Deleting Content Of A Table

I have tried the following commands but they didn't delete the content of a table and they didn't retrun any errors.

Quote: SqlDataSource1.Delete()
SqlDataSource1.DeleteCommand = "DELETE FROM myTable" How do I delete the content of a table then?


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Dynamic Table With Content Seperated Into 2 Columns

i am just trying to build a table that will put content into 2 columns. Ideally, if there were 20 hits, 1-10 would be in column 1 and then 11-20 would appear in column 2...i just can't seem to figure it out. I had started by getting a recordcount, and dividing it by 2, but things got a little fuzzy after that.

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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This code works fine, it deletes the record that already exist in the database and displays a message to the user the record has being deleted.... but it also it has a problem, if you enter a record to delete from the database and this record does not exist it displays the message that the record has being deleted, while instead it should display an error that this record does not exist in the database.

Code: ...

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A Little Like Hotmail Deleting......

Ive run into a little trouble. I am sure all of you have used hotmail. Well you know when you select all items to delete, i would like to do something like that, however not delete, but update a field from no to yes.

I would like to add checkboxes to an asp table. So if the user selects say three items they then click on a button, say marked and for each item, it will go to the table and find each record in turn and update the corresponding field from a no to a yes.

Updating is no problem. The problem is, how do i add checkboxes to corresponding asp table. So that particular checkbox corresponds to that particular record. I don't know how to link them together.

Can someone help me out please?

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Deleting A Page

I have a form that contains many pages. If someone clicks on delete, the application takes the user back to page 1 instead back on page in the breadcrumb trail. It is fine when the user is on page 2 but they could be on page 10 and click delete and then they are back to page one. I want to have the application go back on page at a time each time they click on delete. Here is what I have for code:

If LEN(page & " ")=0 Then
page = 1
End If
page = CInt(page)
If i = page Then
response.write "<font color=""#CC0000""><strong>[page " & cstr(i) & "]</strong></font> "

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Deleting Folder

I have a script which allows a user to upload and delete files from the
server.Is it possible (and if so how) to do a check to see if the folder is empty
(ie if the last file in a particular folder is deleted by a user) and if it
is empty, delete the folder?

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Deleting Record

I'm having trouble creating a one record recordset then deleting it. I've never done this before. The code below returns: "Type mismatch: objRS".


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Deleting A File

On my webpage users can upload files and also delete those files. Everything seems to work, but when they upload a file that contains spaces, I am having problems getting the file deleted, for example: "This is my file.txt"

Is there a way I can delete this file. I have tried to take out the spaces, but the file still doesn't delete:
<%=Replace(Request("MyFile")," ","+")%>

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Error In Deleting

this is my code but when i delete all the record there is error dispalyed ?

elseif (strType = "Delete") then
strSQLDelete= " Delete From events where id = " + ID
conn.execute strSQLDelete
response.redirect "eventform.asp"

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Deleting Cookies

I am using cookies to store the user name and login state on the site. I am having some problems logging people out.

Firstly wanted to make the cookie values null but having some trouble with that

Response.Cookies("Login")("UserGood") = ""
Response.Cookies("Login")("Usercode") = ""

doesn't appear to do anything?

What would be really cool would be to delete to cookie in the logout script, can that be done from ASP?????

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Deleting A File Using ASP

I have a little app running in ASP which lists a bunch of files that are in a directory. This is attained using the following code:

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Deleting Thumbnails

I'm trying to delete 2 files using fso. The mail file name is stored in an
access db.

using the code below I can delete the main file but not the thumbnail.

The thumbnail has the same file name plus the suffix "_small" so if the main
file is called "mypicture.jpg" the thumbnail is called "mypicture_small.jpg"

The main file is being deleted but no matter how I try I cannot get the
thumbnail deleted. They are both in the same folder with the same permissions.


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Deleting Cookie

I'd like to have a remove all button in my shopping cart.

is it possible to delete a cookie with asp?

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Deleting Records

I am using ASP with SQL for my database.The problem I have is that even after I have ordered certain items from the shopping cart table on the webpage, I cannot remove them -
that is the entire list shows up the next time the table is opened.

is there any way I can delete the items once ordered so as to not let them show in my table?

