Display Data 20 Lines Per Page

how do i display data retrieved from a table 20 lines per page giving a 'next ' button at end of each page.

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How To Get Data From The User In One Page And Display Related Data In A New Page

how do i get data from a user on one page and display the result on the other page
actually i have written a prgoram that displays a set of checkboxes and based on the checkboxes selected the related data is displayed .but the problem is the data is displayed on the same page below the list of check boxes. Code:

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Display Multiple Lines

Can anybody give me some tips on the best and/or easiest way to display
multiple lines in a field. The data is collected from a "textarea" field
when the form is submitted, and I want to display all of the data (multiple
lines) in a resulting HTML page. The data displays on a single line
(obviously) and does not wrap without manipulation of the string variable.
Is there an easier way to display the data?

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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Asp (visual Basic Script) Break Long Text Lines Into Several Lines.

asp (visual basic script) break long text lines into several lines.

This line of my guestbook (visual basic script) - response.write "message: " & Recordset ("message") & "<br><br>" displays access database field "message" in one line in web browser.

How do I break this text line into several lines? I know in asp.net there is datagrid. Is there something like datagrid in asp. Or perhaps this problem can be solved with htm?

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Get Data From Previous Page And Display It As Before But With Disabled Mode.

how can i get the data submitted by the previous form using " for each x in Request.Form " and display them same as the the previous form before and the only different is tat this time the all the data in this form is being disabled. (the data may consists from text box, combo box, radio button, etc.) . just wondering is there any way to perfrom like this..

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GET Or POST Data Using Vender Asp Script, And Display On Our Page

Im trying to either POST or GET data using an asp action provided by world gift card, and display the data on our website. So the form is on our server, and the action is there server asp script on there server.

I want the data to come back to our server.. I want to use this data to display to our customers so they can check the balance of there gift cards etc... This is what i have so far.. Code:

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Print From ASP How To Break The 400 Lines Page

I have to make a print page that have 400 lines. How to break it in few pages? How to contrl it?

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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Display New Data

there is a JavaScript/ASP function that that will check for new Private Message (PM) Inbox. New PM will be referred as "NEW" in the status field in the database and "READ" for all the old PM.hen there is a new PM, a popup will appear in my page. But I have to press the REFRESH BUTTON before I get the popup ALERT!
Can this be done in AJAX? (Alert me without refreshing the page?)

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Display The Data

May I know how to use the ASP to display the data from database in the format of data grid or table? If possible, please provide coding.

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Display Data

I have a database for my users orders, and I what a search for the admin to search for the orders in a specific user and display them in a chart.

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Display Data

I Have a list of groups that are assigned to users. I want to list groups for a particular user in order by name. I want to then have a drop down list that shows all the groups that the user is not in at the moment. Users can then add groups to that user.

How i have it setup:
I have a table that has an id and group name.
I have another table that has id, userid and groupid
Do anyone have any ideas how to diplay it. Keep in mine that the groups have to be in order of the group name. Thats tge part that is confussing me.

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If There Is No Data Display...

I am creating a resource website and pulling from an access databse, I have 1 page that loads with a list of catagories, when you click a catagory the page reloads with a querystring attached that loads only the contents of that catagory.

All of this is coming from the same table in the database, I have an ID column that is shared by the articles in the same catagory.. (i.e. ID is set to 1 for all the items in catagory 1, set to 2 for all in catagory 2 and so on).

I currently have articles in about 6 of 16 catagories. Everything displays fine but if you click on a catagory that has no articles, I would like a message to appear such as "There are no articles found for that catagory". How can I get the ASP script to see that there are no (we will say) entries for ID 8 in the databse, and display the message.

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Display Data

We're working on creating a site that tracks club sports results - we originally created a form that inserts the results into a database, but the folks using it have decided they'd rather enter the information in a spreadsheet and upload it.

what is the best practice for this data - should I write some code that just reads the content of the excel file and displays that on a results page or should I take their data and import it into the database we initially designed.

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Display XML Data

here is an RSS feed for top stories from a local news station. http://lex18.com/Global/category.as...&clienttype=rss.I need to display this data on my own website. I know ASP, but not XML.I have read some documentation and browsed websites, but I cannot figure it out.

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Display RS Data

I know this is probably a stupid question, however I'm trying to display the contents of a recordset into columns spanning across the page rather than down the page,


subcat1 subcat1
... subcat2

And so on. This is a 2 column table that I want to use. But I don't know how once one column is long enough then go across to the next column and fill that column with the remaining data. I know its simple if you have go down a page, but can't figure out to go across.

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Display Data

Someone asking me in the PM yesterday. How did I managed to display data in 3 cols & rows i.e category,sub-cat, search result and form in CSS table-less layout?

