Display All Fields From Two Tables Except Foreign Key

i have two tables:

TokenID (pk)

TokenID (pfk)

I want to display all fields from both tables ..
but TokenID should come once as it a foreign key in Rating table..
what would be the resultant query

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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How To Compare 2 Tables With 3 Fields?

I would like to compare 2 tables, TableA and TableB

Both Table has FieldA, FieldB and FieldC

how do i compare the 3 fields in this two tables and list out records that the 2 tables fields does not tally? eg.

if TableA.FieldA != TableB.FieldB AND TableA.FieldB != TableB.FieldB AND TableA.FieldC != TableB.FieldC

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Adding Fields Or Tables

is it possible to dynamically add a field into a table? or add a table? Lets just say that I have a DB with 10,000 entries and about 5MB in size. I want to add a new feature and for this i need to add an extra field to the table. I don't want to d/l the DB, make the changes locally and then u/l again, so can I do it via script?

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Select Different Fields In Multiple Tables

I have 4 tables first table category (category_id and category name in it)
second table artist (artist_id, category_id, artistname in it)
third table album (id, artist_id, album_title in it)
forth table song (id, album_id, title in it)

I'm selecting category in first page
I'm selecting artist in second page
I'm selecting album in third page

I'm requesting, collecting and posting all id's to the next page.

this is the question!!

How can I read from database

1- category name when I was selected in first page
2- artist name when I was selected in second page
3- album name when I was selected in third page

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Joining Three Tables Returns Unnecessary Fields In Recordset

I have three tables in my db, joined together. The connection works fine, but I want to stop the first two tables from listing their info. for each call to the third table.

table 1 - page title, description
table 2- section title, description
table 3 - links, and their info.

For each page, there are mulitple sections and links, so I don't want the section title to appear each time I display a new link.

Here is my code:

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Dynamic Display Or 2 Tables

I have a SQL table that I am displaying dynamically...

The primary key of which is the ID, I have another table that I want to display as a subset of a row from the first table but only if they have the same IDs??

THe things I am trying are not working and I am sure I am missing an obvious step..


-- ------- -------
1 People None
- 1 Blah Blah Blah
- 1 Something else
2 People None
3 People None
- 3 Something here too

Sorry if I didnt do avery good job explaining but I am about fried out on this.

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Search Two Tables And Display Results

I have two tables like this:


TapeID - Integer Primary key
Title - Text


RecordId (Primary Key)
TapeId (related to the taperecords table)
ProgramDetails (Text)

The tape details table has a record of the programs that are stored on each
tape and each tape we have about 20 programs.

What i want my users it to allow them to search by programdetails and
display the list of tapes that match that search. I am not able to built a
query to search and display at the same time.

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Display Tables In MySQL Database

i need to display all my tables from the mySQL database in a table on an ASP/Javascript page, each as a link, so that when clicked, it wil open the selected table for editing. unable to do it as dreamweaver MX is not accepting 'show tables' as a valid query. how can i go about doing this? i'm relatively new to ASP, working on it for only 2 months now.

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Display Data From 3 Tables (MS Access)

I have 3 tables (MS Access) and I would like to display the content of all three tables alphabetically on a .asp page I have no problem displaying a list from each of the individual tables, but I am stumped when I try to display a combined listing..

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Display The Fields Of The Recordsource

I want to build a site that I can manipulate from Access and have the changes show up on the ASP page.

For Example:

I have Table A that has four fields in it.

I change the table to include another field, say SSN.

Is there a way that I can build my ASP page to do a loop everytime it opens to looke for new fields and display that as another part of the page?

I understand loops and If statements I just need to know the right code for listing the fields of the recordsource.

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Display Form Fields

I have created an email form in which all fields must be completed. If all the fields are not completed "submit" causes a refresh using response.redirect, Problem is allthe fields that were previously filled in are empty.How do I keep the values of the fields on refresh?

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Dynamically Display The Fields

I have been given the task to create a search page to search on of the tables in the sql database. I have been asked that the user should be able to search any field(which I
have done) but he should also be able to customise the form to display or hide any feilds in the results.

My table has about 20 feilds and different users wanting to you the search page will like to see different set of fields.

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Display Records From MS Access Tables As A Total In A Table In A ASP Page

I'm trying to display records from an MS Access DB (*.mdb) in an ASP page (table).. I don't want to display all the records though, I just want to display the total of these records..i.e in my table I would like to show how many calls someone has closed this year..(number)

Joe Bloggs ---> 100 Closed

Is this possible? I was thinking that I need to write an ADO that includes COUNT but I'm not too sure how to write this.. Here's what I have so far: Code:

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How To Display Multiple Form Fields In Email Using This Script?

I am using this script to submit my form fields into the body of my email:

Dim strBody
dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue
strBody = "Results of form submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & CrLf
For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count
formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix)
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item(ix)
strBody = strBody & (formElementName & ": " & formElementValue & vbCrLf)

I'm completely new to vbscript and have been searching all over the net for an example of this script being used with mutliple fields with absolutely no luck.