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Deleting Files

How can I delete the files using ASP?Following is th code :

var objFso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
var strFileName = Server.MapPath(".") + ""+ "SubmittedDoc.xml"
if (objFso.FileExists(strFileName))

This is not working.

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i cant delete data from excell which i use as a database with asp.i encounter an error report about isam. how can i delete data from excell

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Keep From Deleting A Record

i have a site that has several joins. I need a function that will go out to see if the master table is using a value from a dependant table before it allows the value in the dependant table to be deleted. nothing more than could be a a simple js function that basically does?

rs = recordset

if count(rs) = 0 then delete field
if count(rs) is > 0 then "You can't delete this record"

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Deleting Text

i would like to delete a specific line of a text file. for instance, if the line i'm looking for is "abc", then i'd like to delete that line only (all the lines are unique).

is it possible to do this? or would it be easier/better to read all the lines into an array, delete the file, recreate the file with the lines from the array, skipping over the line i don't want?

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Deleting Old Version

I have a problem of deleting old version of files. This is wat happens: Client side sends a few files to the server side via http and are saved into a folder. I need to delete these files when another batch of files are send next time. Any suggestions to solve this problem.

Timestamp is out of question because it is not reliable to use time to differentiate between files within the same batch and other batch. Sometimes the sending might be delay by server. Therefore i need to come up with some sort of detection for new batch.

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FSO Deleting Files

i'm using the following code to delete a file but when i execute the script it just freezes until timeout. any idea of the problem?

Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFile "C:Documents and SettingsGavMy
DocumentsDateWebsitewwwuser_images" & filename
Set objFSO = Nothing

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Deleting Tables From URL

What functions are possible to delete rows, tables, entire database from the URL when displaying records from a database. I want to be able to stop all of these possibilities from happening.

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Deleting Records

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask. but... I need to delete records where two fields in the same record are equal. I am not sure how to go about this.will this work?

strQ ="DELETE FROM Request_Notify WHERE Field1 = Field2"

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Deleting Records

I was wondering the correct way to delete records from two different tables using inner join


DELETE tblPunchlines.Punchline, tblCast.LastName, tblCast.FirstName
FROM tblCast INNER JOIN tblPunchlines
ON tblCast.EmployeeID = tblPunchlines.EmployeeID
WHERE tblCast.EmployeeID = 3
AND tblPunchlines.EmployeeID = 3


Can anyone show me the correct way to do this

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Deleting/Creating W/ASP

Alright, I have two quick questions.

1. How do I delete several records with the same data? I.E. 5 items have field propnum=55 and date 05/05/04. I want all of them deleted. What does the SQL string need to be. I know SQL="DELETE FROM bleh WHERE propnum=55" But how to delete all of them?

2. How would I create a NEW table and change the column headings through ASP? I want to be able to delete all records from a certain month but before deleting them, putting all of the data into a new table, one for each month.

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Deleting File

I have this script in my global.asa file: Code:

set objFSO=server.createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")

strPath = "C:SPharm3Verif.asp"
set objFile = objFSO.DeleteFile(strPath,true)

and it returns this error:

Run-Time Error Microsoft VBScript error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objFSO.DeleteFile(...)'

//global.asa, line 29

line 29 happens to be the objFSO.DeleteFile(strPath,true)

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Deleting Files

I have developed an com+ email component.It's supposed to send files as attachments and then to delete those files(which are temporarily stored in a folder).The code for uploading files is: Code:

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Deleting A File With ASP?

Is it possible to use ASP to delete a file on the web server?

I have a form that allows users to submit files to my site, but I now want
them to be able to delete their files too if possible.

I know the location and filename of the files (this is taken from a

I am not 100% adept in ASP (I am using Dreamweaver to make my site) so an
example would be good please.

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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Copying From Table 1 Inserting In Table 2

I have the following code but this is inserting manually. I want to make a query from table 1 and automatically enter the records into table 2. What needs to be modified? Code:

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Bookmarking A Position In A Table <table>

Have an app which dynamically creates table rows depending on records, these can be several hundred (don't ask). Hence a very long page at time. Each row includes a hyper link to a new page, and a link back to the original page.

Is there any method (maybe via js) where on leaving the second page l can redirect the browser to the table row the end user clicked on? Hence the bookmarking. Can do this via Visual Basic on the desktop app, but can't work it out on the web app.

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