Display Info In Three Straight Columns

I wonder how I can display three straight columns (maybe possible to use some kind of tab?) using ASP. Assume the columns contains, first name, second name and address. I don’t want to use tables (even though the output should look like as if a table with no borders had been used). The code below obviously isn't good enough for that purpose.

<%=John%><%=Doe%><%=Incognito Street 3%> <br>
<%=Jane%><%=Doe%><%=Leaf Street 13%> <br>
<%=Pete%><%=Wilkins%><%=Tree Street 8%> <br>

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Display Info In Three Straight Columns

how I can display three straight columns (maybe possible to use some kind of tab?) using ASP. Assume the columns contain, first name, second name and address.
What should the ASP code look like to get this output? I don�t want to use tables (even though it should look like a table without borders have been used).

<%=John%><%=Doe%><%=Incognito Street 3%> <br>

<%=Jane%><%=Doe%><%=Leaf Street 13%> <br>

<%=Pete%><%=Wilkins%><%=Tree Street 8%> <br>

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Display Only 3 <td> Columns

I want to display a table with 3 columns only. The cells will be populated with database fields requested from a queryString .

The actual Access field value is either "Y" or null. If a "Y" value is true then I want the Field.Name to be displayed.

Anyway, the table has 40 possible columns so I'd like to limit it to display
only 3 columns: I can generate the field names below: Code:

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Display Records In 2 Columns

i have a database with 60 records. I display all of them into a single column. What i want to do is to display the records in a table with 2 columns, the half of them into the first left column and the rest 30 to the right column.

I used the RecordCount to count all my records but how will i count the half of them and when the half is reached i will change the column and go to the right one?

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Can ASP Table Display 200 Columns, 500,000 Rows?

I'm sure it sounds kinda nutty to display 200 columns and
500,000 rows of data. But I have been pulling data from a
Lotus Notes database into Sql Server for a while now, but
Lotus Notes is starting to crack, columns getting
corrupted. Can't handle the volume of data and number of
columns. Sql Server has no problem. But displaying the
data is the big deal. The end users want to be able to
scroll acros a page to the colum of their choice, or be
able to scroll up or down.

I was thinking of breaking up
the table into section, but this would reqire additional
clicking to get to the next section of the table. Would
it be feasable to have a 200 column table in asp? or
should I stick with the section idea? I have to tell my
dept something. They started out with Lotus Notes but
couldn't query the data. I have been suggesting to
migrate the project entirely to Sql Server/IIS. Notes can
at least display all the columns.

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Display Data In Multiple Columns

I have let say 100 record from database, then I wanted to display in 4 columns, so each column will have 25 records. hot to d that?

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How To Display Data In 3 Columns By 4 Rows Format

I will be eternally greatful if someone can provide snippet of code,
URL or reference material that shows how to display data in a "n
colums * n rows" format.

I am new to ASP and have looked everywhere that I could, but I have
not found an example where data can be formatted to be displayed in a
3 * 4 foramt, like many of the professional sites would do (actually
rows and columns can be any number of rows and columns) All the
examples that I have seen, show data displayed in a top down format.

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Display AD Info

Anyone have anything like this? I don't care what data it is... I just want
to see how to query the AD and place the data into a web page.

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Recordset To Display Info

I'm trying to create a page that uses a recordset to display user information such as: username, email address, first and last name. As soon as the page loads I would like the user information to be displayed. I have a user database, I just need to know how to get the recordset to display the information specific to the user that is logged in.

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Display User Info

I am making a script to login and check account information. I have a script to login users in to the system but once logged in it displays everyones info. how do i set it to display only there information?

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Display Info From A Access Database

I have a table in an Access database that is called news. Inside that table is a field name called newsNews. I'm trying to get that is in that field to display on a page and her is my code:

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Display Info Based On User's AD Membership

I'd like to have a frequently used link page on our intranet that displays
the urls' based on a users's ad group membership, i.e. if from accounting
show general ledger reports, if from loans, show credit report. I'm not much
worried about hiding from enterprising users, i'd just like to make it
simpler rather than having people have to scroll through pages of links.

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How To Grab Outlook Calendar Info And Display On A Webpage.

I've been trying to figure out how to grab Outlook information and place it on a webpage for a corporate Intranet site. I've downloaded both ASP and ASP.NET example.

I have gotten the ASP.NET example to work, but can not modify it to showmore than one day. The ASP version will not authenticate properly.

What is the best way to do this? Is there an example of how to grab information from Outlook? Is there a way to connect through SQL or export to a SQL database easily?

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Using Asp Variables Straight In HTML Code

I have a page which has a header finding out some variables from request.querystring and other places. Later on in the page in what is normal HTML code I want to use the variable but am having to do this:

response.write "<A Href='" & shopurl & "' target='_blank'>Shop</A>"

is there any way i can just have the line with the variable being interpreted without having to go into a code protect and write the line out with code. Something like this:

<A Href=%shopurl% target="_blank">Shop</A>

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File Upload Straight To Server Script

I am looking for a script that will allow me to upload a file (I will be working with images for the time being) directly from my local computer to my web server, and for it to interact with my database, by automatically response.Writing a link to that file within a database field.

