Determine If A Form Object Exists

is there a way to determine if a form object actually exists? if i use the following syntax:

varTextField = Request.Form("txtFormField")

then varTextField = "" which gives the same result whether the input field "txtFormField" doesn't exist or it does exist but it was left empty

why can't i use something like? if Exists(Request.Form("txtFormField")) = true then

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Encrypt :: Object Already Exists

I have a problem with asp encrypt. I always encouter this error message when i try to log in my system thru an IP address. The strange thing i that, onli my computer is experiencing this problem. I tried loggin in using another computer, with the same IP address.. and it's sucuessful. Izzit the problem wif my ASP encrypt or wad? The error i have is:

Persits.CryptoManager.1 (0x800A0001)
Object already exists.

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Using Radio Buttons To Determine The Value Of A Field In A Form

not sure the best way to achieve this but basically i would like to have two sets of radio buttons. The first set determines whether the field DateFrom is todays date or a date entered

and the second set determines whether the field DateTo is todays date or an entered date
So far this is what i have got and its not working Code:

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Dynamical Form - If Checkbox Exists, How Check If It Has Been Unchecked?

I have a web page that creates dynamical forms, depending of what kind of product it regards. When the user has chosen a product, data is collected from SQL Server and a form is created.

Some forms contains check boxes and some not. My questions is: How can I check if someone has UNCHECKED a check box? Because if that happens, I want to delete that entry from the database.

Since a form just posts the value of a check box if it is checked, this causes a dilemma.
Any ideas, I can't be the first one having this problem?

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"Object Already Exists" Error When Trying To Send Email

My email application was working a couple of weeks ago, then all of a sudden I get

Error Type:
Object already exists.

I checked the permissions on the machinekeys directory
like the KB article said it still doesn't work. Does
have any ideas? Code:

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Use The Form Object

I would like to use the form object - list/menu to display out the data from database so that the user can make the selection. May i know how to do it? If possible.

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Can You Put A Variable In A Request.Form Object

Can You Put A Variable In A Request.Form Object I'm looking to do something like this:

variable = Request.Form(RS("ID"))

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Problem With Request.form Object

Now my request.form object which gets the values of the answers gets them in wrong order and puts them in the database in the wrong order

is there a way i can set my order for accessing request.form object.

i m using the loop
for each x in request.form


becoz i dont know the values of x as they come from the database and can be anything. i also tried

value1 = rs("name") where name is a value in database
request.form(value1) which does not work.

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Dynamic Form Object Creation

I have the following code (part of a larger asp page) to create the user input form for creating user accounts in AD.

What would be nice is to have the radio control (in red) to be created as the result of interrogating AD to retrieve a list of containers (we have a container per office location) so that only relevant controls are available, and if a new office is opened or they shut one down, the form can stay the same. Is there a way to do this? Code:

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Application Object :: Allow Only One User To Access Form

I'm looking for a way to allow only one user to access my web form at a time. so that if there is a user using my web page / html form.. then the next user is directed to another page. So only one user is allowed access at any given time .I was hoping there is a way to do this with Application variables.

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Server-side Enumeration Of Form Object Names And Values?

Is there a way (and can you give me a very brief example or point me to one)
to go through all the form objects sent by a PUT to determine what the form
object names were and the values sent?

I need to do this with VBScript on a "classic" ASP application.

Request.Form doesn't seem to do it. While I can tell how many objects were
sent (Request.Form.Count) and what the value of each object is
(Request.Form(I).Item or simply Request.Form(I)) to some degree, I can't
seem to nail down the object name.

Also, I noticed that a <button> field with an embedded <img> returns the
image when queried by Request.Form(I).Item.

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Determine Id

here is some background on the page I made. It's a calendar page with events listed. No database, just used id="" to display certain months depending on the option chosen from the jump down menu.

The question I have is this: I would like to display the current month's events when they land on the page. I used


and created an <%elseif id="1" then%> and so on for each month. Is there a way can request the month and display that id? Thanks for you help. I have the code for the page if need be

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Determine Images

Is there a way to determine the actual width and height of a image file ?
I'm using aspsmartupload to upload the image, how can determine and save the
width and height value ?
seems that aspsmartupload doesn't have this property.
If so, is there any method to determine it in asp in the simpliest way? I
will prefer to maintain the aspsmartupload method.

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How To Determine Other Servers OS?

I have many servers which will be reghosted everyday with different OS
(Win2000, Win2003, WinXP...). How could I write the ASP code to get the
information of other servers' OS?

Let say the asp page is hosted on Server A, how can I check the OS version
of Server B and Server C?

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How To Determine What Day A Date Is In ASP?

