone tell me what's going on? The test value I used was "2.5".

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Hex To Decimal

Is there a quick function to check if a passed value is a valid Hex Color? ie, if FD4323 was passed, it would return TRUE, and if FD94LR was returned it would return FALSE.

I'm finding conversion functions, but nothing that tests off hand.

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Two Decimal Places

I have searched the forum and found the answer to my problem but unfortunitly it didn't tell me how to implement the solution!
The code I have thanks to previous forums:


Basiclly I want to convert the seconds to minutes and round to two decimal places.

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Decimal Conversion

Anyone have any code handy to convert a binary number to decimal and a decimal to binary? I need server-side code to perform these calculations. For example, I'd like to be able to pass 129 to a function and it will return 10000001. Likewise, I'd like to pass 10000001 to a function and get 129.
I can do this on paper, just not sure where to start on how to pass these numbers into a function to perform the calculation.

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Decimal Problems

i have a script that calculates a value but when the value is for example 5.40 the textbox displays it as 5.4 because this is a money value it has to have the "0" at the end
how can i make the script so that it always has 2 decimals behind the comma or point. Code:

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My Decimal Is Being Rounded Up By SQL

I have a form in an ASP page that the user enters a price for. When I send the parameter to my SQL stored Proc and refresh the data, it gets rounded up to the nearest integer. I can change the data just fine in SQL but not by using my asp page. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

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Decimal Numbers

i have the following equation:

avg_score = total / count_match

what can i do to restrict the result of avg_score to be of 2 decimal places?

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Set Decimal Places

I need to truncate a number to two decimal places without rounding. All the functions i;ve tried tend to round up the numbers. Also i cant use any string functions to limit the size because the size can vary. example, 34.56998 must be set to 34.56 .

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Is Decimal Number Between

How do I write? Code:

Dim johnson, jordan

decnum = Request.Form("decnum")
decnum = Cdbl(decnum)

If decnum is "a decimal number" between 4 AND 8 Then
jordan = 23.90
End If

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