Detect Http:// And Www In Hyperlink

the way a field is currently displayed:

Currently the ASP code inside my page is simply:


This is fine for displaying the text, but the text contains links which are
currently just being displayed as text. I'd like them to display as
hyperlinks that will open in new windows when clicked upon. so basically I
need some ASP code to detect text starting with http:// or www.etc and
automatically make them into hyperlinks.

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HTTP GET Command Via A Hyperlink?

I've got a domain, that I work with in house. There is another domain that we've contracted to do some work for us.

So, our users log into our web site and a select group of our users get a link to this other site ( do to some stuff.

I've been requested to have this link on our site do an
"HTTP Get command as a client side redirect (HTTP status-code 3xx, usually 307)", to their site. I'm supposed to pass them a userid and a session 'key'.

How can i do that type of HTTP request with a hyperlink? Doesn't that need to be in a <form></form> with action=GET? a simple link like <a href="">The Link</a> already doing an HTTP Get command? Or yet again...does this do that type of request??: Response.Redirect ""

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Error ASp .NET WEb Service : URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

i'm using windows XP, IIS 5.1, Visual .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

When I open New Project - Visual C# Projects - ASP .NET Web Service -

Location : http://localhost/WebService1

After that i click OK, then it returns error

"The web server reported the following error when

attempting to create or open the web project

located at the following

URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

After that i try this : Code:

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Can Asp Detect The Url

Is there a way for asp to know what url is in the address window? I have a function that is included in every one of my pages and I want it to write out different things depending on the page the visitor is on.

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I've never understood how this works so hopefully someone can shed some light on this. If I wanted to create a hyperlink that would initiate a pop up "Save As" box, would I use JS? And secondly, doesnt anyone have any idea how this would be done. I didnt have any luck finding the answer to this when I googled it. I found one example of how someone was trying a similar technique but wasn't quite the same. The reason for this is Im making a simple webpage so some elderly people that arent computer savy can download some WMA and WAV files from my server. I dont want to explain they have to right click on the link.

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How To Detect Router Ip

Can anyone tell me how to detect a ip address behind a router?
I know that using ASP, we can detect the actual ip and the proxy ip, but what if the visitor is using a router that dynamically assigns a ip.

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How To Detect An Object

I am using a stored procedure that outputs multiple recordsets.
I use <% SET rsDisplay = rsDisplay.NextRecordset() %to step to the
next recordset.

In one particular condition the final recordset is not passed to the
page, so I need to detect that the object is empty.

I did just try <% If NOT rsDisplay.EOF Then %but I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required

Any ideas how I can trap this error? I just want the area on the ASP
page not to display when there isn't a final recordset.

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Detect When Drop Down Less Than X

What I need is a field that is a drop down and when selected if less than four it needs to show a new field to select.

Once the total of the drop downs adds up to 4 or above then no more are created. This would be in the middle of a bigger form. Code:

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Detect Pic Widths?

I'm working on an app to upload pictures to my Web page.
As part of it, I need to know the dimensions of the
images - how many pixels wide by how many pixels high. Is
there any way, as part of the upload or immediately after,
that I can detect that?

Also, though the solution isn't exactly appropriate to
this NG, I would also accept a client-side solution to
this problem.

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Detect Submit

Normally I would do something like
if request.form("submitbutton.x") <"" then
end if

But I found a problem when the browser uses the 'alt text' instead of
the image (when the image is not found, or if the browser is not
displaying graphics, etc. How do you detect that? or should I?

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Detect Mac IE Users

Does any one know how to detect if a user is using IE on a Mac so i can route them to another page.I have tried the following:Code:

strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

But how do i parse this info to determine whether they are a MAC IE user ?

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Detect If A Class

I am working with a bunch of old code so I can really restructure the includes, otherwise I guess I could change all the #include statements to #include-once. Anyway, If I have a file with a class like this:

Class myClass
end class

I get a "name redefined" error. I've been seeing these and indeed from goolge searches, it's because the file is somehow included more than once. This problem doesn't occur for functions and the old code bases just used functions whereas I would like to add some classes. In C you used to be able to detect that at the top of the file and not included the rest of the file if it is allready included. I just want to at least detect it so I don't redeclare the class.

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Detect If URL Has NO Variables?

How can I get the url of a page in asp and detect if there are no variables appended to the end? Would I somehow get the address and do an instr for the ? character? Code:

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Detect The Database

Could anyone show me a tutorial or like show me a script in asp that can detect to see if the mysql backend is working? And if it isn't then to display a message that says something like "out of luck."

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Detect JavaScript

Is there any way to detect JavaScript using ASP? I need a script that does something like this:

If JavaScript is enabled (is supported)
write this code
write this code

If not, can I do it with any other language?

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Detect Where User

Is there a way whereby i can detect where the user came from?

For example:

if this user came from theni will redirect him to c.asp but if he came from then i will redirect him to d.asp

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Browser Detect

I need to add in some specific browser detection in my ASP to identify Mac IE5 running OSX - is there any wahy of identifying this config alone - and not just identifying all Mac IE5s? If you have OSX Mac IE 5, please visit this page which will give your User Agent string.

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Detect Downloads

Is it possible to detect downloads of a file on the web server? Using ASP Classic?

