Displaying Text Field On Form

I'm trying to write a web form that will allow users update info from a database table. Everything is working fine, except the display of the one text field from the database (nothing displays. Here's what I'm trying:Code:

<textarea name="AdditionalInformation" cols="32" rows="10" wrap="VIRTUAL"><%=(UpdateRecruiting.Fields.Item("cs_additionalinformation").Value)%></textarea>

what I'm doing wrong?

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Problem With An .asp Page Displaying Data Based On A Form Field Value.

I have an asp page that displays informaton from an Access database. I want to create a form that allows users to display only data that matches their search criteria.

I have made many forms like this in Front Page with the Database results wizard, but I want to manually code it. Code:

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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Only Displaying First Word Of Field

This script works, however when I read in the fields, if they have a space in them, it only puts the first word in. For example, if the company name is Bell Mobility then it will only put Bell. Code:

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Displaying A Portion Of A Db Field

I saw creole's post regarding a similar CF function and thought I'd start a similar ASP thread. If I have an article (entirety of kept in a field adequately named "article") how would I select only the first, say 450 words, to be displayed on a page....followed by a prev/next nav item. Naturally, page 2 would pick up where it left off. How to do this? Or do I have to split the article up into article_sec1, article_sec2, etc?

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Displaying A 'memo' Field

I know how to display a text field from an mdb file. You type: <%= CmdPopulateStates("fieldname") %>

where CmdPopulateStates is declared as:

Set CmdPopulateStates = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

But if 'fieldname' was a memo field rather than text field then the information isn't displayed. In fact, if it's anything other than text then it won't be displayed. How do I display other field types?

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Displaying Certain Field Names Only...

I am trying to display only certain columns from a table and this is a code that I am using but it is not diplaying anything, can anyone tell me where my code is wrong

<%FOR EACH field IN rstSite1.FIELDS
if field.name ="EmpName" then
end if


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Displaying Long Raw Field

I have an Oracle database which has a field LONG RAW type to store text files. I'm trying to display the output of this field in ASP but I'm having problems. I've gone through many different approaches but they either do nothing or do the following;

I've tried doing response.binarywrite(rs("data_object")) and I get
somethinglike below ....

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Displaying Information Based Off An Empty Field

I've been searching for an answer to this for quite some time now and have found nothing, so maybe (hopefully) someone out there will be able to help me.

At my work, we have a lot of folders for different jobs we've done. And right now, we have more than one person making the folders for all the new jobs that we get. I am trying to make a database were it will only show the jobs that have not had folders made. In order to do this, I've created a field titled "Initials". I want the webpage to pull up all the records where the Initials field is empty, but I'm having trouble doing that. I've tried a few different things and have found no success.

I'm not having a problem accesses the database or updating it, just displaying the right information. I'll give a little illustration (because I'm never good with words):

Say I have 3 jobs: Job #1, Job #2, and Job #3. Someone has already made job folders for Job #1, but Job #2 and Job #3 still need to be made. Since Job #1 has been made, that means there are initials in the initials field of the database and thus, I do not want that Job being displayed on the "To Be Made" page. Job #2 and Job #3 do not have initials in the initials field and as such, I want to display those jobs....

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Displaying Text

I am redeveloping a web site and changing the way it is setup, I have a lot of DB content, which is displaying text, as information. I have a number of words which I want to replace with links, and would prefer to do this dynamically as, going through all the text would ot only take ages but if it where updated remembering the links would be a pain.

Like they do on here, when your not logged in! and on loads of other sites. Is it feasible to do a replace statement for 50+ items, or is there a better way?

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Displaying A Value From A Text File

I have an invisible page counter. I have been successful in getting it to work. However, I'd like to build an administrative password protected web page that shows the count. I'm not sure how to do it. Here's my code for the file and path:

sPath = "D:inetpubwwwrootmywebsite.comdatabasecounter. txt"
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

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Displaying Values In A Text Box

I have some values I'm passing from one form to another. When I press
the submit button, I want the quantity I have in the text box on form
a to pass to and display in the text box on form b.

form b is on an asp page, and I'm trying to display the values in this


response.write "<input type =text name=mybox value=" & myquantity &

However, this is not working, and I can't figure out why.

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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Displaying Text To Describe Numbers

I'm creating a record display page but one of the fields I need to display is stored as a number. Each number designates a different name (i.e. text). I know this is totally easy, but I can't figure out how to make the text displayed match the number its associated with.

I can do this easily with a drop-down menu, but I need normal text that can't be edited or anything. In other words, the field is 1, 2, 3, or 4. But it's entered by a drop-down where 1=name1, 2=name2, etc. Now I need to display those numbers in the database as the text they are supposed to be.