How do you determine if a given date is a weekday (Mon-Thurs) or weekend (Fri - Sun)? Is there a built in function?

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Determine A Website

Somewhere in my program I ask users to provide their website URL. I would like to determine if the given website exists or not.How can I determine a website with given URL exists?

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Determine Recordset

I am creating an ASP page for members of my team to add and delete records from specified tables. This table is choose by the user and I am dynamically creating text boxes. I also wish to include the type of the attribute to assist the user.

for s_intCounter=0 to objRs.Fields.Count -1
<td width="34%"><% objRs.Fields.Item(s_intCounter) %>: <input type="text" id = <% objRs.Fields.Item(s_intCounter) %> > </td>

<td width="66%">Type: <% INSERT ASP FOR RETRIVING TYPE</td>

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Determine CSS Style

I want to use asp to assign a css class to <td> tag. I was thinking an If statement, but i've not come across trying to assign a class to a table cell before! I want the cell background to be highlighted red determined by a database table with - yes or null. (null remains white, yes - red) At the moment it simple like this: Code:


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Determine ASP Version

My web hosting account lets me use ASP and so I thought I'd try to learn and use some.
There is only one thing that I would like to know, and that is how to find out what version of ASP is running. Preferably, what I am looking for is something similar to the PHP php_info() function. Is there anything like this for ASP?

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Determine If More Than One Row Returned

I have an ASP/ADO application querying an SQL Server DB. I want know the most efficient way to determine if more than one row is returned from a query. If more than one row is returned, the user will be presented with a choice of which row to process. If only one row is returned, I want to skip this stage, and process that single row immediately.

I can think of a number of ways of acheiving this (eg. .recordcount) but I'm looking for the slickest and most efficient method.

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Determine Type Of Value

This may be a trivial question, but I was wondering how can you determine if a value contains an Integer or Float. I know there is a function called IsNumeric, however you can't determine what type it is.

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Name Already Exists

I have a database that holds information in many tables. I have created an "Update" and an "Insert" form in dreamweaver MX 2004 which work fine but it allows me to add duplicate names in to the database. Does anyone know of any codeto stop this. If possible i would like it to bring up a pop up saying "Client Name Already Exists" etc

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Exists> Then....

Can I do this is ASP

I would like to check for the existence of a dBASE table but I am not sure about the syntax

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How To Determine If Time Slot Is Available

I built a simple scheduling application using an access db.

The relevent fields are eventRoom, startDate, startTime and endTime.

When I go to add a new event, what method can I use to make sure the
eventRoom is available for the selected date and time slot? Id like to just
display an alert with the conflicting times and suggest the next available

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Determine File Date

I need to figure out if this file is over a day (or however many hours) and if it is, i need to delete it. If its not i redirect the user to it

If (fs.FileExists(workFile))=true Then
set f=fs.GetFile(workFile)
If (f.DateLastModified > Date-1)
Response.Redirect "/" & tFileName & "/" & reqString & ".html"
End If
set f=nothing
End If

obviosuly the date-1 is wrong, i can't fid the appropriate syntax to save my life.

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Determine An Image Dimension - ASP

Anyone knows how to determine an image's dimension using Classic ASP?

Like How do I know the width, Height of this image using ASP?

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Determine Connection Speed

Just wondering if anyone knows how to determine someones connection speed in asp the reason for this being so i can redirect the user to a different media file depending on their connection speed.

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Determine If Field Is Autonumber

I have a recordset with two three fields. One is an autonumber field called ID , one is a text field called Name and the last is a date/time field called DateEntered. How can I programatically determine the autonumber field ? Code:

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Determine Pagerank With Asp Code

is there anyone here who can help me to determine google's pagerank with asp code. Just like pagerank tools are doing, where do they request data from, how do they get it, etc..

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Need To Determine Operating System

Is there a way to determine the user operation system in vbscript and javascript?

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Determine Today's Date

How can I use the date() function in ASP with SQL statement.

I want to retrieve the records with today's date:
"SELECT * FROM Table WHERE [Date]=" & Date

where [Date] is an SQL Server datetime.
How do I separate the date from datetime so this statement can work properly.

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Determine If Page Refreshed

First I would question why you want to do this. If they get to the page by any means it should respond appropriately, whether refresh or by link. This is a stateless environment after all.

That being said...

I would take the approach of setting a session variable that gets set the first time they hit the page:

if session("NotTheFirstTime") = "" then
'write the onload
session("NotTheFirstTime") = true
end if

then based on that variable write or don't write the onload.

Of course, if the user can access the page from multiple links and the onload is valid for each link, regardless of how many times they hit the page, this won't work....

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Determine A Empty Folder

I still don't know how to determine a empty folder....

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