Disabling Links

I would like to know how to disable a link when a certain value is false. I have the following link.

<br><a href="OrderProgress.asp" class="blueLink">Check Order

I wish to disable the link if blnValidCustomer = false and enable it otherwise.

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I have span and Textarea fields. How can I disable and gray out those dynamically using DHTML. when I called disabled = true it makes it readonly and does not gry out.

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Disabling Other Page

I have a login form. when user logs in, user is transferring randomly an Exam page.
these pages're(ExamA.asp and ExamB.asp)

Question is :
if user transferred to ExamA.asp how can i disable to enter ExamB.asp ?
(there is no link in ExamA.asp to ExamB.asp. only changing url in the address bar.)

here is my login from code :

strSQL="Select Exam from Exam"
set Exam=conn.execute(strSQL)

if Stat=1 then

sqlUp="update Exam set Exam=2"
response.redirect ("ExamB.asp")

elseif Stat=2 then

sqlUp1="update Exam set Exam=1"
response.redirect ("ExamA.asp")
end if

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Disabling The Image On A Href In Asp

I have the following href in my asp code. I would like to disable the image
so the user cant click on the javascript for this image.

<input type=text name=thedate size=10><a
href=""javascript:show_calendar('dataform.Line" & lineno &
"6',null,null,'YYYY/MM/DD');"" onmouseover=""window.status='Date
Picker';return true;"" onmouseout=""window.status='';return true;""><img
src='../Production/show-calendar.gif' width='24' height='22' border='0'></a>

Is this possible?

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Disabling A Submit Button

I have pulled some date from a table in access and displayed it on a form in a table. If there was no data in the Table, Hence the Html table displaying it was empty is there a way of disabling the submit button that submits that data to avoid a conflict?

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Disabling Session State

I was thinking about disabling session state on some of my pages by doing this:
<% @ EnableSessionState = False %>

My question is if I disable the session state will the page still reset the session timeout (eg. back to 20min. default) when that page is loaded? I need it to reset the session timeout.

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Disabling HTML Code

I have creating a simple ASP guestbook using an Access Database, is there any of disabling HTML code so that visitors cant post HTML in the guestbook entries?

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Disabling Text Fields

i have a form that has a multiple fields,when a user chooses an option from option seleect then it should disable some part of the form and i have no idea how to do that.

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Disabling Referer HTTP Header In IE / IIS 5 / ASP

Is there any way to prevent an IE 6 browser from sending up the REFERER HTTP header? (Either as an IIS Server setting, change to asp files, or even a setting in the IE browser).

This is wasting WAN bandwidth in our Intranet application - we have fairly low network bandwidth. The referer is inevitably somewhere else in our own ASP application, and is usually has a really nasty long QString attached ... (and no, really dont want to run stats about how users navigate our app)..

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Disabling ASPBufferingLimit For File Downloads

I have a website that (like many) allows users to download large files. Some are up to several hundred MB in size. The problem is that since switching to IIS 6.0, the size of the file is limited by the ASPBufferingLimit, and it's size seems to be limited to only 4294967295 bytes.

That's pretty big but it's not quite big enough and I need to disable it. Some people have recommended setting it to -1 via:

cd C:inetpubadminscripts
cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/aspbufferinglimit -1

but the -1 doesn't really "take"...IIS keeps it at 4294967295.

Setting it to 0 does "take", but then IIS returns nothing (0 bytes).

How do I disable or workaround this security feature in IIS which is not allowing people to download large files?

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Disabling Edits To A Text Field

I am using text fields to display data from a table in access in an ASP file, i am using text fields because if i used anything else, like labels the info was not updated to the table correctly.

Does anyone know how to input of edits to a text field so that the user can view the data in it but cannot remove or change it?

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Disabling Explorer's Back Button

How can I prevent user pressing the explorer's back button?

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Disabling Default IE Window Buttons

I have a window that pops up from an asp page... and stays open for 5 seconds
then closes... is there a way to not allow the user to close this window manually before the 5 seconds.. ? Code:

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Disabling A Text Box/list Box After A Selectio Has Been Made.

I have a .asp page that has a text box and a list box. The user enters criteria into ONE of the boxes.

What i would like is that when the user makes a selection from the list box (sql populated) the text box is disabled, and when a user enters a character into the text box, the list box is disabled (not including spaces)

This is a bit cosmetic, but what is the best way of doing this? Some client side code presumably, Javascript? Code:

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Disabling Open/save Dialog In Word

In my application I am using Word to hold data out of a MS SQL Server 2000 database. On the clients PC's I am getting a open/save pop up dialog for opening MS- Word. How can I disable this pop- up and load Word without having this dialog? The clients pc are Windows XP/SP2 machines.

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A-B-C-D... Links

Im new to ASP, and have hit a snag.I am trying to build a page that has 'A-B-C-D...' links along the top
of the page. When you click 'A', it goes to a table with everyones
usernames and grabs the ones that start with the letter A.
The problem is that the username field contains the names of people
who wrote an article, so in some cases there are actually two names in
this field. So for example, if it contained 'Bob, Jack', I would need
'Bob' to show up under B, and 'Jack' under J.
Im totally stuck as to how I might do this. Changing the layout of my
tables is no trouble if a different table setup helps

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I am taking an ASP course and I am stuck with one error message that I can't seem to correct.Here are the links:


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links.asp?id=whatever how do i do this, i know response.write is part of the code but i forgot the rest of it.