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Text Field

How i can get a text field that would accept apostrophes?

here's my code:

Title = Replace(Request.form("AddTitle")
Message = Replace(Request.form("AddMessage")
Author = request.Form("AddAuthor")
TimePosted = request.Form("AddTimePosted")
DatePosted = request.Form("AddDatePosted")
sql="INSERT into NEWS (title, message, author, date_posted, time_posted) "
sql = sql & "VALUES ('" & Title & "', '" & Message & "', '" & Author & "', '" & DatePosted & "', '" & TimePosted & "') "
Response.write sql

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Text Field!

i am using ASP with recordset I am using nvarchar field and TEXT field in ms sql server
i update it as follows

rs("thenvarcharfield") = request.form("somedata")
rs("thetextfield") = request.form("someotherdata")

at one page it works fine and when i use the same kind of code to update another TEXT field it doesn't update and the I.E. loading bar increases very slowly and the next page never loads someone suggested to use .appendchunk i used rs.appendchunk and i got the error "object doesn't support this property or method" he also said that .appendchunk cannot be used to update nvarchar.

i removed the code to update TEXT field and the page loaded as expected (normally)!
Why one text field worked fine while the other didn't?

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Validation For Text Field

I need help regarding the string. In HTML page i have a text field to enter Name. How do i check whether its valid name or not, on the server side.

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Text Field Control

I want to create two radio button
Yes and No. Only on select that radio button 'Yes',
the text field should get enabled.
How to do this?

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Text Field Acceptance,

i have a table in which i have many text boxes, they are named as a1,a2,a3,a4 to a16 the next row is b1,b2,b3 to b16 and so on up to G1,G2 etc, where the user enters his data, what i want to do is only allow the user to enter numbers, which can have decimals if required,

how can this be done, also i have another set of textboxes through which i want to loop and prevent user the user from entering the same data in more then one box how can this be done any help will be appreciated thank you.these are the text boxes a1,b1,c1,d1,e1 etc which is actually the first column in the table.

i have created the following array:

letterArray[0] = 'A'
letterArray[1] = 'B'
letterArray[2] = 'C'
letterArray[3] = 'D'
letterArray[4] = 'E'
letterArray[5] = 'F'
letterArray[6] = 'G'

how can i loop through to achive the above.

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6 Characters From The Text Field

May I know how to restrict the user to key in at least 6 characters from the text field by using asp? If possible

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Updating A Text Field

I am trying to write some code that inserts or updates a text field in my SQL Server 2000 database. The SQL statement is created using a submit from a form, and the text is coming from a <textarea>, and therefore being placed into the SQL statement via a Request("field"). However, due to limitations in SQL Server 2000 and text fields, I can not use a simple Update or Insert command with text over 8000 bytes.

Does anybody have any sample statements that will help me update that field with larger amounts of data? I have tried using the WRITETEXT function and UPDATETEXT function with little or no success.

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Text Field Characters

i have a form that has two hidden fields.The first hidden field will has a value like this 'EM12HILL.JPG'.The second hidden field has a value like this 'AA01'.What i would like to happen is when submit button is pressed, the characters in the first hidden field will change to the following 'AA01HILL.JPG', as they are passed to another form.

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Clearing A Text Field

How do I clear the data in this field before using the date function.?

<input type="text" size=35 name="DepartCentralDate" value="<%=x_DepartCentral %><%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1) %> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%= FormatDateTime(Now, 3)%>">

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Combine Text + Rs.field

Is it possible to recall a variable with the combination of text + rs.field? i want to recall the variable "speler1", at the place weher rs("speler") is 1. It's probably again easy.

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Shorten Text Field

I been searching google but I can't find how to shorten a text field and if it has been shortened to place a space and triple dot (...) after it. So if the text field was 75 characters long it would shorten it to 50 and add " ...". Is it also possible to shorten it to 50 to the nearest word? This is what I got so far: Code:

<% = left(rs("my_text").value,50) & IF rs("my_text").count > 50 Then Response.Write(" ...") End If %>

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Updating A Text Field

In a form I have one pulldown menu, and one text field. Both MUST get their values from an Access database they connect to. Without submitting the form, how do I change the value appearing in the text field by changing the selection in the pulldown menu? Remember both the text field and the pulldown menu MUST get their values from a database.

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Text Field Format

I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?

I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.

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Text Field Value & Label

Is it possible to make the following codes Value = idSpecies but its Label TimberSpecies?

<input name="f1" type="text" id="f13" value="<%=((rsResults.Fields.Item("idSpecies").Value))%>" size="33">

I have a database with the following...

Table Name.....Query1
Field Name......idSpecies..........Auto Number
Field Name......TimberSpecies...Text Field

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Passing A Text Field From Asp To Asp

I have an asp page that allows cdont mailing of form field values to persons matching slected criterea in their profile.

Works good if the user goes straight from the form to the email-making asp.

Then the user asked for a proofreading screen and what seemed simple took a bad turn.

When I try to pass from the proof reading screen to the asp that actually sends the email I only get the first word. as soon as a blank is encountered in the text it thinks it it done. Code:

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Moving Fom Text Field

i have a formular using two text field. i want , when i finish writnig , moving to the next using " Enter " key.

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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Search Text Field

I want to search text field and highlight the text. This is the code,


strText = cstr(Request.form("strText"))
strText = uCase(strText)
strTextWhere = ""
strTextWhere = " and (Specialisation
like '%"&strText&"%') "

I have a lot of data in different cases. I can do the search, let say i want to search by keyword project, it will display all the "project", "Project" and "PROJECT". But now i can only hightlight the "PROJECT" only. I think this is because of ucase(strText). Is there any way for me to highlight all (either lower, upper and mixed cases)?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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