Display Tables In MySQL Database

i need to display all my tables from the mySQL database in a table on an ASP/Javascript page, each as a link, so that when clicked, it wil open the selected table for editing. unable to do it as dreamweaver MX is not accepting 'show tables' as a valid query. how can i go about doing this? i'm relatively new to ASP, working on it for only 2 months now.

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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Dynamic Display Or 2 Tables

I have a SQL table that I am displaying dynamically...

The primary key of which is the ID, I have another table that I want to display as a subset of a row from the first table but only if they have the same IDs??

THe things I am trying are not working and I am sure I am missing an obvious step..


-- ------- -------
1 People None
- 1 Blah Blah Blah
- 1 Something else
2 People None
3 People None
- 3 Something here too

Sorry if I didnt do avery good job explaining but I am about fried out on this.

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Search Two Tables And Display Results

I have two tables like this:


TapeID - Integer Primary key
Title - Text


RecordId (Primary Key)
TapeId (related to the taperecords table)
ProgramDetails (Text)

The tape details table has a record of the programs that are stored on each
tape and each tape we have about 20 programs.

What i want my users it to allow them to search by programdetails and
display the list of tapes that match that search. I am not able to built a
query to search and display at the same time.

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Display All Fields From Two Tables Except Foreign Key

i have two tables:

TokenID (pk)

TokenID (pfk)

I want to display all fields from both tables ..
but TokenID should come once as it a foreign key in Rating table..
what would be the resultant query

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Display Data From 3 Tables (MS Access)

I have 3 tables (MS Access) and I would like to display the content of all three tables alphabetically on a .asp page I have no problem displaying a list from each of the individual tables, but I am stumped when I try to display a combined listing..

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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Display Records From MS Access Tables As A Total In A Table In A ASP Page

I'm trying to display records from an MS Access DB (*.mdb) in an ASP page (table).. I don't want to display all the records though, I just want to display the total of these records..i.e in my table I would like to show how many calls someone has closed this year..(number)

Joe Bloggs ---> 100 Closed

Is this possible? I was thinking that I need to write an ADO that includes COUNT but I'm not too sure how to write this.. Here's what I have so far: Code:

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Database Retrieval Mysql And Asp

I have an sql statement like this executed with asp and mysql.

select * from table1, table2, table3

How can I read a specific field from a table when tables have same fieldnames.

So for example table1 and table2 have both a field named content.

What I would like to do is:

contenttable1 = recordset("table1.content")
contenttable2 = recordset("table2.content")

But then I get an error like item not found in recordset.

If i do this it works but i don't know which field I read from:

contenttable? = recordset("content")

I know that it works with Access but I can't get it working with MySQL.

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Query MySQL Database Using ASP.

I wish draw data from a MySQL Database using ASP.

The Code I have so far:

dim adoConn, adoRS
set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
adoConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVER-WEB;database=testing;uid=products;pwd=starmart"
adoRS.ActiveConnection = adoConn

and in the asp page code:

116. <%=rsDaySummary.fields("PageViews")%>

This is obviously wrong as it returns this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''
/stats.asp, line 116

Any pointers would be appreciated.

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Accessing A MySQL Database From ASP

Can someone tell me how to access a MySQL database using ASP?

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Call Php/mysql Database From ASP

First I'll answer "why". Because, while SQL Server is available, it is also
"expensive". MySQL is CHEAP and a lot more robust than Access.

Is there a way to add, update, retrieve, and delete data from a MySQL DB via
php (or ASP for that matter) back into ASP? Could someone create a basic
script to look at so I could see how?

I hope there is a way to do this. Wouldn't it be advantageous for MS to do
this or to make it easy to do so to be more competitive?

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Graphing From A MySQL Database

I have seen several free graphing solutions using PHP, but does anyone know of something in ASP? I am wanting to create some simple bar, line, and pie graphs from a mySQL database. Everything I've found is in PHP (which I don't know). Is there an ASP solution?

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Connecting To MySQL Database

I've tried a couple of strings, but it can't connect to my database.What's the connection string?

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Connect To MySQL Database

I'm a PHP developer and i've been asked to do some development for a site which is on a web server which only supports ASP. I had planned to have a bash at writing an ASP program (first time) on this server which will interact with a MySQL database on another web server (my company's web space).

Would this be possible, or should I try and set up the database on the same server as the ASP pages (this may cost money, which is why i'm hoping the first option will be possible)?

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MySQL Database Records

i post a while back on how to page thru database records. i dont really understand the ASPFAQ one. Its not well commented. This is how i learn anything, is if its commented on what does what.

Can someone please help me. i have a datbase of about 90 records so far, that i would like to page thru.

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Export MySql Database

I have a client that wants to export their database to excel from their admin section on their website.

Is it possible to export a MySql database using asp code?If so is there sample code that i can look at? I haven't found anything on the net that works or is usefull in any way.

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MySQL Database Upload


Dim sConnection

sConnection = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=" "; UID="";PASSWORD=""; OPTION=3"

using this code(connection), how can i upload the mySQL Database? you see, i can't install mySQL online..

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Grabbing From MySQL Database In ASP

I'm doing a website in PHP/MySQL but its an IIS server - THUS no sendmail. I've used CDONTS to send email in ASP before but this time its a little different

I have a MySQL table called 'emails' in a database called 'db'. The table has Key IDs from 1 to about 50 that correspond with different email addresses. I want to use CDONTS to Grab the email addresses from the MySQL database one by one and in 15 second intervals send out the same email to each address.