I have been googling but haven't come across anything.

Any ideas of where to get a free script or two?

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2 Columns

I want to display the results from my database in 2 columns.any easy tutorials or article out there? havent found any easy so far

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Get The No. Of Columns!

How do I find out how many columns exist in a SQL Server DB table before displaying the records of that table?

Also how do I get all the column names as an array so that I can seperate each column using the Split function?

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SQL Columns

I have a small doubt, my access database has been moved to SQL Server. Now I had some columns say [Where NoP] and similar many such columns. Are these columns going to work, since some of my queries are returning error. When i change the column name to say WhereNoP, it works fine, but in that case, I have to check around 300 forms where the column name is mentioned. So any clues to make such column types work.

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Listbox With Two Columns?

I want to make a listbox which will show the results of two fields (the ID and the Name) of one table , but the one field (ID) will be the one to pass.

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ADOX Add Columns

can't seem to get this ADOX code to add columns to existing Access 2000
table what's missing ?

Sub AddTableFields()

Set tbl = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Table")
set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
cat.activeConnection = conn

With tbl
.Name = "events"
Set .ParentCatalog = cat
.Columns.Append "MaxEntries", adInteger
.Columns.Append "CurrentEntries", adInteger
End With

cat.Tables.Append tbl

Set tbl = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
End Sub

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Formatting Columns

I have a SQL 2000 table with data I display in three columns. The code
I am using sorts the data horizontally but I need it sorted vertically.
Here's the code I am using. Perhaps somebody can help me find a way to
modify it.CODE

response.write "<table width='100%' cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>"
if not oMain.eof then
count = 0
do while not oMain.eof
if count mod 3 = 0 then
'there are 3 in the current row, so end the row and start a new

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Dynamic Columns

Is there a way to make dynamic columns? I'd like the data from one field to be the column in a dynamic table. What i'm trying to do could be compared to a pivot table in excel.

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The Art Of Printing Columns

there are many ways to make this happend but what is the best way of printing sql records in non divided number of columns-say 5 columns? say you got 10,000 names and you want to print it in 5 columns, that is a poor drawing of 12 records in 5 columns:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12
...every one of this 12 is a name

printing a name + checking if is there some ditails reffered to this name in other table column...

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Access Columns

I access an access-table by this SQL-ADO-string:

SQLGetInfo1 = "SELECT * FROM kalender ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC;"
Set rsGetInfo1 = DBConn.Execute(SQLGetInfo1)

Now I want to drop all the names of the columns, that is the field names, into a 1-dimensional array (or perhaps some ordinary strings, doesn't matter), but how do I do that? I tried with some rsGetInfo1.Fields.Name() and stuff like that, but the bottom line is, I don't really know how to fetch that property.

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Looping Through Columns

Normally I do a query, and loop through the records. Is there a way to loop through the columns of each record?

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Get A List Of Columns

I have to fix an asp database site, that may or may not have ever worked properly. I keep getting the following error:

"ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1' Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."

I have researched and found that this is happeneing most likely because the script is requesting a field that doesn't exist in the database (maybe a mis-spelling). I can't find the code to display a list of columns in the database.

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Number Of Columns

How can I know the number of columns of the .csv files? I want to import them to the database.

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Get Columns From Recordset

Just like we have Recordset.GetRows() method to retrieve all the rows of the recordset, do we have anything that retrieves only the column values for a specific column from the recordset. I want to transfer all the contents of a column field by doing this into an dynamic array in a single go. instead of using loop statements to fill the array.

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Displaying All Columns In A Table

What I want to do is list all of the columns in a table from a MYSQL database.. How would i go about this? I already know about select *, what I want to do is write them all down.

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How Do I Format Excel Columns In ASP?

I'm using Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" to display my SQL filled table in Excel and all the data shows up, but the column formats are not correct. For example, Excel treats my column with data such as "01-80" as date "Jan/1/80" and I want it to stay as a string. How do I specify the column format as text inside my ASP code?

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SQL Update Multiple Columns

I'm trying to update an acccess database using asp.net (vb.net)
Can anyone tell me why the following code does not update the columns

Dim sqlUpdate As String = "UPDATE tblForumMaster SET Replies = @Replies, LastUser= @LastUser WHERE ID = @MasterID"

Dim objCmdUpdate As New OleDbCommand(sqlUpdate, objConn)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@Replies", intReplies)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MasterID", Request.QueryString("MasterForumID"))
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@LastUser", strUserName)

No errors are produced so the syntax passes but the update does not happen.

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Select DB Columns Dynamically!

A Form has a select list which lists all the column names of a SQL
Server database table. Users will select one or more than one column
from this select list & after submitting the Form, the records of only
those columns that he had selected in the previous page will be
displayed to him. This is the Form code:

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Appearance Records In Two Columns

I have this code who show some records in one column. I want to appearance the records in two columns. What changes i make in code to do this? Code:

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