Display A Portion Of A Field

I need to display only a portion (like the first 100 characters) of a field in a database. I don't recall how to do this.

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Displaying A Portion Of A Db Field

I saw creole's post regarding a similar CF function and thought I'd start a similar ASP thread. If I have an article (entirety of kept in a field adequately named "article") how would I select only the first, say 450 words, to be displayed on a page....followed by a prev/next nav item. Naturally, page 2 would pick up where it left off. How to do this? Or do I have to split the article up into article_sec1, article_sec2, etc?

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Display Data From Field

I tried to Display data from field DB (mysql) into a Textarea to edit the text. The code I used is : Code:

<textarea name="warranty" cols="90" rows="6" class="style55" value="<%=WARRANTY%>" type="text"></textarea>

And it does not displays the data.?

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Seconds Portion Of Time

I'm having a problem with this code:

<input type="hidden" name="lastdate" value="<%=now%>">

not returning the "seconds" portion of time. It writes the date and time - but only to the minute. The seconds are 00 each time. Ex. 1/29/2005 1:47:23 PM is what I want and 1/29/2005 1:47:00 PM is what I'm getting.This is the result I'm getting on two separate DB's on two different servers. I'm sure there's some glaring problem I'm overlooking because I sure can't see it.

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Portion Of Viewable Content

I am rebuilding a site for an internet radio station. One part of the site shows a "Now Playing" element with a simple text screen that a backend ASP script has retreived from a server and parsed. However this little text feild updates every 3-4 minutes when songs end. However the only current way I know to update the string is to automatically reload the page every 3-4 minutes.

This is a real annoyance for both myself and all of the users. Is there anyway with ASP or another language to only update the text string every 3-4 minutes without having to reload the entire screen.

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Returning Portion Of String

I'm looking to find or create an ASP script that will take a string, examine it for a search term, and if it finds the search term in the string, return the highlighted search term along with the words that surround it. In other words, I want the search term highlighted and shown in an excerpt of the context in which it appears.

This behavior is most often seen as part of a search engine. In my case, I want to use it as part of a content "scanner" that utilizes a screen scraping component.

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Flush A PORTION Of A Page

I have a big frontpage, and it takes awhile to load, since i pus on Response.Buffer = true and i want to speed it up. is there a way to flush a portion of the page, preferably the header table?

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Formatted Display Of Memo Field

I am using access Memo field to store text of large size. If I use <%=memofield%> in simple display, it does not look like a formatted field and all text comes in a single line without any break.

Even If the text is same like what I am posting in this thread, out come will not have break in browser's display.

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How To Save Multi-name Into One Field, And Display Only One

From my system, it allow product has multi-category, so I need to save
all category names which one product belong to into one field on a

and record saved like " nameA|nameB|nameC " - seperate by "|".

question 1:

the second time when i update the record for same product name, how to
have a record
like "nameA|nameB"

After multi-category name saved, then, i would like to generate a
navigate name with the link like

home > nameB > name of product


so how can i retrieved only one name from category field.

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Display Screwing Up If Field Is Empty In DB

I so thought I had this down and I was getting excited, but when I ran it, it didn't work. I've tried a few different things and I can't get it to work (not smart enough I guess). Code:

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Display Related Access Field

I have a timesheet application I'm working on. The user fills in a form which sends data to an Access db. On the results page I need to display the values from 2 fields; i.e if the user selects "Report Writing" from a drop down list, I need the data contained in another column called 'Codes' to display as well.

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Display DateTime Field From Access In UK Format

I have a DateTime stamp in one of my Access database columns. Using now() as the default value, it enters records in the following format:

17/06/2005 14:28:40

This is perfect. UK format, just as I want.

However, when I pull this record into an ASP page it appears in a different format:

6/17/2005 14:28:40 AM

How can I stop it from re-writing the data into American format? I just need to display it exactly as it is in the database.

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Display VBScript Function As Text Field

I have a VBScript function:

<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
Function Main()
set wshshell = createobject("wscript.shell")
struser = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%")
strdomain = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%")
msgbox struser & strdomain
End Function

That works great as a Active X script but I want this to display as a value in a text field and I can't find how o do that.

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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Getting Record Increment To Display In Form Field

How would I get the max record + 1 to auto-populate in the GMVINC form field? I have a feeling that my query is not correct. Code:

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Parse A String From A Field And Display In Table

I need to parse a string from a single, semi-colon delimited, 60 character
field (el_text) in a recordset and display the results in a table on a
webpage (ASP)

I can retrieve the recordset from the database and display the field data
results in rows of a table but have the entire 60 character string in one
cell. I need to break that string apart and put each semi-colon delimited
value in it's own cell. Then move to the next record and do the same thing
in the next row of the table. - and so on

I'm using ASP, VB Script with DMSII Database and OLEDB

Does anyone have some code examples on how to break this field apart and
then arrange the data into an html table on a webpage?

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Comparing Field Data From Previous Field

Im comparing values in a field while doing a loop if sAct<>myData(5,i) then At the end of the loop I make the value of sAct equal the current myData

This will work when comparing other fields withing my recordset (so I know the statement works) but it will not work for the field I want to compare. The only difference with this field is that it has null values. Could this be the problem? if so, how do I deal with nulls?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Automated "state" Field From "Country" Field

When you select the "Country" field in a Hotmail "get new account" link, the field "State" changes automatically, giving you the correct States that belongs to the chosen Country.

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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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Display Top 3

I am in the middle of writing a system with 8 different entry form screens, at the end of the 8 forms (10 entry fields on each form, with pull down scores of 0 to 10) I want to do the following :

total up the results for each form/screen
sort the results
display the top 3, with additional text, and then add to the database

Now, I've got the 8 entry screens working fine, with verification, so I have the 80 available numbers. I have added these up to create 8 totals. Where I'm stuck now is the best way to sort these and display the results I require. I could do it with a messy, nested "if one > two then if one > three" etc etc approach, but wondered if anyone had a less stressful method to consider?

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Display Yes Or No

I am displaying info which are retrieved from database. How can I display "yes" or "no" if the field datatype is in bit?

<td>Pending Document</td>
<td><%if pen_doc = "True" then%> Yes <%else%> No <%end if%></td>

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How To Display 30 Or 31

could some one tell me how to display the date in an html form only up to 30 if April, June, September and November is selected, and 31 for all the rest?or even better, 28, 29 for February according to leap year or not?

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Asp Does Not Display

If I run a file called timetest.asp via my web browser then the current time is shown. I assume(d) that indicated that ASP was working OK

If Itry another file with an .asp extension then the browser shows the horrible page not found error.

If I rename that file to .html the page displays. Does this mean there is an error in the script?

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Display 2 Rec In One Row

i am working on image display program like displaying thumbnail. i want to display 2 records in one row. after every 2 record displayed table row must change and make new row.

row 1 1 img1 2 img2
row 2 3 img3 4 img4

how i can do this.

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I would like to display all logged in member on my webpage.example

3 Inlogged members :

Can you give me some hints? session collection or?

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Display Row

I need to be able to display a row and check to see if there are any other rows with a parent_id value of the original row and display them below. table is:

id, display fields......, parent_id

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Display Utf-8

how to display UTF-8 mail content by using CDONTS component? I have try to add the following code.

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Url Display

i have my code like this which displays the college name and url for college website. say for example there is college whose SI_Web_Site is like this www.bgsu.edu/ in table. when i display it on web page and move my cursor on it . can someone tell me where the http:///# are coming from and thats the reason why it doesnt open up the college website.

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