I know this sounds a bit 'spammy', but it's a band website with a mailing list. Only about 50 or so entries. I'm trying to set up a mailing list manager and the only missing piece is this damn emailing script.

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Restore MySQL Database

I am moving my site from one host to another. I got all the scripts moved over but now I need to import my MySQL database. My previous host has a tool to create a .sql database dump. However, my current host limits the size a database dump can be for using phpMySQL to import the database.

Is there any way I can FTP the .sql file to the webserver and run an ASP script that points to that file and executes all the commands? The .sql is 300,000 lines.

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Creating Database & Tables Using ASP

I want to create a database and its tables and populate it through a web page, using ASP. The database is MySQL on win32 (4.10.13-nt) and the driver is MyOLEDB 3.0.

One thing, to set up the ole-db connection, it seems I have to specify a data source, which is an already existing database.

The Connection works and I actually can create the database, but the code for the table creation generates a 500 server error. The SQL itself is taken straight out of MySQLcc query window, so I know it's all good, syntactically.

(Also, regarding the connection, I can connect to and read from an existing database. It's the table creation that seems to be the trouble.)

I did a response.write to the page to make sure that the code coming out is what went in and that is the case. So, I guess one question is, what could be different about creating tables in a db that would fail, when "create database test_links;" and "use test_links;" both complete successfully (and the newly-created database shows up, just no tables in it).

To test the sql, i made three strings of SQL and executed each of them sequentially. The first two work, the third (table generation) fails.

A second question is, is there a way to capture any error message that might be generated at the MySQL end, rather than having the page bomb out; and then display the error. I tried using a RecordSet object, that didn't work, the page still crashes.

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Join The Tables In Database

I have an access database called employment.mdb The fields that I have in this database are:

Company, Location, Dates, Position, Signing, and Duties.

The problem I am having, I can go in and create a Drop Down pulling information from the Company field, but I can not get the information from the rest of the fields to
populate. I want the Database column values to change when I select a different company.
I will be honest, my only experience with it has been thru Frontpage, I can go in and create a drop down, but get errors if I try to add other database connections into that query. I have enough experience at working with html, but not the asp side of it. I would really appreciate some help with this.

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Hot To Create Tables In A Database With ASP?

I've made a website for a little athletics club in HTML. I want to transform the records page into an ASP page that has an admin page so i can go to the admin page and easily add in the records without having to create all the tables and doing it all the manual way.

I know how to create the admin page and the database, but in my case, i want to be able to create a new table in the database for each week of records (as seen in the link below), and each of these tables will have the same fields (age, gender, event, athlete name etc.) I know how to make it so that asp can add, edit and delete a field in a table, but how would i get it to add a new table for each week of records?

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2X Tables Database Treat

I have Database with 2x tables one with Client data and 2nd with invoice data.
When a new invoice is submited in the invoice data I enter only the client ID not all the client data.

Ok the problem is that when I want to print out the last or any invoice data I have only the Client ID
not the all client data.

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Joining Two Tables From Two Different Database

I wanted to ask your opinion about *joining two tables* from *two different database* together. Is *that* possible My project requires me to join identical tables from different database; *eg. MyTable* from *Friends.mdb* and *Foes.mdb* respectively. Is that achievable? I do hope anyone here can enlighten me on this one because I am really a newbie in using Access DB and also I'm using *ASP* in this project.

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Search On Database Tables

I want to do a searching on database some tables' content, is asp have so function or tool to do this?

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Searching All Database Tables

How can ASP be used to search through a database that has multiple tables in it? I want to be able to enter a string into a field in an ASP page and the resultant tables to be listed in a table or list on an asp page. It might be the same page or another. I know it can be done - but I can't link the concepts or code together.

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Asp.net Connecting To Mysql Database At Ftp Server

currently i m working on a web-based project using asp.net and mysql database. i using MySQL Connector/Net to connect my asp.net page to the to MySQL database server. My database is stored in the ftp server. In short, i m trying to connect my asp.net page to the ftp database server. Code:

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Saving From An InputBox() To A MySql Database

I have an InputBox in VBScript for you to enter your email, I now need it to write to my database. I am either getting a type MisMatch error or it is writing an empty string...

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Line Graph From Mysql Database

I have a very simple database called "Tests" with a table called "Results" and the followint fields

ID = Auto
Test_Date = Date
Test = Text
Results = Int(11)

I would like to have three line graphs based on the type of test. Line graph one where test = abc, the next graph would be where test = lmn and the third graph where test = xyz. The graph would show the past 12 months data.

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Chat Room Using Mysql Database

I am working on developing a chat room using mysql database. the chat room has two frames one for the display text and the second frame for submit text from the user.

the two frames are:

what I need help with is when the user send a message how can I update the data with the new entry. Code:

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How To Check The Return Value Of MySQL Database?

Now i got problem in my ASP page using VBScript that is implemented for IP Phone Service.I am trying to do directory service in IP Phone.So user key in the first name or last name.

According to user input, it will go n look for the name in MySQL database.If the name is not found,it will return the error.My VBscript programming is bad.I cant check it out how i check the return for Record set from database. Code:

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MySQL And Access Database Link

Is it possible to call fields from a MySQL Database and an Access Database on the same asp web page? If so, can someone please point me in the direction of a good guide/article/post on how to do this.

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