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Many Links

I am creating a spot where people can redownload items if
they have access. I have everything written but the part
where people actually get to the page due to a huge
issue. So far there are 96 uniquie combinations of the 8
items they can download.

Here is the flow of my system.

Person creates a login, and in that login there is a spot
to put in a specific code for the items they need to have
access to. After that they are sent an email regarding
login location and login info.

The login site has all of the verfication to login, but i
am stuck at how to get the users to the actual page to
download due to the 94+ combos of items, (and that number
is only going to grow). Am i just screwed and this is
impossible without taking a HEAVY hit to the server or do
i need to find a program that does this?

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Top Nav Links

How do you create the links similar to the links on the forum Viewing: ASP Free Forums > Programming > ASP Development > Post New Thread .If there is examples on the net please let me know.

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I'm trying to make my URLs in ASP more search friendly, is there a way to do that? I'm using ASP.NET. Right now, I have an XSL file which is calling XML in my ASP files that builds the links. All content is generated from an XML file, so there is no database Here's a link example: .....

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Broken Links

i have a search engine which contains all of the links in an access db.

basically what i am wanting to know is:

is there some code i can make to query all the results for a matching word such as "elephant" all the results (url) in the database would be opened and checked, Any broken links would be removed.

does any one know how to do this. what i was thinking of doing was creating some code to open all the pages that match a search....say 50 open

i could then click through them closing them individually to check all urls rather than doing it manually

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Links To EML Files

I need to create a hyperlink to an .eml file so as to view it when the link is followed. The code is:

Response.Write "<a href='serverfoldermyeml.eml'>eml link</a>"

The problem is that the url automatically produced by this link is:
and the file cannot be found.

If I manually type "file:///serverfoldermyeml.eml" everything works fine.

How can I produce the correct url from my asp code? Any ideas?

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Standard Links

A friend has told me that links that worked fine in IE 6 on a PC are now not
working in IE 7. The only thing they can see is that these links have the
following common traits:
a) long file names, ie about 30 plus chars
b) underscores in the filenames.
c) They are derived from the old asp routine to force a pdf download rather
than open them up in the browser window.
I'm desperately trying to borrow a PC to install IE 7 (I don't want to
affect my own PC in anyway at the moment) to test this

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Checking Links

win 2k pro
sql server 2k
asp - vbscript

I got the below code from somewhere ages ago. I have a list of links on my site that link to other sites but I want to check if the link is a valid link automatically and if it fails after x checks (checks every 7 days) then to mark the link as a possible broken link

the below seems to take ages to process and was wondering if there is a better way to do the below. Code:

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Separting Links

i am having a textarea in which the website links r entered by the user separated by a comma(,). and the same i am storing in the database field with type memo. now i want to retrieve the entered links and display all the links separated so when the user clicks on a particular link the page for that page opens us.

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Links Off Page

does anyone know how to request the static links off a page using XML and asp?
I would really appreciate any help you can give me on the subject. I need full links including the
http:// and everything.

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Links In Firefox But Not IE

I wish to hide links, i'm at present trying to 'float' as such invisible links over a background image....
the line i'm wishin to use that i think is right is

#links a i {visibility: hidden;}

when taken out we can see the links, as needed, but the minute i add this line, they should be invisible but still there, this is the case in IE but with FF they disappear completely...

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Paging Links

I have a search box called r_name on the results page is requesting it
but if a person searched for a pub name then i'd like to page by pub name
if a person typed in a town then i'd like to page by rsTown
and if a person typed in a postcode i'd like to page by postycode something like:
IF r_name = rsTown THEN
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""search_results1.asp?<%rs="rsTown"%>& r_name & "&pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")

the above bit of code is incorrect?!
IF r_name = rsPubName THEN
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""search_results1.asp?rsPubname=" & r_name & "&pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")

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Next And Previous Links

I'm trying to add a Next and Previous link on a detail page but i'm not sure how to go about it....

First page displays listings.
Second page displays main item.

Now what i'm trying to do is maintain a next and previous buttons so people don't have to go back to the display listings page

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Navigational Links

Please refer to altavista by search the 'asp'.

First page:

[<< Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next >>]
Second page:

[<< Prev] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next >>]

BUT, at the 10th page:

[<< Prev] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [Next >>]

How do make this kind of navigational links in asp?

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Text Into Links...

Is there an ASP command that can I use to make every occurance of a certain word into a link? For example, if I have an article about marketing, and I want every occurance of the word "marketing" to link to a page called marketing.htm, how would I do this using ASP

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Redirect Aff Links

I have a site where an affiliate program has been wreaking some havoc with their affiliate links, and has now been cancelled.

The site is hosted on windows and the files are .asp files.I need to be able to redirect the affiliate IDs to something safer, such as domain.com/ instead of domain.com/aff.php?id=1

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