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Detect Result

The delete method of the FileSystemObject.FileObject does not return a result. If permissions disallow deletion, it will not raise an error. Conversely, if the delete method does succeed, a call to FileExists directly afterward may return true because the system hasn't updated yet (or whatever actually goes on). Is there any way to accurately check the result of a deletion?

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Access Hyperlink

I have an Access 2003 database with 1 table that has 2 fields - Date and Description. Both are plain text. This is the basis for a basic calendar displayed as a table using ASP. So far as plain text it works perfectly.

Now I want to generate bolding and hyperlinks on the text in the Description field. Not all fields contain text in the same format, and not all need bold or hyperlinks.

Example: One record will be "Meeting at the Boarding Barn at 1:00" where I want "Boarding Barn" to be a hyperlink. Next record will be "Competition in Milwaukee" where "Competiton" should be bolded, and "Milwaukee" will be the hyperlink. Third record will be "Annual Picnic" and will not have any bold or hyperlink.

I put the HTML tags in the text in the database, but they are ignored. What is the right way to do this?

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Value From Listbox In Hyperlink

Rather than doing this:

<A HREF="editpatient.asp?ID=1>View</A>

Can i do something like this instead? - and make it work


where LISTBOXPATIENT refers to a database populated listbox

The idea being that when the user is completing a form they can look up additional data on a patient by clicking the hyperlink next to the listbox.

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Hyperlink To Files

How do I write a hyperlink on an asp page to a word doc
not in the web root?If I have a page in my test directory of the web root and
my files are sitting on my e drive?

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Building An ASP Hyperlink

I built an ASP Form and I'm using CDONTS to e-mail the results to me.
After the user clicks on the "Submit Form" I use ASP to send a ConfirmMsg
back to the user.

At the same time I would like to send back a Hyperlink .

The Hyperlink will take the user back to some other part of the site, For
Exampe I want to send a hyperlin to

I want the link to appear after the Server processes the ASP Form.

Can anyone help me with the ASP code fot a hyperlink.

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Hyperlink With Recordset

I make a recordset as hyperlink with the new page, it work fine but my question is. is any way to make that hyperlink inactive when is no data or NULL in the field? Code:

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Hyperlink Sub Folders

I am writing an intranet and want to be able to hyperlink to all files
within a specific folder AND it's subfolders. Whilst I can hyperlink to the
files in the specified folder AND I can also iterate through the subfolders
and list them, for some reason I cannot hyperlink to the sub folders. I am
writing this software at home using a computer that has IIS and Windows 98
and am accessing this as my server from another computer on my network.

My Home Page on the Server is http://maxitek (the name of my Windows98
Computer) and when I look at the value of the variable "PathSpec" - it
becomes C:Inetpubwwwroot which when I try to create links to the sub
folder it is probably here where the problem is. The files themselves link,
but not with their full subfolder names, i.e., for a file called
"C:Inetpubwwwrootmytestmytest2mytest.txt" I am getting a link that just
looks like this Code:

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Hyperlink Problem

I have some code that is placing a hyperlink on an ASP page. When I run the asp I get:
<A HREF=" instead of the hyperlink name i want. In addition it does not finish the code below. Can amyone see an issue with my syntax or the code itself.

When I click the hyperlink the corrosponding URL is not right? Code:

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Hyperlink In New Window

I am displaying records from an Access database. One of which is a hyperlink.I was wondering how i get it to open in a new window when the user clicks on it.


Dim strLink

strLink = rs.Fields("Website")
'Website is the field name in database

Response.Write("<a href=" & strLink & ">" )

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Hyperlink Fields

I have an asp calendar. Nothing complicated really. People enter the data through a form... it writes to a database... and when you click a day it retrieves from the database. The problem is one of the fields is a hyperlink to more information about the event on another website. The text of the link shows but it doesn't actually link.

I have the field in the database set up as hyperlink and not text and I'm pretty sure that the asp code I should be using starts out Response.Write.... I just don't know what to do next... I've tried everything imaginable... below is what I thought it should be but this didn't work.

Response.Write "<a href="Rs("Web_Link")">"

I'm sure I'm missing something painfully obvious.

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Word To Hyperlink

I have a postscript that prints any given text to a text to make; for example a word like "Test" to a that it prints a hyperlink in the textfile to be precise.I know i need to make a script that fetches the word and prints the html for the link.but i dont really know where to start.

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Create Hyperlink

i got this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'
/update.asp, line 46, column 28
Response.write("<P><A HREF="default.asp">Return to Main Menu</A>")

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Quotes In A Hyperlink

I just want to write a hyperlink in ASP. getting many errors . can anyone please help me with this.

Response.Write("<font size=2 face=arial><A Class=TableLink href = "
link://" & "onMouseOver=" & """" & "window.status='Case';return true" & """" & "onMouseOut=" & """" & "window.status='';return true" & """" & ">Case:</A></font></td>")

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Recordset Containing Hyperlink

I am trying to create a page that contains a recordset and one of the fields to be a hyperlink to a download.I am using an Access database and don't seem to be able to make the hyperlinks 'active'.

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Hyperlink Code

What is wrong with this code i want to make a hyperlink from the value that comes from Newsletter_Subject: Code:

<%Do While Not ObjRS.EOF %>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="100"><%=datumophaal%></TD>
<td width="100"><%="<A HREF='admin.asp'>ObjRS.Fields("Newsletter_Subject")</A>"%></td>
<% ObjRS.MoveNext

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