Display Fixed Decimal Digits

I have variable, say "total". It can be an integer or floating number.

No matter what value it stores (5 or 5.1 or 5.24), when I display it, is
there a way I can make it display it with fixed 2 decimal digits, like 5.00?

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Display 3 Digits Autonumber

I am using Ms Access database and I have set 3 digits (e.g. 000) for an autonumber field of my table.Its working fine in Access and incrementing automatically like this (001, 002, 003 ...), but when I call the data on a web page using ASP its displaying these numbers like this (1, 2, 3, 4 ...) I dont understand why is it not displaying the numbers as it is in the table.

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Show Fixed Decimals

How do I show a double with 2 decimal places in vbscript? Also is there a way to show a string that is holding a number with two decimal places or does it need to be converted to doulbe first and then converted back to string after manipulating the double?

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Create Fixed Section

I am a C#-Coder and now I have the duty to rewrite a ASP-Website and add some functionality. The problem is that I have never seen ASP before and I don't have the time to learn everything necessary to complete my work.

It's a very simple problem and would be really great if someone could tell me what to do or show me a small code-example. I think "learning by reading code" is the best way to get new information

I have an ASP-Website with a very long list (out of a SQL-Query). If I scroll down the page I can't see the list-header any more <- THATs my problem. What I need is an ASP-Website with a fixed section that can't be moved and below a common, scrollable website.
The header of my SQL-Query should be in this fixed section and the datasets should be in the scrollable section.

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Array Is Fixed Or Temporarily Locked

I posted a similar problem a while ago but never found a solution. I am passing an integer value (called NoElements)from a html form (which gets created using javascript) to an asp page. The value of NoElements is used to create an asp array of that size. At first I was confronted with the following error:

Expected integer constant

I then was advised to initialise the array (to say 100) and then do a ReDim Preserve. I now get this error message:

This array is fixed or temporarily locked? What should (or at least I thought) be a simple porcedure is making my life a nightmare.

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Fixed! Form Values Being Cut Off - Strange!

i'm getting an instance of a form field value being cut off when input into a MS SQL db. i can't figure out where it's doing it. the field datatype is set to VARCHAR with a size of 100. the data is being cut at 30 characters. here is the form field: Code:

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Selecting Fixed Number Of Records From Database

I have an articles_tbl . How do i create a select statement which only brings back the latest 3 records added to this table (the database has a field called 'date_added') so the information of when they were added is present.

I was just wondering how to bring back only THREE records and showing them, instead of bringing back the entire table content and then showing three out of them..

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ASP Error : This Array Is Fixed Or Temporarily Locked

i got this error when trying to looping through an array

Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000a'

This array is fixed or temporarily locked

Here are my code:

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Creating Fixed Width Text Files

i know how to create text files using ASP, but is there any way to create fixed width text file using ASP? i need to have the data lined up in the same location at each row.

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2 Digits

How can I create a loop that goes from 01 to 12, to show months of the year as two digits, or how do I change "1" to "01"

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Selecting Tables From A Drop Down Box With No Fixed Position On Screen?

i am designing a search engine, you select the search options from five choices in a drop down box, each option reveals a table, but the tables have fixed positions on the html page.

i need it so that if only one option is picked to search and it is the last option on the drop down list, that it will appear at the top of the page? i dont have a clue what type of function to write to do this or what techniques will be involved!

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Extract 'days' From Now Till Future Fixed Date

How would one extract the number of (days) from (today) and a (future fixed
date)- eg: February 12, 2003. ....where today will always be Date().


02/12/04 - Date(now) = 27 days.

Can anyone help me here?

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Derive The 1st 4 Digits

This is probably an easy answer, however my mind seems to have gone blank about scanning a barcode in, and taking the 1st 4 digits of the number and storing it into a session variable to be referenced later in this application.
This session variable will then be checked against an ACCESS database to see if the product exists. I assume I use the LEN function? LEN(VariableName, 4)?

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How To Convert To Get Only 2 Digits

How do you change the DateDiff function to give only 2 digits?

ltOffHours = Abs(DateDiff("h", CDate(rsRecs("EndTime")), CDate(rsRecs("StartTime"))))
ltOffMinutes = Abs(DateDiff("n", CDate(rsRecs("EndTime")), CDate(rsRecs("StartTime"))))
ltOffTime = ltOffHours & ":" & ltOffMinutes

It gives me I.E. 4:345, I need have it read only 4:34 minutes. anyone know how to do this?

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Last Digits Of A C.card

I saw in SPF an ASP code that was usable to hide the first digits of a credit card number and replace them by a "*". I'm really sorry to post such a thread, but I can't find it back. Does anyone have the link? I've tried to check it in the funky functions and sections like that. Maybe just missed it but well. tried to see many times.

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Digits Calculating

when I calculate a Digits for example: 101.12 * 1.21 the resilt is 122.3552 This one should be 122.36 and if it is 122.3549 to be 122.35 How can I make this thing works?