The closest I've come to getting something back from this thing is when I tested the script with these elements:

FormElementName = Request.Form.Key("Name")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Name")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Telephone")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Telephone")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Email")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Email")

Which produced this result:

Email: Email
Email: Email
Email: Email

Its seems the answer to my problem lies in defining the 'Key' and possibly the 'Item' parameters but I haven't been able to find any documentation on these terms. Can someone out there please save me from what probably is a very simple solution?

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Display Ms Access True/false Fields As Check Marks On ASP Page

what is the easiest way to display Yes/No, True/Falst, On/Off MS Access fields as check marks on an ASP page? it would be either checked or unchecked.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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Foreign Characters

I have an ASP page. In there, I retirieve some data (Korean characters for testing purpose) from the database and I tried to display it. If I set the session.codepage = 949, the foreign characters dodn't display correctly. If I set session.codepage = 1252, which is English (US), the foreign characters display fine in a combo box.

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Foreign Key Values

In SQL Server 2000, I have for examples 3 tables, sales, stock and purchase. both sales and purchase has stock# as foreign key.

When record is deleted from a stock table, first I want to make sure this stock doesnot exists in Sale, Purchase or anyother table in may have in future.

I would like to know what kind of constraints or restriction I can add on the database side and also how to catch the error from the ASP code.

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Format Foreign Currency

Is there an easy way to change Currency formatting from USD to EUR (use comma as decimals delimiter instead of period)? I'm using Windows 2000 Server/IIS 5.0 in English. I'm serving both USD and EUR dynamically from the same source codes. I'd like to change Currency formatting automatically when a person chooses EUR.

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Streaming Foreign Characters

I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following problem. I have a page set up to display various foreign language characters using:

<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%>
Response.charset = "utf-8"

The web page displays everything fine. However when I stream the page to MS word using Response.ContentType="application/msword", the foreign language characters are replaced by garbage. Interestingly, when I cut and paste directly from the original web page to Word, the characters are displayed correctly.

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Inserting Into Table With Foreign Keys (asp)

I'm trying to insert into a table with foreign keys. The statement works in query analyzer but not when I do it in asp to insert the data from a form. Code:

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Email - CDONTS - Foreign Characters

I have a script that send emails using CDONTS. There are users that have keyboards that support Spanish characters. I am able to render the chars correctly in the body using HTML substitutions, however, the subject line comes out bad. Is there a good way to handle this situation?

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Insert Problem With Primary And Foreign Keys

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Sybase][ODBC Driver]Integrity constraint violation: no primary key value for foreign key 'MemberCode' in table 'PersonMember'
/admin/Member_New-Sybase.asp, line 39

What i am doing is first i have added a record to my persons table the next step is i need to add this person id to the PersonMember table with a new MemberCode and then finally add more information to a membership table. Code:

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Add Sql Tables

I want to be able to send two sql tables to access db at the same time

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Linked Tables

I have a database that has 2 tables linked into it from another database. I am having problems trying to pull in values from those 2 linked databases. One of the tables is tblClient. Code:

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SQL Statement Using Two Tables

I need some help with a SQL statement. I currently have which works:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs WHERE JobStatus = True"

I need to query against a second table but I am not sure of the
correct syntax of the statement for adding another table.. somthing
like this i would imagine... ????

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs.pmdata WHERE JobStatus = True AND
WHERE WeekEnding IN tblSuperInput.pmdata = strThursday"

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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HTML Tables In ASP

I have a form in my HTML page and I require a number of checkboxes. These are to be dynamically generated from an Access database. The code below will work but it will only create a single row. How can I include the <TR> tag inside the loop - I'd probably want 4 cells per row


Do until rstCategories.EOF = True

Response.Write "<TD width=200>"_
& rstCategories("strCategory")_
& "<input name=chkCategory type=checkbox value=" &rstCategories("lngID")>"_
& "</TD>"


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3 Tables, 1 Page

I am trying to list data from the DB from three different tables. The first table is creditors, the second is statements and the third is payments. I don't know much about inner joins and I'm not even sure that's what I need to do. The first section on the page is detailed information about the creditor.

Below that is a section for a summary of all statements from that creditor. Below the statements section is a section for listing payments from that creditor. The 'creditors' table has a field of "credID" as well as the tables "statements" and "payments".

The "statements" table has a "StatementID" field and the "payments" table has a field of payID. What is the best way to list the statements and payments from a particular creditor?

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Linked Tables

Ithe goalposts have been moved (yet again!) and the database that was one, may have to become many, being used on subdomains of the same server sharing some information but not all from a 'global' database.The solution I initially found was to used linked tables and developing it on pws - this was perfect. I linked local databases to the external table data in the 'global' database hey presto the application ran smoothly. There was only 1 connection to each local database and I could retrieve all the information I needed from the global one. However on uploading I have no idea how to set this via asp or sql as online the path of the linked tables is what was on my local machine and I have found no way of being able to edit this or indeed know if this is possible.

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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Dynamic Tables

I dont even know if ASP is the right language to be doing this, but what I am basically trying to complete is a way for a dropdown box to come, and depending on what they select data will go into a table. For instance, the dropdown will what type of taxpayer they are and if they select individual, the offered services will appear in the table.

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