I have use it in my site article,freeware,recipe,link directory,lyrics,template and games section. I was able to display the data in 3 cols and rows using CSS layout. It took me quite a while to figured it out. In ASP, you should know where the loop start and end, otherwise the div container stack up each other. I was thinking of writing a tutorial with sample code in ASP. Maybe next time.

My next project is to convert Maxwebportal and snitzforum into CSS layout. To see an example, visit my site and go to this section of the site: article,freeware,recipe,link directory,lyrics,template and games. These pages are CSS table-less layout.

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Display Data From Database

I want to display a system maintenance notification on my webpage using a splash screen. I got the code for splash screen from Dynamic Drive and added it on my web page. Now here is my problem. I have created a table in my SQL database with these two fields, Flag and Description. I am trying to connect this splash screen to this table.

This is because-if the flag is set to 1 the splash screen will pop up and display the data in the description field on the splash screen and if it is set 0 the screen will not pop-up at all. Two things I am having trouble with-

1. Displaying the data on the splash screen. I made the connection to my db but can't get it to display it on my splash screen.

2. How to make the splash screen pop-up only if the Flag field is set to 1.

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Conditional Display Of Data From DB

displays content IF several conditions exist or display's nothing if it doesn't?

Basically, in english this is what I'm trying to do:

IF a record exists

WHERE session(userID) = idByUserID in 'notes'
WHERE userID = idAboutUserID in 'notes'


display from the record fieldnames 'LastUpdate' and 'note'

don't display anything

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Exe/dll For Logic From Data Thru .mdb And Display In Asp ??

Write an exe/dll (which will be better please tell me)..which has code to only control my logic or rather data conversion/manipulation of the raw data recieved thru and .mdb file and then display the exe/dll manipulated data thru an asp page.??

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Heading Display Data

I have a page that shows the skillsets our analysts are on here. We have 10 skills, each one a different recordset to pull their data, so the page takes a while to load (7 seconds). What I was wondering if its possible to do is just show the heading (the name of each skillset), but when clicked on, a response.write of somesort would show the cell underneath and then pull the data.
Hopefully it makes sense what I am saying, if not i'll try to post something up.

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Display Data In Database

How to use the for loop to display all the data in database? For example, displaying the data that start with "a".

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Display DATA From Browser

How i display DATA from Browser to Text file.In my web page there is a script that fatches data from this URL: http://www.rediff.com/rss/newsrss.xml and display data on the web browser.now ,how i get that displayed data from the browser to a text file.

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Asp Display Excel Data

I try to find the best small exemple to display data from excel to asp (connection & code). But only asp.net exemples in microsoft.com.

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Display Data Between Commas

I would like to know if you can display only certain data into a field between commas or any other symbol without using the curshort feature. For example. I have the following.

Part, A3472, Desc: Controller: Price$ 45.00

I just need this out of it in a single form field.


I cannot use the cutshort feature because my part numbers are different lengths.

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Display Data From Different Table

If i created three different type of table. Inside these tables, they might have the same key field's name. Example:

Table A - ExecNo, Month, Year, CustCode
Table B - ExecNo, Month Year, DestCode

as u can see that these two tables have almost the same key field but they r actually keeping different data. how can i list these different data out in an asp page? it is because i am having the problem whereby.

where the table want to display data from table B, it actually misplace by table A . how can i write the sql function to differentiate both of them.

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Display Data From Field

I tried to Display data from field DB (mysql) into a Textarea to edit the text. The code I used is : Code:

<textarea name="warranty" cols="90" rows="6" class="style55" value="<%=WARRANTY%>" type="text"></textarea>

And it does not displays the data.?

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Display Data In Textarea

I am trying to display some data in the text area from the database.

I want the data to be displayed in this format in the text area:

Name ph1 ph2 address details

But i am not able to display data in text area.any ideas or examples??

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Display Data From SQL Server

i need to display a data on the web from the miscrosoft sql server base on the user who have log on to the web.

name : <UserFullname>


profession:<UserProfession> ..

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Display Data Faster

I currently have the following code to extract data and display in a table.

-Sample code ---[Ranges from 1 to 205] #20 is displayed below]]-------------

Dim ticket20, sql20
Set ticket20 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql20 = "SELECT * FROM routingdata WHERE ddate = #" & Session("today") & "# ;"
ticket20.Open sql20, db, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
While Not ticket20.EOF

Response.Write "<font size=2>" & Ticket20("20")

There is 200 plus cells that it need to display - so it takes a long time to display the data. Is there a better code to extract all this data and faster ?

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Search N Display Data

There is a search engine in my system where i have to key in the student's number. n search for the student's complete information from the database.

n then i have to display the student's info at the same form where i did the search. how to do this using asp n dreamweaver MX.

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Display Data After Multiplying

I have 3 fields in a table that need to have math functions. Field 1 x field 2 = field 3, then total by customer code and display on a page. How can this be done?

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