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Format Number To 4 Digits

I have an access database with a table called jobs with a field called 'jobnumber'. I have this set up with a format mask of "0000" so that "1" becomes "0001" etc.
However when pulling this data out in Dreamweaver the formatting is lost.

Does anyone know how I can set this in Dreamweaver?

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ICurrent To Double Digits

converting a single

digit (ie: 1, 2, 3, etc) to double digits (ie: 01, 02, 03, etc).

I am trying to convert the date in DD/MM/YYYY format so it is always displayed as 01/01/2004 instead of 1/1/2004.The script I am trying to embed this into has similar attributes to the Calendar on this site located at http://www.asp101.com/samples/calendar.asp.and the objects that require to be double digits are iCurrent and Month(dDate).

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Forcing Date Into 2 Digits

I am storing a datetime into SQL Server 2000 field in datetime format. For single-digit months and dates, it is leaving the 0 off, like this:


For reasons having to do with technical requirements, I need to have it put the 0 in when needed, and not do it when it already has 2 digits:


How can this be done? When I get the value of the date in the first place, it is using the Now() function. For some fields, I only need the date, not time, so I do a DateValue around the result of the Now. Is this solved with ASP? Or do I need to do something in SQL Server?

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Question On Digits And Special Characters

in my asp form i would like to have a field which can ONLY accept
digits BUT can accept special characters as well such as: &,$$,##.
i.e: if the user enters :

147hhh, or P44556HH or QSSPE$% ---> this will be invalid
##123,45SS---> this is invalid
125&125#10$---> this is valid
12456--> this is valid too

is there any way to do this????

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Convert State Names To 2 Digits

I currently am using a script which submits full state names to a payment processor. However, the payment processor only accepts 2 digit state names. Does anyone have a premade code for asp that converts state names into 2 digit ones.


If statename = "New York" Then
statename = "NY"
End If

for each state.

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Displaying Only First 2 Digits Of A 5 Digit Number

I have a 5 digit account number, but I need only the first 2 digits of the number.

This shows the account number <%=rsSelSpecials("olaid")%>.

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Form Validation(checking For Digits And Blank Spaces)

i have a form for users to enter their name password and e-mail,i am currently using javascript to check that all details have been filled,

alert("Plz enter a first name")
return false

This works if the field is left blank however if the user enters numbers(1,2) or spaces i.e.(" ") how do i deal with these,i also need to check that the e-mail contains "@" and "."

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Detecting And Converting Letters To Digits In Input Form

I need a function for blocking or converting letters inserted into a Form to digits, since the Data will be used in mathematical functions.

Is there a specific seach-function for letters, or:

If Input1(not a digit) then...
Else... Input1 * 5...


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if there is an easy way to convert hex to decimal with asp, the hex() function is there to get the decimal to hex, but i haven't been able to find a way to go back.

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Decimal Value

I want to convert a number to percentage or decimal,is there any built-in function for this?

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Decimal Value

i want to do the calculation like

value=int(basic) * int(excise) / 100

the both value come from the form. so when the data of excise field is like decimal 16.32 then i get the error data type mismatch.because the excise is 16.32 it is a decimal value. i have used CDbl(excise) but still it gives error.

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Decimal Value

My ASP driven site has always used MySQL as the DB backbone, mainly as the hosting costs of MySQL are far cheaper than SQL Server at the mo, and it has worked fine until my ISP thought that they were doing everybody a favour by upgrading to v5 from v4.

What happens now is that any ASP query that I do that involves any of my MySQL Decimal data type fields goes belly up. It will not work. Looks to be an issue with ASP, MyODBC and MySQL, but I just wanted to check if there was a better/more reliable data type than Decimal (which obviously performs the same numerical functions) and if there was a quick way to convert all of my Decimal fields to this new type.

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Decimal Value

Testing a ASP page using an Access db and I have a field in the DB defined as a 'number' with a precision of 3. Upon submitting the test data, I get this error message.

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e21'Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation. Can anyone tell me what's going on? The test value I used was "2.5".

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Hex To Decimal

Is there a quick function to check if a passed value is a valid Hex Color? ie, if FD4323 was passed, it would return TRUE, and if FD94LR was returned it would return FALSE.

I'm finding conversion functions, but nothing that tests off hand.

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Two Decimal Places

I have searched the forum and found the answer to my problem but unfortunitly it didn't tell me how to implement the solution!
The code I have thanks to previous forums:


Basiclly I want to convert the seconds to minutes and round to two decimal places.

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Decimal Conversion

Anyone have any code handy to convert a binary number to decimal and a decimal to binary? I need server-side code to perform these calculations. For example, I'd like to be able to pass 129 to a function and it will return 10000001. Likewise, I'd like to pass 10000001 to a function and get 129.
I can do this on paper, just not sure where to start on how to pass these numbers into a function to perform the calculation.

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Decimal Problems

i have a script that calculates a value but when the value is for example 5.40 the textbox displays it as 5.4 because this is a money value it has to have the "0" at the end
how can i make the script so that it always has 2 decimals behind the comma or point. Code:

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